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AbstractEnglish is the most widely used language in the world. It is also Chinas first foreign language; therefore Chinese universities open it up as major frequently. Along with the deepening of reform and opening up and the speed up of internationalization, as well as the continuous improvement of Chinas international status, Chinas foreign trade and cultural exchanges develop rapidly. At the same time, problem has been raised that there are not enough interpretors meeting the require of market, further, what the market really need is the one who can really handle English well. To English language learners of china, their general strength is reading and listening, but their speaking level is generally lagged behind other countries English learners.From Chinas first English-Chinese Interpretation Theory and Teaching Seminar(1996) to the Fifth National Interpretation practice, teaching and research conference(2004), an eight years basic outlines has been made. The development of Chinas interpretation of is bumpy, however it changes with each passing day and the direction toward profession has been developped. The literature of interpretation emerge quickly. Such as personnel training interpreters and interpretation research Guo LanYing (2007) Interpretation theoretical study Zhang Wen. Han Changhui (2006) Interpretation Theory Overview Bao Gang (2005). From there reports, we can tell that more and more people focus on the field of interpretation.Key words: negotiation; oral English; training 中文摘要英语是世界上使用最广泛的语言,也是中国的第一外语,甚至是中国高校开设最多的专业。随着改革开放的深入、国际化进程的加快以及我国国际地位的不断提高,中国对外贸易和文化交流迅猛发展,社会对口译人员的需求越来越大,人才需求的定位也越来越高。口译工作存在着优秀口译人员数量缺乏、口译队伍整体业务素质较低的状况。而中国的英语学习者在英语学习上的普遍强项是“阅读”与“听力”,只是口语水平则普遍落后于其他以英语为第一外语的国家。从1996年“首届中国英汉口译理论与教学研讨会”,到2004年“第五届全国口译实践、教学与研究会议”,基本勾勒出8年来中国口译发展的轨迹,道路虽有崎岖不平,却是日新月异,向着专业化的道路发展。针对口译方面的文献也不断涌现。如口译与口译人才培养研究郭兰英(2007) 口译理论研究张文.韩常慧(2006) 口译理论概述鲍刚(2005)。由此我们不难看到国人对口译领域的越渐重视。关键词:英语; 口语; 培训 1. IntroductionLanguage is a communication tool for learning. To improve the ability of communicating in English, foreign language teaching is of foundational importance. In various activities, students are encouraged to put what they have learned into practical use, teachers spare time and energy to help improving all steps develop smoothly. The training is very demanding to both teachers and students. Professionally and scientifically both sides need to reach a level which should be well adapted to the reality of the trade fields. Unlike common language training, business interpreter training is aimed at producing capable human recourse to deal with all kinds of situations and cases; therefore curriculum designing and special skills training both need to be arranged flexibly and thoughtfully. All possible relative factors must be taken into consideration in the training so as to fulfill the task effectively. There is no doubt at all to be aware of the true condition and situation of the trainees so as to adopt better methods in the training effectively. This article will look into objective causes making students unable to utilize English feasibly, and then propose the solutions to the corresponding problems.2. The Necessity of Looking for a Way to Enhance the Ability of InterpretersIn China, along with the rapid development in economy, more talents are needed in the fields of business and trade market. Business interpreters are required to meet the higher standard of services both in quantity and quality, for their performance directly connects some reputation of our country, our culture and our people. Whether our interpreters have higher professional ethics; whether our interpreters are well-established with their professional background; whether they display welcome personalities will all be shown objectively in their behaviors or by the partners. In China, the training of specialized expertise lags behind the social needs. In fact in schools normal English training is carried out traditionally and generally, which cannot be fit for the special needs of the active broad market. Naturally, how to develop a set of well designed curriculum and methods are of great practical importance to help booming the powerful economic development of our country in the import and export fields. So far it is worthwhile to take the subject as a topic to make some study and research. Language training with specula aim has its own characteristics in nature. English business interpreters are supposed to be proficient at least in speaking and listening. They are required to be advance in language application. Yet business field is not fixed as what the normal training books simply put. Therefore business training is a very challenging job.3. The Countermeasures of Business Interpreting AbilityIf we want to improve our oral English, we need to do a great deal of imitation, recitation and retelling exercise. The purpose of it is to train our intonation and fluency, which do us a great favor to cultivate the sense of English. At the same time, through various ways, such as reading; exercises; listening to English tape; reading English videos and films, enlarge our vocabulary. It also helps us adapt to the habit of English expression and enlarge our knowledge of English. Before taking part in communication, we need to familiar with the common words and phrases. Familiarization is the premise of communication. Only familiar with a language, can we talk to the others smoothly. The standard of familiarization is talking without thinking. Many advices will be made to deal with the problem of oral English.3.1 The change of mind and brave innovation develop students oral English abilityWith the development of society and the increase of external communication, the requirement of English talent becomes increasingly strice; therefore they should be trained to a typical level to meet the need of society. Under such a situation, students must have strong language skills. During the process of teaching English, teachers are necessary to change their mind conscientiously. Innovation and change of teaching methods are also very important. The three ways being mentioned above all do favor to students to improve their English skills and develop their oral English ability.3.2 Emphasis on resource and facilities of English learningImproving the English communication capability means to train students listening and hearing ability. The cultivation of listening and hearing ability is a long-term accumulation and imperceptible influence. It is very difficult to achieve the purpose only though class teaching; therefore, Offering a special hearing classroom, video facilities and materials and oral English environment are the necessary conditions to support and help students. A long-term adherence to listen to a variety of news and daily dialogue with special materials help students strength and improve their language foundation. We need to know that students are hard to improve while they only depend on the learning materials.3.3 To understand the American culture, and enhance cross-cultural communicative competence Language and culture are closely related. Language is the carrier of culture and language is a form of expression. In order to utilize language appropriately, students must have a better understanding of the culture of other countries, especially the Anglo-American countries. A great deal of reading is an effective way to understand the American culture. At the beginning, the English reading materials should be easier, involving all aspects of American society. Teachers should train students to observe and understand the social context of language ability. Moreover, teachers should let students know under different situations that it needs to be aware of using different kinds of language, which is to understand the status of the speakers. During the process of language teaching, it should be conscious to combine the language with environmental and social context. The purpose of it is to expand students knowledge and improve their ability of cross-cultural communication.3.4 The characters of business negotiationBusiness negotiation utilizes English in economic and trade negotiations to reach an agreement or find a solution to problems or talks, discussions, and even the whole process of purchasing or selling. In this area, the most important point is price negotiation which is also the most complex and sensitive parts. Although the purpose of the negotiations is to achieve a win-win result, the side you are in holds the same purpose in mind- to earn as much as possible. While you are working to get higher interest, your opponent hopes for their interests too. So business negotiation can be compared with “a war without fire”. Then, we need a set of rules and techniques, and keep a cool throughout the process in order to achieve the satisfactory results ultimately. In other words, successful business interpretation is an art of skills and sophistications. The outcome of business negotiation is reflected by agreement of both parts and contract. Contractual terms actually reflect the various rights and obligations of buyer and sellers.4. The Role Teachers Should Play to Enhance Students Interpreting SkillsClearly, knowing the skills of countermeasure is far from enough. The reason is that interpreting skills and some impersonal factors are both playing a pretty important role during the process of interpretation. For oral English teaching the teachers role is the leading part in planning and processing, which should be followed by students with interests and effects. All the trainees are eager to practice what they want to show after learning instead of getting higher grades only. Unfortunately the present situation in Chinas training still puts too much attention on technical or theoretical points, even though many trainers are realizing the need to improve or reform their traditional methods. Hopefully in the near future, business interpreters training can step into a more practical stage to encourage trainees to get useful support and have strong confidence in their meaningful and effective performance.4.1 Detailed analysis of the existing problemsMany scholars (Corder 1973, Yang Wenxiu 2000, Fan Ye, 2000, etc.) analyzed and discussed about the existing problem in actual training. Here is the detailed analysis of the problem.(l) Misunderstanding of the concept of student-centered concept. Some teachers, in order to make students as the “centre”, are too biased in their practice. They simply let students repeatedly do things like reading or speaking without clear aims or purposes. Accordingly they should provide students with authentic models and push students in some real tasks to learn.(2) Some would-be interpreters have not been well-preparedSome students do not get ready either in language skill or professional knowledge. They display weak performance especially in the whole process of transmission between the target language and mother tongue which stop the training from getting fine results. (3) Slow and incorrect reaction towards various cultural situationsIn practical training little efforts are put to strengthen trainees fine senses facing cultural shocks.4.2 Two ways for improving Oral English Teaching Skills1. Teacher should spare no effort to offer a real and an attracting oral environment to students.Because of the misunderstanding of student-centered teaching concept, some teachers deem that as long as the students all participate in the activities in the classroom the student-centered teaching tasks can be accomplished. In reality, students are actually, unwilling to talk since they are not interested in the homework, especially when teacher pointed out their grammatical errors. Students, gradually tend to feel disappointed in the learning.To change the bad situation, first of all, it is very important for a student to build sense of confident in speaking English. Therefore, teachers need to spend time trying to improve the level of students pronunciation. However, in college oral English teaching is limited; teachers can not spend enough time helping students. Consequently students have to do their practice out of class without good guidance. In the end, the more practice they do, the worse it will be for getting improvement. It turns out to be a vicious circle. To further explain the point, here is my own experience taken as an example. When I worked as an oral English assistant in college, I used to operate an experiment on my team members. The experiment lasted for about two months and was set into two periods. In the first month, the group members were asked to listen to VOA special English an hour per day. Then, in the second month, one episode of a soap opera (Prison Break) was shown regularly. Imitation is the main purpose for the program: to get natural sense from the pronunciation of the native English speaker. At the end of the training members of the team felt very satisfied, for most of them had a wonderful improvement in the pronunciation. About three quarters of them had the same answer for the surprising satisfaction. That is they followed native speakers vivid and lively models and they found it interesting in learning. “Interest is the best teacher” reflects in the short period experiment. They were energetic in learning and would like to take more time watching and repeating. Intuitive learning did happen in the process which is the best state of learning in deed. They actually did care much about their own capacity and did spent more time actively on practice on their own. Trainees are becoming really centered.Teachers are organizers in class. Students are the main part to be served in teaching.It should be known clearly that making mistakes is the must for any progress. Error correction should be carefully done in suitable ways in order not to interfere the natural learning or simply damage students self esteem. 2, To set up rational reaction to cultural differences Language learning needs to link with sensible consciousness to cultural contents and characteristics. Comparisons with lively facts between mother tongue and English can avoid making improper use in interpretation.As Yang Wen-Xiu (2000) found that some students express themselves in a particular case, only putting some words together to form a sentence, which does not meet the require of grammar and expression. The production of this situation has a variety of reasons .In Yang Wenxiu (2000) opinion. One of the main reasons is that the English learners, in china, organize the English sentence in accordance with Chinese customs and logical way. The sentence they speak out can be easy to understand by the Chinese teachers, but it is hard for the local English speaks to understand.Dr. Yang deems that in addition to provide students with a standard audio input, teachers also required to conduct the comparison of English and Chinese to enable students to master the two languages in grammar, pragmatics, and other aspects of the difference. At the same time, teachers are necessary to cultivate students sense of the language. Through the teachers speech, what the students can get is a superficial understanding, but such knowledge is hard to merge into a part of their own language. Getting the sense of language is the first step for student to understand a language comprehensive and use it freely.4.3 Typical teaching methodology of oral English U.S. educator John Dewey had mentioned the best method of education is letting students learn through their own direct experience in the real life facts. It will help the students get a deeper impression. Students will feel the needs and interests of study during the period; it helps them generate awareness and enthusiasm for learning, and thereby gaining useful experience. John Dewey also mentioned that there are three reasons affect whether the students can utilize the language without limited:(1)The accumulation of language is not enough.(2)There only have some fragmented mind, words, phrases and single sentences in the students mind.(3)The students can only perform English well under the situation being made by the teacher. Actually, they cannot flexible to express.There have a special connection among the three points. The former point is the foundation of the latter one. Basic on what have been mentioned above, the teaching process is supposed to be separated into three parts. However it does not mean the teachers have to use a semester to make sure the students get enough accumulation to meet the next challenge, but they should utilize these three points in every class.Working as an oral English assistant for one and a half year, I have my own experience and way to help the others improve their oral English. Through comparing with the other teams, which are handled by other assistants, I find the members of my team improve faster since they won in the competition operated in the end of the semester. Here I want to introduce my teaching experience.The first step is recitation. Without a certain accumulation of words, it is impossible to handle a language well. Instead of doing dictation after recitation, I want them use the new words talk to their partners. It has been proved by language professors that we get the usage of word only when we know how to use it in a proper way.The second step has been operated in the process of the first step, which is correction. When they try to communicate with their own partners, I always stand beside. If I figure out any misuse or grammar errors, I will tell them at once. Through such a process, I was surprised to find that most of my team members have their own problem; such as the pronunciation of certain words and the misuse of preposition, which is pretty easy to revise with proper guide. It is really hard for me to understand why such kind of problems emerges so frequently. And I figure it out in the end. The reason is that they commit the problem unconsciously. To illustrate, it is hardly have someone help them to recognize the problems when they commit.The third step runs through the first and second steps. I tend to ask them do a free talk with their own partner and I want them to talk about what they are really interested in. Compared with other team, which do a great deal of reading, the members of my team are more willing to communicate. It also brings another strong point that their confident has been built. No one is born to be an orator. In order to become an orator, it needs a lot of practice that are not only on the ability but also the mental.5. Essential Qualities of interpretersAs a good interpreter, he/she is supposed to overcome the emotional barrier in order to perform in a perfect situation. It is not hard to tell that once the psychological barrier has appeared, it is hard to perform well.5.1 What is emotional barrier and how to deal with itThe mental barriers of learning oral English are reflected into two issues (the psychological and cultural qualities). The psychological one is usually caused by the introverted personality, while the best way to overcome psychological barriers is the sense of confident. It means the learner should not be afraid of making mistakes. What he/she should do is trying their best to speak out in any situations. However, the barrier caused by cultural quality of life is much more difficult to overcome. When people learn English and reach a certain level, especially the one who has a certain degree of identity and status, for instance, the non-English major university students and some of the elite of s


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