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1. Given:1. public class returnIt 2. returnType methodA(byte x, double y)3. return (short) x/y * 2;4. 5. What is the valid returnType for methodA in line 2?A. intB. byteC. longD. shortE. floatF. double Answer F注释:short类型的x,除以double类型的y,再乘int的2,所以结果是double类型的。注意第三行的强制转换,只是转换了x。2. 1) class Super 2) public float getNum()return 3.0f; 3) 4) 5) public class Sub extends Super 6) 7) which method, placed at line 6, will cause a compiler error? A. public float getNum()return 4.0f; B. public void getNum() C. public void getNum(double d) D. public double getNum(float d)return 4.0d; Answer :B注意这道题主要考的是方法的overload和override。对于overload,只有参数列表不同,才做为标准,而返回值和访问控制关键字不能做为标准,所以B错在方法名相同,但只有返回值不同,这是错的。C和D是正确的overload。对于override,则访问控制关键字只能更加公有化,异常只能是超类方法抛出的异常的子类,也可以不抛出。返回类型,参数列表必须精确匹配。所以A是正确的override。 3. 1)public class Foo 2) public static void main(String args) 3) tryreturn; 4) finally System.out.println(Finally); 5) 6) what is the result? A. The program runs and prints nothing.B. The program runs and prints “Finally”.C. The code compiles, but an exception is thrown at runtime.D. The code will not compile because the catch block is missing. Answer:btry.catch.finally的问题。程序中如果遇到return,则finally块先被执行,然后再执行retrun,而finally块后面的语句将不被执行。如果遇到System.exit(1),则finally块及其后的语句都不执行,整个程序退出,还执行什么呀。 4. 1) public class Test 2) public static String output=; 3) public static void foo(int i) 4) try 5) if(i=1) 6) throw new Exception(); 7) 8) output +=1; 9) 10) catch(Exception e) 11) output+=2; 12) return; 13) 14) finally 15) output+=3; 16) 17) output+=4; 18) 19) public static void main(String args) 20) foo(0); 21) foo(1); 22) 23) 24) what is the value of output at line 22? Asnwer:13423执行第一个foo(0)时,执行第8条语句,output=1,然后执行语句15,output=13,然后是17条,output=134,因为是static类型的变量,所以任何对其值的修改都有效。执行第二条foo(1),先执行语句5,结果抛出异常,转到catch块,output=1342,finally任何情况下都执行,所以output=13423,然后return跳出方法体,所以output=134235 1)public class IfElse 2)public static void main(String args) 3)if(odd(5) 4)System.out.println(odd); 5)else 6)System.out.println(even); 7) 8)public static int odd(int x)return x%2; 9) what is output? Answer: 编译错误。if中的判断条件的结果必须是boolean类型的。注意这里说的是结果. 6 1)class ExceptionTest 2)public static void main(String args) 3)try 4)methodA(); 5)catch(IOException e) 6)System.out.println(caught IOException); 7)catch(Exception e) 8)System.out.println(caught Exception); 9) 10) 11) If methodA() throws a IOException, what is the result? Answer: caught IOException如果methodA()抛出IOExecption,被语句6捕获,输出caught IOException,然后呢?然后就结束了呗。71)int i=1,j=10; 2)do 3) if(i+-j) continue; 4)while(i5); After Execution, what are the value for i and j? A. i=6 j=5 B. i=5 j=5 C. i=6 j=4 D. i=5 j=6 E. i=6 j=6 Answer: d程序一直循环,直到i=4,j=6时,执行完语句3后,i会+,这时i就等于了5,continue后就不能再循环了,所以选D。81)public class X 2) public Object m() 3) Object o=new Float(3.14F); 4) Object oa=new Object1; 5) oa0=o; 6) o=null; 7) oa0=null; 8) System.out.println(oa0); 9) 10) which line is the earliest point the object a refered is definitely elibile to be garbage collectioned? A.After line 4 B. After line 5 C.After line 6 D.After line 7 E.After line 9(that is,as the method returns) Answer: d当执行第6行后,仍然有对象指向o,所以o不能满足条件,当第7条语句被执行后,就再也没有对象指向o了,所以选D。9 1) interface Foo 2) int k=0; 3) 4) public class Test implements Foo 5) public static void main(String args) 6) int i; 7) Test test =new Test(); 8) i=test.k; 9) i=Test.k; 10) i=Foo.k; 11) 12) What is the result?A. Compilation succeeds.B. An error at line 2 causes compilation to fail.C. An error at line 9 causes compilation to fail.D. An error at line 10 causes compilation to fail.E. An error at line 11 causes compilation to fail. Answer: A编译通过,通过测试的10 what is reserved(保留) words in java? A. run B. default C. implement D. import Answer: b,D111)public class Test 2) public static void main(String args) 3) String foo=args1; 4) Sring bar=args2; 5) String baz=args3; 6) 7) java Test Red Green Blue what is the value of baz? A. baz has value of B. baz has value of null C. baz has value of Red D. baz has value of Blue E. baz has value of Green F. the code does not compile G. the program throw an exception Answer: G当执行java Test Red Green Blue时,数组args只有012,运行时ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException这个异常会被抛出,数组越界。12int index=1; int foo=new int3; int bar=fooindex; int baz=bar+index; what is the result? A. baz has a value of 0 B. baz has value of 1 C. baz has value of 2 D. an exception is thrown E. the code will not compile Answer: b数组初始化后默认值是0,所以baz=0+1=113 which three are valid declaraction(行为) of a float? A. float foo= -1; B. float foo=1.0; C. float foo=42e1; D. float foo=2.02f; E. float foo=3.03d; F. float foo=0x0123; Answer: A,D,F其它的系统都会认为是double类型,所以出错。说一下A和C的区别吧,-1系统会认为是一个int类型,把int类型再赋给float类型的foo,当然没错了,可C就不同啦,42e1是int类型吗?141)public class Foo 2) public static void main(String args) 3) String s; 4) System.out.println(s=+s); 5) 6) what is the result? A. The code compiles and “s=” is printed.B. The code compiles and “s=null” is printed.C. The code does not compile because string s is not initialized(初始化). D. The code does not compile because string s cannot be referenced(引用).E. The code compiles, but a NullPointerException is thrown when toString is called. Answer:C只有实例变量系统才给予自动赋默认值的这种待遇 15 1) public class Test 2) public static void main(String args) 3) int i=oxFFFFFFF1; 4) int j=i; 5) 6) 7) which is decimal value of j at line 5? A. 0 B.1 C.14 D.-15 E. compile error at line 3 F. compile error at line 4 Answer: C算一算就知道了。 16 float f=4.2F; Float g=new Float(4.2F); Double d=new Double(4.2); Which are true? A. f=g B. g=g C. d=f D. d.equals(f) E d.equals(g) F. g.equals(4.2); Answer: B=两边类型不同不相等。所以A和C不等。equals只能用于引用类型,不能用于基本类型,所以D不对,而且两边类型不兼容的话,即使对象的内容一样,也不相等,所以E和F不对。17 1)public class Test 2) public static void add3(Integer i) 3) int val=i.intValue(); 4) val+=3; 5) i=new Integer(val); 6) 7) public static void main(String args) 8) Integer i=new Integer(0); 9) add3(i); 10) System.out.println(i.intValue(); 11) 12) what is the result? A. compile fail B.print out 0 C.print out 3 D.compile succeded but exception at line 3 Answer: b在第五行里,程序又操作了New,重新分配了内存空间。所以此i非彼i啦。181)public class Test 2) public static void main(String args) 3) System.out.println(63); /为XOR4) 5) what is output? Answer: 5算呗。191) public class Test 2) public static void stringReplace(String text) 3) text=text.replace(j,l); 4) 5) public static void bufferReplace(StringBuffer text) 6) text=text.append(c); 7) 8) public static void main(String args) 9) String textString=new String(java); 10) StringBuffer textBuffer=new StringBuffer(java); 11) StringReplace(textString); 12) bufferReplace(textBuffer); 13) System.out.println(textString+textBuffer); 14) 15) what is the output? Answer: javajavactextString是String类型的,具有不变性,语句3其实是创建了一个新的字符串,而不是修改原来的textString,而对于StringBuffer类型的对象,则所有修改都是实在的。所以在语句6中textBuffer变成了javac,所以输出为javajavac。 201)public class ConstOver 2) public ConstOver(int x, int y, int z) 3) which two overload the ConstOver constructor? A.ConstOver() B.protected int ConstOver() C.private ConstOver(int z, int y, byte x) D.public void ConstOver(byte x, byte y, byte z) E.public Object ConstOver(int x, int y, int z) Answer: a,c主要的问题是overload,参数列表必须不同,方法名相同,访问控制无限制。也无异常限制。这道题因为是构造器,所以B,D和E不对,因为构造器不能有返回类型。211)public class MethodOver 2) public void setVar(int a, int b, float c) 3) which overload the setVar? A.private void setVar(int a, float c, int b) B.protected void setVar(int a, int b, float c) C.public int setVar(int a, float c, int b)return a; D.public int setVar(int a, float c)return a; Answer: a,c,doverload无访问控制限制,所以A对,顺序也属于参数列表,顺序不同也一样是overload,所以C正确,D当然正确了,参数列表明显不同。22 1)class EnclosingOne 2)public class InsideOne 3) 4)public class InnerTest 5) public static void main(String args) 6) EnclosingOne eo=new EnclosingOne(); 7) /insert code here 8) 9) A.InsideOne ei=eo.new InsideOne(); B.eo.InsideOne ei=eo.new InsideOne(); C.InsideOne ei=EnclosingOne.new InsideOne(); D.InsideOne ei=eo.new InsideOne(); E.EnclosingOne.InsideOne ei=eo.new InsideOne(); Answer: e这里边的一些形式是固定的。(1)静态方法访问非静态内类: 方法为: Outer myouter=new Outer();这里的myouter是创建的外部类的对象。 Outer.Inner myinner=myouter.new Inner();myinner是内类的对象。 然后再myinner.showName();showName()是外类中的非静态方法。(2)非静态方法访问非静态内类 直接创建该内部类的对象:new Inner().showName();(3)静态方法访问静态内类: 也是直接创建该内部类的对象,即Inner myinner = new Inner(),或者Outer.Inner myinner = new Outer.Inner()也行得通哦。23 What is is a relation? A.public interface Color public class Shapeprivate Color color; B.interface Component class Container implements Component private Component children; C.public class Species public class Animalprivate Species species; Answer: bis a 意思为是什么:定义了一个超类和一个子类之间的一种直接关系:子类是超类的一种。也即是继承的关系24 1)package foo; 2) 3)public class Outer 4)public static class Inner 5) 6) which is true to instantiated(事例) Inner class inside Outer? A. new Outer.Inner() B. new Inner() Answer: a,b25class BaseClass private float x=1.0f; private float getVar()return x; class SubClass extends BaseClass private float x=2.0f; /insert code what are true to override getVar()? A.float getVar() B.public float getVar() C.public double getVar() D.protected float getVar() E.public float getVar(float f) Answer: a,b,d又是override的问题,参数列表和返回值以及方法名(好像是费话)必须精确匹配,访问控制要更公有化,如果抛出异常,那么必须异常本身或其子集或什么都不抛. 26 public class SychTest private int x; private int y; public void setX(int i) x=i; public void setY(int i)y=i; public Synchronized void setXY(int i) setX(i); setY(i); public Synchronized boolean check() return x!=y; Under which conditions will check() return true when called from a different class? A.check() can never return true. B.check() can return true when setXY is callled by multiple threads. C.check() can return true when multiple threads call setX and setY separately. D.check() can only return true if SychTest is changed allow x and y to be set separately. Answer: c 27Given:1. public class SyncTest (2. private int x;3. private int y;4. private synchronized void setX (int i) (x=1;)5. private synchronized void setY (int i) (y=1;)6. public void setXY(int 1)(set X(i); setY(i);)7. public synchronized Boolean check() (return x !=y;)8. ) Under which conditions will check () return true when called from a different class? A. Check() can never return trueB. Check() can return true when setXY is called by multiple threadsC. Check() can return true when multiple threads call setX and setY separately. D. Check() can only return true if SyncTest is changed to allow x and y to be set separately. Answer:B 28Given:1. public class SyncTest 2. private int x;3. private int y;4. public synchronized void setX (int i) (x=1;)5. public synchronized void setY (int i) (y=1;)6. public synchronized void setXY(int 1)(set X(i); setY(i);)7. public synchronized Boolean check() (return x !=y;)8. )Under which conditions will check () return true when called from a different class?A. Check() can never return true.B. Check() can return true when setXY is called by multiple threads.C. Check() can return true when multiple threads call setX and setY separately.D. Check() can only return true if SyncTest is changed to allow x and y to be set separately. Answer: A哪一个不加锁,就从哪一个入手,但这道题全都加锁了,所以先A。29 1)public class X implements Runnable 2)private int x; 3)private int y; 4)public static void main(String args) 5) X that =new X(); 6) (new Thread(that).start(); 7) (new Thread(that).start(); 9) public synchronized void run() 10) for(;) 11) x+; 12) y+; 13) System.out.println(x=+x+,y=+y); 14) 15) 16) what is the result? A.An error at line 11 causes compilation to fail.B.Errors at lines 6 and 7cause compilation to fail.C.The program prints pairs of values for x and y that might not always be the same on the same line (for example, “x=2, y=1”)D.The program prints pairs of values for x and y that are always the same on the same line (for example, “x=1, y=1”. In addition, each value appears twice (for example, “x=1, y=1” followed by “x=1, y=1”)E.The program prints pairs of values for x and y that are always the same on the same line (for example, “x=1, y=1”. In addition, each value appears twice (for example, “x=1, y=1” followed by “x=2, y=2”) Answer: E这道题有问题,当两个线程同名时,输出x=1,y=1,但只一次,而当两个线程不同名时,输出就是两次。理论上加锁时,线程1会执行直到结束,然后线程2才会开始执行。30 Click the exhibit button:1. public class X implements Runnable( 2. private int x; 3. private int y; 4. 5. public static void main(Stringargs) 6. X that = new X(); 7. (new Thread(that).start(); 8. (new Thread(that).start(); 9. ) 10. 11. public void run() ( 12. for (;) ( 13. x+; 14. y+; 15. System.out.printIn(“x=” + x + “, y = ” + y); 16. ) 17. ) 18. ) What is the result?A. Errors at lines 7 and 8 cause compilation to fail.B. The program prints pairs of values for x and y that might not always be the same on the same line (for example, “x=2, y=1”).C. The program prints pairs of values for x and y that are always the same on the same line (for example, “x=1, y=1”. In addition, each value appears twice (for example, “x=1, y=1” followed by “x=1, y=1”).D. The program prints pairs of values for x and y that are always the same on the same line (for example, “x=1, y=1”.) In addition, each value appears only for once (for example, “x=1, y=1” followed by “x=2, y=2”). Answer D这道题也有问题,当两个线程同名的情况下,只输出一次,但当两个线程不同名的情况下,可以清楚的看到两个线程是交替执行的,x=1,y=1后现可以是任何东西,也可能是另一个线程的x=1,y=1。31class A implements Runnable int i; public void run() try Thread.sleep(5000); i=10; catch(InterruptException e) public static void main(String args) try A a=new A(); Thread t=new Thread(a); t.start(); 17) int j=a.i; 19) catch(Exception e) what be added at line line 17,ensure j=10 at line 19? A. a.wait(); B. t.wait(); C. t.join(); D.t.yield(); E.t.notify(); F. a.notify(); G.t.interrupt(); Answer: c32 Given an ActionEvent, which method allows you to identify the affected component?A. public class getClass()B. public Object getSource()C. public Component getSource()D. public Component getTarget()E. public Component getComponent()F. public Component getTargetComponent() Answer: c33import java.awt.*; public class X extends Frame public static void main(String args) X x=new X(); x.pack(); x.setVisible(true); public X() setLayout(new GridLayout(2,2); Panel p1=new Panel(); add(p1); Button b1=new Button(One); p1.add(b1); Panel p2=new Panel(); add(p2); Button b2=new Button(Two); p2.add(b2); Button b3=new Button(Three); p2.add(b3); Button b4=new Button(Four); add(b4); when the frame is resized, A.all change height B.all change width C.Button One change height D.Button Two change height E.Button Three change width F.Button Four change height and width Answer: f341)public class X 2) public static void main(String args) 3) String foo=ABCDE; 4) foo.substring(3); 5) foo.concat(XYZ); 6) 7) what is the value of foo at line 6? Answer: ABCDE问题的关键在于String的不变性,虽然又是substring又是concat的,但都只是创建了一个新的字符串,原本的foo一直都没有被改变,也不可能被改变。35Which method is an appropriate way to determine the cosine of 42 degrees?A. double d = Math.cos(42);B. double d = Math.cosine(42);C. double d = Math.cos(Math.toRadians(42);D. double d = Math.cos(Math.toDegrees(42);E. double d = Math.cosine(Math.toRadians(42); Answer: ctoRadians是把一个角度转换成一个弧度,cos方法的参数必须是以弧度表示的。36public class Test public static void main(String args) StringBuffer a=new StringBuffer(A); StringBuffer b=new StringBuffer(B); operate(a,b); System.out.println(a+,+b); public static void operate(StringBuffer x, StringBuffer y) x.append(y); y=x; what is the output? Answer: AB,B有些不理解。我只能认为y=x这名语句没有改变b。37 Given:13. public class Foo 14. public static void main (String args) 15. StringBuffer a = new StringBuffer (“A”);16. StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer (“B”);17. operate (a,b);18. system.out.printIna + “,” +b;19. )20. static void operate (StringBuffer x, StringBuffer y) 21. y.append (x);22. y = x;23. )24. What is the result?A.The code compiles and prints “A,B”.B.The code compiles and prints “A, BA”. C.The code compiles and prints “AB, B”. D.The code compiles and prints “AB, AB”. E.The code compiles and prints “BA, BA”. F.The code does not compile because “+” cannot be overloaded for stringBuffer. Answer B 38. 1) public class Test 2) public static void main(String args) 3) class Foo 4) public int i=3; 5) 6) Object o=(Object)new Foo(); 7) Foo foo=(Foo)O; 8) System.out.println(foo.i); 9) 10) what is result? A.compile error at line 6 B.compile error at line 7 C.print out 3 Answer: C简单的说,要访问变量的时候,看等号左边,访问方法的时候看等号右边,但对于static类型的方法除外。39public class FooBar public static void main(String args) int i=0,j=5; 4) tp: for(;i+) for(;-j)


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