新起点英语二年级下册全册教案(DOC 145页)

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新起点英语二年级下册全册教案(DOC 145页)_第1页
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Unit1 Playtime教学内容重点学习词汇和表达法 Playtime fly play football fly a kite ride a bike make a model plane swim make a snowman can cant=can not 教学目标1. 能够熟练运用功能句型:Can you play football? Yes, I can. / No, I cant.I / She / He canvery well.2.能够听、说、读、抄写单词3.能够在本单元涉及的情景条件下表达自己能干什么。4.能够用英文询问同伴能干什么。当同伴询问自己时能用英文回答。5.能够在本单元涉及的情景下听懂并说出与体育课有关的单词和词组。6.培养学生的注意力、观察力,激发学生积极思维。7.在任务中,引导学生积极运用所学英语进行表达与交流。教学重点1. 能够在本单元涉及的情景下听懂并说出与体育课有关的单词和词组。2. 能够在本单元涉及的情景条件下表达自己能干什么。3. 能够用英文询问同伴能干什麽。当同伴询问自己时能用英文回答。4. 能够抄写单词教学难点1. 注意Kite bike ride swim中I的读音。2. 对歌谣中“with every one”的理解。3. 能够用英文询问同伴能干什麽。当同伴询问自己时能用英文回答。4. 能够自己抄写单词。课时6课时第一课时教学内容:利用图画和歌谣复习、学习与体育课有关的单词教学目标:1. 能够在本课涉及的情景下听懂并说出与体育课有关的单词。2. 能够在本课涉及的情景条件下表达自己能干什么。3. 能说本课歌谣.4. 能够熟练运用功能句型:I / She / He canvery well.5. 能够听、说、读单词。课型:新授课教学重点:1. 能够在本单元涉及的情景下听懂并说出与体育课有关的7个单词。2. 能够在本单元涉及的情景条件下表达自己能干什么。教学难点:1. throw, run 这两个单词的读音。2. 对歌谣中“with every one”的理解教学准备:教学挂图,教学投影片,教学录音磁带,单词卡片 教学步骤:step 1. warming up (热身活动) Sing a song. (新派英语中有关歌曲)step 2. reviewing and leading in (复习并导入新课) Review the words: play football fly kite ride bike make model plane swim make snowman 看图读单词,重点强调throw, run的读音. Pupils do the actions according what teacher says. 让程度比较好的学生说词其他学生做动作.step 3. learning(学习新课) Watch videoT: What do you see? S: I seeT: Can he / she S: Yes. / No. Look, listen and chant. 教师出示挂图.T: Look at Lily. She can bounce the ball. Look at Bill. He can throw the Frisbee. What can YaoYao / Lucky / Binbin / Andy / Joy do? S: He / She can T: I can jump very well. (老师边做动作边说) 带读very well 并纠正very well的发音。S1: I can run very well. S2: I canvery well. Tell your friend what you can do very well. Learn the chant. Listen to the tape for the first time. Listen to the tape for the second time, this time pupils can clap their hands when they listen to the chant.学生按所听到的节奏击掌. Listen to the chant then say what they can hear. 鼓励学生说出听到的内容. Pupils point to pictures according to what they hear. 学生根据录音指出相应的图. Say the chant together. (重点强调With every one的读音和意思) Learn the chants:(1)Jump. Kick. Play. Throw. Catch. Bounce. Go, go, go.Bounce. Catch. Throw. Play. Kick. Jump. Every day.(2)I can jump. I can walk. I can kick. I can talk.I can catch. I can throw. I can bounce. I can go.I can swim. I can run. I can skate. With every onestep 4. practicing (操练) Have a competition. 三至四人比赛做动作,看谁做的好。如谁跳得高,谁扔得远,谁接得准等。动作做得慢的学生被淘汰,其他学生用英文说出谁的动作做的好。如: can very well. 做得最好的学生说:“I can very well.”step 5. summary (小结) 听懂并说出与体育课有关的7个单词 能够在本单元涉及的情景条件下表达自己能干什么step 6. homework (家庭作业) 听录音复习单词和句子 听录音唱歌谣 给家长或朋友说说你做什么最好第二课时教学内容:1. 继续学习动词词组 2. 学习新词组play football fly a kite ride a bike make a model plane swim make a snowman3. 学习交际用语Can you? Yes, I can. / No, I cant.4. 学习歌谣和歌曲。教学目标:1.能够熟练运用功能句型:play football fly a kite ride a bike make a model plane make a snowmanCan you play football? Yes, I can. / No, I cant.2.能够听、说、读词组:lay football fly a kite ride a bike make a model plane make a snowman3.能够在本课涉及的情景下听懂并说出与体育课有关的词组。课型:新授课教学重点:1. 能够在本单元涉及的情景下听懂并说出与体育课有关的词组。2. 能够用英文询问同伴能干什么。当同伴询问自己时能用英文回答。教学难点:1. rope单词的读音。2. 能够用英文询问同伴能干什麽。当同伴询问自己时能用英文回答。教学准备:教学挂图,教学投影片,教学录音磁带,单词卡片,球, 跳绳, 乒乓球拍等教学步骤:step 1. warming up (热身活动) Say the chant of Lesson61. TPR: Do the actions according to what teacher or pupils say.step 2. Presentation (学习新课) Have a competition. 三至四人比赛做动作,看谁做的好。如谁跳得高,谁扔得远,谁接得准等。动作做得慢的学生被淘汰,其他学生用英文说出谁的动作做的好。如: can very well. 做得最好的学生说:“I can very well. ” (比赛后老师问)T: Who can jump very well? Ss: can jump very well. T: Can you jump rope? S1: Yes. T: Do you want to try? (老师让学生跳绳同时帮助其他学生学习jump rope) Step3 Chant and act 让学生根据动作猜的形式学习play football, play football.老师让一个学生根据所看到的图片做出动作,其他学生根据动作猜词组。 T: Who can ride a bike play football? S: I can ride a bike play football.(让会的同学做出相应的动作) T: Can he / she ride a bike play football? Ss: Yes, he / she can. T: Who can ride a bike / play football? S1: I can ride a bike play football.S2: I can ride a bike / play football.(学生边说边做动作) 老师把kick the ball throw the ball catch the ball bounce the ball 的图片贴在黑板上。T: What can you do? 学生根据实际情况回答 I can并做出相应的动作。T: Can he / she kick the ball / throw the ball / catch the ball / bounce the ball?Ss: Yes, he / she can. No, he / she cant.T: Who can kick the ball / throw the ball / catch the ball / bounce the ball? S1: I can kick the ball / throw the ball / catch the ball / bounce the ball?S2: I can kick the ball / throw the ball / catch the ball / bounce the ball?(学生边说边做动作) Learn the chant and a song.1) Listen to the tape for the first time.2) Listen to the tape for the second time, this time pupils can do the actions according to what they hear. 学生按所听到的做动作.3) Listen to the chant then say what they can hear. 鼓励学生说出听到的内容.4) Sing together. (本课第二首歌谣配合学生模拟动作,不要求学生会唱,在以后的复习巩固中逐步学会此歌曲。因此学习此首歌曲时只采纳前两步) Ask and answer1. T: Can you play ride a bike? S1: Yes, I can.S2: No, I cant. (纠正cant的发音)2. Group work: Ask and answer one by one.Step 3. practicing (操练) 教师设置相应的情景,使学生运用Can you? 进行问答。S1: I can jump rope. (边说边做动作) 然后问另一个同学Can you jump rope? 如果会就请该生在全班面前做出动作。Step 4. summary (小结) 复习了与体育课有关的词组 能够用英文询问同伴能干什么,当同伴询问自己时能用英文回答step 5. homework (家庭作业) 听录音复习单词和句子。 告诉家长或朋友你会做什麽并问问他们会做么。 听录音唱歌谣。第三课时教学内容:1. 复习前两节课学习过的内容并练习使用交际用语。2. 通过本部分提供的学生课外活动的场景图画,学习四组对话。3. 学生根据提供的八幅单人动作图,通过观察图画、思考,给做运动的人物添画体育用具和器械。4. 培养学生的观察能力、辨别能力以及表达能力,用本单元所学语言进行表达和交流教学目标:1. 能够用英文询问同伴能干什么。当同伴询问自己时能用英文表达试一试2. 能够表示想参加某项活动及同意3. 能够熟练运用功能句型:May I join you? Sure. Come on.Can you jump rope? Let me try.Its very hot today. Lets go swimming课型:新授课教学重点:1. 能够问答本课四组对话。2. 通过观察图画、思考,给做运动的人物添画体育用具和器械。教学难点:1. 能够May I join you? Sure. Come on.表示想参加某项活动及同意。2. 通过观察图画、思考,给做运动的人物添画体育用具和器械。教学准备:教学挂图(主图),教学投影片,教学录音磁带,单词卡片,课件、挂图、球、跳绳、水彩笔等教学步骤:step 1. warming up (热身活动) Sing a song and say a chant of Lesson 1 and Lesson 2step 2. reviewing and leading in (复习并导入新课) Review the phrases of Lesson 621) TPR2) 教师设置相应的情景,使学生运用Can you? 进行问答。 S1: I can jump rope. (边说边做动作) 然后问另一个同学Can you jump rope? 如果会就请该生在全班面前做出动作step 3. learning(学习新课) Look at the picture about the playground?T: What do you see in the playground? S1: I seeT: Where is? S2: Its next to the He / She is on theT: What is doing? S3: He / She is T: What can you do? S4: I can T: What can he / she do? S5: He / She can Step 3 Do and say Look at the picture and talk about it. Learn “Where is Yaoyao? Shes on the seesaw.” “Its very hot today. Lets go swimming.” Listen to the dialogues then teacher ask What do you hear?. Listen and imitate. 再听录音,让学生逐段模仿录音中的声音、语调和速度进行说话活动。 Pair work: 两人选一组对话进行练习。 Learn “May I join you? Sure. Come on.” Listen to the dialogue then teacher ask What do you hear? (能重复的可以重复英语,老师给予鼓励。不能重复英语的,可以说自己听到句子的中文意思,旨在检查学生的听力和理解力。) Read May I join you? after teacher. (重点强调join的发音) 教师创设相应的情景,让学生体会语句的使用场合。如:请三至四组学生(每组两至三人)根据喜好做的活动,可以跳绳、打球、踢球等,另请一至两位学生,根据自己意愿参加任意一组的活动,然后用 May I join you?来表达。 “Can you jump rope? Let me try.” 这一组对话相对较简单,可以简化教学过程。 Group work: 组内进行问答表演。 Ask some groups to perform the dialogues.step 4. practicing (操练) Pair work: 两人一起先观察图中人物在干什麽,然后用He / She can来表达 画器械和体育用具step 5. summary (小结) 学习了本课四组对话 能够通过观察图画、思考,给做运动的人物添画体育用具和器械step 6. homework (家庭作业) 跟录音读课文. 选对话与家长进行表演 第四课时教学内容:1. 学习做操口令的英文表达。2. 学生借助图画、录音和动作来学习关于做操口令的歌谣。3. 让学生初步感知字母组成单词的过程,教学生抄写单词。教学目标:1. 能够听懂并初步说出做操用语,能初步说出相关的歌谣。2. 能够抄写单词。3. 能够听懂并做出反应:count off, line up, at ease, attention, turn left, turn right4. 能够抄写单词:climb, throw, jump, walk课型:复习课教学重点:1. 能够听懂并初步说出做操用语,能初步说出相关的歌谣。2. 能够抄写单词。教学难点:1. 口令的辨别,如“左转”、“右转”等。2. 能够自己抄写单词。教学准备:教学挂图,教学投影片,教学录音磁带,课件等教学步骤:step 1. warming up (热身活动) Sing a song and say a chant of Lesson 1 and Lesson 2.step 2. Presentation (学习新课) Watch video: 教师放学生做操的录象。T: What are the pupils doing? What does the PE teacher say? Do you want to say it in English? Step3 Chant and act Learn the chant. Listen to the chant, teacher do the actions in order to help pupils to understand the chant. 教师播放录音并做示范动作,以帮助学生理解歌曲内容。 Listen to the chant again, this time pupils do the action along the teacher. 学生听录音,同时跟着老师做动作。 老师播放录音并按节奏说歌词,数遍后让学生跟着说。 学生听歌曲,并跟着录音学唱,可以边唱边做动作。 Listen, sing and do the actions. 学生唱歌曲的同时做动作。Chant:Line up, line up.Count off 1,2,3.Stand at ease, stand at ease!Exercise with me. Turn left, turn left.Count off 1,2,3.Turn right, turn right.Exercise with me.Group work: 教师将学生分成左右转、稍息立正、排队报数三个组进行练习。step 3. practicing (操练) 教师将学生分成左右转、稍息立正、排队报数三个组进行练习。 Group work: 以组为单位,让每组学习能力较强的学生发指令其他学生做动作。 Step5 Lets learn Review the letters: O, P, Q, R, S,T 教师在黑板上写throw climb jump walk,通过观察让学生感知字母组成单词的过程。 跟老师抄写单词。step 4. summary (小结) 能够听懂并初步说出做操用语,能初步说出相关的歌谣。 会抄写单词step 5. homework (家庭作业) 听录音唱歌谣。 与家长做听指令做动作的游戏。 练习抄写单词。第五课时教学内容:1. 学生通过观察12幅图画,思考哪种动物能做哪项活动,然后用连线的方式将动物和动作连接起来。2. 学生以小组为单位,以问答的形式填表。教学目标:1. 能够在本单元涉及的情景条件下表达自己能干什么。2. 能够用英文询问同伴能干什麽。当同伴询问自己时能用英文回答。3. 能够熟练运用功能句型:Can you? Yes, I can. / No, I cant.I / She / He canvery well.课型:复习课教学重点:1. 能够在本单元涉及的情景条件下表达自己能干什么。2. 能够用英文询问同伴能干什麽。当同伴询问自己时能用英文回答。教学难点:学生通过观察12幅图画,思考哪种动物能做哪项活动,并能用英文表达出来。教学准备:教学投影片,教学录音磁带,单词卡片,动物图片教学步骤:step 1. warming up (热身活动) Say the chants of this unitstep 2. presentation(呈现) 教师设置相应的情景,使学生运用Can you? 进行问答。S1: I can jump rope. (边说边做动作) 然后问另一个同学Can you jump rope? 如果会就请该生在全班面前做出动作。 T: You can do many things. Now there are some animals, do you know what can they do? Think, match and say Teacher shows the animal pictures. T: Whats this? S: Its a tiger. T: What can the tiger do? S: It can run. Say something about the animals. S1: Its a fish. It can swim.S2: Its a rabbit. It can jump. S3: Its a bear. It can skate.S4: Its a monkey. It can climb. S5: Its a dog. It can catch. Pair work: 两人一起用英文表达这些动物能做什麽。 Match the animals with the actions.Step3. practicing (操练) Lets find out Listen to the dialogues, then say what they can hear. Group work: 学生以小组为单位按表中提供的图片,就每人的能力进行问答, 并用r或在表 格中表示出来。S1: Can you jump rope / play pingpong / play football / bounce the ball / run / throw the ball?S2: Yes, I can. / No, I cant. Feedback: He / She / canstep 4. summary (小结) 能够在本单元涉及的情景条件下表达自己能干什麽。 能够用英文询问同伴能干什麽。当同伴询问自己时能用英文回答Step5. homework (家庭作业) 询问家长或朋友能做什麽。第六课时教学内容:1. 学习本单元故事2. 学生通过学习故事,复习本单元的交际用语:Can you? I can.3. 通过学习故事,使学生懂得每个人都有长处和短处,做事时不要看不起别人,也不要自暴自弃,要发挥自己的长处,避免自己的短处。 4. 故事中的新语言项目:penguin(企鹅)The rabbit can run faster than me.教学目标:1. 能够在本单元涉及的情景条件下表达自己能干什么。2. 能够熟练运用功能句型:Can you? Yes, I can. / No, I cant.The rabbit can run faster than me. What a!3.能够听懂penguin(企鹅)4.通过学习故事使学生懂得每个人都有长处和短处,做事时不要看不起别人,也不要自暴自弃,要发挥自己的长处,避免自己的短处课型:新授课教学重点:1. 学生通过观看课件、听录音,理解故事大意,并在理解的基础上跟读模仿录音。2. 学生分角色表演故事,培养学生在语篇的学习中形成初步的阅读能力。教学难点:1. 表示动作的词和表示做动作人的词的区分。2. 用What a!句型赞叹动作完成得好。教学准备:教学课件、头饰、跳绳、球等教学步骤:step 1. warming up (热身活动) Sing the song and say the chants of this unit. Review the words of this unit.step 2.presentation Group work: 学生以小组为单位对故事图画进行观察,并根据图画讨论故事大意(这样做能够帮助学习能力较弱的学生积极参与课堂学习活动)。 Ask pupils to say the meaning of the story in Chinese. 教师指着教学挂图,用学生易接受的英文和形体动作,整体介绍故事内容。并让学生懂得每个人都有长处和短处,做事时不要看不起别人,也不要自暴自弃,要发挥自己的长处,避免自己的短处。 Look, listen and point. 教师让学生看教学挂图、听录音内容试着指出相应的图画。 Watch video. Watch the video again and try to repeat. 带读 What a good jump! What a fast swimmer! 区分swim和 swimmer jump 和jumper 以及其他表示动作的词和表示做动作人的词。 Ask some pupils to repeat. Listen, point and repeat. 边听录音边指书重复句子。 Step3 Act out the story Group work: 学生多次模仿的基础上,以小组为单位表演故事。 Ask some groups to come to the front and act out the story.step 3. summary (小结)今天我们学习了一个小故事,通过这个故事我们学会了 复习本单元的交际用语:Can you? I can 通过学习故事,使学生懂得每个人都有长处和短处,做事时不要看不起别人,也不要自暴自弃,要发挥自己的长处,避免自己的短处。 step 4. homework (家庭作业) 听录音读故事。 与家长一起表演故事Unit 2 Weather教学内容: 1. 听说读写字母和单词 Hh, Ii, Jj, Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn, Sunny, cloudy, windy, rainy2. 句型:Whats the weather like today? Its sunny ( cold, cool, warm, hot, cloudy, rainy, windy). What season is it?Its spring. (summer, fall, winter)教学目标:1. 能够在本单元涉及的情景条件下听懂并说出与天气有关的5个单词和4个描绘气温冷暖的单词。2. 能够在本单元涉及的情景条件下简单地询问及回答有关天气的情况。3. 能够识别天气预报形势图上的小图标,并说出它们的名称。4. 能够初步了解温度计的度数的上升与下降与气温有关;5. 初步知道减增衣服与气温变化有关。6. 能够听懂,并会说会唱本单元涉及的有关天气、季节的歌谣和歌曲。7. 感知字母的书写过程8. 能够使学生通过本单元学习掌握一年四季变化的表达,了解气象有关知识。9. 通过挂图和图片了解自然常识,能够通过本单元的学习初步了解水的三态变化与温度有关,培养学生热爱大自然的美好情操。教学重点:1. 能够在本单元涉及的情景条件下听懂并说出与北京有关的5个单词和4个描绘气温冷暖的单词。2. 能够在本单元涉及的情景条件下初步使用本单元所学的句型。3. 能够识别出本单元所涉及的图片及标志并说出它们的名称。教学难点:1. 有关天气单词的正确读法2. 在情景中正确运用句型。课时:6课时第一课时教学内容:1. 单词:sunny, snowy, rainy, cloudy, windy2. 句型:Its.in.描述天气教学目标:1. 能够在本单元涉及的情景条件下听懂并说出与天气有关的5个单词和4个描绘气温冷暖的单词2. 会用句型:Its.in.等来向他人描述各地天气。3. 通过本课的学习,了解自然常识,培养学生热爱大自然的美好情操课型:新授课教学重点:学会读 sunny, snowy, rainy, cloudy, windy这五个形容天气的词语及有关句子教学难点:能够在本单元涉及的情景条件下初步使用本单元所学的句型及五个形容词读法教学准备:教学课件,单词卡片(教师、学生各自准备),有关天气的图片等教学步骤:step 1. warming up (热身活动). Greetings Sing an English songstep 2. learning(学习新课) Look, listen and say. (看、听、说)1)Ask the students look at the picture.(让学生观察挂图中的五个地方及表示天气的图标)T:Look at the picture. What do you see in the picture? Whats this? S: I see Learn the new words. (学习新单词)1) Teacher points to the cards and says. ( 师指卡片教读单词)2) Practice (练习巩固单词) A、师逐个出示教学卡片练习。师念地名,生举自己的单词卡片。B、师让学生将图片放在课桌上,听录音指单词。C、师将单词卡片发给几位学生,生快速呈现给全班。其他学生猜词。D、Pair work. 两人练习说单词。E、师说单词如: No.1: The Summer Palace. No.2: Tiananmen Square.学生按听到的顺序依次摆放图片。 Learn the sentence pattern. (学习句型Its sunny in Beijing)1) Listen to the tape 2 times. (听磁带2遍)2) Learn the monologue.(跟磁带学说2遍)T: Listen to the tape and read after the tape. (T and Ss say together 2 times.)3) Practice the monologue with your partner.指图和同伴练习说这是什么地方,天气怎么样step 3. practicing (操练) Listen and draw (听和画)1) Listen to the tape. (听磁带2遍)2) Ask the student to draw according what they say.(根据听到的内容画画)3) Show the jobs.step 4. summary (小结) 今天学习了有关天气的词汇:sunny, snowy, rainy, cloudy, windy 会用句型:Its.in.等来向他人描述各地天气step 5. homework (家庭作业) Listen to the tape and read after the tape.(听录音跟磁带读Lesson55) To be a teacher. (回家当小老师用英语给家长说相应的单词) Sing a song.第二课时教学内容:1. 借助图片和录音学习4个新词cold, hot, warm, cool.,同时复习第55课地名。2. 句型:Whats the weather like? Its rainy. 在正确的情景中,初步学会用英文问答教学目标:1. 能够借助图片和录音学习4个新词cold, hot, warm, cool.2. 能够在一定情景下使用句型:Whats the weather like? Its rainy. 并初步学会用英文问答3. 初步了解一年四季气候变化,培养学生热爱大自然的美好情操4. 培养学生的注意力、观察力,激发学生积极思维。课型:新授课教学重点:4个新词和词组及句型的学习。教学难点:单词cool ,和cold的正确读法教学准备:教学投影片,教学录音磁带,单词卡片(教师学生各自准备),能够帮助表现冷热变化的实物教学步骤:step 1. warming up (热身活动) Greetingsstep 2. reviewing and leading in (复习并导入新课) Review the words (复习单词)1) Read the words together2) Look and say.(师出示卡片,生说单词)3) 小老师 个人step 3. learning(学习新课) Teacher shows the map.(师出示地图)T: This is a map. Its sunny in Beijing (复习单词) Set up the background.(设置背景)T:Look at the picture. Whats weather like today? 启发学生说出hot,cold,cool,warm.。 Learn the new words. (学习新单词) 1) Teacher points to the cards and says. ( 师指卡片教读单词)2) Practice (练习巩固单词) A、师逐个出示教学卡片练习。师,生举自己的单词卡片。B、师让学生将图片放在课桌上,听录音指单词。C、师将单词卡片发给几位学生,生快速呈现给全班。其他学生猜词。D、Pair work. 两人练习说单词。 Learn the sentence pattern. (学习句型What s the weather like today.)1) Ask the student to listen to the tape and say 2) T S 师生对话,练习句型。3) T: Listen to the tape and read after the tape. (T and Ss say together 2 times.)4) Group work. (小组活动练习对话) Learn the chant (学唱歌谣)1) Listen to the song 2 times. (看挂图听歌曲,从听力上帮助学生熟悉课文单词的英文表达。) 2) 在听第二遍前,教师提出任务:听到了什么?让学生带着任务去听。T:What did you hear? Ss: 3) Say the words in the song. 4) Listen to the song and say the song together.5) Group work小组练习。6) Act it out表演。step 4. practicing (操练) Lets talk.(学习对话)1)learn the dialogue.T: Practice the dialogue with your partner.教师用自己带的四季衣服示范句型Its.I put on my.2) practice in pairsstep 5. summary (小结) 学习了4个新词cold, hot, warm, cool.,同时复习了第55课地名 能够在一定情景下使用句型:Whats the weather like? Its rainy. 并初步学会用英文问答step 6. homework (家庭作业) Listen to the tape and read after the tape.(听录音跟磁带读Lesson56) Practice the dialogue with your parents.第三课时教学内容:1. 复习第1课和第2课学过的有关天气的形容词和句型。2. 学唱本课歌谣教学目标:1. 通过复习,进一步掌握第55课和第56课学过的有关天气的形容词和句型2. 能够会唱本课歌谣3. 通过对不同季节和穿着的描述,激起学生对大自然更多的向往和渴望课型:新授课教学重点:借助图画和录音, 复习第1课和第2课学过的单词和句型教学难点:对四张不同季节和天气的图画进行语言描述教学准备:教学课件,单词卡片,四幅不同天气和季节的图画等教学步骤:step 1. warming up (热身活动) Greetings. Sing the chant of Lesson2step 2. reviewing and leading in (复习并导入新课) Review the words1) Look and say.(师出示卡片,生说单词2) 学生当“小老师”练习step 3. learning(学习新课) Look, listen and talk.(看、听、说)1.Set up the background.(设置背景)。1) Show the picture, children look at it(师出示4副挂图,生看图观察。)T: Look at the picture. What do you see in the picture? Whats this?(出示挂图)2) Listen to the tape播放录音,学习对话T: What did you hear? S: Its warm and windy. We can fly a kite.T: Whats the weather like?S: Its spring.3) Listen to the tape 2 time. Make a dialogue对话练习1) Ask and answer. 根据四张季节不同图画来问答2) Practice in pairs 小组互问3)Group work.学生分小组表演. Sing and act 学唱本课歌曲1) Listen to the song 2 times. (听歌曲,从听力上帮助学生熟悉课文单词的英文表达。) 2) 在听第二遍前,教师提出任务:听到了什么?让学生带着任务去听。T:What did you hear? Ss: Sunny, sunny, sunny day3) Say the words in the song. 4) Listen to the song and say the song together.5) Group work小组练习。6) Act it out表演。step 4. practicing (操练) Make a dialogue and perform(教师帮助学生创设情境,进行对话、表演,尽量多用新学词汇与句型) pair workshowstep 5. summary (小结) 复习了前两课所学的词汇与句型 在一定情境下会使用本单元有关季节的交际用语来进行对话step 6. homework (家庭作业) Listen to the tape and read after the tape.(听录音跟磁带读Lesson57) Practice the dialogue with your parents第四课时教学内容:1. 借助图画和录音,学习并了解温度计的功能;能够简单描述温度变化2. 通过感知字母组成单词的过程,培养学生认读单词和简单书写技能教学目标:1. 能够简单描述温度变化2. 能灵活运用本课句型并熟练回答3. 了解温度计的度数的上升与下降与气温有关等自然常识;初步知道减增衣服与气温变化有关4. 能够对自然产生热爱之情课型:复习课教学重点:复习本单元有关季节的单词及句型表达法教学难点:字母尤其是季节单词的书写,字母组合教学准备:教学挂图,教学投影片,教学录音磁带,单词卡片,字母卡片,动物头饰等教学步骤:step 1. warming up (热身活动) Greetings sing the chant 12step 2. reviewing and leading in (复习并导入新课) Look and say.(师出示卡片,生说单词) 学生当“小老师”练习step 3. learning(学习新课) Learn the temperature学习认识并说出温度1)Show the picture,.(出示纸温度计) T: What degree is it? S1: Its.T: Its hot.(引出数字表示温度,并说出冷热等)2)Show the pictuter (出示挂图)T says the degree.3) Practice in pairs Listen and say.(听录音模仿)1) Teacher play the tape and do the action2) Ss listen and do after the teacher3) Say after the teacher.4) Say together Lets learn.(我们学)1) Sing a song.“Letters.”(唱字母歌)2) Lets read.(师出示字母卡片,生读字母)Teacher sticks the letters Hh, Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn on the blackboard. (师将字母贴在黑板上,带领学生一组一组的认读)1) Listen and tap the keyboard.(听字母音,比赛抢答)2) Write the letter and words示范书写字母和单词3) 学生跟模仿书写step 4. practicing (操练)Part B 观察7个字母的大小写,逐步感知字母组成单词的过程Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn sunny cloudy windy rainy (在四线三格中书写)step 5. summary (小结) 今天我们复习了天气的有关对话 学习了Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn sunny cloudy windy rainy的书写step 6. homework (家庭作业) Listen to the tape and read after the tape.(听录音跟磁带读Lesson58) read the letter and words认读字母和单词。 准备天气变化调查表格第五课时教学内容:1. 检测学生对本单元学习内容的掌握情况2. 识别已学过的天气图形标志并说出它们的英文名称教学目标:1. 利用判断的方法检测学生对本单元学习内容的掌握情况2. 能识别已学过的天气图形标志并说出它们的英文名称3. 通过复习来检测学生对本单元学习内容的掌握情况,使知识得到巩固课型:复习课教学重点:学生能够基本掌握本单元与季节天气有关的活动等情景描绘方法教学难点:利用


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