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I初中专项练习短文填空英语 . 第一遍通读全文,对文章有一种整体结识,理解故事的时间、地点、人物等之间的关系,为下一步填空打下坚实的基本,切忌看一空填一空。 2 第二遍逐句阅读并填空,根据句子的语法以及上下文的整体逻辑关系用恰当的词填入空白,特别是有时根据意思也许有多种用法时,应填入恰当的单词并符合英美人的习惯体现,不要受汉语的影响。例如:“我看一看你的信”,有关“看”的就有六个,这就需要进行筛选,只能用rad ,不能用wtc, se, look, have lookat, lok at 等。3. 第三遍复查答案。将填空的短文再完整地阅读一次,以检查全文与否通顺,所填答 案与否最为合理(一)难度: Have you vr trid ping oline? Watabout takin ithstangers thu the Inerne?Of (1_, ys.(2_ thedeeomenofsocy, the Intene isayin more ad mr imoran prt in ordaily lie; moe and ore pople,espeia engers show rea (3_ in te Intrne.f we teenagrs ae crzy about(4_ gamesor chatngonline, it il dfiitey hv (5_inluncenor sud and ealh. Ts is gettinvn (6_; it aymkeugt iredfvrytng (_ sufing he net.Weshuld (8_ mo tm readin od book, nvl or new prts the rnet.In (9_ od,enternet mak orf onenient andcolorf,(1_ eshouldsllern the wayto mke fse of it prper. 答案:ourse.Wih3.ntest4plying 5.ad.orse .excep 8spen 90.ut(二难度: Tre frinds ae harto fidOften yu houht you could believe n omene,utater eor she mylou (_ A ue friend is sometim eson hollalways be there f o.hrouh godtimesor (2_times, heywil tan by your side.They willnot (3_ you alone hen his ge ifficul.Tey will ccpt you (4_ tyng to chango.fried ill brng new d exciti ings intyour lie ad mk rice.u fens wll keep you wortsecets a you will p heis.Ty ill (5_honst a oucan wy beiee in hem.Ifyoutlk to soeone whoyueieve n,you dnt ve t wrr aout wht yu maysaye caenjo isfreem onlywith (6_.Friendship aowaysret.Tofina true rind andkee the idship ween you, youmus heII (7_thng as well.ether for our frends whe (_ are n nedand shre e od i whhemOer them thsame tig they gveto y.Frendhi i brak quicklyif nly one pn isgiving anutng effort into it.ou ilfind tat tere is nthingmore valuable (有价值的 hang(9_ true fien by our sideto share lifwih, jst (10_ somee ys, “There is notig on thiearth me o e rzed (爱惜 tan tue frendship”.答案:down .ad 3.mae/let thout56.ried7.sa.tey 9.10.as(三难度: hn yore bsyr stressed, ont frget yourhobes, suh a listeng to (1_, rading and payingbllames.I eatig ks you (2_ btter, you ca go to your favoitersurant to(_ aelicious meaPaents anothink tha it (4_ o atcT.(5_,i you are woried(6_yourEnglih ant know owto imrove (7_, why t watchome nh TV programs If ourfeelin baaout ourweght and d know (8_ odo, who galkng or jogging?Finly, ryn to eep ou wrres t ousele cnmke themworse. likto sare myproblem with m fris.hey away give useul(_.If yo dontnowwho to talk to,you ca alwywite(1_ meYoue neeaon答案:1.musc 2.fee/.eat/have/enjoy 4usef/hlpfu.Howeve6ab.t8.what 9advi/sgsons .to(四难度:Evry dy wheKahy ca hoe from shool, er cat Mimi od untogreet er.Tn Kathywouldk Miin gave er (1_ _ hg (拥抱.O ay,Kathycam hoe (2_ her wasn tereHr mmtld her hat Mmiad ed.aty felt os. ost of people ll ver the worlae (3_. Maybe yo have apet, admybesme of yur freds do,oo. et ba spcia frie,and u ghttik fiorh(_ aembr f the fiy. petca (5_ witho or jut be it o whn ou dntfeellike talkin.You are (_ whe a pet dies.You my ot feel anytig t al.TatK.Or yumy el lke crn thats OK, o.Kathy deidd to talk ith (7_pents bou how she wasfeeinghe wantd o(8_ bou ome gs se ddnt unestand,like whre iiwent (9_deatKahys parents answeeher qestons the bes wy the coud.The told her(1_ was OK t be sawhen nals did and was notillat all.They tolde to ee a ne aal when she ated toIII 答案:1.a 2.t 3ets 4.as .la6.ad 7.her .a .at 0.i(五)难度:f u hin of aterhol atiitie a wate otim, oare wron!Atscool activiishel usrowup in many (1_.ove all, the ffr u aceso practc (2_ welean i class.(3_ os aties, e can alo learn oreabt oays socety (社会and lo of ew thing that we can learomour books.Whats mre, thehep todevelop our bilities a end (_ for r studies nw d fo owrk d lie ith futue.We areusy th r suie in scoo,soatscole all needt(5_ourslves.Aftschol ctiesust aeitpossible (6_ us o reae (7_ air ad roe tireesThen, cn pay (8_ to or tudie ad ahieve good esuts. Some frshool activities wil k us uef (_ helful to hes.Sme can kep usstrong dhly, some may even chge our life.So, all the stuens, get ouandake(10_ ctve pat i arousftersol atvties!答案:1.ys 2.what 3Throgh 4boh5.rea6.f 7.fre .attntn 9.nd 10.an(六难度: u ctes are owded.ow ciie are (1_of crs.ometing will he t b one to hang (2_Whatwilth cs f toorwb (3_?Littl ars maysome day (_ thepae of tdbig .f veyonedes lttle car n h futre theewill b les (5_ i he aiW can brhecleand re air.here wil als b ore ace(6_ parking cars in ctes,and (7_ stets ill bess rowd.The ae ora usual car(8_we se day i enough fo threelittlas. The little cars will cos muchles o ow ad be sfer to (9_.h s (10_, eselitle cr a go bout 5 kilotrpe our.答案:1fl 2.t3.like 4.tae 5.oltion6for 7.h that/wic.dive 10.mor(七难度:How much doyou knwaboutAmercan shools?T re qutedifferet from(_i China.IAeri, (_ th bginnng of t term, studs must(3_theircourss an teaches first.Wilein China,studens usual ha o ne to elet thi rs nd teachers.electng is veyiortant for your gadesin mic.o at (4_firt r,dot selecttoo many cores, (5_youll feel verrvouadtmay influenc yr stdy.Then yu hae to (6_for hel rom techi planThereis some inormtio out suects,tme arraig,arks adtextbooksAt tsame (_, yo stchoose the teachersDiffent tachr ha (8_teacig methodsf te teaer is called “killer” the as gae, many studenswillgi (_ osin i.(10_ thi i teacherllleae tomch hmewo, too ny eam and gve oo wgrde. 答案:1those .a 3.seect/cse the 5oras7.tm8.differ 9.up 1.Bcause(八)难度: Vi oe f the mst imorat tingof thd.Maypeople ike t (1_VTV bring (2_outside wld closer to peopls homes.ome people s te orld i smller (3_ beore bauseo T. Wts gong n (4_ countrie? Hwdeoelv ilace faraway? s(_a good sps gae somehre?What lvngin the deet prof tsa? Ifyou wa to nswer te ad othe of (6_,just turn (_ h.You an ee ot ad ler a lot.O curs, peopl can alsolearn i hey read o (_ herioButwit TV they ca lean beter and mr easiyWh? Becauspele can lstea watch (_the sameim.T hels o open yes.TV helps (10_ o open mind.V ften ivsu nw deas.W lrn neer nd eterwaysof doing smethingn T.答案:1.wtch 2.t 3.than.othr 5.there6.qusions7.on lste 9a10.s(九 难度: abyanimlsha lts of storie.Thes ba anima (1_ uidferet was. Some ani r born helpless ut (2_ ohers poect the.(_ newborn kangarootays in its other ouch.Seclses hr yes (4_ tleat fie onths.A newborn mone (5_ weako wak.He is rried (_ hismoh. Otherbay nials wal soafte theyre born.heylearn t run with thir mtr(7_dange is near.Some babyanimasr born in a (8_ t sae,whe other aby nimlmyb bon in(9_plaes.Baby wolearebn ae hos.Ababy elehant isbrn open, rassy lan.Aima that(0_ tir motesilk ae alld mmas (哺乳动物.Thyare ittig to sudy.答案:1.gow2.tei . 4for5too6.y when.pla 9.daneous10.drinkV (十)难度:MrEllisis veyod.Heha seen ychages hishomeown. He knows that things are (1_ o.But he eer forges(2_ old ays.e liketo talk aot(3_He otn taksaou his favoritebirds, the obns (知更鸟.“We I as a boy, se houses werent here.Therede felds andt treesvry spring robins wld come.sndsofem wouldfyup o the north (_the sot.They (5_ th inter in the souhSe would bl tei nst(巢 (_ trees ar ur houses.(7_pople started t cut down tre, a e(_ or ousesThe robis stped comi.e coulnt build thei nestsna r houss becus there wee n (9_.” “Now (10_are o many houe d tmany roaThea no plac for e rbns.Theyont cme nymore.” 答案:1dffet2.the 3.t 4fom 5sptin 7Then 8.built 9trees.ther(十一) 难度: LatSudy myather and I wn fishingWeotup vr (1_that day.Whn w(2_ hom, he onculdstill bsen in the sky.Thmornnir was col and I felt wind (3_ my aceTimade usvery comtable aughd and tled ll te waywhi e wr ringou (4_B bout sx we wre leadysittin (_ r.Fishng s not(6_.If yu wn ucessful, yu must b ey rul.hat dy we haaoter gd catch.caught a ltofishad njoyd (7_ vermIt wasle whenwe (_home.eflt a ittle tid (9 _py.Fihing is(1_ vey good sor like it vermuh. 答案:1early left 3on4.bik(s5by6.eas 7.ourses 8.g/arivd/reaced 9t10.(十二) 难度: Hi, evryne, Ive een nuzhou or vr a wek no.Ihaving a(_tim.(_tefrst ie days I iitesome turst atracis.La,.ill, .Han Tom (汉墓, etMost (3_ were crowded with turists, s yesterdayI wentshoppngand (4_ smevei.Today I wet to (5_ inteesig artgale.I ot lost my way ack o the otel,bu it ddn merI ound rllod mark(6_ ls o mll sopsI aein the hotel te firt nht,busully went ut an addinner ina resaura(7_ e od was fantastc.ve(8_ a lot money, ut its cerainlyth it.I lik pople i uzhou.(9_ aresch ce people! Ietake an (0_ so youll abl oseo yourslf wenI cme ck hmenext ednesday.Se you then!答案:1.goodgeat 2.Durng .places4.bought 5n 6.with7.because 8.spent.hey 10.hotospictus (十三 难度:Beleve i or nt:t ore TV y wtch,hlesshppines youet.This is e resulof (1_ne t.It shos that unhappy popl atc more Ttan (2_ pple. Well, youma ay that yu njo (3_ .Inact, V gsyu (_ or ashotim, bu uhappness fr a log e.Why? It is becaue, f you atV, you canot take (_ in my othe god ativies.nd ometmes, (6_ u r uappy, yo usually refe bing couch potato (成天坐在沙发上看电视的人, rght? tcng TV is eaxig (_ you. Then if you wt t be hpy, wat souldou o? Yo can (8_ newspe,vist (9_ frieds, go to parties.but dont wach eiion al theme.Now tu (10_ the TV, and tke walkotside.s te first tp to bein hapy! 答案:1a hp 3.ang 4.appiess 5pat .f7.tofor8.rea your 1.of (十四)难度: Mos o us hve pobay eard of MikeMou,Donald Duk, and mntheramou Disn harcer.Perhp ehav eve se(1_ in mies.Bt e yo evr en tosneylad? n ac, (2_ are nwsevrl difrent Dsnylduemnt paks (_te world Disneylan is (4_ amsemnprk, ut w can (5_ cal i a teme parkIt hs al thenra aractioshat o c fid atanamusemntpr,bt it also hs a theme.he hm, of cure,s sne movies ad Dseyhaaes.For (6_, ou cn find a oller csr n (_ ausement arks, bt n isnand, the theofte roll coater s Dine charactes.hi (_ that youcan fdisne hatrs l over te rolleroate.You caalso wachDse mos, (9_in Disneestaurans, (10_ buy Dey ifts.Andyou can see Dsneycaractrs alking aroun Dieyland a thete! 答案:1.them 2.er 3around/n an 5als 6examle .ot .eans 9et 10.an VI (十五) 难度: m John od, a doto ta amous Botonhosital.rng firs wo yeas o hih school, Ifudioogy er (1_.My p card always sai things ke “mst stuy har” or“John shouldntchoose since ls”(2_ws ealyriblforsomeon who d always dreame(_ beoing a doctor.I ost onfiden, s I lefthgh school at sixte an (_ orki t a superarke. Oeevening I saw documentary abut let Eistein.ccring to thedoumentry, instn ad oerealybadly (5_ cool.Iegan othikht Einsteincould ceed, thnI may (6_ cance, oo.I idnt want toleave m ob, (7_ decidd t o ton shol to fiis ighscolwo year (8_, wento (_mdcaluniveriy. ve oftenhoutI shuld conct t eporter ofthe iteis (10_ and thnk h.Asorthe iology teacer, ight conather, t, onedabut no to than her!答案:1difiu 2It 3.of4.stred/bgn 5.at 6.hae.o8.latr 9.a 1.cumety (十六 难度: hes Li Hui, amiddlschol sdt in A hu ,onef th “aathoe hilrn”i hertnLi Hui is 2 years odan lives (1_herster.H parents let home t (2_mon ibi cities wen shews ly ouLi u hs oak (_ of egesier.They av to stay athome aone (_ ty hv too tochool in te tow. “usedto fel (5_ wihout my parts at home,” she ai, “but now I knw(6_heydoo.Thehaveto o away o make mony or us so tte can ive(7_ better if.” vey da, Li Hui gets pt 6:3.nd coks (_.Thenth wo lg to school.The have supper :0 m.ThenL Hui des usewor an (9_hr siterith herhomor.S ully goes to be at:30 pm. Thogh busy,LHui is sll the beststudntinherlassSe aid, “My lie is OK.But I still hp my nswil coebak ndlive ith(10_” 答案:1.ith2.makee .care4.beca d/sry 6.hy 7. 8.beakfs9.elp 10us(十七 难度:VI inthe city, I rgard the outry lifassomthng f awa.Imed o(1_ nthe ct, e he noises an pollution.hav(2_ been o the contr.Natueis a srage wor to e.Tisummr I h (3_oppotntto with my paret on a iit o he coutrysd.(4_ te fstime life ae te expeee it t counry ifhis i smallvilage f fom ts.T (5_here is smple.Its differnt from the city lfe.There e f carsr hrtafficon th way.Te aris (6_.The peoleare redly.Theyare notas usy as eopleinbg ciesverywee you an find them bathi(7_he sune (8_cen trThy ejy the ut ifevery much.hts me,her yo cn (9_ heound ofnature.You an se the hiden playinwith ater i the rier and te dogs runnngfte the eoe.l hes mke werfl cture ofcoutrysid.(10_ Ile he countr lfe! 答案:1eythig2.eve 3.an4.For5.lfe freshcanin8.rin .hea 10How(十八 难度: co edctiniryimportan an uel.Testens bo learn knowledg and (1_ ducatin.e, noone canlerneveryhing fro(2_.Te cinits, suchas dison, ewo,aieo anEinstei,didnt larn evryhn om scooThey lae lt fknolege(3_ shol orin prtice b temselesA tacer, evn he knos ao,can (4_his studens verig he teaches (_ o how hssudets how to larn, ho to ea andhw o hink.A go tacher (6_ ric expienc in teching ca teach his tudent t mds of stu.roug theseetd the studens ae(7_to larn ad get otf ng y themseve ualy (_ is vey easy for the stuens tormemer some knoledge, (9_ s ve ifficult to use tfor obm.I teacher real shws the studnts t lity of hw o (10_ noedge, imeas th eacherha leand lotsofkwledge byhml (or herselfTe sucesin learning hos herhe kohow osuy答案:1an 2school otd 4.h 5.jb 6wih.abe .i 9.bu 10.ue (十九 难度:Chin has he lagest numberokers inthe wol.Ea year, bouone ilion hinesedie (1_ smoking relted iness.Offiial sttisics (记录 i showd tha Cia(2_ 0milli smokr, i noher 540milion peopleforcedo bthin hia gn takingpart n (3_ oldHealth Organizatin Frameork Convenionn VI obacco orl (世界烟草控制框架公约 iGoernments at difeent levlshave pid or (4_ toobacco ontro intelat ewyars.Beijig, Shanghai and Hanghou have tobacco ctroruls.alf ofCinas ulichelt insitutionsve been non smkng spces(5_ .Smking i some indo publi pacesnd speal (6_ wrkpaes ha ntbeen alowsic Jary, Seling tobaccoo (7_ yer tha 18 is no alowd.The seller should as th buyer to (_ ir r I card ife can n see (_ old thebuyr i. For othe nd f yourself, please ive (10_ smoin. 答案:1.o.had3.tattentin .ince 6.outdor .nyone 8.sow 9.ho 10.u(二十 难度: Tueay, 4t ay Iv justmy all imehrWo.Ive se ma tme(1_teleison, bt itwasfaastic t meet m in ersobecaue(2_i m vorte portIlove tob pfesionalcyclist(自行车手one da. arrived a.LaHot oSunday to et myfamifor lu, when I foundot taton.a ivig a tlk her.ecied to(_ to th tlk instead.Won aed but wining e golmedal at (4_ Asian ames.He sad he felt vey (5_ ofimself ndhis emmaes.He xplaied ow e and tam preparedthemevs f racs. ft te talk,I wtu to iand introuced(6_.I askd himrsome (7_ to impovemy


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