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任务:背、默P1-5 家长打勾并签名: 一、默写U1:What do you (经常)do every (星期)On (周一)we (升起)our (国旗).We have a (班会) on (周二).We (跳舞)in the (操场)on (周三).What do you often do on (周四)We (做运动) in the playground.We (把.弄干净)our classroom on (周五).What do you o do on (周六)and (周日)I (拉小提琴)on S (周六). I (踢足球)on S (周日).二、默写出周日周六的单词: 任务:背、默P9-10 家长打勾并签名: 一、默写U2 PA:It is . Lets our classroom.Yang Ming is on a (椅子) .He is c the (黑板)Lily is c the d (书桌)Julia is c the c (椅子) Sally is c the w (窗户) Wang Tao is c the d .(门)二、写出下列动词的-ing形式 run skate fly _draw _ read _ sing dance _ swim _ ride _ play _ make _ watch _ clean _ do _ come 三、翻译句子:1、杨明正在跑步。 2、我们正在看电视。 3、王涛和杨明正在踢足球。 4、本正在骑自行车。 四、写单词:手 马 母鸡 房子 任务:背、默P11-12 家长打勾并签名: 一、 默写U2 PB: ,boys and girls!Our classroom is and now.Please the w (窗户). Yes, Miss Gao.Please the lights and (风扇).A . Please the d (门)OK. (让我们)go home.二、 翻译句子:1、 请关掉灯: 2、 请关门: 3、 请关掉电风扇: 4、 请合上书本: 三、 写单词:果汁 夹克衫 跳 橙汁 四、用所给的动词的正确形式填空:1. The boy _ ( draw) now.2. Look! The girls _ ( sing)in the classroom .3. Mr Wang (read) a book now.4. Look! Julia and Sally (swim).5. They ( fly ) a kite now.6、The teachers (clean) the doors now.任务:背、默P16-19 家长打勾并签名: 一、默写U3:What day is today Its (周三).We (有一节数学课)this morning. Thats right. I like (数学).We (有一节英语课) ,too. I like Im not (擅长)it. (不要担心). I can (帮助)you. Its very (好)of you.May I use your (科学书)Sure. (给你)。And our teacher Lin is very (有趣的) ,too.I like (她的) class.二、填空I like (美术). I like (音乐).We have (一节语文课) on (周一)。We have (一节美术课) on (周二)。We have a PE class (今天早上)。We have a (电脑课) (今天下午). day is today Its (周四). 三、写单词:我们 穿着 窗户 获胜者 任务:背、默P23-24 家长打勾并签名: 一、默写U4 PA:How you to school, SallyBy (小车).BY (校车)How Kate to schoolShe to school (步行)How your mother go to (工作)She to (工作) by (自行车).二、用do 或does(1-7)、go或goes(8-10)填空:1、-How your sister go to school2、-How your father go to work3、-How Yang Ling go to school4、-How your teachers go to school5、-How Miss Chen go to school6、-How Sally and Julia go to school7、-How your brothers go to school8、Ms. Lin to work at 7:30.9. Her cousin to work at 7:30. to school at 7:00.三、写单词:我的 拜拜 放风筝 天空 任务:背、默P25-26 家长打勾并签名: 一、默写U4 PB:Whos she Shes my (阿姨).Shes .(来自台湾)。D she go to (台湾) by (飞机)No, she .She goes by (轮船)。 (台湾) is a (美丽的地方)。二、写单词:故事 图书馆 开心的 聚会 北京 上海 伦敦 表(堂)兄弟姐妹 三、填空:1、 do you go to school By .(火车)2、 he go to work by bus Yes, he .3. she go school by car No, she .She goes (步行).4. How she go to schoolShe to school by (自行车).任务:背、默P36-39 家长打勾并签名: 一、默写U5 :Sallys mother is in the (厨房).She is a (购物清单).I some (鸡肉),some (水果), (茶叶) and (橙汁).Im to the (超市).Do you (想和我一起去吗)Can we (买)some (玩具)I like (这个) (泰迪熊). (多少钱) is it Its (100元). (这些) (西红柿)are very good.Lets some.二、填空:1、I need some (土豆),some (面包),some (面条),some (冰淇淋) and some (苹果汁). (注意可数名词和不可数名词)2、How much is the (玩具火车)Its (80)yuan.三、写单词(写复数形式):书 葡萄 机器人 自行车 书桌 短裙 衬衫 兔子 猫 任务:背、默P43-46 家长打勾并签名: 一、默写U6:Im in (北京)now. is the (天气) in (北京)Its (下雪). Its very (冷).Do you (穿着)a (大衣)H is the in (福州)Its (下雨),but its (暖和的). do you (穿)I wear a (毛衣).Take (一把雨伞) with you. It (可能) (下雨) in the afternoon.Look. Its (多云的、阴天的). Its (刮风的).It is (倾盆大雨).Its (晴朗的) today.三、写单词(写复数形式):狗 钢笔 苹果 女孩 卡片 小孩 手 鸟 猫 任务:背、默P50-53 家长打勾并签名: 一、 默写U7:Whats your (最喜欢) (季节) (春天). (为什么)Its (暖和的) in spring.Trees are (绿色). We can go to see (花). your (最喜欢) (季节) (夏天).Its (热)in (夏天).We can (去游泳). And we have a (假期).Do you like (秋天)Yes. Its my (最喜欢的季节).Why Its (凉爽)in (秋天).I can f my k .Do you like (冬天)Yes, .Why Its (冷)in (冬天)。We can (去滑冰).And (圣诞节)is in .(冬天)、Oh! Its (极好的),二、写单词(写复数形式):眼睛 香蕉 树 奶牛 花 小车 男孩 椅子 猫 任务:背、默P57-60 家长打勾并签名: 一、默写U8: (暑假)is coming.What (将要)you do in s I will go to see my grandma and grandpa. They (居住) in the (英国).I will go by (飞机).Thats (酷).What will you do in (伦敦)I will (参观) (大本钟).Thats great.Hi,Wang Tao. What will you do in summer Ill go to (北京).Will you go to see (长城).Yes, I .What will you do in summer Ill play (拉小提琴)and do my (家庭作业).Will you (打篮球)Yes, I will.W you go to (参观)the G W Yes, I .二、写单词(写复数形式):橘子 马 房子 班级 铅笔盒 公共汽车 1. 一周的第一天Sunday,不是Monday2. 介词的选择: on Monday.(在具体某一天) stand on a chair in the playground/ libraryin the kitchen in Beijing/Taiwan / Shanghai. in spring / summer /autumn / winter in the tree in the morning at school at home 3. 易混: 今天上午 this morning 在上午 in the morning4. be good at + 动词ing 擅长做某事现在进行时: 句子的结构:be动词 +现在分词(动词ing)be 动词:1.【am】:第一人称I2.【is】:第三人称(he/she/it) 单个的人名(如Ben,Benfather)3.【are】:第二人称(you) 复数人称(we、they、you) 2个以上的人(如Lily and Sally)动词+ing:1、在动词后面直接加ingstand- standing play - playing boat-boatingclean- cleaning go- going fly-flyingstand- standing sing- singing2、 以e结尾的动词,去掉e,加ingdance-dancing have- having ride- ridingmake- making skate-skating3.重读闭音节,双写辅音字母+ ingrun- running swim- swimmingget- getting sit-sitting5. Lets+动词原形 Please+动词原形 6. 短语:go boating go shopping go skating go swimming go fishing fly a kite 7. 凡是在句子中出现do / dont / does /doesnt / can /cant / may /will / wont等字眼时,不管人称是什么,不管是第一人称还是第三人称,不管是单数还是复数,都一定不要去改变动词的形式!8. 遇到句子的人称是第三人称单数的情况下(第三人称和单数,这两个条件,必须同时符合,缺一不可!),一般情况下,动词词尾要加s!9. 需要大写:人名(Lily,Wang Tao) 省份名(Taiwan Fujian) 国家名(the UK英国,the USA美国,the PRC中国)景点(the Great Wall 长城, Big Ben大本钟)星期几学科(English,Chinese,PE) 先生Mr. 女士Ms. 泰迪熊Teddy Bear节日(Christmas, the Spring Festival) 句子开头的第一个字母! make a shopping list go to see flowers 动词第三人称单数变化规则如下:1. 一般情况下,动词后面直接加 -s.例如: make-makes get-gets read-reads2.以s,x,ch,sh 或 o结尾,动词后面加-es例如:watch-watches go-goes do-does 3.以辅音字母 + y结尾的动词,把 y变为 i 再加 -es. 例如:study- studies try-tries fly-flies4. 特殊: have-has第一人称第二人称第三人称单数复数单复数同形单数复数主格Iweyouhe/she/itthey宾格meusyouhim/her/itthem形容词性物主代词my我的our我们的your你的(你们的)his/her/itstheir


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