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职称英语卫生类A级阅读复习讲义()O atients rt Docos Too Much? Eale this ar,the Ameican olleg of Sugeon, the natnl scienic an educaional rgaiation o surgons, conducd aainwidsurv that ound that te aeage patt devoean houror lessto esearchig hs orhr sre or surgeo Whil prospecivepatien worryabou the t o complicatin of aoperaion, theydontecesail lookfo ifomtion tha would ddre ter concrns. In fact, more han trdofatintho hd aoeraion h las fiv ears neerriee the credentils of theurgen who oprated.Patint are mor liketo sped tmeesaching a ob cange(on aveage,out 0 ous) oa new car ( hou) hnthe operation the are ut osubm r the surgeonwhoweldste knife Ad man patients ar sasfd th hanswerste eceiv from hersreon or prircar docor, whoever thsendiduals hpen t be. Ifelt urious at thesurey,sI clledDr. hm usse, excui drecor fthe mercan Clleg of Sueons. “Tere ia tndenyforpatinsno t gtprbablyinoled and ot to fe compled o lo tohersurgery or surgeons,” h ol m.Th arcosequce thtknd flidus. “oay, edne and urer arerely tem srts,” Dr. Rusll continued,“and the piet, asthe ultmate ecsion ker, is the mtimptant emer of te tem. Mistakes cnhpen, and patienshavet be edcte and uudstn wt is oing on.”In otherords, hethy dotr-paientrelatohipoes otsiplnail ood beside manners ad resposibe offcemanagementon t partof th docto.Itals requirs that patints cme to the ltinship uated bo thir doctor, tir llesseand theirtretment “I ertrlgoing o reform th heth care sytem ithe .,” Dr Rus sa, “evrybo has tpriipa activelynd m educat temseles. That eanoctors, nrses, oherlth care ressoa, lawer, pharaeuticl ompanie, and inrnceompes Butmost all, it meanshe patient.” rust is iportant.Bu as Sir rancis Bacn, wh as ng the fist to undestand the iprtance of athring ata iscenc,oce obered,nowldge is pwe.病人太信任医生? 今年早些时候,作为国家级外科医生的科学及教育机构的美国外科医生学会进行了一次全国普查调查发现病人用于征询自己的手术或是外科医生的时间平均不到一种小时。尽管即将成为病人的人们紧张手术的费用或是手术引起的并发症,但她们却不会查询那些也许为她们解决问题的信息。 事实上,过去五年来超过三分之一的做过手术的病人从未审核过主刀医生的资格凭证。病人更乐意花时间寻找跳槽的机会(平均为10小时)或是查询一辆新车(小时),也不会查询要做的手术或是主刀医生的信息。无论主刀医生和初级护理的医生是谁,许多病人都对她们给出的答案感到满意。 对这一调查成果我感到较好奇,于是打电话给美国外科医生学会的执行理事托马斯罗素博士。“病人一般不倾向于参与其中,也不感到必须要询问手术或是医生”,她这样告诉我。 这样的盲目信任是要付出代价的。“目前,内科与外科治疗都属于团队行为”,罗素博士接着说道“而病人作为最后的决策者是这个团队最重要的成员。错误时有发生,病人必须知情,必须理解事情的进展。” 换言之,健康的医患关系不是简朴需要医生单方面的精心照顾和负责任的事务管理,同步需要病人理解自己的医生、疾病和治疗方案。 “如果我们真的要改革美国的医疗保险制度”,罗素博士说,“每个人都必须积极地参与进来,进行自我教育,涉及医生、护士、其她医保专业人士、律师、制药公司和保险公司,但最重要的是病人自身。”职称英语卫生类A级阅读复习讲义(2)kgilFus Cause Tumor Theledn cause o lncancer onwoe in e ciy wa cooking o umes hl me aremor liky t devep the dsasefrom soking, saimedicalepetsftr a fie-yearresearch study. Doctsannouned ereslts yesterday withaaysi on sme newtdencs in ug cacer.Thy sai patientsae youner, especlly women.Acoin to th Shanghi Tor earhnstitte, ore olrsidets iefungcncer in t city han anyti lse.Following best cancer, it has the sondhihest incience rat.An unhealthy lifsyle s a ey impotnt reasonfolungcancer,ai Dr He Ym ro anhai Minhen TadtionCne ine Tmr Diagnosis ad TratmntCter e follwed 2,276lung caer paietsoiv yas.Among thm,l,483 we male Smking auses 0 pecetof cases aong en hle nly l8 ercent f elatent velped cancr ommongr haln son-had soke,acringto e epot. weve, meta 60pecetof women withtedsease had long term, clos cont th strong oil fumsfrom cookingand complaied bout1rrtated yesan throat. Aout 2eret o wmnfried fod bilig oil innveilatedithensand abot2 peretofwomes bedroos ee ajantto2thekitchn. However,loca wmenweresursd lern cookingil fumes coul edocancr.Sme claied th ay chane f prepaton methods Unlssmy family aI donteat ahome every day,I us say in the ktchn to cok, sai Xu L, a 45-yodloclwoan. n te fumes re ba fo thsi,btitis thefrt time hard that it cn esultn lung ance.I helread sared fryng les. Docorssaidwon lungcancer a few link o persol health andphysical condition, butws coe elted tfailycancr hiso,uhalthy dietry habisnd ek immnsystms. Otherexertsreed wth h3. mig ibyfar the bgest ause4 of lung cancr fr mn, said rTanBinon, onorary pesient ofhe Respiratory DiseaseInstitute at Fuda Unversitys Mdicalollee.Its true that secondhamoke nd ookng fumes ar th mainases amongwomn. Hes researcals wned eople ot t stad ear o talls sellin5 fri fosdue to the poor qualiyof oi uedThe chnc f atching ng cncer s thee tmeshie if exosd to thume for a long tme, expets aid.烹调油烟导致肿瘤导致女性肺癌的都市被烹调油烟的同步,男性更有也许吸烟,患该病,医学专家说年的研究后。医生们昨天宣布这一成果与分析对肺癌的某些新趋势。她们觉得病人越来越年轻化,特别是女性。据上海肿瘤研究所,更多的本地居民死于肺癌的都市比任何事情都重要。如下的乳腺癌,它的第二个发生率最高。“不健康的生活方式是肺癌的一种很重要的因素,博士说:”她渔民从上海民生中医肿瘤诊治中心。她跟着27肺癌患者五年。其中,L,483为男性。吸烟仅8 的女性病人从吸烟或吸二手烟导致的癌症在男性百分之0例,根据报告。然而,超过百分之60的女性患者有长期,密切与厨房油烟接触和抱怨有关刺激眼睛和喉咙。大概百分之32的妇女油炸食品在沸腾的油在不通风的厨房和对女性的百分之25间卧室紧邻厨房。然而,本地妇女惊讶地学习烹调油烟可导致癌症。有人声称,她们可以变化食品的制备措施。“除非我和我的家人不在家每天吃的,我必须呆在厨房做饭,”徐立说,一种45岁的本地妇女。“我懂得油烟对皮肤不好,但这是我第一次据说它可以导致肺癌。我已经开始炒少。”医生说,女性患肺癌的个人健康和身体状况的几种链接,但是癌症家族史密切有关的,不健康的饮食习惯和脆弱的免疫系统。其她专家批准He3。“到目前为止,吸烟是男性肺癌的最大的因素,”谭biyon博士说,在复旦大学医学院呼吸道疾病研究院名誉院长。“这是真的,二手烟和烹调油烟是妇女的重要因素。”她的研究也警告人们不要站在摊位sellng油炸食品由于使用油的质量差。词汇:fum 烟,气,汽tumor(=tumour)n.肿瘤ancer癌瘤 beast乳房,胸incidece发生(率) dagoss诊断in秒.吸人 irritae使疼痛,刺激fr钐.油炸,油煎 unvntiae使不通风 dacent.临近的 detay饮食的 imune吐免疫的 hona名誉上的;荣誉的 espiaory呼吸的 stal货摊注释: 1.coplain原意是“抱怨,诉苦,但医学上常用complain about或compin of表达“主诉”。 2.dacent to:与相毗邻,临近(地方) 3.ther extged wh h.其她专家批准何医生的意见。reewith :批准某人的意见。gree with sth:批准什么东西。gree to oth:批准做什么事情。 by fr th biggestc:最最大的因素。b fa是用来做形容词最高档tbiget的状语,对形容词最高档起强调作用。本来形容词最高档就已经是最高了,可是说话的人还要对它再强调出来,因此就相称汉语的“最最”的意思。 5.warnd ple not t sn r of stlls seling.:警告人们不要站在卖的货摊附近。也可以说成. wane ppof stals lli.。 .fexpsed to the fumfora long time:.如果长时间接触这种烟的话。xpose b.o s.原意是“使. (人)暴露于. (物)”,但医学文献中常常用来体现“接触到(物)的意思。此处if引导的条件状语从句相称于“i on s est thefme fo a ongtim。 练习:1.Wat a ne enencinlug er cocudby the resrher? AMeaemre iely o develo lung cancrnome. B ome reoe likl to develop lung ncer an men C Ptents with ung aer become ler, especiall males. D Pain it lgncer becmeyounger, espeay females. 2Wichf e followingdisesesisthemo common amng he la residenin Shngi? A Heartdieae. Brstcner.C nectiouseas.D ung cance. 3.Wha syptms maybecomplaie fbymot women wit lung cncrtr long erm, close nat ith coki ol um?A Irated esand thrat.BSverpain n o lung. C Cntu cugh andhdaheD Difficulty i brahin 4.Watwas hocal womn rectowhen they leanth ookinoil fumescolla t ac? Aap. B Spried. Angy. Caeles 5.hichofthe followinghs reivel lite connconwthwomens lung cncer? AFamily cacerhitory. B Unhealthy dtary hbisC Wea immune ystsPersonl health d pyica conditon职称英语卫生类级阅读复习讲义(3)igrat Wrkers移民工人 In tht ent years, ther hs bena inreasing teecy for wrkrstoov from outry toanothr. Whie some newy indepnentcountris hve unersandablyrstrctd ost obto loca people, others haveatrace adweloed migrn wkrs.This i partculary thece in teMidleEas,1 heeisel incomes have enabled man countrs to ca i outidrsto iprove lclfciiies. hus the dde ast s atte oilwoke fom the USAandurope.It hs brogh in costruco wokrs a techncians ro my countrie,inludingout rea ad Japanview f he diffcltlivig dwokinondtios in the dleEas, 2 itis nosurprisin tha the pyshigh o trct suitabl worker. Man egeers and tehnicia ca earna least tic a mchmonein te Mdle Ea as h c n her ow contry, ndtis is a aor ttction Anied benf i he lowaation r plee laco i 3Thi nreases he nt amoun o ay eceivd by isiing workr and er poularwithhem. Sometimes adisadatage as ompenating adantage.or xample, th diffculivig ondiion oftenad to increase friensip en wokrs hav to ded on ech other sfey and comfort.n imila y, any migrnt worsa s lare susof moeypatly ecaue th lac oentainmet cilities.he orkisofte compeand ful of probles tthis erelypreens gret hllege t egineers whof tofin solutionst pble rathern dotine wok i thrhoe cntr. One ajr proble hih aects igrat workrs in th iddle Eat s thatterjbs aretemorar ones. Teyae erly lays onorac, so t s not easy for the a aheadwith eat cnfidnce T s t e expte since no county ecome lre umber of foreinwoks as permae esis. In any ae , grantwrkers accept thi dvntage, alo wit othes, beause f the coiderale finncal bneits whichthy receive. 在过去的,工人从一种国家到另一种国家的趋势越来越大。某些刚刚独立的国家把大部分工作留给本地人,这一点是可以理解的,而另某些却吸引和欢迎移民工人。中东地区的状况尤为如此。那里增长的石油收入使诸多国家可以召集外面的人来改善本地设施。因此中东吸引了来自美国和欧洲的石油工人。它还从涉及韩国和日本的许多国家引入了建筑工人和技师。 由于中东地区艰苦的生活和工作条件,吸引合适的工人的费用是很高的,这局限性为奇。许多工程师和技师在中东至少可以挣到她们在自己国家两倍的收入,这是最大的吸引力。一种有关的好处是这里的税收低,或者主线就不收税。这增长了来访工人的净收入,并且很受她们欢迎。有时一种劣势就有一种补偿的优势。例如,艰苦的生活条件常常导致更深的友谊,由于工人们为了安全和舒服必须互相依赖。同样,许多移民工人可以存诸多钱,部分因素是由于那里缺少娱乐设施。工作一般是复杂的,并且布满问题,但是这会向那些更愿解决问题而不是在自己国家里做例行工作的工程师们提出更大的挑战。 影响中东的移民工人的一种重要问题是她们的工作是临时性的。她们几乎都是合同工,因此要让她们很有信心地事前做出筹划是很难的。人们但愿这样,是由于没有一种国家欢迎大量的外国工人作为永久居民。无论如何,移民工人像接受其她局限性同样接受这个局限性,由于她们得到的是可观的经济利益。职称英语卫生类A级阅读复习讲义(4)Dams 梦之闲话 Eeryone can ream.Indeed, vryonedes drmhose whimta tey neverdream at al actuldrem st as feuent athersof us, hugh hey manot rember ahinabot itven thos of us ho ar perfcl awar ofdreain igh afer ngt vy elom rembe thoe rem i greatdeal bu merely tainan untdymixue of semiglyrledimpssons.Dreams ae ot simlyvisual-we ream with ll ou sense, so that eapp toexpeine soud,touc, smel, and tae. One o te orlds oldes known wrtten dcumensistheEgytn Bookf Dream.Thi oumei abou fe thousand yeas ld, so yca e tha dramswerebliee ohve a specil signicance even h.Many aciet ciitio blieved tat ou shoul neeas asleeg pero s, urin sleep, theoulft th ody and migt not bable re n tim f the slep r dnly awoken . Fromaniet imestote presda,peple e ben makingatemptsointeretdas and to xpli the ignificacehere r mny book avalab on the subjet dreaminterpetation.athgh unttly thre re aost s man eanns for a pariclarde asthee re boos人人都会做梦,也的确每个人睡觉都做梦。那些声称睡觉历来不做梦的人其实均有做梦,并且做梦的频次与其她人同样,只是她们历来记不住自己做的梦而已。虽然是那些能清晰地意识到自己夜复一夜都在做梦的人也很少可以把那些细节都描述得淋漓尽致,能记住的也只是某些看起来毫无关联的印象与场景构成的一团混沌。梦境不仅仅是视觉的,我们做梦的时候会牵动我们的多种器官,因此我们在梦里似乎可以听到声音,能触摸到,还能嗅到气味,甚至尝到味道。 埃及的梦幻书语是目前世界上所发现的最早有关梦的文本记载。这本书大概50的历史,我们可以发目前那个年代,人们就已经相信梦特有的重要性。在诸多古老的文明中,人们都坚信不能惊醒睡梦中的人,由于在睡梦中,人的灵魂都会离开身体,如果别惊醒,灵魂也许就不能及时回到身体里。从古到今,人们就始终试图解析梦境以及其重要性。目前市面上就有诸多有关解梦的书,遗憾的是,对于同一种梦,有多少本书就会有多少种解释。职称英语卫生类A级阅读复习讲义(5)cientits Dvelop Waysf Dectng Harttack科学家摸索发现心脏病的措施 Germanresearces have co up wth a nwgneration of defirillats and earlywanin soware amedat fferng eaptt greater pectio fro suen deah frm crdiacarre. n Gerany alo aroud 10,000 peoleie annualyas a eslt of cardiarrsand mn these ces are cased y dspion to t easrhyhm hose most rsk re paiens who ave ready suffere a hearttack, and yes te use ofdefibrilatoshas poved usfulin diagosingife-traeningisuptin to heat nythmsnd orectinthm uotiall byinteveninwtn secondsTeevies take o a rang f functns,such as that o aemaker.Hrt ecialt t FreibrgsUnvesity Clinihe now cieva brethruh withanipate firilator caable geeratng sx-hane elctrcardioram (C)itinthe b.his integrated syste aows arly diagnosi acut bloo-fo roblesand a pndg heart tta. It wilbeilatd in atient the fist time tis year. Meahile, esearhersat teFraunhofer Instit for Apple Mtematicsin Kaislutern hve devped ewomter softwa thatnders of E da e prec Theoerelming majriy ofptients at risk wlln have nimpnted dfilatrand ust for tiseasn unro reuar ECs. “Maof the crnt progra ol aknto aon inar corelation o the dat. We are,however, maineo a non-ear processtha revas e haoti paes o heat beats as an oen ad compl sytem,”Hagen Knf ays,“Inthis y hanges in he ht beats ove mecan be monitorednd individualvaratins patiets taken ioaccount.” noldstdyof CG data, asedupn 60patint who had sfee a subseuent hear atack, enaedh rsearches t cmare risksand t show tttnw sofwae evaluats the daacorably btte. 德国研究者们发明了新一代的除颤器和旨在为心脏病人提供更多保护,使她们免遭心脏停止导致的忽然死亡的初期预报软件。 仅在德国每年就有10万人死于心脏停止。其中大部分是由于心律中断导致的。危险最大的是那些已经犯过一次心脏病的病人。几年来除颤器被证明在控测心律中断和在几秒中内实行自动干涉以调节心律的诊断中是有用的。这种措施起到了诸多作用,例如起博器。 弗莱伯大学诊所的心脏病专家已经在内置除颤器方面获得了突破性成就。这种除颤器可以在体内产生六个频道的心电图。这个综合体系使血液流通总是和即将发生的心脏病可被早些诊断出来。今年它将第一次被植入病人体内。同步,凯瑟劳特的弗劳胡佛实用数学学院的研究者开发了一种新计算机软件。这种软件使心电图数据更加精确。 大部分有风险的患者不能用内置除颤器,因此必须接受常规的心电图检查。“目前的许多筹划只把数据的线形关系考虑在内。但是我们目前使用的是可以将心脏跳动的混乱模工作为一种直观而又复杂的系统提示出来的非线性解决措施”。海根纳夫说,“这样心脏跳动频率的变化就会受到控制,而病人个人的特性也会得到考虑。”一种基于600位犯心脏病的患者的此前的心电图数据研究使科学家们可以比较两种风险,成果显示新软件明显能更好地解决心电图数据。职称英语卫生类A级阅读复习讲义(6)Young Aults ho xercise Gt Hiher IQScors(新增)运动的年轻人智商更高 Younul o ithe hghe Q and re mor _liel t goon o unisit,reveals a mjor e sudycariedou t the SahlrenskaAcae and SahlgesaUniversi Hspital. Th ul wererecentl publishedin the rcedings ofte Ntion Academyof Sciens (PNS). Th stdy invoved 1 millio Swedismen ding mitar svicewho wr borbtwe 190 and 976. The esechgroup nalyzed th rsults of both hysicaldItets he yougterso afterey statedservin theam The stdy shosa clea lik _been_ god pyical fitesad better result or te IQ tet.he strgest links arefo _logica_ hinking and verbl omrensnuitis onlyfte ta ys a_rl_ in te sultsfrthe I tet,and nt srngt. “Bein it ns h you also hv god heart nd lun capacity_and thator bin gts plet of _oxygn ,” Mihael Nlson,ressr a tehlenska Acdmy n cif physian at heShlgrensk UniersityHospitl “his may oneof the rasons why_ e anse a clear lnk wifitness,bunt wh msa _srnh_. W e lso seng thathere ar growt factor that ae mprtan” By analyzi ta fo tins, the reserers have bn _ale_ t etermie that t is priily environmental facto andn nesthat xlinthe nk beween fitn an higherQ. “W haveao hown that toe younts who _impov_theiphica fitness betwn te age o 1 ad 18 creasether ognitie perfranc,”sy aria beg, esrcr at te Sahlgrensa Aadmy and physicin at Ay halth ctre.“Thi eng he case6,phsical_education_ isa suject that hasan impotnt plae ishools,andis asolute mut i we want to doel nmaths an te theoeticasubects.” T researchrs haealso ompard the resuts from fts tet _uig natioal serice wt the scioeconomic sttus of the en ler inife.Tos ho wefit t 1 weemore lkeyto g ino hihe dcaton, admny scred more qualifie obs 瑞典哥德堡大学健康科学研究院和该校校医院的一项最新研究表白,身体健康的年轻人智商更高,进人大学学习的也许性也更高。 研究成果刊登在美国国家科学院学报上。这项研究的取样样本是1901976年人伍的20万新兵。这些新兵们报届时接受了体能测试和智能测试,研究人员对这两类测试数据进行了分析。研究表白,健康的体能和优秀的智能测试成果之间的联系很明显。最突出的就是科学思维和语言理解能力与身体健康有关。但是智商测试成果中只是健康在起作用,而与力量无关。“身体健康是指,一种人心肺功能好,能将充足的氧气源源不断地输入给大脑,”瑞典哥德堡大学健康科学研究院专家和哥德堡大学健康科学研究院校医院首席内科医师迈克尔尼尔森如是说,“也许这就是为什么智商测试成果与健康之间存在明显联系,而与肌肉力量无关的因素之一。我们还发现生长因子也很重要。” 通过研究双胞胎的数据,研究人员可以得出结论,智商差别来自后天的环境因素而不是先天的基因,身体越健康,智商越高。 “我们还发现,在15 18岁之间加强身体锻炼的青少年往往认知能力也较强哥德堡大学健康科学研究院研究员,Aby健康中心医师玛利亚阿伯格说,“倘若状况果然如此,那么体育应成为学校中重要的一门学科,并且如果我们想要学好数学和其她理论学科,体育课是非常有必要的研究人员还将新兵服兵役入伍报届时的体格测试和智商测试的成果与她们后来生活中的社会经济地位进行了比较。那些1岁时身体健康的人学历更髙,诸多都能胜任高规定的工作。职称英语卫生类A级阅读复习讲义()f Eectancy n the Last Hundred Years上世纪人类平均寿命的变化 A hundred yeas ago,li ptancin deveoped cunrieswas ou 4: inthe ey 2s century, men inth UnitedStates an the Unitedgomcanpectto ive to abou 74. Womet abo 0,and these agesare risig all the tie.What hsbrought buthese hns? Whe we oo at tfe span of eolel00easo, we ne toatt eatstkilersofh t.In the eary 20th entuy,tes were te atea often hig infectiousdieasessuc as smapx. Manycildren died ver yung o hee deases an her, ndth weakanelely e aws at risk n he deeloped wo these dieases are farlesaly toda, andn soe cases have almot isappear. er of fator shele to this: imrovents insntaian hygiene, e scey andue atibiotcs, hch make bactial dsease mh lss dangerou, nd accnios aginstcmmodisae. additon, peope geerl heathhsimprved with imovemens in u geeral nvironment:lr ir, better meao preering f,beterand warmr ouig,and betr unertndig f utriin. Genetily,weshldal b ale to ive abot 85 but hile pople oiv onger od,erare sil ome bigkies aoud tatrprenting S rconsistetlyreachi thaage. h poblems ta afec peoe tdayre themore hric lnees, sseart diease d strokes, and thsprby vuss, such sinfluenzan AID l. Of corse, cnce sahg kileras well. Inmo ss ese iseas afct oler people, ut tre aroryin teds the deelopdworld wit prblems sucasbestyld t mre hea seae andilnesess s dabees atog aes The kllestoday can be clased as lifetyldises,which meastt it abe pssibleto alt heirprres. 一百年前,发达国家的人口平均寿命约为47岁,到世纪初,美英两国男性平均寿命为74岁,女性约为8岁,人们的平均寿命始终在延长。是什么导致这样的变化呢?在研究1前人类的寿命时,我们需要注意当时的某些不治之症。早在2世纪初期,这些不治之症常常是像天花之类的急性的高传染病。许多小朋友因此夭折(也有其她因素),年迈体弱的人也总面临着她们的威胁。 如今,这些疾病在发达国家已


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