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初一英语试卷.听力部分:2%: 听选单词: 5%. a.broom.time c.ame de 2. a.hch .whose c. dwhy3. a.ne b.nine ce ine 4. a.skir .st cird dblouse5 .thnkb.tha .look dlieB: 听对话,回答问题: 5%6.Jm. Luc. c.John. d.Lil7.Whe. .Blu. cBack. d.Purple.8.a11: .15:11. .11:30. 1:05.New. bld. c.Yong dNice10.a.7235691 b.325691 c.81593. d.87963.a.Pers. b.Ales. .Bananas. Oanes.2.a.etwns b.Thetwn cHis frends d.Hi friends3a.Ye, tis is. b.Yes, it s .No, that it. d.e,ts.4.a.Trousers. b.A cu. c clo. dAdog5.Undr the hair bBehind thdoor. c.Not in the casroo. . Class 6.C:听问句,选答语:5%16. Its te yong omans.17 n e is, Ithink.18Tentwentyin e moring.1. hite blousnd blue trouser.20Thats Mi Gao,y las acer.: 听短文:10 在21-25五个句子中填入一种所缺的单词,对-30个句子判断正(T)误(F) 1. Joans_ are n hina22. _a weatelie ti.23. Te girlin thpurpeboue is my _.4. _ aquartrto nine.5. h chilrn lke t pay_ toy animls.2 Ivea nicedroom. Teres a tale in my bedom.8.Weansee mebooks n heek.9. Thewals aewhitend te dooris green.30.We can eetwo pctureso mfamily.笔试部分:7%I. 词汇: 1%A: 根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的合适形式填空:5%. Ther re see_ (box) unde he winow.Th croerthreint _ (me). 初一上(末)英语(6-1)3 -What _ (this)? -Te ar pes4_(who) trouers are thse?.Hs eah _ (be) MssGao: 根据句子意思,填上合适的单词,该词的首字母已给:(写出完整单词)5%1. Therare ay biksa car ite s_.2My bag isnth_,I can rry t.3. Jan i an A_girl4. ook! Te kit r n the s_.I se se g_on theale.:根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的合适形式填空:5%1. Who are hese _ (oma)? eyareour eachers.2. Please colur _(they)wnndyelow.3. Te ar twn_ (sister).4. His favourit_ (animals) is cat5. Lts openitand _ (se).II.句子配对:4 A B1 Wts thiiEnglsh? A.The ne behind door. Ae thes knives? B.Hes my father.3. Wos tatma? C.Itsornge. Wha colouris at oage? D.Ye,heyre.5 Howod r yu? Its here.6. Wich oy is your broher? F.No,its blu.7. Where iPolly? G.Its an gg.8.I tht oat bl? H.ureenII.句型转换:0%1. Heknshne. (疑问句)_ he_ his name? There r omefloers on te tachedesk (否认句)Tere _flowr nth tecers desk.3 grls uton their foall hoes. (祈使句) Pleae _ _ _ shoes, gils.Ls fthernd moter r at ome toay. (同义句)Ll _ ae at home oa.5. e have i clss in GraO. (同义句)_ si csses iGrd On.6. K skrtis o the coh line (划线部分提问) _is the clotes ne?7. Is nne en. (划线部分提问)_th tme?8.Aretosflowers yelow? (用rees 改选择疑问句)re those floer _ tree ello?9W can sll u ames. (改单数)_ can sell_10.Se of s are vey ell (划线部分提问) 初一上(末)英语(62)_ ae some of ou?11We have 8 pnls in e b. (划线部分提问) _ _ encis do yo hae i th box?.据汉语提示,写出句中所缺的单词:01.is ucl and aun ar _(英格兰)2.Peas_(给)thi aple to m.3Man tws _ (看上去同样).4.Thats Ji family _ (照相).5.ho _(值日) today ?6Xiao Ln a new studen must _ (照顾) im.7.o he man _ yur mote _ father (与之间)?.Icant find e _ (扫帚). Oh, its ehind the dor.o plas ook at the blackoadan _(听) m._ (让我们) b godfrinds.选择题:(共2小题,计10).Theres_ old encil on th bk, _ cl is minaan b.a/the .an/he d.he/te2._ pictue are there nhe all?a.Hw ay .How mch .Whose .hat3.H has _ lighs in eroom.ay .no ca dnot me4.Thboy s onl two, but he c _ u to hndred.acon .listen go d.ask5Sh hs a sir,hehas _, too.a.the one .oe c.one de6.-What colorare t ats?-Ithink_ whitead lack.a.thyrebtem .it d.it7.eryon _y rse ooks ike ors.ay sa c.tl de8Is Jms a. Gve _, pleas.a hi b.him it ctm h .hi hem9.-_ arty?-Te are my iends.a.ho b.hoe .Whih .What10.Tee a_ on h tabl.a.3otls o orne .bottl f orangsb.3 btof orne d.botle o rang11.Its _ ck. Its _ blck ar.a./ ba/ c/a da/12.heeBeijing? ts in_.hejiag b.Wubei cWnan .Hebe3.Wih o two oliceme _ Mike?a.a is car d.b1._ eraer on thee is Jims. .n b.he cA d./初一上(末)英语(6-3)15Can you _ the ub of the b?Yes, Ica.lstnb.lok c.se d.meet.Ae Lucy adl fromth same my? _.Ye, ther .No te aec.Ye,theyarent d.No, tey are Americ17.Dotsitn thechair, ther _ ni.a.i some water b.ar sme wateris any er .ae anywer18.They hv _ on the hl.ape ree b.pl tee .app tree d.pps trees19.Th isRos swa, ut _ on he be. a.tm .it .is d.ht20-Give me soeorges, lae. - _.a.Hyou are. b.hat all righcO, giveyo .ts ere.补全对话:5%A:() ve here? B: hr?A:Over tere, () h loor uder thedesk .: Lesgoand see.O, ita nw tc. look (3) yours.: Is tablack on? My wath is ().B: o, its a whitene.A:I now its Jims. im cant fnd(5) watc.B: ts go and ak (6). H, Jim.(7)?C: (8). Ican fid ywatch B: s yu atch awhit one lie tis?: et me see. es, its().B: Heryouare.C: hn you (10). B:Thats llrght.( )1.aWhos ta b.Wts tha c.ow is ht( ).a.on b.n c.oer ( )3.a.at b.ter ci( )4.a ba .black c.t lack( ).a.hi b.hr c.my ( ).ae .him .hr( )7.a.Wts th .Whos ha chat he tim( )8.Ok b.orry cRigt ( )9.mine b.her c.his ( )10.vey bmuch .ery h.完型填空:5% Tis is ourclassroo,Its not bg.But it very nic Thewalare (1)ad th deksad chairs re new. On te wll i (2) and we cn fin eing, hangai an Hangzhu in . Thrare ome(3) o te teachrdesk. They rfor our (4), Miss Ga. She is a godteahradeallk her. 初一上(末)英语(6-)m on (5)od. I coe to schol earl I helpm tch () he boks,apsand pctures onhe (7). lhr eeryoe i hre.But Im (8), Liu ei i not t (). I dn kno(10) se i ut think es at hom. A B C D B C D( )1.ld sme fin wte ( )2.p coc kte phto()3.gms nuber flowers ligts ( )4.fried daghr otherteacr( )5.in d tur ime( )6.no id pt give( )7s echar floor ().good oung ight wrong()9.eigt oetale school ( ).what hi were h. 阅读理解: 6 A ere ar two cus A n ad aboy are i one ictu.Who are they?et m el.The manisMrWhite, ad thebos nameis Bll Hesthe mas on. Nwthey are inBill boo. e an see se Ciesebooks ithedek.And n hebeda shirt. Its ls. Hi rosesare on it, under is shirt oo N lets ok tthe oter pictue. Yo case aoman and a girl in it. The woman is Bils mote d she i herdugter, nns rm.u can seeotoof th hites on th wite wal. etween teinw ia dk. Ckis ot dek.Itele. Whats at on the oor? O,it Anns hat. ut iloks lkea brow hat. ( )1.In h opitres e canee _.tw people b.threpoe c.fourpeop dfiv eople()2rhte is _. .Anns roter .An fher c.Bils friend d.Bils teacr ( )3.Bill trouss ae _. .n th bed b.in the es cone f d.underhesk( )ha colous Anns at?Wht .R c.acdBrown.( )5.In Ans bedroom w nsee a _.acat b,bal c.shir .clok BLook athe black r. ItsMrlac car. Tersomething wrg wi itnMr lck is uder tHeca mend it Mr Blac s nar thecar. She helps Mr Blck. Th irln te isKate, MrBlak daghtr Wh is hboyin the ca? HesJim,Kaes broher. Its Saturday ta. Theydo go to scool.Teywtto gto Zhongshn Park h lookve wored( )1.hresJims mothe? (焦急). a.earthe car b.Beindh cr. .In thcar. Und the a. ()2T hne aning(意思) he wod mend is_.a.清洗 b.发动 c.修理 d.驾驶( )ate and Jim lowred bcause _.a.hey ontgoto shool tod b.the parki very afm herectir mohe ist here wh them d.he r cat tak theo thepak 初一上(末)英语(-) 第一学期期末初一英语试卷 听力稿 .8.听力部分:25% A: 听选单词: %1 ts ime to clanthe cassoom. 2hose kird yu thin? Ha Meis3.Look atthe cleson s eens ne. oly is th na ofy bird.5.We mus lookfte ur esksadchairs.B: 听对话,回答问题: 0%.A: Tim on uyoy? B:No, Jm ion duyoday.Q: Wosn dut today?7.A: Ar rowns shoslack or bown? :hy re blak. Q: What colour ae MrBrn shes?.A: Excs e, whats teti. plea? :Let me se. O,its 1:15.Q: Whatsthtimenw? ts tmeo go home.A: Is ts wtch yours, Me? B: Yes, ts mie. It loks vy .: I ike watcnor old? 1:el,Is hat8721563? B: No,hat wo.Its 873256.Q:Whts the uer?.A:Wat can yo see n tetree, Bill? B: cn se any banas on it. :Whson the tree? sa baana re.1.A:Are hesshoolbag yous, Tom and Jim? B:No, thy ent ours. hey are te twis. Q:Wse schoobags re?13.:L Liscouterinic Doyou haone?B:Yes,I ve one, o. Q: IsL Lei cmper nice?14.A:Tm, was o tale? B: A up. Q:s a lk ora upon thtable?1.A:Excuse me. To!Do yu se MisLi? B:es, do.Shes inCas 6. Q:here is Mis Li?C:听问句,选答语: % 1-0: a.Woseis tht rddrs?bhas th time?c. Whos onuty his afternon? d.Wht clurare yu ouse? e.o ta gir n the boat?D: 听短文:10%在1五个句子中填入一种所缺的单词;26-3个句子判断正()误(F) 21.Jons parnts areCa.22.I wanaseer like thiThe gilin teprpl loue is daughter.24.sa quater to nie. 2The hidrenlietplaw toyanimals26-30: T or FThisis m berom You cnsee a eskint. Thee re somebooksn dek Thewall aehite ad he windosae gree Youcaneetwo pctus ne othe l, pictu y mily. da pcture o ur school. Yu can see some ower the widowM edroom is sma. bu t s ve nice. I like it ver muc 第一学期期末初一英语试卷参照答案 .听力部分:25%A:听选单词: 5% 1. 2b .d .c 5.cB: 听对话,回答问题: 5% 6.a 7.c 8a 9.a 0. 11.c 2.b .b 14.b 5dC: 听问句,选答语: 16. 17c 8.b d 20eD:听短文10% 在21-五个句子中填入一种所缺的单词,对26-30个子判断正(T)误(F) 21pans22wnt 23.aughter24.Its 2.wi 26T 27.F 28.T 2.F 3.F 笔试部分:75%I. 词汇:15%A:根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的合适形式填空:%1.boxe mn 3he 4.We5isB: 根据句子意思,填上合适的单词,该词的首字母已给:(写出完整单词)5%1.street .heay .merican 4.sk gove/lasesC:根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的合适形式填空:51woen .the 3sistr.al 5.se句子配对:% 1.G 2D 3.B.C 5.6.A 7E 8.F.句型转换:1%1. oe kow 2antay 3pt on yu 4. paets 5.Therr 6. Whose skit 7.Whats 8.or9. name 10.How 11Howan据汉语提示,写出句中所缺的单词:101.Eand 2.gie 3.lok the same 4.poto5.on dut.o afte 7beweenan8.brom 9.litn to 0.Let.选择题:(共20小题,计10%)1.c 2.a 3. 4.a c 6.a 7.b 8.b 9.a 10d1. 12.d 3b 14.15.c 1.a 17. 8b .b 20a.补全对话:%1.b 2.a 3c4.b 5. 6b 7.c .b 9. 0.c.完型填空:5% 1.d . 3.c 4.d 5.b .c .a d 9d 1.c. 阅读理解: 16% A. 1.c 2. 3. 4. 5.d B: 1.2.3.


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