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上海英语试卷解析-一般高等学校招生全国统一考试 I. Lsening CompehesinSectionAicios:In sectio A, yu wil heartensortcvrations btwenwo spaker At the end of eaconversaon,a uestinwill asked boutwhat wasaid Te covrsation and the questioilb spoken l oce fter yo her a onversion and the qstion abu t, ea te fourpossibl anwers yu aper, an ecide wich oeis the bst as tothe quston you have hear 1.: Cn yu descewhtou do?M:I washofce buding widows. I gohih up nthe asket o rach teindwQ: Wha i the manjb?A. Abakebll playr.B. laryworker11. A ind washer 12. A rock lime【答案】Cinwwer【解析】这是一道事实细节题。从对话中可知,男士清洗办公楼的窗户。因此选项为C,她是个窗户清洁工。核心词句:I s ffic buildig widows;to reach the wo.M:Should we ouat itonight?: am oo tird to do aycooki.Q: Wha destewoman imply?A. Shis not hunrB. She ntt cok.C. Sh is not ireD. hewa tdne ou.【答案】D. Shewns o die ot【解析】这是一道推理题。从对话可知,女士说太累了一点儿也不想做饭,可推测她想出去吃。因此答案是D。dine ut 表达出去吃饭。核心词:too tired to o n coing. 注意too表达“太而不能”。3.M: Hi, Grace. Tell e smethingaout yo hen.W: Is o butiful ad paceful. B it reall ar aay rom everytig.Q: Wat does hewman hin of herhoetown?A. PromisngB. oladC. CrodeD. Moder【答案】B. Iolated.【解析】这是一道推理题。从对话可知,女士觉得她的家乡美丽而幽静。但却与世隔绝。因此答案是B,sote 表达隔绝的,孤立的。核心词句:But tealy ar aw from everything.fa ar表达“远离”。听时注意“but”这个转折词后的信息。. :My priner is ot of paper. ilrunan e som.M: I ill go ih yo. Ine me freh air.Q: Whre wl the peaker probably ?A. To atatine hop.B. a ymasm.C. T a paint stor.D. To a n tand【答案】A. To a statioeryshop.【解析】这是一道场景题。从对话可知,女士说打印机里面没纸了,她跑去买纸,男士说一起去。因此答案是,statineshp 是文具店,符合题意。是体育馆,C是油漆店,D是报摊。核心词句:yprite i outof papr I wil run and gtsme5 M: I dont le th pics on t meu.he away seem too hig.W: Youil have adfeen iewafer eatingthdeliciu d.Q: hat des thwoman en?A. Th man can see a diferet ve.B. The fod i no tsty enouC. The man cnnotffr the ood.D. h food is wot teice【答案】D The fod isorth he pric【解析】这是一道推理题。从对话可知,男士觉得菜单上的价格太高,女士说你尝了菜之后就会变化观点,言下之意是你吃了之后就不觉得贵。因此答案是D,Tefod is w th rie.这里的食物物有所值。核心词:havea diferentview, diious fo.6. M: I a har e gting rohthenove.W: Ikno how ou feel.Wo cldremembe the nms 35 differenhractr?Q:Whoes th wo imly?A. h readdifferent kidf booksB. She as ndthe bookdifflt to readC. She ipressed byte chaacters.D. She now ell how t remer names.【答案】B. She aso inds the bkdiffcl to d.【解析】这是一道推理题。从对话可知,男士说读完这本书很困难。女士说她懂她的感觉,谁能记住5个不同的人物角色的名字。言下之意是她也不能记住,觉得太难了。因此答案是B。核心词句:Who uld remmber?听时注意说话者的反问语调。7.: hy ant reivedan ewspape yt?M:Wll, sometimes i tak awhil otheost ofce to deiverit.: Whatcalrn fom econversin?(1) Th man ll go t te post ffce.(2) he posoffce is closed r the dy.(3) Th an is epctin he newpaer(4) delivery by hasbeendismissed【答案】C. e om is exectnghe neer.【解析】这是一道主旨题。从对话可知,女士疑惑她们没收到报纸。男士说有时邮寄需要花点时间。言下之意是女士在期盼报纸的到来。因此答案是C。核心词:is eectig, 表达“盼望,等待”。8.M: y romteand ar gig to se fil tnght. ndwere vat:40.o you wt t join us?W: Su. But yc ends at 7:30.Adthrfessor eve finihes on imeQ: Wha n wlen aou the oman?A. Shes not sue if sh a jointhem.B. She wlski thecass tose te film.C. Shewl ask the rfessor foleaveD. eoes no wn toe lm.【答案】A Seis noue if shecan jonhem【解析】这是一道推理题。从对话可知,女士想去看电影,但是她不拟定:0与否教师会准时下课,由于教师一般拖堂。而男士和她室友7:4就要出发。因此答案是A。核心词句:clasendsat :3;thepfesso er fnise on tim 教师历来不准时下课。9.W: wtat yu areo the busne, hatsyou dvie for smeon t beome a asiondesigner?M:o to school I eani. in ago chool and lean as muca you an.: Whatdes t ne?A Fash deinigis abomig uins.B School leaningisa us rfashin dsigers.C Hhopes to atted ood fshi scool.D Theman shld bcome a fasio desinr.【答案】.Shoolerning i must ofshion desies.【解析】这是一道推理题。从对话可知,男士的建议是设计师要找个好学校好好学习。因此答案是, 学校教育是时装设计师必经之路。核心词句:G to schol;Find aod choadlearn s uch youc.10. W: Sow n. Youae psig every car on theoadM: Mst driver sualy ignort spedlim ulessth hnk e police will sop them.Q: Wa de th manmen?A. Few peop drive witin th seed limit.B. river sually oey traffic rulesC. Th sed lmit i really reasableD. The polce sto mostdriversr ding【答案】A Fewpeopl iveithi hespedliit.【解析】这是一道推理题。从对话可知,女士规定男士减速,男士却说大多数驾驶者一般都会忽视车子限速,除非她们觉得警察会拦下她们。因此答案是A, 很少有人会驾驶不超速。核心词句:Mostdrvrs usually gnore te peed limit.Setio BDirctons: I setionB, ou ilea twshort psges, n you illb ased hee qestis on ech othe pasgesThe assges ll be read wi, ut the qtion ll be spoknly oce. henyou hea qeston, red the our sle aser onyour aper, decidewhch one woulbeth est aswer oth question yu have heard. Qetions 11 throgh 13are basd on t folwin assageI a Lynn.My revious job a s rcipal ofalanuage scho,whee I rcvd ads for tiin teacers to teach more effciel A yar go, I tard an inerainal copan spe monthscnductin pogra in theUS nd Rusia. Durin th ti, some Rssian mmgntscameto stayatmy house. Forunately, the visitorshelped alot at ome nd madife eas. At the sae time, roe seveabooks to b lhe bymy company andcoedited a boo o ajrpublisher. Iam gateul havea phtgraphic memr, s cn ember eeything I see.Oterse, igh not be tht prodtve. Inaddito toywrk, I have a fathome Sme of y chidre ave ha serous health poblems fr irth, bu to handl thospoblems wel and efieny. With remenouhelp frm y prt,te kidsre ed, nd cloted,aneucatd ambusy from the timeIget uunti etimeI ot bed. My tmas t b carefull plannd I o ot iketo be interuted ecse Iwant to ccmplsh myoals.Questos: Wha wa seakrs prvoujob?2hthepstomakethe speaker rductve coding toe pasae?13. What des te passgmnlytl s?11. A bok publisher.B. A compan mange.C. Amagzine ditor.D.A schol rincal.2.A. Soe tainin exerenc.B.A happy fayC. ussi asssts hpD.A ood ory.13. Lynns devtion th fmly.B. ynns bsyandsuccessfl lifeC. nsgrat performace tworD. Lnns efficiecyincning rogams.【答案】11 D. A scool rncipal.12 . A oodmmory. .yns busy and sucesfullfe.【解析】第11题:说话人此前的工作是什么?A图书出版商短文提及,但与问题无关。说话人开办公司之后,才自己写书出版。B. 公司经理短文提及,但与问题无关。这是说话人目前的工作。C.杂志编辑短文提及,但与问题无关。这是说话人目前的工作。D. 学校校长对的答案。说话人在一开始就明确表白,y previsjobsa inciaa laguae schol。第12题:根据短文信息,说话人工作效率高的因素是什么?A. 培训经验短文提及,但与问题无关。短文只说Icived award orraing tearstteach mor effeive,培训教师让我赢得了诸多奖。B.幸福的家庭短文提及,但与问题无关。说话人只简介了自己的家庭状况,并没有提及家庭和工作效率高之间有何联系。.俄罗斯助手的协助短文提及,但与问题无关。说话人提到hese visiosheed a o t me ad made li easir.,并没有提及这和工作效率之间的联系。. 好的记忆力对的答案。I amgrl I hve a phooraphic mmoy.herwe, might not bethat prouctiv. 没有好的记忆力,也许不会这样高效,符合题意。第13题:短文重要讲述什么?A.Lynn对家庭的付出以偏概全。B. ynn忙碌又成功的生活对的答案。短文前半部分讲述说话人在事业上的成功,后半部分讲述说话人在忙碌中平衡工作和家庭。C Lyn在工作上的成就以偏概全。D. yn运营项目的高效以偏概全。Questin14 thrugh 1aebad on e olowing pase.Job interiews agnraybe ied into thee types. Te firs s haI ul all etraitionalinteriew. Tis isusually jstaries of tandard questinsau qaiiatios, wokexperince ndexpecttins So wat o haveereis bascally a list ofqie direct uests, lie what dute id yo havein you prevou ob.his is tl heme o a ot f inteviewstday. n myiw it notthebst to selec saf.en e i thecase nteview. Hr the intrviewr prests a pblem nd a serie ueions tofind out ho the candidte od aproach theroblem. I ight go somhing likehis,A compan wants t he mregraduates wthou spndingmorethanit curent udgt.ha wouldo advisehe todo?his can bariularly chaenging, foryou nee to analze thproblemandsolve t.Te hird pe s kwn sthebehavioal nteiew. Thquesins ar usually designedto fin ot abothotecanidtes hade tricky situaions inte pt. Atpicalqutionit beCn yuve an ple of astation wheryou haofolordrs thou didnt aree wth? Tsopns p a o of inforaonand theinviwer getoeore ofthe andate. Qustis:. hat knd of questins aeusaly skd in e taditiona itrvie?1. Wh oesthe csentrviw focus on aboutth candidate?16.What es the peaker mly ak aot?14.A.Econoc qusosB.Roin qutions.C.Acdeic qusons.D. Challengin qetions.1.A. Work exeence.B. Eucaonlqualfictio. roblem-olvngailiis.D.lnfomaton-gatherig abiities.1. Feature of differet typsofinterviw.Silsin sin nervi question.C. Chnes n thre intrviewos. D. uggestios fo dfernt j interview【答案】1. B. tie questins.15. C.Problem-solving lites.16. A. eaures of diferettpesof inteview.【解析】第14题:老式型面试常常会问什么类型的问题?A. 经济类问题短文未提及。B.常规性问题对的答案。This iusualy jst seres f tndardquestios原则问题实质上就是常规性问题,答案是对原文的同义转换。C学术性问题短文未提及。D.具有挑战性的问题短文提及,但与问题无关。这是cseinteviw所问问题的特点。第15题:案例面试关注应试者的哪些方面?A.工作经验短文提及,但与问题无关。这是trditiona inrview关注的问题。. 教育资历短文提及,但与问题无关。这是trdtional ntevie关注的问题。C. 解决问题的能力对的答案。a siofqetion o id ouw hecadidte wuldppro the polem案例面试的目的就是考察求职者解决问题的能力。 收集信息的能力短文未提及。第题:说话人重要谈论的是什么?A 不同类型面试的特性对的答案。短文开头就点明了主旨,obitrviewcan geraly eid nttreetype. 问面试问题的技巧短文未提及。.三种面试模式的变化短文未提及。D 对不同面试的建议短文未提及。ection Dirctions: In scon C, yu wl herto logeroveations. Te conveaon will be ead twice.fer ou hearach oersain,y are reqie o filln thenumber blaks with he inormaion youhave her. ie or answers n our nserheet. 1W: Hi, ruce, is Naomi.M: i,aomi.W: m callng abot the onfrenc Sghai onNovber 8th. We hv to msme canes.M: OK, goha. :I dont thinkthe pea uara willbe ig enough. W nea cener ha can sea at last 600: Thatny?nysuggetin?W: The Palace enter wil be fre tht da, ui will meineaingthrgistrai fee y$0. From $800 to $85.M:hat wo ba rblem. Anythin ee?W: Mla Univrsity says teyare sendig Carl Maico teadofPofesor Bertoni Butthe talk wo bth sam, Opprtuities adRss in the Afin Makt. M: Fin akethchages an al info eeyon at m enCmplteth or.Wte ON OR foeach anser.Latest onerneIformaDt: 8th 1lace: Paae _8_, ShghaiRegitrtionfee: $ _19 _Speker: Cala ro from MilanUnieritySe oi: Opportities and isks nthe _20_Mre【答案】.Noember8 Cntr19. 50. frica【解析】第17题:这是一道事实细节题。从对话中可知,女士正打电话向男士确认有关会议修改的事宜。从女士所说的I callinout the coerene in Snghi onNvembrth.可知本题答案为oebr。第8题:这是一道事实细节题。从对话中可知女士觉得保安不够,男生询问她有什么建议时,她回答说Thalace Center wi be fr that a.因此本题答案为Cente。第19题:这是一道事实细节题。从对话中女士的回答.but i wil ea inreaig restrtion fe by $50.From 800$to 850.可知,登记费将上涨5美元,即从00美元到850美元。因此本题答案为850。第20题:这是一道事实细节题。从对话中可知,女士告知男士说米兰大学虽然换了发言人,但是发言的主题并没有变化,从对话中的Oportuities ndRisks n the Afrcn Maket可知,本题答案为Afcn。2: vid, weaknow you to u skatboardig a tn. Butddour parens upport o?: Yeah, my parts evene e sate nthe hse.W: Did?M: Yeh,they wrrttcool.W: owboutyourschoolork?M: That wasfieI ws ale gt schoo wrk dewth o gres. oly prble as hat Ihad souch pica energyt couldnot s still n css.Tn oeteahers state takng ysatboard wa.W: hat unt sopyou ro staking?: y Th ool ingwthat m parent mngdto find adifertscoolhe hedmster here was onderful.e et us plan ur own P. clases. So gus t lass I creaed.W: aborin.M: Yog it That wa myP.E. clas. By tttime I was turnin prfsionaand tarinto shwoffso tecniques a coptitons. W:I tha whe your new syle ecame famous?M: eh Other skas ha thissmoo loingstl,tI wkid fke obot lwas coinuwith ewricCompe he frm. Wr NO ORE TAN REWODS foreachaswen nerview withDavi, a Skatboarding (滑板运动) LveWht wavs schoolorklike? was bleogthis schowork done _2_.Whtshi onlyprobem t chool?H was unale o _22_ i las.Wh did e say t new headmster was ndrfl?He le suen _23_ of tirownHowws hisnewstyledifferet ro thr skatrs?I as bot-like, wit_24_.【答案】2. with od grdes22st till23. pan .E. lses24. ne tics第1题:这是一道事实细节题。从对话可知,这是一次采访。当采访人询问David的成绩时,David回答说Tha ws fn. wa bl to etmy schoowrk donewith go rdes.因此本题答案为wth goo gdes。第22题:这是一道事实细节题。从对话中可知,David热爱滑板,成绩也不错,但是唯一的问题是她的精力太旺盛了,以至于不能安安静静坐在教室中.从David的话语y oy probe was a I hadso mcphycal energthat I co no sitsill n cas.可知本题答案为it stl。第23题:这是一道事实细节题。对话中,avid在聊到自己由于热爱滑板而转学时,对新学校的校长表达了夸奖,从he admaster threwas wonderful. He le spa or own P.E.casse.可知本题答案为plan E csss。第4题:这是一道事实细节题。vid在提到自己和其她滑板运动者的区别时,她说. bt was kind f i a robot alaycomng up witnetricks可知本题答案为nw ti。第I卷I. TranlatonDiecions:Tranla th olowigsntencesino Enlish,usi te ordsgen th brackts 1 今年元旦我们玩得很开心。(enjo) enjyed orselv vey muc onhi N Years Dy【解析】本题考察固定短语。玩得很开心,常用“enjyoselfveryuch”来体现;同步,注意元旦的体现方式为Nw ears 。2. 舅舅昨天寄给我一张卡片,祝贺我18岁生日。(onraulate)yunle sen me a cart cgrtateme meigenth bthday etrday【解析】本题考察固定短语。祝贺某人,常用“conratat b on sth”来体现。此外18岁生日需要用序数词eihet,注意拼写。3.通过近年的建设,这个小镇目前和地震前同样布满了活力。(as.as)fter yarsofotructin,thston aslivey ow as t d to before theearthquae.【解析】本题考察固定构造。与同样,常用“as.as”的构造,两个s之间一般接形容词或副词比较级。本句中,要体现布满了活力,用形容词“ivel”即可。4.表演以一段五十多岁的人耳熟能详的典型音乐开始。(famliar)The show started wth pice ofmusic amia t peop ither fifts.【解析】本题考察固定短语。对某人来说耳熟能详,常用“familart”来体现。此外,本句中五十多岁的人,用inon ies来体现。根据句意,泛指五十多岁的人,可以用pople in their ifties。5. 她一看完那个有关已灭绝物种的电视节目,就立志加入野生动物保护组织。(osoner)o sonerhdhefinished aci tat programm abouhose eict speies, tha she deciddtjn te Wldlife ConsationOganizao.【解析】本题考察倒装构造。no ooner.than的构造用来引导时间状语从句,主句用过去完毕时,than背面的从句用一般过去时。当no soonr放在句首时,表达强调,注意此时主句要采用倒装构造。此外,本句中的短语稍有难度,灭绝物种,常用extint speci来体现;野生动物保护组织,常用Wlife osraion Organiztion来体现。I. Guid itingDiectins: rite anEnglis compsiti in 120-10 word coring t he instutio givn in Chiese. 上海博物馆拟举办一次名画展,现就展出场合(博物馆还是社区图书馆)征集公众意见,假设你是王敏,给上海博物馆写一封信体现你的想法。你的信必须满足如下规定:1. 简述你写信的目的及你对场合的选择; 2. 阐明你的理由(从便利性,专业性等方面对这两个场合进行对比)o whomi myconcern:Ive leanedthat an rtexiionso hld h yourecollctingsuestions n tslcion. Im witngthis etter to shae with you m opin. n myopinion, t is moreadvabl o ol the artehbtiin ShgMuseumthnn cmunity lbries. Mreos are folos.Onone hd, itis mronvenit orpepl toget to Sanhai Muem wih s octed in the center ofthit An the museu is ume aius than comnilares, wich povide visitrs wt a ore comotable nvronmnt fopecing ar.O the other han, as a well-own useum,Snghai uum mre profsioald exriencd holingt hibtions.Its professial security gards and adncd acilite can betterpoec tose mousiningsfrom eng daaged r solen.Throre, uggst heexhiio be hldn t useum.ngMin解析:总评:本次高考题目以书信的方式考察观点论述的体现,属于常用题型。题目规定中交待了背景,同步,题目还明确规定了书信的内容中要涉及目的、观点、理由等方面,难度适中。细评:本次高考作文考察观点论述,题型较为常用,规定对画展的展出场合做出选择,并且阐明理由,并且已经提示了可以从便利性和专业性两个角度来分析,难度不算太大,要写好这篇作文,只要观点明确并且言之有理即可。范文按照书信的形式,一方面要提出给收信人, whm itmaconcrn这里表达的是敬启者,是在读者身份不明时用在信件、告知和证明书开头的套语,也是除了Dear xxx之外英语书信的常用用语。信的第一段交待了自己的身份,并且表白了些这封信的目的。第二段明确提出了自己的观点,用了i s oedsble to o.句型,表白“是更合理的”,常用在提出建议时。段落最后用Myresnsare as ls.“我的理由如下”作为一种过渡句引出下面的理由论述。第三、四段用on nehand.on the thand. “一方面;另一方面”进行连接,层次清晰。在论述观点时连词的使用可以使逻辑显得更清晰。第三段从便利性角度进行分析,博物馆交通更便利并且环境更舒服,其中用到了which引导的非限定性定语从句。第四段从专业性角度阐明博物馆的优势。最后一段用thefore简朴总结并重申自己的观点。


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