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英文自我简介终身受益 Goo mornig !I i eallyy hono to h is opotuny fr n inevew, Ip i cn mkeagod performanctda Im cnfidenthat I ca scced owiwil ntroduc mself brief I 2 yar ol,bor ishanong proic I was grduated fom ingda univrsity my majo is eetronicand i got my bachlor ege after my grautio in e ar f . I spenmosto time on study,i have ased ET/6 . and i ae acquesic kwedge of my major drngm school time.IJly , Ibgnworfo a smalrive company sa echal supprine i QDa.eauI apabe o mre respnsbitis,so decided chnge mjb. nd i Augu ,I e QingDao toeiJing and wored for a forgn terprie aa uoton software test engier.Bcause I anto chan mywrkenvrnment, Id liktofind a jobhihis mor allgin.Mrover Mtorola is a globacomny, so I feel I ca an th mstfrm wkig in his kin of companennvrnment. Ta is the reasn hyI com here ocomptf this position. thin m a goodtemplayeran Im apersofrat honsty o thers. Also Iam abe wrk und gretsureThatsll. Thanyouoriving e th cane.自我简介(selntroduction) 1Good morning. I m gla t be ere orhis ntevew. First let meintroducmyself. My ne is*, 24. I cme from *,ecap of *ovnce. I graduatedfrm the* dertment of*Uversy in July ,.In te pastw yea I hav en prprng r he potgraduatexmnaion ile I aveben teacin *n NO.*midle Soo andI was aheatacher of ac in junior grdetwoow al myhar wor hsgot a resul since I have chance tobe iterviewbou. I m open-ind,quk in thoug ndvery f of hitry.Inmy spr time,Ihave bad interest ike anyother younsrs.I like ading boos, eseciallythos ao *FreqtlyI echange withoter ppleby makicommens n te frum n lineIn aition ,duringmy colee year,I wance a Nt tchcianS, have comaraty goodcoan ofnewoappliction.I ae to operathe comput w.I a skilfl isarchig for iormatininIntere.I a ootball fn for yeas.talian a is y forteAnway,I ee grattfr orcuntrys eam. alwaysbeliee hatoe will eail la behnd unls hekeeps o learning Of curse, i I m gen a chnce to tdy * in this amous iversty,I wll stareno ffor to mstea gocomando advance *. 2.Gofernon m of great hnr t nd erean intrdue myel t yu .First all ,myengsh namei .and ycneene is .Ifyou e gong ohave a obntee ,you ust sayuh thins which ca show you wlness t this b ,sh as ,i s mygchershed dreamob . I a agertoget an oportit tdo.and te gvsme xamls whicangive edene o .teyou ca say methin aoutyu obbie .and it sst th theobieshe sotin t wit the job. at is e imotanis do not fgeto communicae with th intervieee,keping ile ankepingortalinteresing dfnyc contribueo the ucces. hpe you l givethem a nderfl speec .God ck to o !3.gooorning,my me is jck,it isrelya reat hor to vehis portnity fr interview, od liketanser whatevero ay raise, and hop i can make agod erformancetoay,ntualyrlinti reiusunivrity insetember. now iwllitrduce mself bify, 21 yeas l,boin heilongjianprovine ,rheast o china,and iam curruently asenior tudna being XX uni.my major ispackin enieengand iwill receive macer degree afe my raduaton njuin he past yers,i snd mosfmye on stuy,i hav adET46 ith nes. and i haveacuired sicknowldeo packaging nd publhing bothi hory nd in prctc. bsides, i hae attnd sveral ackgingexhbtonhod i iing, his ou van studyhere, i ha aena our to sm bg factor ndcompay. throuh tse i hav a deeply unrstaningof dmesicackagingindusty. copredtodevo cuntis such ass, unfrtnty, alhough e aveadeetraodinr proges sinc1978,ou acking ndutry aresillnderdevlp, mess,ntbl,th siuatin o employeesin this feldeawkar ti hav full cfdece in a right future if our ecnomy nke the rwth pace sl uessyoumybe inteest n theaontc to aw, nd what is y lan duingrduatesudy,wuld like otll yu tha purse la is oe ofmy lifelong oal, ie my major pacan anint ive up,if i canpurue my ate dege ere i wil cobin awwith my foer education. ilwrk had in thsefield ,paen ,tradark, coprih, o has o y yearstdyin dent of&p, mycract? i anotscribt w, bu i no iam optisticand cfent. smetms i prer tota alone, reading, lstni to msic,but i amnot loely,i li t chat wih y classmates, ams tal eveythng,y favorite pastiei vallyall,playngcards r srfolie. hro clee lie,i learn howo blaceetween td andentertainmet. by h way,i was a actorof our aig dram u. ihada feglos memory on sae hat i m pride. 3. Wt is you greates rngt?(你最突出的长处是什么?) 这是诸多面试考官喜欢问的一种问题,这是你展示自己的最佳机会,不要吹嘘自己或过于自负,但要让雇主懂得你相信自己,你懂得自己的长处。如可答:“我觉得我最大的长处是可以执着地竭力把事情办好。当做完一件工作而其成果又正合我的预想时,我会有一种真正的成就感。我给自己定了某些高目的。例如说,我要成为杰出的毕业生。尽管在大学一年级时我启动慢了些,但最后我以优等论文完毕了学业。”I feel that y stogest asets m bilitto stickto things t get themdne feel a eal ne o acmplimnt hn I fnish ajob andit tun ou jst s dpland. Ive sesome hih goas for self. Fr exaple, want ogradatewit hihest ditctio And en u I ad a lo sta in m esman yea, Imde p fort y dog honorsthesis. 4. Wha isyo gretst weakes?(你最大的弱点是什么?) 你不应当说你没有任何弱点,以此来回避这个问题。每个人均有弱点,最佳方略是承认你的弱点,但同步表白你在予以改善,并有克服弱点的筹划。也许的话,你可说出一项也许会给公司带来好处的弱点,如可说:“我是一种完美主义者。工作做得不美丽,我是不会撒手的。” I sc aperectiost ht Iwill no stopunti ob is wel done. 英语面试实战指南:Intervier(面试者):plicnt(求职者) 简介教育背景:简要扼要,实话实说 尽管你在简历中对自己的教育背景作了简介,但在面试时,面试官尚有也许就此方面提问。还是事先做点准备吧。 Iwat i yor aor? Ay major s Bie Adinistrin I a espeially terste inMaktg. (不仅回答了问题,还顺带一句简介了自己较为感爱好的方面,简要扼要。) IWhic uiversiy e u atenig? AIm attendnUniveriy. IHave yourceiedy degees? AYe. First reeived myBchelo degree inEngishLiertueand tean MBA degree IWht rdd you like best? AProject Mngemet I wa ver interestedth oursewhen Iwas a tdent And thik is verefulfor mypresnt wok. I you feel that you hav reved god genra trinin? AYesIhave sdied n anEnglsh train-ig prorm d pute trning prgamsnce Igruatefom unierit. I m currenl tding Fnnc at a raini chol. 简介工作经验:显露实力,避免炫耀 IHe yo eer been emploe?IYur eumesays you hae haone-year xpnc worin in a orein presettie fce in Shangim sk why yulef? AI oked ina foreig rep.offic for one yea.Howeverfttere w yarsago bcuse ewo heyave mews raer dulI fod another obthat ismor interesting. IHaveyoue ork n this feld?IWhtualiitndoyu have ht meou feeou illbe suesu inyurfiel? IWhtae you leaned from hejobsyou ve ad? A he earned a loabout busine kw howand basi ffie skils I adtoI earned t m previousjob shoto coprate ith m clges IWhats y ma weak nt?AIavtbeninolved innternatinl buinesss I onthave ayexperienceb I av stued thicourse ite Inrnational usess ainingCentef theopny. atareyo greaet strengths?(实话实说好了,不必客气,但应注意语调和表情,不要给人炫耀之感。)Pes tellme abou yu working xerine. IDoes yourpreetemployr knwyouae looking for aother j?ANI haniscusdy caree plnsthmy prsnt emloerbutI am sre e ll undersand. 性格爱好:体现积极、合伙的一面 Iw d ou sendour spare time? re you interestedin sorts?Io yo tnk you ae inoerted o etrovrte? IW id f persoalit o yo tnkyou hve? alay prachthings vry nthsiasticaly Whe eginsomething ot lieto leaet hlfone. cntcnentat someingnew untithrt tigifinishedWat is he mostmporanthin foryo be hapy?ADiferen people have dffere ideas I think the most imporanthing forme is avin agelatioshi wit myamiy members nd my eny famiy hasalway beevery coknitand myend sand I spnd a lotof te gethr. WthothatI wuld uc ess happ thn aIWht makes you angy? ADishosty Iuaccetal Iatareorersonal weakss? Im afaid Im a polk. Imntcomforabe talg wihthepplewho I hve justmet or t firt me Thats not verygod fousessso I havebee styingbli saking Ieyou moref lederor a fler? AI dnt try led eop. Id aher cooperawthevodyae the jb done wrkn together 工作规定:我能胜任 IDo hinkyou nmke yourseleasiy unrstod Englis? Aen most circmstancs. Ir you vilable tavel?AYesI ike traving.Ia youngad unarie.It n roblm foe o trael frequenly. IHow bou overte work? AOvertie ork is ry commnin copani ank overtief s necerut donthin w ill work ortme verdy.Iowlon do you thin w nepend onyour orkng here? Io yu like gular wor?No dot k reular work. am inereted dferentprojct ith newpportnte andnewhlleebu ca o regu w if theony need m to do s. IWhat slay do ou expec? Ahall w discus my respsbiliies wit your comany firs?thinkly isclosly elatd o the esponsibiitesof the job. IDo you wrkwllunder essur? AWorking under pressure iexcingan chalenin Iont id worg d pressur. Iwork wel uderhsecicum sances. Peple canIC. IDo yo hve an ptiurconditions hayou wuld ikete cpn o take nto cosideratio? ANonothing n partula.IHo cno egin wokngfor u? ned abuttwo tothee ek fornecessar foraliies I wiluit then transfer o yur company. 面试结束:礼貌道别 Anyquestios? AWewillI knoyou dciio? IHw can we get in tuch wihy? Ie wlotify yo four decsion b alis thisconvenient for you? Iha yo for yourinterst inour company Thank youMrSmith. GodbyeThan you or you time.IYowil haing from uvr on.lese end the nex aplinti on yor wa ou. AOKThankou vey much. 此外,面试官还也许问及你的家庭状况,如家人对你的影响等,也应事先有所准备。资料: 英语自我简介常用十句话1.I ben for over fie yers inteh emplo ofa xortng compay.本人曾经前后五年被受雇于出口贸易公司。 2. have ben in the usinesfo h last te years,and orked he supritendent in te prsnnel dearten. 本人在过去十年在商界担任人事部主任迄今。 3. I ave had ias expeecith a copay as aalesman 本人曾在某一公司担任推销员,前后有五年之久。 4 For e pastthe year, I avenn th fice otheBrthrsTradi Co., wer hae beead till am anaccountant. 本人曾经在兄弟贸易公司服务三年,担任会计工作,现仍在职中。 5. I am wenty yeas fae, and hv be emoyedorthe last yearsby the Green esC, in teh geeral clerica ork of office. 我今年20岁,曾于绿林公司服务两年,担任一般文员工作。 I a25 years f age, ad hae ha o years exrience n my psent post, wichI am leavngto beter myself 我今年5岁,已在目前的职位工作两年,兹为寻找更上一层楼,准备离开此职位。 . amnineteen year f age, femae and av ad o years epeiene i a cmpanys deier office. 我今年1岁,女性。曾在某家公司担任收发工作两年。 . I am us lang scol, and am eghen years f ae. 本人18岁,不久即可毕业。 9. I am wen yearso age,and a axioutottle own to fice ork. 本人20岁,但愿能找到一种公司,以便安定下来。 1. Sincemy gadunfom te school wo yers g, I hvebee mploe te Greenotel as a cashr. 两年前,自从离校后,在格兰酒店担任出纳员。 自我简介用语大全之问候类 .od mrni evrne. 人们早上好。 2God aternoon, ladis ad gntleme 先生们,女士们下午好。 3.Good ning, teahrs and fellw sudt. 教师们,同窗们晚上好。 4.Its gea honor to itrodc myl toouere.很荣幸在这儿向人们作自我简介。 5Itsmyleue to introuce mslfo y here. 我不久乐在这儿向人们作自我简介。 6Im ve hpyto rduc mys o yo her. 我不久乐在这儿向人们作自我简介。 7.Imver glad tointrouce yel to y er我不久乐在这儿向人们作自我简介。 . feel verhonord t introdu myelf to ou ere 我感到很荣幸在这儿向人们作自我简介。 9. isa geatpeasu fto introduce melf to u her. 我是如此的快乐在这儿向人们作自我简介。 0.Itis prilege t be peakn oou today 今天能跟你谈话真是我三生有幸。 11.am very poud to be addessing you this vg今晚能在此应邀发言我深感荣幸。


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