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8Bunit 4 A good read 一 短语归纳 1 do with处理 2give sth. to sb.给某人某物3 be interested in对感兴趣 4in ones spare time在某人空闲时间5 be tired out筋疲力尽 6by the time到的时候7 fall down倒下 8.wake up醒来9 stand up站起来,起立 10. look down向下看11.all over遍及 12. shout at sb朝某人喊13 talk to sb.和某人交谈 14. run away逃跑15 hand in上交 16so far到目前为止17 fall over摔倒 18at first起初19 ask for请求(给予) 20. by the way顺便问一下21.on time准时 22in the future将来23at a time每次 24. low long多长时间,多久25for example例如 26.look for寻找27the same as和一样 28an army of 一大群29. and so on等等 30. less than不到,少于31. more than超过,多于 32open up开启,开创33publishing house出版社 34translate. . . Into. .把译成35be tied to the ground被捆绑到地上 36sharewith. . . 与分享37get away离开 38. different types of不同类型的二重要句型1Have you decided what to do with these books,Hobo? (1) what to do with these books是“疑问词+不定式”结构。不定式可以和疑问代词who , what , which及疑问副词when,how,where连用,构成不定式短语,在句子中,担当主语,宾语,表语等成分。 What to do is a big problem.(做主语) I know how to pronounce the word.(作宾语) Can you tell me how to get to the post office?(作宾语补足语) The question is where to buy the dictionary.(作表语)(2) do with :在问句中多和what连用,常译作“处理,安排,容忍,与相处”等。如: What shall I do with it?我该怎样处置它呢? 拓展)deal with在问句中多和how连用,其基本意思有“应付,处理,论述,涉及”等。如:Deal with a man as he deals with you.以其人之道,还治其人之身。2. I didnt know you liked books!我原来不知道你喜欢书!这是一个含有宾语从句(you liked books)的主从复合句。宾语从句,就是用一个句子来充当宾语,放在谓语动词的后面。宾语从句要注意以下几个问题:(1) 引导词:当宾语从句是陈述句时,用that引导,that常可省略。eg: I know that the boy is from Japan.当宾语从句是一般疑问句时,用if或whether引导。 eg: I want to know if he will come back tomorrow.当宾语从句是特殊疑问句时,用疑问词引导 eg:He didnt know when his mother was born.(2) 语序: 宾语从句一定要用陈述句的语序。你能告诉我他昨晚待在哪里吗?(,/)Can you tell me where he stayed last night?(X)Can you tell me where did he stay last night?(3) 时态:当主句是现在时时,从句用所需的任何时态;当主句是过去时时,从句用过去时态的某种形式。Eg:He said he was playing games at that time.当宾语从句是客观真理或客观事实时,用现在时态。Eg:Our teacher told us that the earth moves around the sun.3. I have to use them to reach the box on the fridge. reach此处用作及物动词,意为“接触,拿到”。【拓展】reach作及物动词,还意为“到达,抵达”,后面跟表示地点的名词。Eg:They reached London last night.4. The Hunchback of Notre Dame by the French writer Victor Hugo is great.法国作家维克多,雨果的巴黎圣母院很棒。French此处用作形容词,意为“法国的,法国人的”。Eg:Do you like French bread?【拓展】French作不可数名词,意为“法语”。My uncle can speak French.Frenchman可数名词,意为“法国人,法国男人”,复数形式为Frenchmen; Frenchwornan“法国女人”,复数形式为Frenchwomen。France名词,意为“法国”。5. The story of the ugly man Quasimodo really touched me.丑男人卡西莫多的故事确实触动了我。touched是动词touch的过去式。此处用作及物动词,意为“触动,感动”,在语气上比move要弱一些.Eg:The brave mother touched everyone.6. After our ship crashed against the rocks,I swam as far as I could.当我们的船撞到礁石损坏之后,我奋力前游。(1) crash(crashed,crashed)用作不及物动词,意为“碰撞,倒下,坠落,(飞机)坠毁”。The plane crashed in the mountains那架飞机在山中坠毁了。(2) against介词,意为“紧靠,碰,撞”。The rain beat against the windows.雨点打在窗户上。My bike hit against a tree我的自行车撞到了一棵树上。be against反对;违背 It is quite against the school rules.这完全违反校规。(3) as. . . as one can/could表示“尽某人所能”,相当于asas possible. Please come as early as you can. =Please come as early as possible7. By the time I finally felt the land under my feet,I was tired out.等到我终于感觉到脚下的陆地时,我已筋拔力尽。(1) by the time意为“到时为止”,引导时间状语从句。 By the time I came in,Tom had written his name on the blackboard. (2) be tired out意为“筋疲力尽”。 I was tired out when we got back from the long climb.【拓展】be tired of意为“对感到厌烦,厌倦”。 Kitty was tired of eggs基蒂厌倦了吃鸡蛋。8.I woke up as the sun was rising当太阳升起时我醒了过来(1) wake up”醒来”,在此用作不及物动词短语,此时后面不加宾语;还可用作及物动词短语,后可跟宾语,意为“把叫醒”,若宾语为代词,则要放在wake和up中间。Eg:I usually wake up at six in the morning. Mum,will you please wake me up earlier tomorrow morning?(2)as连词,意为“当的时候”,引导时间状语从句。 As time goes on,he knows his students.随着时间的推移,他了解了他的学生。(3) rise(rose,nsen,rising)不及物动词,意为“升起,上升”。Eg:The water in the river rose after the heavy rain. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. raise 及物动词 意为“提高,筹集,抬起,举起”Eg:The teacher asks us to raise our hands if we have questions. The workers want the boss to raise their wages. We should try our best to raise more money for the poor family.9. My arms,legs and hair were tied to the ground!句中的tie(tied,tied,tying)用作及物动词,意为“捆,绑,系”。tieto意为“把系拴到上”。be tied to是它的被动语态,意为“被捆拴到上”。Please tie the tree to the stick to keep it straight.请把树绑到木棍上,使树直立。The dog was tied to the tree狗被拴到了树上。【拓展】tie还可用作可数名词,意为“领带,带子”。 He is wearing a blue tie.他打着一条蓝领带。10. It moved up over my stomach and neck until it was standing near my face.它向上爬过我的腹部和脖子,直到站在我的脸附近。until用作连词,意为“直到为止,其主要用法有:(1) 与延续性动词连用时,表示“直到”,动词用肯定形式,指主句的动作一直持续到until后的动作发生为止。We walked until it got dark.我们一直走到天黑。Go straight on until you come to the white building.继续走,直到你来到那座白色的楼前。(2) notuntil意为“直到才”The little girl didnt stop crying until she saw her mother.那小女孩直到看到她妈妈才不哭了。【拓展】until也可作介词,意为“直到为止”。 We talked until 10 0clock.我们一直谈到10点钟。11. He was the same size as my little finger!他不过就我小手指那么点大!the same size as意为“和一样尺寸,与一样大小”。My mothers shoes are the same size as mine我妈妈的鞋和我的鞋号码相同。【拓展】the same as意为“和一样”。 My uniform is the same as Simons.我的校服与西蒙的(校服)相同。the sameas,一意为“和一样“翻译:我的外套和你的颜色相同。_12. There were around 40 0f them.有大约40个。around既可作介词,又可作副词。具体用法:(1) 介词,意为“大约”,相当于about。 My uncle and aunt arrived at around 10 oclock.(2) 介词,意为“遍及,在四周”。 There are many trees around the house.(3) 副词,意为“在周围,到处,四周”。 I looked around, but saw nothing.13.I shouted at them-the loud noise made them all fall over.(1) shout at意为“冲大喊大叫” eg: Dont shout at others. It is impolite. (2)辨析:noise,voice与sound(3)make sb. do sth.“使某人做某事”,省略to的动词不定式在make后作宾语补足语。【拓展】除省略to的动词不定式外,形容词、名词等也可在make后作宾语补足语。 Light music makes me happy.(2013 .重庆)He lost his key.It made him _ in the cold to wait for his wifes return. A.to stay B stayed Cstays DStay(4) fall over意为“摔倒”。 He fell over when he was skating.他溜冰的时候摔倒了。【拓展】fall off意为“(从上)捧下” The boy fell off the tree yesterday.fall down意为“摔倒;落下;倒塌”。fall behind意为“落后”。如果你学习不努力,你会落在同学后面._14. However,they soon got up again and continued moving across my body.然而,他们很快又爬了起来,继续在我的身体上走动。Continue此处用作及物动词,意为“继续”。continue doing sth.表示“继续做某事”,contmue后也可跟动词不定式,continue to do sth.也表示“继续做某事”。15. One of these small men began talking to me”one of+复数名词代词”作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。 Eg:One of my hobbies is playing basketball.【拓展】one of后的名词前经常用形容词最高级修饰,即“one of+the十形容词最高级+复数名词”,意为“最的之一”。翻译:天津是中国最大的城市之一。_16. I tried to pull one hand free and finally managed to break the ropes. 我尽力挣脱一只手,最后设法弄断了绳索。(1)try to do sth.意为“尽力做某事,努力做某事”。 try doing sth. 意为“尝试着做某事“。(2) manage to do sth.意为“设法做成某事”。The box was very heavy but he managed to carry it,这个箱子很重,但是他设法搬动了。17. When I lifted my left hand into the air当我把我的左手举到空中时句中的lift用作及物动词,意为“举起,抬高;提高”。Can you help me lift the bike onto the truck?你能帮我把自行车抬到卡车上去吗?【拓展】lift作可数名词,意为“电梯”。Well take a lift to go up and down.我们将乘电梯上下楼。18. Keep doing something 一直做某事keep doing sth.意为“不断地做某事,一直做某事”。The boy kept crying.那个男孩不停地哭。【拓展】keep on doing sth.意为“反复做某事”。Prices keep on increasing物价不停地上涨。keep sb. from doing sth.意为“阻止某人做某事”,其中介词from不能省略。We should keep the farmers from cutting down many trees.keep及物动词,意为“保存,保管”。How long can I keep the book?keep及物动词,意为“饲养,养活”。My grandfather likes keeping petskeep及物动词,意为“保持”,可用于复合宾语结构,其宾语补足语可以是介词、形容词、副词、现在分词、过去分词等。When you do eye exercises,you should keep your eyes closed.You should keep your hair away from the fire.Dont keep him waiting so long.18. Gulliver found himself unable to move.格列佛发现自己不能动弹。unable形容词,意为“不能的,不会的”。unable只能作表语,(be) unable to do sth.意为“不能做某事”,相当于(be) not able to do sth.。The girl was so young that she was unable to lift the bag.【拓展】un-是否定前缀,用在一些形容词前,使其有否定的含义。healthy-unhealthy(不健康的) kind-unkind(不善良的) popular-unpopular(不流行的)fair-unfair(不公平的) happy-unhappy(不开心的) friendly-unfriendly(不友好的)welcome-unwelcome(不受欢迎的)


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