深港朗文版英语三下《Unit 1 our favourite subjects》课件1.ppt

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Introduce yourself A: Hello,Whats your name? B: My name is_. A: Where do you live? B: I live at 49 Fumin Street. A: What do you like? B: I like basketball. A: I like basketball, too. B: Lets play. sing a song PE Im good at PE. 看看他们擅长什么 Chinese Shes good at Chinese. 看看他们擅长什么 maths Hes good at maths. 看看他们擅长什么 English Shes good at English. 看看他们擅长什么 science Shes good at science. 看看他们擅长什么 music Hes good at music. 看看他们擅长什么 arts and crafts Shes good at arts and crafts. 看看他们擅长什么 subject 学科 Show me your book Lets do a show 假设你是学科宝宝,你 能介绍自己吗?如: Hello! Im PE. Im good at PE. I can play badminton and table tennis. Lets do a show 假设你是学科宝宝,你 能介绍自己吗? Hello! Im _. Im good at _. I can _. 选择正确答案,写序号。 1. Kate _ good at science. A. am B. is 2. I _ good at maths. A. am B. is 3. Mark _ good at PE. A. am B. is 4. Pat _ good at English. A. am B. is 5. He _ good at music. A. am B. is sing a song Pat What subject does Pat like? She likes English. Sara What subject does Sara like? She likes Chinese. Tim What subject does Tim like? He likes Maths. A: I have a good friend at school. B: Whats his name? A: His name is Tim. B: What subject does he like? A: He likes maths. B: What sport does he like? A: He likes badminton. Lets talk. 做一个调查表,调查班上五个同学,调 查的项目有科目,运动,颜色,水果。 在调查的过程用下面的句型询问。 What subject/sport/colour/fruit do you like? music English .Chinese maths science arts and crafts PE name subject Look at the following babies and choose the most popular babies. sing a song listen and guess 1.Where does pinky live? 2.What does pinky like? 3.Whats pinky good at? 4.Hows pinky? Read part c and answer the following questions 小小配音员 小朋友你们能给下面的图配音吗?你可以挑选一幅你最喜欢的 图,说给你的同桌听 A B C D 画班上某个同学的图片并用本 课所学的主要句型和以前学过的句 子来对朋友加以描述。下节课请你 来描述,大家来猜 。如 Hes a boy. Hes fat, hes tall. Hes good at English and PE


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