冀教版英语五下《Unit2 Lesson11 Tian’an men Square》PPT课件2.ppt

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Lesson 11 Tiananmen Square New words Think about it Text Lets do it New words fly v (flew, flown) 飞;放飞 laugh v. 笑 hard adj. 难的;努力的 quietly adj. 安静的 string n. 线 poor adj. 可怜的 worry v. 担心 put v. 放置 bandage n. 绷带 become v. 成为 Think about it Have you ever visit Tiananme Square? If yes, when? If no, why not? Do you want to visit Tiananmen square? Why or why not? What happens to Danny? This is easy! 这很容易! easy 是形容词 “容易的;简单的”(反义词: difficult, hard 困难的); easily 副词“容易地”。 例如: This lesson is easy to learn. 这一课容易学。 Its a easy question. 这是个简单的问题。 He can reach the apples easily. 他能很轻松地够 到苹果。 Easier said than done. 说比做容易。(谚语) Stand easy! (口令 ) 稍息! Oh, no! This is hard! 噢,不! 这太难了! hard adj. 硬的,艰难的,难懂的。 例如: The ground is very hard. 地面很坚硬。 The question is so hard that I cant answer it. 这个问题太难了,我回答不了。 He has a hard life. 他过着艰苦的生活。 “I see some men flying kites!” says Danny。 Lets fly a kite.” 丹尼 说 “ 我看见一些人放风筝,咱们放风筝吧。 ” see 是动词 “ 看见;看到 ” ,强调看的结果,常用 see sb. do sth. 或 see sb. doing sth. 两种结构。 see sb. do sth. 强调 “ 看见整个行动或整个事件或行为的全过程。 例如: I saw him cross the road. 我看见他过了马路。 A little girl saw it happen. 一个小女孩看见了整个事件发生的过程。 2) see sb. doing sth. 强调 “ 看见行动或事件正在进行 “ 。 例如: I saw them playing football. 我看见他们正在踢足球。 I saw him coming. 我看见他走过来。 fly 是动词 “ 飞;乘飞机前往;放(风筝) ” ;名词: flight 飞行。 例如: Some birds are flying in the air. 一些鸟正在空中飞。 They are flying kites in the park. 他们正在公园放风筝。 lets 表建议,意为 “ 让我们 ”, lets + 动词原形。 例如: Lets go home. 咱们回家吧。 Lets have a rest. 让我们休息一下吧。 Can Jenny fly a kite? Yes! Jenny is having fun. 詹 妮会放风筝吗?是的, 詹妮正玩得开心。 can 表示能力,否定形式在其后面加 not,可以缩写 为 cant。变一般疑问句时把 can 提前。 例如: He cant ride a motorbike. 他不会骑摩托车。 Can you lend me your bike? 你能借给我你的自行 车吗? have fun “玩得开心”,也可以说 have a good time; enjoy yourself. “从做某事中获得乐趣” 用 have fun doing sth. 。 例如: We have a lot of fun learning and speaking English. 从学说英语中我们获得了许多乐趣。 No! I hurt my arm! 不好!我伤着了胳膊! hurt v. 伤害;使疼痛;损伤。 例如: My shoes are so tight that my feet hurt. 我 的鞋太紧了,脚被挤痛了。 Mike hurt his leg badly when he fell. 迈克 跌了一跤,腿伤得很厉害。 My head hurts. 我头疼。 Lets put a bandage on your arm. 让我们把绷带绑到 你的胳膊上。 puton 把 放在 上 Dont put the books on the bed. 别把书放在床上。 Meimei put the apples on the table. 梅梅把苹果放在 桌子上。 注意: put on “穿上;戴上 ” ,反义词: take off “脱 掉 ” 。 The girl put on her new coat and went out. 女孩穿上 她的新外套出去了。 He put on his glasses to read the letter. 他戴上眼镜 看信。 拓展: put 组成的词组还有 put off 推迟 put away 把 收起来,放好 put down 写下,记下 put into 把 放进去 put out 熄灭, 关 put together 把 放在一起 Text “Tiananme Square is big!” says Li Ming. “It is Tuesday, but there are many people here!” “Yes!” says Jenny. “There are many children playing.” L: the children are loud. They are laughing loudly. The people are quiet. They are flying kites quietly. “I see some men flying kites!” says Danny. “Lets fly a kites!” Can jenny fly a kite? Yes! Jenny is having fun. “This is easy!” says Jenny. Can Danny fly a kite? D: Oh! This is hard! Help! There is too much string! “Poor Danny! Are you okay?” asks Jenny. “No! I hurt my arm!” says Danny. “Dont worry. I can help you,” says Jenny. “Lets put a bandage on your arm.” “Thanks.” Danny becomes quiet. He stands quietly. The children are loud. They are laughing loudly. The people are quiet. They are flying kites quietly. 那些 孩子很喧闹。他们在大声地笑。那些人很安静。他们 在静静地放风筝。 loud 形容词 “ 高升的;大声的;喧闹的 ” ; loudly 是副词, “ 大声地;喧闹地 ” 。 例如: Please answer the question in a loud voice. 请大声 回答这个问题。 Dont talk loudly. The baby is sleeping. 别这么大声 地说话,小孩正在睡觉呢。 quiet 是形容词 “ 安静的 ” ; quietly 是副词 “ 安静 地 ” 。 例如: You should be quiet in class. 在课堂上你应该安静。 What a quiet night. 一个多么安静的晚上。 He is reading a book quietly. 他正在安静地读书。 Poor Danny! 可怜的丹尼! poor adj. 贫穷的;可怜的(反义词 : rich 富有的)。 例 如: He is poor. 他很穷。 He has a poor memory. 他的记忆力不好。 Poor boy! 可怜的孩子! 注意:有些形容词前加 the 后变成名词,表示一类人。 the poor 穷人 the rich 有钱人 the young 年轻人 the old 老年人 the good 好人 the bad 坏人 We must take good care of the old. 我们必须很好的照 顾老年人。 The young are like the sun in the morning. 年轻人像 早晨的太阳。 Lets do it Work with a partner. Draw a map of Tiananme Square. Describe your maps to each other. What are the people doing? Try to use loudly, quietly, slowly and quickly. There are many children playing. 有许多 孩子正在玩。 这个句子一方面表示客观存在,“在那儿 有 ” ,同时又表示 “某人正在做某 事”。若分解开来,可表达为 There are many children. They are playing.。 例如: There is a girl reading English. (There is a girl. She is reading English.) 有个女孩 正在读英语。 Dont worry. 不要担心。 worry v. 让 烦恼;使 担心; worried adj. 担心的,烦恼的。 例如: It worries me that my goes to school by bike. 我儿子骑自行车上学很让我担心。 Dont worry about me. 别为我担心。 She always worries about the smallest things. 她总为一些微不足道的事情担忧。 He felt worried. 他感到担心。


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