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怡和紫金大酒店服务指南一、董事长致辞二、酒店简介三、酒店各类房型房价表四、宾客须知五、酒店服务六、宴会和会议设施七、康乐设施八、电视指南九、电话指南十、消防安全十一、客房配置物品价目表一、董事长致辞尊敬的宾客:欢迎您下榻万源市怡和紫金大酒店,我们衷心感谢您的光临,愿怡和紫金大酒店给您的入住留下最美好的回忆。作为我们的贵宾,怡和紫金大酒店的全体员工将竭诚为您提供尽善尽美的服务,为您的此次旅程留下愉快而难忘的记忆。我们饭店所有的员工将以“以客为尊,用心待人”的服务宗旨为您服务!并感谢您对怡和紫金大酒店一如既往的支持和关注,我谨以我个人的名义并代表饭店全体员工期待您的再次光临!谨祝您入住愉快!万源怡和紫金大酒店董事长:曾波一 , Chairman speech respect guest: welcome you to stay at the Wanyuan Amiable Purple Gold Hotel, we thank your presence heartfeltly, is willing the amiable purple golden hotel to move in for you leaves behind the happiest recollection. takes us the distinguished guest, the amiable purple golden hotels all staff will provide the acme of perfection wholeheartedly for you the service, leaves behind happy and the unforgettable memory for yours this journey. we hotel all staffs take “as will revere by the guest, treats people attentively” the service objective serves for you! And thanks you to amiable purple golden hotel support and the attention as always, I sincerely by myself and anticipate your presence oncemore on behalf of the hotel all staff! respectfully wishes you to move in happily!Chairman Wanyuan amiable purple gold hotel : Once wave二、酒店简介怡和紫金大酒店位于万源市商业中心广场,酒店距长途车站3 分钟里程,距火车站 8 分钟路程,交通快捷方便。酒店集客房、餐饮、茶房、洗浴、KTV、会议于一体的四星级酒店。富丽堂皇的大厅,设有大堂吧、行李房、贵重物品保管室、行李寄存室、男女分设卫生间、大堂副理、礼宾员、租借、机票代办、宾客投诉、擦鞋等服务。此外商务中心竭诚为宾客提供传真、打印、复印等各项文秘服务。酒店 2 楼至 3 楼,设舒适怡人的早餐厅、中餐厅。餐厅可同时容纳 400 人就餐,餐厅功能布局合理,豪华包间采用简约的欧陆风情和简约中式的风格设计,独具匠心,装饰风格具有很强的时代感及艺术性,环境幽雅怡人。酒店 4 楼设茶房、咖啡厅,环境温馨舒适、格调新颖。茶楼大厅精致典雅,露天阳光茶房的卡座,茶品丰富,有各类名茶数十种:万源雀舌、铁观音等等,定能满足您不同口味和精致生活的需求。风格各异的大小包间 9 个并提供全自动麻将机.酒店 5 楼设 KTV 娱乐歌城,具有情调各异的卡拉 OK 包房豪华气派,拥有一流的音乐设施设备,任您放怀高歌,豪情劲舞,是舒展身心、纵情狂欢的理想之处,定能令您欢度热力澎湃的快乐时光。酒店 6 楼设怡水坊洗浴中心,集浴足、保健于一体的休闲中心,设施豪华,格调高雅,极富别致个性效果,处处尽显高贵辉煌气派。酒店 7 楼设贵宾棋牌室和健身房(男女分设)装修精致,设施设备齐全。酒店 8 至 18 楼设有客房 144 间(残疾人客房 1 间),客房配有数字电视机、雪柜、小酒吧、音响系统、国际国内电话直拨、中央空调、消防报警、喷淋灭火装置、喷淋卫生间等,同时客房提供洗衣、擦皮鞋、送餐、有线电视等服务,客房环境优雅、光线柔和、装修豪华、家具精美、居住舒适,具有家的温馨,为宾客商务、旅游、休闲、渡假提供了一个舒适、宁静的休息场所。酒店 19 楼设会议中心,设施齐备,功能先进,备有大中小各类会议室四个,配以先进的音控设备、多媒体投影仪等精良设施,为会议和商务洽谈提供了理想场所,热情周到的服务打造完美会议。会议提供服务项目有:植物、鲜花、茶水、音响设备、多媒体投影仪、会议横幅制作、会议嘉宾座牌等。酒店内设中央空调、地下停车场,各种配套设施完善,功能齐全, 装修豪华,档次高雅,是商务、旅游、会议、聚会、休闲娱乐的理想去处!酒店“以客为尊、以心待人”为经营宗旨,以团结、务实、高效、创新为企业精神,以人为本的服务为特色。怡和紫金大酒店,诚心恭候您的光临!三、酒店各类房型房价表房间类型价格(人民币)特级套房1888 元豪华套房1188 元豪华单人间698 元豪华标准间668 元商务标准间558 元普通标准间458 元普通单人间388 元以上房价收费以“间.夜”为计算单位,以总台实际执行价为准; 本酒店退房时间为中午 14:00,14:00 以后自动计费,18:00 以前退房加收半天房费,18:00 以后加收全天房费; 酒店接受信用卡及各种银联卡消费;贵重物品请寄存在总台贵重物品保险箱内;四、宾客须知为了保障您的合法权益和住宿的舒适、安全,为您提供更高质量的服务,敬请了解以下事宜:一、请您在办理入店手续时,持本人有效证件,并如实登记,以便我们更准确地了解您的需要。二、凡属以下情况者,酒店恕不接待:1、携带危险物品进店者;2、从事违法活动者;3、影响酒店形象者;4、无支付能力或有过逃帐记录者;5、酒店客满;6、法律、法规规定的其他情况。三、酒店房费按间.夜计算,当日入住房费算至次日中午 14:00,次日14:00-18:00 之间离店,加收半日房费,18:00 以后退房加收全日房费。四、住宿客人以登记时的姓名、人数为准,增加或调换住宿人员须重新办理入住登记手续。五、酒店提供的各种设施设备,不得私自拆装、涂改、变更使用功能, 如有损坏或遗失,则按酒店规定赔偿,并视情况承担酒店在维修受损设施设备期间导致客房不能出租、场所不能开放所造成的营业损失。六、请在送洗衣物时,认真阅读洗衣单,并在洗衣单上注明洗涤种类及要求,若无特别注明洗涤要求,酒店将按常规进行洗涤,由此造成衣物损坏,酒店不承担赔偿责任,宾客若有其他特殊洗涤、缝补要求或酒店员工发现衣物损坏,双方应事先提出。八、禁止在酒店内酗酒、斗殴、赌博、吸毒、卖淫、传播淫秽书画或放映淫秽录像、录音等。九、因醉酒在店肇事,造成酒店损失的宾客应承担相应法律责任和赔偿责任。十、不得将枪支、弹药、剧毒、放射性等危险物品(包括强化、液化、易燃、易爆品等)带入酒店。十一、请勿在客房、酒店公共场所大声喧哗、扰乱公共秩序、影响他人休息;请照看好您的小孩,切勿让其乱跑、乱爬,以免发生意外。十二、客房内严禁使用电炉、饭煲等电器具,征得客房部允许,可安装使用办公电器如传真机、复印机等。十三、酒店内严禁焚烧物品、燃放烟花爆竹、堆放易燃品或用易燃品清洗物件,吸烟时请注意防火、请勿在床上或无烟楼层吸烟。十四、为了您和他人的身体健康,请勿将宠物带入酒店。 十五、请您注意锁好房门,退房时请将房卡钥匙交还总台。十六、来访客人请出示有关证件,并办理访客登记手续,征得被访客人同意后方可进入客房,访客时间为 8:00-23:00,请勿留宿。十七、听从酒店值勤人员指挥,按照行李/停车标志停放车辆,停车场内,因您自身原因造成车辆丢失或损坏,酒店不承担责任,若车内放置的物品发生丢失,酒店不承担责任。十八、酒店大堂设有免费行李及贵重物品寄存服务,若未按规定存放, 造成贵重物品遗失,酒店概不负责,您若遗失酒店贵重物品保险箱钥匙,按规定应给予赔偿。十九、请于结帐离店时带走您的贵重物品,若无事先约定,酒店将按有关规定处理。二十、若物品丢失,请及时向酒店安全部报案,以便协助查找。三个月后无人认领,酒店将按遗留物品处理。二十一、您在离店后,若物品遗留于客房,酒店在归还和保管时产生的费用由客人承担。总服务台五、酒店服务位于酒店一楼大堂,24 小时服务,为您提供办理住宿登记、房间变更、续房、问询等服务。电话:6101 或 7。收银处位于酒店一楼总服务台内,24 小时为您提供退房、结帐、押金、贵重物品寄存等服务。电话:6101 或 7。商务中心位于酒店一楼右侧,18 小时为您提供打印、复印、传真、电脑租用、国际国内长途电话等服务。电话:3大堂副理位于酒店一楼大堂,18 小时为您提供咨询、投诉等服务。电话:5大堂吧位于酒店大堂左侧,为您提供各式茶水服务。营业时间:9:00凌晨电话:6105礼宾服务位于酒店一楼大堂,18 小时为您提供搬运行李、寄存行李、雨伞租用、出租车等服务。电话:4电话免打扰服务如果您不希望房间电话被人查询,以及有电话打进房间,请与总机联系。电话:8888 或 2.客房叫醒服务如果您需要客房叫醒服务,请与总机联系。电话:8888.或 2.洗衣服务请将需要送洗的衣物装入洗衣袋,填好洗衣单,与客房服务中心联系, 我们将按您的要求为您提供洗衣服务及 2 小时加急洗衣服务(8:00-18:00)。电话:6104租借物品服务酒店备有多功能充电器、吹风筒、网线、插线板等物品,如需使用, 请与客房服务中心联系。电话:2代办服务如您需要酒店帮助代办、代购服务,请与客房服务中心联系,我们将按您的要求提供相应服务。电话:2客房送餐服务酒店为您提供客房送餐服务,送菜单置于客房写字台上,请与餐厅联系(7:00-22:00)电话:6301物品遗失如阁下发现物品遗失,请与大堂副理联系。电话:5 或 7.客房维修服务如客房家具、灯具、冷热水、开关等发生故障,请及时与客房服务中心联系,我们将尽快前来维修。电话:6102 或 2.饮用水为了您用水方便,我们已在房内为您提供电热水壶供您使用,水壶电源已连接,如有不便之处,请与服务中心联系。电话:6102 或 2.电源客房内电源为 220 伏,卫生间内有插座供剃须器专用,电压为 220 伏。电话:6115空调酒店使用中央空调系统,调节温度高低可使用房内墙上的开关。电话:6115房内家具、物品家具、物品也有生命,舒适空间离不开您的爱护,如果您不小心打坏东西或烫伤地毯等家具,请与客房服务中心联系,我们将根据实际情况给予处理,谢谢您的配合。电话:6102 或 2.擦鞋、增添卧具等服务如需上述服务,请与客房服务中心联系。电话:6102 或 2.房卡为了您的安全,请随身带好房卡,如遗失请立即通知接待处。电话:7如果您的房卡遗留在房内无法开门,请与前台、客房服务中心联系。电话:6102 或 2.六、宴会和会议设施位于酒店 2 楼宴会厅和 19 楼会议室,设施一流,装饰豪华典雅。无论您是在此举行宴会还是新产品推广会,优质的服务必将给您留下难忘的回忆。宴会设施怡和紫金宴会厅位于酒店二楼的怡和紫金宴会厅,装饰豪华典雅、别具一格,可同时容纳 300 余人用餐,是您举行大型宴会、冷餐会、朋友相聚的最佳去处。电话:6301餐厅豪华包房酒店 3 楼配备 10 个豪华餐厅包房,装饰富丽堂皇、独具匠心, 特聘川粤名厨主理,随时为您提供精品川菜、粤菜、精美广东小吃、生猛海鲜,让您的味觉得到充分享受。电话:6301会议设施多功能厅位于酒店十九楼,配备国际领先的音响、灯光、投影等设施设备, 可同时容纳 300 余人,是您举行歌舞表演、产品推广会、鸡尾酒会、冷餐会及大型宴会的理想场所。电话:6108茶房、健身房:七、康乐设施位于酒店四楼和七楼,傍依幽幽中心商业广场,风景秀丽迷人。设有十八间豪华包房,装饰温馨华丽,是您品茗小憩、休闲娱乐、商务洽谈、朋友相聚的上佳选择。电话:6408位于酒店七楼充满异域浪漫风情,棋牌、健身于一体的理想胜地KTV:位于酒店五楼,热情周到、是你一展歌喉的最佳选择电话:6506保健中心:位于酒店六楼,热情周到、技术娴熟的按摩技师会令您疲倦顿消, 浮想联翩。电话:6606.6608电视节目指南八、电视指南1、四川卫视2、CCTV113、万源资讯4、大巴山传媒5、互动娱乐6、达州城市公众7、峨眉电影8、CCTV59、新闻综合10、CCTV111、CCTV 新闻12、CCTV813、CCTV314、CCTV615、北京卫视16、安徽卫视17、中国教育18、浙江卫视19、CCTV1020、山东卫视21、上海卫视22、CCTV723、少儿频道24、陕西卫视25、CCTV1226、河南卫视27、四川公共频道28、CCTV429、深圳卫视30、旅游卫视31、西藏卫视32、国防军事33、COIO34、凤凰卫视35、中国电影频道36、凤凰资讯37、天映频道38、星空卫视39、TVB 星河40、HBO41、世界地理42、SCTV-343、SCTV-544、SCTV-245、重庆卫视46、湖南卫视47、达州新闻综合48、达州公共频道49、东南卫视50、CCTV951、CCTV252、江苏卫视53、CCTV 音乐54、广东卫视tv program1 、 Sichuan Satellite TV 2 、 CCTV113、Wan yuan sources of information 4 、 Daba media5 、 interactive entertainment 6 、 Florida urban public7 、 Emei Film 8 、 CCTV59、comprehensive news 10 、 CCTV 111 、 CCTVNews12 、 CCTV813 、 CCTV314 、 CCTV615 、 Beijing TV 16、Anhui TV17、China Education18、Zhejiang TV 19 、 CCTV1020 、 Shandong TV 21 、 Shanghai TV 22 、 CCTV723、 childrenSChannel 24 、 Shaanxi TV25 、 CCTV1226 、 Henan TV27 、 Sichuan Public Channels 28 、 CCTV429 、 Shenzhen Satellite TV 30 、 the Travel Channel31 、 Tibet TV32 、 national defense and 33 、 COIO34 、 Phoenix35 、 Chinese Movie Channel 36 、 Phoenix Information37 、 Celestial Channels 38 、 Star TV39 、 TVB Xing 40 、 HBO41 、 World Geography42 、 SCTV-343 、 SCTV-544 、 SCTV-245 、 Chongqing TV46 、 Hunan Satellite TV47 、 Florida Comprehensive News 48 、 Florida Public Channels49 、 South East TV 50 、 CCTV951 、 CCTV252 、 Jiangsu Satellite TV 53 、 CCTVs54 、 Guangdong TV九、电话指南如何拨打电话本地电话拨 9+电话号码国内长途直拨电话拨 9+0+区号+电话号码国际长途直拨电话(请先与总机联系开通后) 拨 9+00+国家代码+城市代码+电话号码若您要查询国家和城市代码以及国内城市区号,请参看本指南。总机代拨电话如您在拨打本地电话,国内长途或国际长途电话时遇到任何困难,请您联系总机,我们的工作人员将为您代拨电话。尽管我们配备了最领先的电话设备,但偶尔也会出现因技术故障所造成的接线延迟,尤其是拨打国内长途电话时。请您获知,酒店市内电话、国内长途电话免费,国际长途电话是按照您占用线路的时间长短进行计时收费的,如对方占线或无信号,请您尽快挂断电话,避免发生不必要的费用。城市城市代码城市城市代码北京10宁波574长春431青岛532长沙731秦皇岛335成都28上海21重庆23沈阳24福州591深圳755广州20石家庄311贵阳851苏州512海口898太原351杭州571天津22哈尔滨451乌鲁木齐991合肥551武汉27呼和浩特471无锡510济南531厦门592昆明871西安29兰州931西宁971拉萨891徐州516连云港518扬州514洛阳379银川951南昌791郑州371南京25镇江511南宁771珠海756广安826南充817十、消防与安全安全与隐私为了您的舒适与隐私,请将“请勿打扰”牌挂在门外避免不必要的打扰。酒店不对存放在客房内物品的遗失和损坏承担任何责任。我们建议您将贵重物品存放在衣柜里的保险箱里。同时,位于大堂的总台还备有供您免费使用的保险箱,。酒店安全忠告宾客办理入住手续时必须出示有效的旅行身份证明文件。每一位客人都应服从酒店的规章制度,并自觉遵守。禁止携带易燃、易爆、有毒、放射性或其他任何危险物品进入酒店。酒店内禁止明火和燃放烟花爆竹。宾客不允许在客房内安装任何用电设备或使用电炉、微波炉等用电设施。不允许在酒店内进行任何违法或犯罪行为,如斗殴、赌博、吸毒或色情活动等。宾客不得持有或传播色情书刊、图片和照片,并不得播放该类录音或录影带等。酒店严禁大声喧哗和大音量播放音乐。酒店有权拒绝违反上述规章制度的人员入住。凡是违反上述规定中涉及中华人民共和国行政处罚法或其他行政法的人员将交由公安部门按照有关法律进行处置。对于违反中华人民共和国刑法的人员则将交由公安和司法部门进行检查,并对其犯罪行为承担有关法律责任。为了您的安全,希望下列注意事项能引起您的关注:登记入住后首先要 学习贴在您房门后的消防安全疏散示意图,该图将告诉您离您房间最近的紧急出口方向; 记下您房间所在方位;熟悉并记住紧急出口的位置。发生火警时 待在房间并保持冷静,紧急疏散广播将在数分钟内播出; 遵循广播指示; 切勿使用电梯;到最近的紧急出口; 万一出口被封堵,请回到您的房间; 不要尝试任何不必要的冒险行动;只能在确保安全时方可离开所在区域; 如果发现火灾,请立即拨打分机“6119、6110”并通知总机接线生;这样,对您的援助工作将得到有效安排。紧急撤退 如果开门前感觉门把手发热,请将门慢慢打开; 用湿毛巾捂住口鼻,并前往最近的紧急出口; 切勿使用电梯; 请从一楼正门口离开酒店;如果您的出口被封堵,请返回您的房间。如果您无法离开房间 待在房间,拨打“8888”与总机接线生联系并等待指示; 用湿毛巾堵住房门下方缝隙和通风口; 将浴缸放满水; 记下您的房间所在方位;熟悉并记住紧急出口的位置。安全 酒店设有专职保安定时巡岗。但是,我们还是建议您使用房门上的窥视镜和防盗锁,不要为陌生人开门。如有任何疑虑,请拨打分机号码“6119”与保安部联系。 为了您的安全,请随时保持警惕。不要让您的私人物品处于无人看管的状态并须提防扒手。 按照有关法律规定,所有访客必须在 23:00 前离开客房。YHZJ HOTEL SERIOne , general manager Second, the guests guidelines Third, the hotel serviceFour, banquet and meeting facilities Five, recreation facilitiesSixth, the TV guideSeven, telephone guidelines Eight, fire safety一,General managerDear Guest:Welcome Grand Hotel Wanyuan Jardine, and we sincerely appreciate your patronage and pre Zhuwan Yuan Grand Hotel, Jardine to leave your best memories stay。In order to allow you to better understand the hotel facilities and service, please use the service guide or extension 7 and assistant.As our guest, jardine matheson zijin hotel staff will provide perfect service for the journey, you leave a pleasant and memorable experience.Thanks again for your hotel and are looking forward to your hotel jardine matheson zijin already live in our hotel as support and attention. I wish to my personal name and on behalf of hotel staff are looking forward to your visit again!To enjoy your stay!Sincerely,saluteManager: CengBoJadine matheson zijin hotel; o origin二 , the guests guidelinesIn order to safeguard the lawful rights and interests of your stay and comfortable, safe, provide high quality service, please understand following matters:一 , please handle formalities in the shop, the valid certificate, and registration,so that we can more accurately understand your needs.二 ,under the circumstance of hotel will not receive.1, carrying dangerous goods into the shop 2,Engaged in illegal activities;3, affect the image of hotel,4 and the ability to pay or had fled records, 5 and hotels are full,6 and the provisions of other laws and regulations.三 , the hotel room by night, in the room is next to the next midday, 14-18:00-07- between the departure, additional 50%, half a full day.四,The guests to the registration number, name, or change hotel staff shall be increased to check-in formalities.五 , the hotel provides various facilities, and shall not dismantle, alter, changethe use function, if there is damaged or lost, the hotel regulations for compensation, and depending on the situation in hotel facilities to repair damaged during the guest cannot rent, place cannot open the loss caused by the business.六,please laundry in the laundry list, read, and write in the laundry list washingtypes and requirements, without special requirement, the hotel will indicate washing by conventional washing clothes on, cause damage, the hotel does not assume liabilityto pay compensation, if the guests have other special requirement or washing and mending the hotel staff, both sides should find clothing damage beforehand.七 , the ban on hotel alcohol, drugs, gambling, fighting, prostitution,calligraphy and painting or projected spread obscene pornographic video and audio etc.八, because in the shop, drunk ex-gratia hotel losses corresponding legalresponsibility and guests shall bear the liability for compensation.九, guns, ammunition, shall not poisonous, radioactive and other dangerous articles (including strengthening, liquefaction, inflammable, explosive and) into hotels.十,and not in the room, hotel public loud and disrupt public order and influenceothers rest, Please take care of your children, do not let it run, climbing, lest produce an accident.十一, guest room verboten stoves, electric appliances, food, etc, can installallows the consent of housekeeping office appliances such as using machines, duplicator, etc.十二,and hotel is strictly prohibited items, setting off firecrackers burn,stacking inflammables or use inflammables, smoking when cleaning, please note fire in bed or non-smoking floors smoking.十三,to you and others, please do not be healthy pet into hotels.十四, please note to lock the door, please check out room card keys reception and visiting guests please show relevant documents, and deal with formalities of registration, and obtaFifteen, please note to lock the door, please check out room card keys reception十五,and visiting guests please show relevant documents, and deal with formalities of registration, and obtain visitors visited by guest rooms, agrees rearaccessibility for 8:00-23:00 visitors, please do not stay.十 六 and obey the command, according to the hotel, the personnel on duty luggage/stop sign, parking lot, parked vehicles for your own cause vehicles is lost or damaged, hotel, if not liable for interior items lost, the hotel is not liable.十七,and the hotel lobby sets free baggage, and valuables deposit service, ifdid not press formulary deposit valuables, causing loss, the hotel is not responsible for, if you lost hotel valuables should be safe, the key to compensate.十八, please check in when you take the valuables, if no prior agreement, the hotel will press concerned regulation processing.十九, if the loss to the hotel, please promptly report to assist department. Threemonths later, the hotel will unclaimed items according to the left.The 20st, in your departure, if left in hotel rooms, in return, and keep the charge by guests.三 , the hotel serviceThe general service counterLocated in the hotel lobby, 24 hours service, provide you apply for accommodation registration, the room changes, renewal, information service, etc.Telephone: 6101ShouYinChuLocated in the first floor of the hotel reception, 24 hours for you provide the check-out, billing, and valuables deposit deposit etc. Service.Telephone: 7Business centerLocated on the first floor of the hotel, 18 hours provide print, copy, fax, computer renting, domestic and international long-distance telephone service, etc.Telephone: 3AssistantLocated in the hotel lobby, 18 hours for you to provide consulting services, complaints.Telephone: 5Lobby barLocated in the hotel lobby, offers all kinds of tea service. Open time: 9:00 a.m. -Telephone: 6105Concierge servicesLocated in the hotel lobby, 18 hours provide baggage, left luggage, umbrellas, rent, taxi services.Telephone: 4Dont disturb service telephoneIf you do not wish to call room by telephone, and room, please contact the operator. Telephone: 7Guest a wake-up callIf you need a wake-up call room, please contact the operator. Telephone: eight thousand eight hundred and eighty eight Laundry servicePlease will need the laundry in the laundry bag, fill out the laundry form, and room service center, we will contact you in accordance with your request to provide laundry service and 2 hours urgent laundry service (8:00-18:00).Telephone: 6104Loan items serviceHotel equipped with multi-function charger, blow hair, cable, ChaXianBan items, such as the need to use, please contact with the room service centerTelephone: eight thousand eight hundred and eighty eightThe serviceIf you need help, purchasing services for hotel rooms, please contact with our service center, according to your request to provide the corresponding services.Telephone: eight thousand eight hundred and eighty eightRoom serviceThe hotel provides room service, send menu in the guest on the desk, please contact (7-22:00 restaurant),Telephone: 6301Lost itemsIf you find items lost, please contact with the assistant. Telephone: 6101Room serviceIf room furniture, lamps and lanterns, cold, switch, please promptly and fault room service center, we will soon came to repair.Telephone: 6003Drinking waterFor your convenience, we have already in use for your room for you to provide electric kettle.anyone, kettle, such as power has connected any inconvenience, please contact with the service center.Telephone: 6102powerGuest room 220 volts, power supply for inside toilet socket for shaving dedicated servers, voltage of 220 volts.Telephone: 6003Air conditioningHotel use central air conditioner systems, the adjusting temperature can be used inside the wall of the switch.Telephone: 6003Room furniture, itemsFurniture, items, also have life, comfortable space without your love, if you accidentally break things or scald carpet, please contact with the furniture such as room service center, we will give treatment according to the actual situation, thank you for your support.Telephone: 6102Shoe, add bedding, etcIf you need the service, please contact with the room service center. Telephone: 6102Room card,For your safety, please bring room card, if you lose immediately notify the reception. Telephone: 7If your room card left in the room with the front door, please not contact center, room service.Telephone: 6102四 , banquet and meeting facilitiesLocated on the 2-3 floor, first-class facilities, decorate luxurious and elegant. Whether you are held in the new product or service companies, will give you success and unforgettable memories.Banquet facilitiesJardine matheson zijin hallLocated on the second floor of the hotel, decorate luxurious banquet jardine matheson zijin is unique, elegant, can accommodate 300 people meals, is a large banquet, buffet, the best place to meet friends.Telephone: 6301Luxury VIP diningHotel 3 floor with 10 luxury restaurant, richly decorated rooms, originality, featuring sichuan guangdong chefs, provide you the fine cuisine and cantonese dishes, guangdong snacks, seafood, let you taste travel nations.Telephone: 6301Conference facilitiesHallLocated on the 19th floor, equipped with international advanced audio, light, projection facilities equipment, can accommodate 300 people, is a dance performance, product promotion, cocktail party, buffet and banquets.Telephone: 6108五 ,recreation facilitiesteaLocated on the fourth floor and seven floors, this vacation faint commercial center square, beautiful scenery and charming. With nine deluxe rooms, luxuriant adornment, is your tea cozy rests, entertainment, business negotiation, the choice of good friends. Telephone: 6408Health centerLocated on the fifth floor, hospitality, skilled massage technician will make you tired at extrapolate.Telephone: 6508Located on the sixth floor, hospitality, is your best choice of singing Telephone: 6606Located on the 7th floor full of exotic romantic amorous feelings, chess, fitness ideal resortLocated on the eighth floor to the 18th floor and humanized design contained in this hotel suites, standard rooms, single rooms. 144.Telephone: 7Located on the 19th floor, VIP room, three kinds of meeting rooms Telephone:7六, the TV guidetv program1 、 Sichuan Satellite TV 2 、 CCTV113、Wan yuan sources of information4 、 Daba media5 、 interactive entertainment 6 、 Florida urban public7 、 Emei Film 8 、 CCTV59、comprehensive news 10 、 CCTV 111 、 CCTVNews12 、 CCTV813 、 CCTV314 、 CCTV615 、 Beijing TV 16、Anhui TV17、China Education 18


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