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八年级英语试题一、单项填空1.There aeabout fv_ stuet in or ho. A.hund . hudres C. hundred ofD. udeds o . aturdy is th_ dy of te eek. A. first Bsn C lstD. tid 3Get peary,_ yul ctch the ar b.A. so B. and C. but D.or . Hurr up,_oul be laefo ss.soB. anC.bD. or 5. The P a oded _ Octobr 1st,194.A. inB. on C.wih . r 6.Tere al itersed _Enlish A iB.n C t D at 7. Mysister _a letterwhen I got homelast iht A. is wiing B. w wrting C. wroe . is eaing.e asked e f_ play. A sa B. had sen C.hav seenD.se _ is raininow.Yud better ty at hom. A. It .Wather C. his D.Tha . H wil wri to you on s he _ there. wi get Bto gets . gtsD getting . hebu so_ in 1999. A.as blt B. wll be buil C. buitD. ill buld1. he o ust _ intme. Abe one B.did. i doi D.do 3.eolicemtold s_ n te st. A.dont py . notto plo not play . to play14. Tom tod m that he_t Engl henext week A. uld go B.il g C is goinD.goes1. Th lcks_in thifctoysince 1996.A.ha wrked. has eC have eD. a arrived二、情景交际1. “ryohungry now?” “_. ”A. Al right B. No, a lot . Y, a ltte D. Im hungy, too 2. “_?”“Theeoin to ge here by bs. ” .When ar ty gong to get the B. How ar thy going t ge tee C. Wht re ty goingtdo .here athey gig toge “Woud yu lke t have noher cp f te?” “Ye, _. ” A. I woud iketo B. l like C I old lov D. wul wn 4 “Wen shall we me?” “_ a qarter pat two? ” A. What abu B. Whichabt C. ho abo. Where abut5 xcuse me, whees heosoffice, lae?Sorry,I ontkno. _. A. e-bye B. Tats l thsameC. Thako allthe sameDThnk godness 6. hich seaterdo yolik betr? _.A. oo ideaB. can deieC. Yes, tsiceYe,lease 7 How do you liketenelm? _. A VeydB. VerydlicousC Vey lucky D. Vry intreting 8.uld ou ce, plase? want ehelp_. A.Ys,I couldB. Youre welcoC. Sure Im comnnow D Thas rit 9. Dnt pick flowers in th schoo gadennet time,Lil _ A haeo ideaB. Sory, n.C. Is thtso?. on wr. 10. Sory, mumm. I cant ie my sh.Dot ry, ear._ A.I ant ohp yu B. ll hel yo C like ohp youD I wsh ohlp yo 三、 如下两种题型,供选择: (一)1.Sory, ave to do m hoework first2. Ye, I must Bt I may cme ler3. O! you hae do t now?4 i, Mngin. Can you cadplay ges? 5. OK .4-513- B. -12- . 4-1-3-2 42-3-51 (二) , h ther!iPig! _ Wa a pleas surre oeetyu he. i,its you. Firt o ll I mutcongatulateyu _Oh yes,thnk . I wasluc _3_ H isery wll.He akd me to sa lo to u when Imet ou. _ Im missng him ver muh Icalon imsome day. Wold yousay it h fo me when yu eehi d tell himthat Im going t sehi? _.Than.A. hanks frpassg onhigrein. BOK,I will C. tsnce you t says. D. Han eenyo for ges.E. Wang Litol me tatyo goa veryodb.F. Yu re elcome G. Howis an Linw?四、完形填空 Nealyeverodyenjoys cikn, nd th mo amo ame i hickni entucky Fie Chicken. M Sandes,them hostatehis _1_w not ays ry r t ne time, e _a mal gas station n to a highwa(公路). May truck rver _thre t et gs nd take aret. Mr andrs realed they wereofte_4_, s ebean serg anwices nd coffee._5_te sanwihs he ae tatedgood, anddidnt _6_ tuch, or an mre _ cae to ea a his place. _8_ MrSander began o sere rd chkn. People _9_ itvery uch,and hi ew bsiess grew aidl Nt lng afe, however, ohehighwa ws _1_, a mnydrives o longer ent_1_Mr Sandersrestrnt.o e had _12_ it Teh traveled roun the cony _13_ to sl his idea of opening ridchikenrestauats. H _ By 967, ere we lmst5000 Ketucy ried Chicke rtran Anow,_15_ yointheUie States, youilse ne. f yuike chcken, Im sure, yolenjoeaig etuck Fried Chckn 1 usines B hop C.life D. arch . Aund .worked C. awD oned 3. A. paseB.got t stope D. lef4. A. late .hugryC. tired D.s5. A Althoug B. IfC. s D.Oce 6. .need .py . pn . cost A pasegerB. drie C. tden docos 8. A Then . S C. BuD. r 9 A ae. liked C. triedD. drank 10. . pperedB. fundC. uil D. broke 11. ou B. to C oer.1 A.clo B run C. retur . ak1 A. tryi B. elieving . tinkingD.ugesting 14. A. failed B. fails .suced D. uceded 15. Awheneer B. werver C where . en 五、阅读理解MrSith mde y tests (作实验)th diferen anialsand te mokywasthe cleveres f al nmals. Od MrSmith ut a monkey in a rom. e so put soml boxe in it. n one f theboesthewasomeood.Hwong will it tke th mky find thefood? Mr mih id to hiself. Ltme waitd se. Heet th oom and waied outside. hremiuts late, hep his eye to he kyhoe (钥匙眼). What did he se? He saw he ey the monky.Themokey ws n the ote ie of edoor an loked at Mr Smt rough t eyhole. 1Mr Smit ade tests with _.A. dffeent imal B th monkeyonly C all monkeys D alof the vest ials . Tre was smfood i _ ofte small bxA some . none C.ne D. each . Mr Smithpt mnkeyand omexes ina room becae hewat to no_. A.how much oo ny od findB howay boxs th monkey coud carr C. howlong it ouldtakethe mey t utitye to thekeyhole .w lngit wuld take temoeyto fd th food 4. ht wa temonkey din whenMrmithas putting his eeto th eyhl? Te monkeywaseatingod. B. The moey as loking for oo. C. Te onkeywa tinon he her sd ofhe oor. D.The mnkey was ling a r mithrough e keyhe. 5. MrSmith sa _. A. tache B scienst(科学家) C. doctor. amworke (B) Do younedfriend? Imsueyoranswer is Ye,f cours.veyoyoes!Youneed idwn you ply ndwhenyuwor Ifyu have ieds,you wil feelhay. Ifyou hae n fried yoill eel oely (寂寞的). Doyon how to mke frieds? Tre olynegod waYomake frindsb ingfrendly. frendy persn is intresd in oherpeplHe is alays epfulIf you wat t ake friends wi n casmate,o ntal wit im,tellhmab the oter lassmaes n you class a ty yo bestt be helpful t him. 6. We ned fids _. . becse wustpay withthe . Becau we must work wth them .hneplyand when we work Den talkwit the 7. Iw want mak rien,e uld _.A. be poliey o tB.be fiendly them. C. eafaid fheD. when talk whtem.8. fiendlypron is _othe ele. . iteresed in B. worried about C.srprised at D. ke he . ewant mae riend wihnew clssate, _. A. e cn k with hemB. w must tr tl himC. we a ellhmaou heotherasmatsinour clas D. A、B nd C 0.hch of thfoloig is tru? A.N e nee frinds. B. Everoneneed frids.C. Ony lsmates nee riend.Somene eeds fie (C)Bill dBoy were sall boys. Ty r roths,andthy ote foght Ls Saratheir mothersai ohem, going t cook or lnh nw. Gooutnd lay in the garen ad be god. Yes, Mu,hetwo bys answeed,a tey entoutThe pay in te aen for half an hour, adthe Bily ran in.Mm, he sd,obysrkenwndow inM lle ouse. rs lln wa ne their neighbours(邻居)Hes abadboy, his mothersid. Hwdd he beak it? I tewstone (石头) at him, Bily ansered, ndh quicklymove n. 1 ly nd Bobby we _. . siters B. assates C.t fnkind toeach ohrD. ays kind to e ther 12. Last Sataythei mother asked thm _. ot to playin te garde . to c ther luch C. not to go u D to b goo 13. Hl nhurlater, Bily ld isothe_.A. that Bbby brke e indow .hw he himelfrokethe wnw C. ow he cokedthi luch D howhy laed inthe gden 4. rs lle was_.A.Bills thrB. hei eighour .their other DBobbs unt5. _brkenthe indo. A. Mrs Allen. Boy Bily D Th mothr (E) Bill, ihhs fathe,wntto e is radat h rainBilloften pt s hedout of thewiow. Hsfaher sai,Dto that. Bll! Idngo. t Bi n o puttn his headu ofthe wndw. So his fathr tok Billshat qutly,hi(藏)itbhid hisbacansid, owyou seeyo hatia,Si wa frd Ten his father sad, ell, whistle(吹口哨) once. Yourhat m mebck. Bill hite. His father uquely thhatn Billshea agn. Bil lughed. He to isfahr atad rew itu of he ino. Now ts your turn to whistle,Dad! he bo said hly.16 ow did Bill anhisfather t serapa? A OnfoodB.y traC. On b D I ship 7. Whatd hebo ofed in therain? .Hefen spoke his aher B.He oftelaed withhis hat. C.Heoten wisled D.eofte puhished ot of te windw. 1. h di i father hideBilht? . T mak il worred B. SoBil wont puthis e out oft wdow C H faer jstlyda jok withhim. D.Becsee ws frad Bill hatould l 19 Whicf the follwing sttemei rght? A. Bill int wae his ht bck.B. hfahr too is sons hat nd threw it out o th windo. C. The athers ntthrown aay. D. Te fthers ht was awy. 20. ro t story, wenow_ A. Bill ast happy n thwa Bl dn know hahisfather haddonewit hs at. C the faer uldwisle o gbac his hat. D the fathr woul beeryhappy t ast六、词汇用括号中所给单词的合适形式填空: 1. Take te mediine _ day aftermeas. (two) . Do you knthe _ beween the tw ods? (diffet) 3. ope u chdrn row hapily and _. (health) 4. O ll he suject, icdoo thnki_. (difficult) 5. Ti ce c o heof nex onh. (twele) . Seveal cme tvstr scool last iday.(freign) 7 A th _ of he class, Mr Tag oldus a fnystry(bein) 8.You shold brsh your_ wie a dayo k tehay (oh) . t very _to cross a uy sree. (dnger) 10. Jas motherlked ied and _. (worr) B根据句意和括号中的汉语提示,在每一横线上填上一种恰当的英语单词:1. His favritesect is art,ut _(我的) s usic. 2. Ifoud agood job i a ig ompany afer I _(毕业) rom uiesy. 3.Mylittlsses by is colecing_.(邮票) 4. _(安全) ise mot imortntwhile we trvlng. 5. ook! Tna i dig _(在当中)toe chilre oe the. 6. Thisy lyis _(特殊)ecaus th aes acoing back to te coutywhee the sard. 7.Mhe often_(鼓励) met solve prbleb myelf. 8 Her father has ust hahi _(四十) birhy. 9.1haven heard frohim inc las_(一月) 10. Hfel o _ (饥饿) at he tete bol ofdles. 七、英汉互译根据中文意思完毕句子,每空限填一词。 1.来吧,孩子们!该吃晚饭了。 Come on, hien _ _to lh, 这些新汽车是中国制造的。 Thse ew ars _ _ _3 每天多喝水对你有好处。 To drinkmore water ever dy i _ _ _. 4.昨天由于交通拥堵,她们上学迟到了。 They _ _ _ scoo beau theheay traffcyeerday 5 稍微休息一下后,她又继续看英文报纸。 Afrashortres, he wet _ _nglish nwsapers.6. 昨天晚上我在忙于为考试做准备。 eteday evenng _ _ _ ready _ t exaination.7. 她们遇到了很大的麻烦,让我们来协助她们吧, Thare nwin reatrue. _ _ _. 8. 你一到长沙就给我打个电话好吗? Willyu lea callme_ _ _ you _hnsha? 9. 我爸爸过去常常抽烟,但近来已经戒了。y fher used _, but heas_ it_reenly. 0. 这幅画很美,让我看看吧。 he pcue i eauil.Le _ _at it. 八、句型转换 按规定改写下列句子,每空填一种英语单词。 1. id hi homework yterdaeening. (改为否认句) Pul _ hshwork yesteray eei. 2. Its riig eryeaviy.(改为感慨句) _ _ i i raiing! 3 Lucy askedi t tu down the rio (对划线部分提问) _ Lucy askhim to do? 4. hey will beback i two weeks. (就划线部分提问) _ _ wiltheyb bk?. Te bois o eay rhim t carr. (改为同义句) Th box isn _ _ or him o cy. 【参照答案】 一、单项填空 15 ADB 1 BBAC 1115 BABAC 二、情景交际 5 CAAC 610 DCB 三、排序题 (一) C (二) DGAB 四、完形填空 15DCBC 61 DBAB 15 B 五、阅读理解 15 ACD 610 CBADB 115CABC120 DB 六、词汇(0分) A.1 tice . dferenc dfernce3 halhily 4. hs dfficut 5. twlfth. forignes7. gnin tet 9.dngros1. worried .1. mne .gutd 3.stmp 4. afety5.aong .ecal / nusl 7. ecourages 8. frteth9. Januy10. hugry七、英汉互译(10分) Istie 2. made in Chna . ofor yo 4 wre lt for5. n,reding . wa, busy,getg,for 7. Lets e them 8.as soon as, reah 9. to smoke, given,u0. Letm have alo (at it).或Let me lo at it八、句型转换(10分) 1 dtd 2. How havly3. hatdid. How soo 5. light enoug九、看图写句子(10分) 1.Last Sunday ong, Zhng ua p er ealy. 2. Aferbekfast,nt to aibinar wih hs lassts.3 A he ge o the ak,thy met afren friend andeneredhe park tgther.4. They soedthe foeignnaroun e pak.5 hen theyle gametogethe. 十、短文填空(10分)(1) m (2)everyon ()das (4)togee (5)prer ()othi ()ipotnt ()opular (9)ls (1)asier


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