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2014 版学海导航 - 新课标高中英语总复习 (第 1 轮):M9 Unit 2 Witnessing time 同步训练 . 单项填空 (5 min.)1. They _ in Holland for ten years. Now they have settled down in Paris. A. lived B. have livedC. had livedD. were living2. “ Could we put off the meeting?” she asked.“ _. ” He answered politely.“ This is the only day everyone isavailable.”A. Not likelyB. Not exactlyC. Not nearlyD. Not really3. The border between Canada and the USA is said to be the longest border in the world _ by an army or the police.A. not defendB. not to defendC. not defendingD. not defended4. Montrealis the second largestFrench - speakingcityin the world,Paris_the largest.A. to beB. isC. beingD. has been5. The Acropoliswas constructedin the 5th centuryBC at a highaltitudeabovethe city _ Athena, the goddess of Athens.A. in honor ofB. instead ofC. in favor ofD. by means of6. He cheated everyoneby acceptingmoney from new investors,and payingitoutto the old investorsas theirreturn._ he had new money coming in,the systemworked very well.A. As long asB. As thoughC. Despite the fact thatD. For fear that7. His mark in math is _ in the class.A. second to no oneB. second to noneC. close to noneD. worse to none8. I admire those people. _ having little money, they feel happy and satisfied.A. With B. Because ofC. Instead ofD. In spite of9. Hes very particular _ the kitchen everything has to be perfectlyclean and in its place.A. aboutB. in1C. on D. of10. He had once been _ withdrug dealings,but evidencefound laterprovedhis innocence.A. accusedB. sentencedC. chargedD. tried . 完形填空 (18 min.)AAn old man lived in the suburb of London, and he would wake up every morningand go to the subway. He would get the _1_ right to Central London, and then sitat the street cornerand beg. Hewould do this everysingle day of his life.He satat the _2_ street corner and begged for almost 20 years.His house was _3_ , and a stench (恶臭 ) came out of the house and it smelledhorrible. The _4_ could not stand the smell anymore, so they asked the policeofficersto cleantheplace.The officersknocked down the door and cleanedthehouse.Therewere smallbags ofmoney all overthehouse thathe had _5_ overtheyears.The police counted the money, and they soon _6_ that the old man was amillionaire. They waited outside his house in anticipation to share the good newswith him. When he arrived home that evening, he was met by one of the officers whotold him that there was no _7_ for him to beg any more as he was a rich man now,a millionaire.He said nothingat all:he went intohis house and _8_ the door.The nextmorninghe woke up as usual, went to the subway, got into the train, and sat at the streetcorner and continued to beg._9_, thisoldman had no greatplans,dreams oranythingsignificantfor hislife.Welearnnothingfromthisstoryexcept staying_10_ on thethingswe enjoydoing, commitment (专心,敬业 ). We should remain true to our course, although itmay mean committingourselvestothingsthatpeoplearound us would normally_11_.Just keep it in mind that commitment attracts _12_.1. A. busB. carC. taxi D. train2. A. wideB. darkC. same D. lonely3. A. hugeB. dirtyC. pleasantD. neat4. A. officialsB. neighborsC. onlookersD. children5. A. stolenB. donatedC. collectedD. hidden6. A. admittedB. deniedC. agreedD. realized7. A. doubtB. evidenceC. need D. time8. A. lockedB. openedC. cleanedD. broke9. A. SadlyB. Surprisingly2C. ObviouslyD. Luckily10. A. focusedB. calmC. open - mindedD. silent11. A. agreeB. enjoyC. disapproveD. advise12. A. confidenceB. courageC. attentionD. wealthB( 原创 )Many womendo not likestrengthtrainingbecause 1. _ fearthatliftingweightswillmake them look manly and make theirmuscles large.This couldntbe furtherthan the truth.Womenphysicallycannot buildup 2. _ much muscleas men can. 3. _ myth that keepswomen from strength training properly is4. _ , if women do lift weights, they should be light weights and theyshouldnttrainvery 5. _. This isalsountrue.Finally,many womenbelievethat, if they start strength training, see some results, 6. _ then stop,the muscle they have built up will turn to fat. That is physically impossible. Ofcourse, if you stop a weight training routine, you willprobablysee 7._drop in muscle quality.This is only natural.8. _ you dontuse the muscles,you lose them, but they are not turning into fat. . 阅读简答 (10 min.)Afterwinninga biggame, athletesare oftenasked how theyattainedthatsuccess.Most say theirachievementistheresultofhard workand intensepractice.Usuallyathletessay how harditistowinthe big games. At the oppositeend of the spectrum,however, is the fact that losing the big game, or, in my case, all the games, canbe even tougher.From the spectators point of view, last years basketball season for my highschoolteam was an embarrassment.And while0 and 20 iscertainlynothingto be proudof, that season had a bigger impact on me than any other, and probably more thanany season since.As a team captain, I knew it probably wouldnt be the easiest year, but did Iever think we would lose every game? Of course not. Since six of our top playershad graduated,itwas clearthat we were a young team who would struggle.The strugglebegan earlier than expected, though, as our teams starting center was suspendedfor theseason, and two keymembers decidedtoquitaftertwoweeks. At some point,quittingprobablypassedthrougheveryplayersmind,but,intheend,we allstuckit out, vowing to work even harder.Then there came a time when even our own coach had given up on us. Personally,I feltlikeitwas no longerworthgivingmy all.Ithought,ifeven thecoachdidntbelieve in us, why should I? But just as my hope began to fade, a teammate calleda meeting.He said,“ Nobody thinksweregoingto win,but,as teammates and friends,we_owe_it_to_each_other_to_give_it_our_all_every_game.”Sure, it was a little clich ( 陈旧的 ), but it was that moment that taught mehow tobe a leader.Ithitme thenthatImay have been a captain,but I,likeothersin my position, certainly didnt deserve the role. As a leader you can never quit3on the team who looksup to you.Itisone thingto be named captain,but itisquiteanother to be a real captain and make sure everyone works to their potential allthe time.I am sure itisgreatto go throughhigh schoolwithoutlosingand bringinghomeawards. But I relish the fact that my team lost every game last year. It may nothelp me to become a better basketball player, but it already has made me a betterleader, and person.1. What seems the biggestproblem the authorsteam was faced withlastseason?(No more than 8 words)_2. According to the author, what a good leader ought to do? (No more than 8words)_3. What does the underlined sentence in the fourth paragraph mean? (No more than 10 words)_4. What does the authorwant to tellus most in the text?(No more than 8 words)_ . 写作 (25 min.)下面 4 幅图描述的是高三学生李明和李华的一次经历, 请你根据图画内容和文字提示写一篇不少于 120 词的短文。注意适当发表个人观点。_Module 94Unit 1 Unit 2 . 1. A 句意:他 在荷 生活了 10 年。他 在已在巴黎定居了。根据句意可知,在荷 生活 10 年是 去的状 ,故用一般 去 。2. D 句意:她 :“我 可以推 会 ?”“不行。”他有礼貌地回答,“ 是唯一一个大家都有空的日子。”3. D 句意:加拿大和美国之 的 境据称是世界上最 的没有 或警察 防的 境 。此 , 去分 短 not defendedby an army or the police作定 修 the longestborder in the world。故 D。4. C 句意:蒙特利 是世界上 次于巴黎的第二大法 城市。两个独立的分句之 必 要有 接,因 干中没有出 ,故只能 C 构成独立主格 构。5. A句意:雅典 城海拔高于雅典城,是 了 念雅典女神雅典娜于公元前5 世 建的。 in honor of 了 念; instead of 而不是; in favor of 成,支持;by means of 用,凭借。 根据句意, A。6. A 句意:他欺 了每个人,以从新客 那收到的 作 收益返 老客 。只要有新 , 个做法就运 正常。 根据前面提供的 境, 可知后面两个分句构成 上的条件关系,故 A。7. B 句意:在班上,他的数学分数是最高的。 be second to 次于; be second to none 最佳的,不 于任何人的。8. D 句意:我很羡慕那些人。 尽管 不多, 但他 得幸福和 足。 根据 have littlemoney和 feel happy and satisfied两句可知两者的关系是 步关系,故 in spite of。9. A句意:他 厨房特 挑剔一切都必 相当整 并 放有序。be particularabout 固定搭配,意 “ 挑剔”。10. C句意:他曾 被指控 毒,但后来 据表明他是无辜的。be chargedwith被指控; be accused of被指控。 .A : 1. D 考 境理解。由“ he would wake up every morning and go to the subway”可知。2. C 考 境理解。由上下文可知他最有可能在同一个地方乞 。3. B 考 境理解。由下文“ cleaned the house ”可知。4. B 考 境理解。 上下文 行合理推 可知。5. C 考 境理解。 由上文“ There were small bags of money all over the house” 及全文可知。6. D 考 境理解。 realize 意 到,知道,了解到。7. C 考 境理解。没必要做某事。8. A 考 境理解。由上下文可知,他不愿意 件事。9. C 考 境理解。很 然。10. A考 固定搭配。stay focused on一直关注11. C 考 境理解。 disapprove 不 成,不同意,不支持。12. D 考 境理解。由全文可知。B: 1.they考 人称代 。根据后面的them 和 their可知答案。2. as考 介 。根据后面的as 可知答案。3. Another考 限定 。 根据 之前 的第一点和下文中的Finally的第三点可知答案。4. that考 从属 。引 表 从句。5. hard考 副 。根据上文中的light的 比可知。6. and 考 并列 。 3 个 生的 作,使用并列 。7. a考 冠 。表示“数量的减少” ,drop 是可数名 。8. If考 从属 。引 条件状 从句。 . 1. Most of the members wanted to quit.2. Make sure everyone tries their best.3. All of them should try their best on the court.4. We can learn from the failure.5.One possible version:At present,playingcomputer games is becoming more and more popularwith people ,especiallywithschoolstudents.Take Li Ming and Li Hua forexample. Every day afterschool,they go to the computer bar to playgames tilllateat night,and theyoftenhave a competition to see who wins more scores.Once, Li Hua didnt go home until eleven oclock at night. When he got home,he told his mother that he had been going over his lessons. Poor mom! She believedhim and cooked two eggs forhim. “Take more care of yourselfas you work too hard,my dear son. ” But Li Huas face turned red at his mothers praise. Later he made up his mind to work really hard.6


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