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山东省泰安市中考英语试卷一、听力(共1小题:每题分,满分20分)1.(1分)A.Ths a god idea.Yure welcome.Im trdofpiza.2.(1分).Foa mntB.I a monthCTwice a mnth(1分).I agre with you.rykind,I tinkre lsson aweek4.(分)A.Itdoent materB.Its mne.CI wo b.(1分)A.Y,ee. B.Not a all. C.ith plse6.(1分)What leowil the mnhelpMar wh?APhysis. B.istory. CGeograpy7.(分)What artheypoba don?ARunnin. B.Ridin bikes. CPlang s.8.(1分)eredo tis covestion prbabl tkplace?.n amseum. BIn boksp CIna school9(1分)Hw msould ma pay i heys thkilos of otats?A.5y B.6 yuan C.yuan.10(1分)When wilthe g to the ovies?An Tueay Wedneday. C.Onhursdy.11(3分)听第一段对话,回答113小题.1.Wee did oe ly footbll?A thportshallIntheark.On th schol fied.12.Jewould lie his mother to wash i socksnd shors B.hirt horts Csocks and Tshrt13.hen is Js nex footbal match?AMarc 1thBarc 1thCMarh 18h14.(3分)听第二段对话,回答1416小题14.owmh doesEmmasphooraph creost?A4 ponds. B.65ound. .0 pus5Why does mma ik he phoorapy couse?A.Bausseslearn abot famu hograhrs.eaus she sing an epensve amea.Becaue ss tking ttepotoraph.6Emmahught i ase to taephographs o.A.flowers nia C.eope1.(4分)听短文,回答下面四个问题,选择对的答案,短文读两遍你将有20秒钟的时间阅读下面个小题17.How dd t wrtr eel whenhesaw theol man at eginning?A.Happy BSorry. CBored.8.What was te weaher lke hthe write led th od n?A.Snw. BWindy. C.Raiy.Wt did the riterve th od man?Sme mnyBAfew clothes.baf cans nd botes2.Whch ofth folong is rigt?A.The oldathd te writerfohis helpat lat.B.Th old mansod cans an ttles to by bke.CThe witr was uhapy becaueh old man didntsmil athm二、语法和词汇(共1小题:每题1分,满分15分)从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.21.(分)o youkno _ girl t lng curl hair?Ye,se is MarySe pays_tei er well( ).a,Bhe,/C.th,theDa,the22.(分)t s fie years sic e began o eoya_ sprng holiday eac ya( )A.tedyBten dy.t dayD.ten days3.(1分)hatd ou think of Wilson peaing?N ndoe _ in ch( )AgodB.weCbr.best24.(1分)Ima littl hungry,Mum!Terearem ppe pie on h tbl,ou may k _.( )A.t.thistaD.one5.(1分)Is eed vr tat knowd is th most vluabe _ for hmn beins( )AsnarBtreasreC.iventinD.intrction2(1分)yu alys _ yosef wiothers,o may hve ons pressue.I agre,we hould bleve in ourele.( ).omparecmpainCconecDside27.(分)It aind _ adat for log time ysray.To bd!ven me treets wer full of water( )hadlyBtrnytriblD.havily28.(1分)Wth t dvelpment o scineand teholy,oo coks_in ur famlies th futue.( )ape.appardwillappeDiapeaing29.(分)_ ecting hspeeh aoutBelta Radwa!Ofcs!I was a really gret ispirao to the wr.( )AHowB.WaC.Ho aDWhatan30.(1分)Iddnt beliee coul do t _ I ot to the top o Mount ()AulessunilCafe.as3(1分)s China grows strnger and troner,Chnes _inmor and re shool u of our country.()A.teahesB.is uhtC.hastaghDws aught32.(1分),y God!I have _ fie nd.o wory nrm for a rong ggil( )A.t uB.ut offCput on.put dow3(1分)Ystday,Mr.Green went t is hometown an visited he old ouse_ h a onin( )Awhichwhere.wtDt4(1分)Theiht in hs ie is sllonI woner _Maybe atmidnihtaga.()Aiwll h stop workn.f hewillp workingC.wn wilhe stop wkin.hh wil st workin35(1分)Wldyoun gingto the par wit ustis unday?_I havetbe otdos thee dayIcant wit.()A.Sorry, atBSu,d love toC.ertainlyotM leasre 三、 完形填空(共小题:每题0分,满分10分)3(10分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出能填入短文相应空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑 long meago,ther ved a wse mn naedZnNun n Egyt.A young man caeto iithim an asked,Teacer,why do yudresin(36) ay?Nodas its ncessary t dres neatl(整洁地),ist it?Or hwwill peple know ore relly a(3) n wie mn?unNn smld,ookari fromhis fner si,oung fiend,Il nseryour quesin,(38) first done thig for meTake thiri to te mare.an ou ellit for ne hip of god?Whenthe younga looked at unNuns dirty rig,hougto (39) ,How wil I l itat hatprice?He(0) te rngto te vegtale,met dfish aers ad thes in the market.ut(4) ws willing oay a cip goldH retundand tol tisoZunNnZuNunad,Now t theodsop andshow the ringto he wnerDntive a(4) ,jut se ow muchewilayOne hor(3) ,th yung man wa ackTacher,eopl i the marereal ddntknow e vlue o thising.e gold shop ownr(4) me 1,0 chip of gld.ZunNusmle.Thats theanswer oyourquestio,y riend.Some cant bvalue nlyfom his(45) The ring as a gt from theempor,he sai36.AsoB.schCthisthat37.A.specia.sragecommoDtupi38.unl.owerC.houghbut39Ahimit.hmelftself40gveBwedCsoldDprvde1A.nood.neither.none.veryone42A.ringidpiceDreson3.A.aftrB.beore.aD.lte44csBfeedCpen.lnt45.A.wrs.oughtC.knowled.dress.四、阅读理解(共4小题:每题8分,满分3分)46.(分)e a ry rih m an his soncolled valablepaintgs by fmous arst like Picasso,anoh and o.Late,the sonleft tojoi te my.fter fw week,the olmaneceivea leter aying hissonaddiedwile kg anothe slder tahospitl.od mn bee verlonel andsaOn day,asoldie viited thed man angave i a patngit wa a prtait(肖像)o is sonTe paitingof hs so beame the ld ans mo auabl item.Htld his neibor wa thegreatestift he h ever reiveThe olowinspring,heold an iedAllof th as paiins woud besod a an aution(拍卖会).Th utbegan ith thepainingo heol mans sonho wil on he ice at 100?the auciner sked.Momet pass ad noo skor ri heir hadsomone said,Who cr about hat paning?t gtontothegod oes.Morevois follod n areeetNo,w st sell this oefirst,repliedthe uctineerNow,whowllakethe ortritofthon?iay,agoodfren ofthe o mn oke,Te dollars!Willyne go hgher?caled th cioneerftr more slnce he i:Going onging wceold!Th auctioeer then ance tha te whol auct was over.According othe her will,whoeertaks the son prtit get the ocolctonTheauctoneersaidBecause of the faters oe,hoverokthsngot it ll.6.owdi theoldmas son die? A. ded ofa soushea disaseB.e ded hile tking anot soder ta ospital.A ca hit i wen eent hme.DHe as kille bya docor.4Whatwas the frstpiing tobe solatheucto? ATe pigsbyfas ati.Theift gvn by the olan eghborsCThe rraitof te old ms onDThemstexpesie colletion ot l an48.Which ofhefollwngis TRU accodig oh passe? At the binin of the auction,eveyone ralized the imprtance of te ptngfh sonTh pinig o heold ans son wa aspopulrs te other painting.Teol mans wil wto iv awa the whole collecton ocharit.D.Th ol ms ood frid gt th whole clecti fo onyen ollars4Whats te besttitle ofthe passag? Lov s hain. B.Anxpensive Paintin.Aot uction .Caing Abou the eroou Love.50.(6分)The Big WheNw ie pe 5 MyA AenurParkSe allthe c fromitTicket on sle at par eeduls:$.5nder 16,$2.50Fuure Worlheamazin new comput gameO saeFrom ne week inCompuersho aupeaktsFr 24playersOnly $35!eep ideInthedsert2 p.till 6 pmCldren mube over 12 as oCl:32103ComptitioYouningof th YeYork Concer HalMy 29Win uia!Siners must bundr 6Want tknow ore?Cl otext 98456Tee Voiche newagazine fr tenagerInresig striad paes fashioandmsicOn le evy weekGo towwwteenvice.omTop Two BooksThis monthForest Stree by Ala BankAdBe Bikide by Kim amsOrder befoe 10t pril forSpecia pice for bth books$20wwwbooksoalo.com5f yu anto now mor iomation abut thesingcomptition,you cn Ago to Bgo o Cll hem a 32170 Dll r text 95.om wants to pay computer ga wih his fids,what hou he uy? A.een Vice B.Future World. C.Bes ke Ride DForet treet.5Whch othfllnisNOT tre? Best Be Ridis write by KiJa.BThe w magziefo tenagrsis n ale every eek.Cleyerld Davd i alwed to riv jp in he desert o uedaDPal nd Tna are gogo the Big Whel wth hir yeaold sn,hey sould p $ fr the ict.3.(8分)an yrs ago, Frenh naturls,Comte effon,wrote some bok bout tl hitor.he ookswr a grat sucess ven ough somerit(批评家)did t khem.homs Jeffeo did no lie what Comte Bufon had said about th naurl wndr(奇观)of NwWod.It sme to Jeffrson th mte d Bfohad spn of natural wonersin America s i(仿佛)the e uniprn.istroubled Toma Jfferson.e wsaso nturait,w as farmer,ainveo,a historin,a wri ad a plitican(政治家)He ad se the ntalwonrs f Europe.To hm,they were n ore imprtn tha hoo te e orIn 178,Thmas Jron wroe bthis hoestae,rginiWhie wrting,he thght of istur but and then fhe ds of Comte de BfonAttha oment,ffeson ceaenw wordbelteH sad,omte e Bufn belivesthat naure littlesh productons on ths se of the Alati(大西洋).oah Webter,he mecan wrxpert,lie thi wrdHeutit n th Enlishlaage dictinry i 186,eltlt ke small,uniptt.Americas h lreadyaccpteJefferos word and srted o use itI 9,thedepent Chronice(独立纪事报)sed hewo desb a olcan te paperspportItsa horalean,tpaper wrote,slet theoposiontryto belite him as mchs tey pleas.I 72,a aus erianwod xpet decied ha te ie aco to kill this wor.Hesaid,Belittle shouldt become EnlishAnd ocritcalwers Amerca,like tosfritan,eel no eedof itThi expertfiled o killte word.Today,elittl isusedwhere e Engi lnguage is sokn.53Thoms Jeferso was NOTa .A.naturaist Bhisria C.poltcian Dmusin4We cannfer(推断)hat Jeffero ceate he worbelittleout ofi .A.anger B.eciteet Ckindns Despsiblit55Whtan we owaout th wordbetlefrom te passae? AIthas alreay disappeaed romte Englih languge.Bt had be ued efore it asu in the Englshanuagdicionary.CIt i use to dsibe nuralwondeno.D.An Amercan politiian decid to kill third i82.Wats he asage minly aout? A.Ho the wordblilcme in bing.B.Teargumntabut naturalwondersC.Eery word hs long hst bhin.DNoa Webste surted Jffesonsidea.57.(8分)o dotee to get i atimetavellin machine oseehowtecnology wil ane ur ives,such s theaywesopevera n echnolgstatare chager buyingabs alredy appea.Lets se whatsin soref yourure shopingTy o,virtualy(虚拟地).ntshop onlie for ne par of gsses?Yont eed o gus hchpr loo bet onousethe Ba FashoiPone ap a pair of asses uecheckn out on picrofyour faceu what bubyng sothg bir?Thansto irosof Kints con rackn(跟踪)ame,ou ca over clotheson our ren odyYouca ve hoosee backgrouno ou vrtual ftig roomt imprve yoursopingepriec.Get erfct,custom fit.ereboy ishaped ifrnly.To get a pefefit,ou metme have og your clths changed.u by using D cning tecoogy,al the ote yu u llit your bodprfectlymecompais scan(扫描)yur bodusing Hhtetogeth relizs,so hey canakepca lthes just or youHighech shopng crt(推车)and hecout cners(收银台).Hghtech hpng ats could e cmmon lls ad pemakt n hefuturMicrsot ictenabdcars r under testThcartcanfllw ou alng he sle(通道),cntlledol byyooet adyour voiIthe Unted Stts,sveal superarkes ue a eriset ledSan Ittha ivesbers te em scan rdcts n ter wwile ty sop.f w dnt wat to at line efoeth cecktoutrs,we ca us Toshibas ne object Recgnitin cemahine dentifie(辨认)a dut as son s ts lcd in on o a camera js by its shape and olor,n f ts no bar oe.5.Accordng tPaagraph 2,theeBayFshion ihoeap an A.oly mak presofor acs B.help ssell more lothes lineCcrate us a vitual desing om cooe siableglass or u.cof h following an eget he crre shapf our boy? A.Objct Rognition Scanner.BThe eay Fashin iPhon app.D cnning tcoogyD.MicrosoKinecnable art.59.Wt an weinfer fom this passage?A.Cecutuntes wll ispar m spermarkets in uue. BHihtechshoinartwill bewily usedin mllsand supermarketCScn Itcanotbe used buyer tesevesDThe ewchnogies are onyeam tat re mposbeto me tru0.Tis pasagaily tlks abut Aa new tmetravng achine B.heinflce of nwtehnologyCome inenons o aghabits D.the way o fuushoping.五、单词拼写(共5小题:每题1分,满分5分)根据句意和首字母或汉语提示,将单词的对的形式完整地写在答题卡相应的位置上1(1分)he lst bu has lred oeImafri w hae no but t taka xi.2.(1分)Ww!Youe go so maskirt.But n them arein shion.3(1分)As a tranaor,u te truemening that eole wanttoepress iery imrtnt64(1分)Te traditiona Cineseuure willbe (有协助的)for ou uture i we a earn more65(1分)WeChas poplari gros uickly be itsonen frple o (交流)wih ea othr. 六、综合填空(共小题:每题10分,满分10分)66.(0分)根据短文内容,用方框中所给词语的合适形式填空,使文章通顺、完整(每词限用一次)place,sha,mporant,end,bcause,influence,sucessful,acrss,ade,likead is brdgeween tw placeTh Slk Roa s ben a bidEast and Wst fr re hn 2,000 asThe Silkoa has een (6) includdinto thUNSCO World Hitage Li(世界文化遗产名录)t he 3th essio of the Worl Hertage Committ inDoha.ut dd yu kno:t Slk Radsnot a sileoute(路线)!It is eriesof () ad cultural transsion(传递)routsI egn uring teestern n ynasty.Thetrde oute arts fo t ity of iann ShannxiPrvinc and (68) n sernEurpe,near tdays urke and te MdierraeanSea.Te ik Road ws aut ,0 kioters lgI wnt (9) onfoth of th planeheilk R got i name(70) Chinee ilk usd to caried lo tis rad.Aprtrm si,jad,craics a i went wst o Ro.From the west ca glass,gems and food (7) crotsand ssae(芝麻).hil Roa wa vey () o bothChnaand he est f the ord.Besidtrde,koled about scienc,arts nd literaure,as ell a crfts and hnologesas (3) acros the SildInthi way,languagesandcultures develoed nd (4) each oher.ody,(75) lng hSi Road argrattavedestinatons(目的地),h s the Teracott rriors Xiann Mogao Grottes inDuhuangGansu.七、阅读体现(共1小题:每题10分,满分10分)6(1分)阅读下面的短文,并根据短文后的规定答题.(请注意问题后的字数规定)1Once,wh hereas afamne(饥荒),aricaker sent orwentof e poorest chdrenthe town,an said thm,In thisbs thee isa loaf(面包)orch ofyou.ke it,and c bak to every dy ths hor for mre.2hhungry chidn gathered ger abut th bsk,ad foughtver he bread becauseeachwanted te largest loaf.At st theywent aywithut even (7) the godakr.3Gretchen, oolyresd little gil,did ot fightor struggle ththe oherhilr,u stood quietl in he disance(远处),When thebalbehave chidrenhadlef.rhen tooktesmalet oaf,wicwa altha ws et in h skSheksdthe bakers hadd wenhome.(8)第二天,孩子们体现得像此前同样糟糕.Gretchegt a loa alost half the sze of the on shg theirst dayWen shecamehome,her mother cu te loaopnM ew shinin piecs of silr felut of t.5er otr wa ryworre and said,Tehemney bak to the ber anceTe siver musthv falen nto he dou by cidet.B uic,Gretchen!6When th litle grl gave the rchan her mother mag, sai,(9) waso istk,I had th ser pics putintohallest laft rwd(奖赏)yo.Alysbea content(满足),peaae,a thnf asyou nwrGo homew,anelyour oh that h oney is ours to kp.76.Wh did Gtcen dowi te oher fought oer the brea?(no more than 6 words)77Fill nth blank n te sond paraph with prperords(omore than 3 word).78ransle hehiee sentence in the foth prgrh ito Eglish.79.Translate the ernd sentencesithe sixth praph no Chise80What do youthink f Grethenndher ohr? 八、写作(共题,满分20分)81(20分)如今,诸多都市浮现了一种绿色出行方式共享单车(bieshrg),它因环保、便捷而备受青睐,但同步也引起了某些问题.请你根据提示以Bikesaring为题写一篇英语短文,体现自己的见解和建议要点提示:AvageBenvnnt,less pollution,eduethetrafficprssre(减缓交通压力)Take excisePoblemsThrow way,amag(毁损),be stonAdviceivilied(文明的),ollo the rles,takegd are f注意:1.短文应涉及以上要点,可合适发挥,以使行文连贯;2.文中不得浮现真实的人名、校名及地名;3词数:8010(文章开头已给出,不计入总词数).iesaringToday,as greemeans otransprtato,keshring isbecomig moreandmoreopular inmny cites 山东省泰安市中考英语试卷参照答案与试题解析一、听力(共小题:每题分,满分20分)1(1分)(泰安).Thsa god dea.YourewecomeC.Imired of pizz【分析】略【解答】【点评】略(分)(泰安)A a monthB.I onth.CTwica mo


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