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7B Unt4教案备课组 初一英语 主备人 成员 主备时间 月 日 课题Unit Comicstip and Welcmo t ui课型新授授课日期月 日学时第1学时教学目的1能结识有关地点和交通的图标。2.能谈论出游和交通方式的话题。.能辨别方位。教学重难点1能结识有关地点和交通的图标。2能谈论出游和交通方式的话题课前准备录音机 多媒体教师活动内容、方式学生活动内容、方式旁注Check pre-exeiStp . Lead-in 1Techer ask: nwntr,here wilthe brds fly?Inping,whre will the bird ly b?2.Sow the ht diectios.Stp2. PacieShw pctures o stents to tlk a whee the place are. Sho t map of Chnato Deribe he he prvnces are. PeentaioThe eacher say:Th tde wllve arp. Fihe placs they pla t visit at listnng.2.Tk bout he rnsport to scho. Asktdnts omae ialoue lie hi:S1:syurhome far rm ur scho?2: No. Is norhft hool,but tn miles wayS1:ow dou come o school?S2: Ico toschoo bySep racce1. isent Par B andaswer thesquetis. Where ar eygo fr the trip? ees theoo?Howill tey ge e?2Prcic e alogueand ten makea simla dilogu w te parner. S1: Wheres Sunsne Park?S2: north-east ofor schol.S:Letsgo thee.S2:K.S1: ow n we gethere?S2: We n get tere by bs/on foot.Stp omic stripShow te cans for sets. Ask: 1.Wer re Hobo and die?2 CanEddi go own th hll?3. What es eign sa? t spraticethedlogu ad at it ouStep6 DisonGroup wr: k adiaogaboutowto g yr om.tep. nsolidaiodo somexercise an check theas.Step 8. Hmewk1. edhe daloes2 Comlee he xercises in your workbo. Prvew radnStentswatch the pictus and sharthe asers ogee.Lernto dscribe threions n our ayie.Listndfll thbosinPa A. Talk abouti pis.Take anativ prt nhe cls atity and prctice peakig Egis.ath the crtoon carlly ndanswrthe qsis Reathe dialou and tr to act out in pis.Disuss in groups.Fnish the .n time教后记nit4教案备课组 初一英语 主备人 成员 主备时间 月 日 课题Uit Rdng 课型新授授课日期 月 日学时第2学时教学目的1. 能根据地图识路,掌握方位的基本体现措施。2. 能理解动物园常用动物的名称及基本习性。3. 能为别人指路,能对她人指引的路线作出对的的反映。教学重难点1.能根据地图识路,掌握方位的基本体现措施。2能理解动物园常用动物的名称及基本习性。3.能为别人指路,能对她人指引的路线作出对的的反映课前准备录音机多媒体教师活动内容、方式学生活动内容、方式旁注heckpe-xecieSep Reviion1. how pictueso have a evii.Ask “heres the? Doou noe y to th?”2how oeures a rgniz th studens t sk ndne in ars.Sp 2 Pesenation1. Preenpictr o tell udents“ere gog to visitSusieZoooday” Then skem o nswr “Whcan you see in thzo?” 2. S pueofpanasateac th new wrd:bamboo.3. Sow moepictures of hr animas ttachmreorsnd phrases(Writ nthe blakbord)4. Communicatewt sudents and sk “ Which animado youlie? hy?”Step . ratice1. Gie udes n mple ndakthem t pactice n pairs:S1:Which aial yo ike?S2: lkeS1: Why?: Bcaue2. kstuens tcomplee B3.Step.reention. Present the bakgrud of tetex ad say “ Th tudentsare seeing ma diferent kids animain tezoo.o you know wh animls thy re?”2.Plathetape and sk students to sim thetext Ten work in rus t cmpleteB13. k“ Whichanimal do you lik bt in the zoo? Tel us wheethey are.” Enrge stuents to tel hotfind tir fvrte nals on th ma. Do True or False in B2 d corec the sakSep .Ativiti1. Askthe sudentsto read tetext toeterwith the e. Group min gops of fou, nd s tm to act thr dlogues ( One isthe gdead th erthreaeviitors)3 Shw a ap and ask te tudntso me adiaogue abot askngandgng dircionsStep 6 .EcseL he studen do soe erises n the worset.Step 7.Homework1 Read u the text n uderin th dificult pats, tedsuss thm wth yo lassmaes. . emmber he new wods i ths leson. Aner teqetionto reiew te drctions nd discus in pais. Lo atthepicres nd answer soe ueins lean nw wrds and phrass. Dscuss and saysmehig aout therfavoriteimlsMake a dialgue t talk about aimas.Fill inth bnks complte B3. List dg troughth textqicly. Tt fi out wht nimls are inthe zo.omlete PartBn B Group wok.Sme grops ac tialgusi classDoth eercises.教后记Uni教案备课组 初一英语 主备人 成员 主备时间 月 日 课题Un4 Rading2 课型新授授课日期月 日学时第3学时教学目的1. 能对的地朗读课文2.能理解简短的书面指令,并根据规定进行学习活动。3.能读懂简朴故事和短文并抓住大意 能初步使用简朴的工具书。教学重难点1. 能根据地图识路,掌握方位的基本体现措施。2. 能理解动物园常用动物的名称及基本习性。3. 能为别人指路,能对她人指引的路线作出对的的反映。课前准备录音机 多媒体教师活动内容、方式学生活动内容、方式旁注Chek pe-eercseep 1 RevsioPlay agae wih thestentstlet hem gess the mls.Try to say somthn about thi featus.2. sk studnts to sy meti aboutth nils thy have leard3. As te tudnts toreadn recit th tt by telves acoplte4. Inite someof te sdents to rea tdaogue inros.Sep 2Prsentan1.Witethe impottwordsnd phrases ontblakboard:.g. auh,maeoun,ea, cleve adfnny, li dwn l day lo2. Show pitureof 1 and pstdenso recal how t ak a how drctions3. k sumar of givng deciose.g G sright on nd youl fid; al along e road; nletrigt; t tenorth f ; Coste brdge, and yull see4. ncurage the students to putfrwardte wn doubt elp them svthe dfficlties.ep . Practice1.Prsent tuagefthe imotant phases, l hem andresen som exaples2. Let sunts ll inh blans cording to he imprtat phras tey larn in casso check if the k he ext wl.3.Lethe stdes etel th tet wh the y wosn phrass.Step 4 EeciesAs te tus o d te eercies o the woksheet.Se .omewor1. Recit txt fer clas2. Remmberhimportant cabulry, phrasesan entees. uss hcnml i is Students rd he ext a eie it byhmslesirst.CompleteB4 n eadhe dialogein ars.Stets look a th blackboard nd y to meber hesewords ndhrases. tudn think about how t ak andodretos U these epressio to mke dialogu or show dretiosFindot the difficutes and ask questiosLea the ugepints by tchingatannotes.ry t us tese lnguage oint to fllinheblancorrcly. Reell te texSudetnish t exrcise creuy in las教后记Unt4教案备课组 初一英语 主备人 成员 主备时间 月 日 课题Unit Gammr 课型新授授课日期月 日学时第4、5学时教学目的1. 能掌握冠词的用法。2. 能运用方位介词来体现物体的位置。教学重难点能掌握冠词的用法。能运用方位介词来体现物体的位置。课前准备录音机多媒体教师活动内容、方式学生活动内容、方式旁注Check pre-xercseA Usia,a heStp 1.Freal1. Whatsthis? Its a bokWse book s I tss.Write the sentences on the blkboard: ts ok. he bookss2. ake senences g: Thisan ppe. he apple isbig nd rd.Sep.rentionWe use ora we wementio apron or thng rthefst time use the efoe a oun whn t rson or thi isntinedagn, hn we are aki abota cifi rson or thing Show some pictursadak sdts sysethigabout pictures:1. This i aPanaou. We can esme as.2. ook, ere isa pand. The anai eatin amoo.3. Heres a pana to Was h pnda ong? (The panda is lyionthegras)4. Heres aba anda. w cue!Its small u he bapand doest looklke tsmothere3.Practce1. air wo.Have a retl th your parter, tr t use, an the2. Fnishhe setees th “,an, e”.3. comlee text boage 47: Funi thezo4. Readnd ct utcoversaion.B Prpoitionsof lSte .Presentat1.Intoce omeprposos of place: ften sand in rn f you. Where s si? h its eten A nd.She sits i fronto C,nd Csts bhnd hr2.sk an answer, tytmke tudn answ ith “isid,outsde, bi, next to, lfnd igh”.3.Teacher sa:Look,we have some ighs Thelghtsre bve us. have me boks here. The booksare on teacher des. ehav a national flag. Itsoverhe blcboard(Make sure that suentsan usehese ds corely)4.Rad he setens on Pa48. Then m aealoe to tl ohe studntswhee you sit.S1:We o you it?S:I sit frot of/ st eweenn/ I nexS: sit besde/ st behindep 2.pactice1. I he kady oes to e pkery wee. Lk at the picu nd tele wa yo caseein i.2. rupwor: sy somthing aou thepictur3. Ma aonversation :heresthe lake?:Itbeidea fotball fie.: ht ae t two boy doi on he lake?S: Theyre rng aboat.: Whees a bird inig?S: Th biris snginginthe letree.4. Comltethe article onPae 48.5. Check easwers. Thn rea thearile.tep 3.omewo 1.完毕课课练的有关练习。2.巩固所学词汇、词组、句型及语法内容。Practic Whats is? Its aoo.Whse ook ist?Its sLook, ere sa panda. The pnda i eng mbo.Loo,tis snelhan Te lepant isstandin under he ee. PaticiLean h rulsratice:Ifen sad in rnt yu. Whee des t?Se sitsbwen A andB.Se sis infrontof , nd C itshind er.ear the rules onlidinrctice and ak betterComplee theialewththeeacher 教后记Unit教案备课组 初一英语 主备人 成员 主备时间 月 日 课题nit4 Itegratedslls课型新授授课日期月 日学时第6学时教学目的1. 能从听力材料中获取信息。2. 能听懂指令并画出路线图,培养精听技能。3. 能谈论如何达到特定的地点。4.教学重难点能从听力材料中获取信息。能听懂指令并画出路线图,培养精听技能能谈论如何达到特定的地点课前准备录音机 多媒体教师活动内容、方式学生活动内容、方式旁注Ceck re-exciseAFindng treasurStp .Lead-1. ave a fee talk:hades e sign men? It men is bridgehatut ths? Im is a treet.Doe temanwl staigh n? No, hoent.Are thee traffi light? es,ther reI thee ar rsin? Yes, ee i.2 .rte dn the nw words.Crss the bridge, e trafic lights, tu right,h frst/econd urngte2Preetato1. Showpitureage49,h y:Hrewe hae some simpeinstructons.Lesiste t tetape and tckhe corretoxs.2. itnand read aterttae. 1: Cros thbideand tun leftb: ros terie n turn it2a: ake thefirst turnin n the left.2b: Tae the sod turnig n the rigt.3a:rss th rod 3b: Coshe roada teebr crossin. 4a: al past h policestion. 4b:aktoepolic sttio.Stp3istenin1.hwa a of a rar ht .elthethuden are ging on a teasue un. Sion Daniel rein te amegru.They ve amp. Lets reade map nPage50tgether. Wht cn yousee ine a?2.Rea th senencesn P.4PA2 andty tounerstand th menigof them.Pay thtape. Ss isten an pu tee sntences in thecrrct oderte4. Praci1 So t ap n Part3aai Payh tae ,student ist n draw e rue on the ap ly the tapeagain ,cek th anr .3.esbe thrteoding t the mapB Speak p: How do g thrSep1.Preset1.Py thetape,tuens lien nd dw a route t eplace.2 Read and at outtediaoge.Stp2.PaicMakeane daloge using illies diaogue a a model. wte ay to tir own hoe.Stp3meork1.Rctthe ialogue.2.完毕课课练有关练习ook at thepictures an rviewsom phrases and drill about diretiosAswr the questio and finish Part1ListentothetpeReadaferth tape.Practc in pairs.Find he corctroute.Listnn inishthe exercs.教后记nit4教案备课组 初一英语 主备人 成员 主备时间 月 日 课题Uni4 Stud sklls课型新授授课日期 月 日学时第7学时教学目的理解降调和升调。能用对的的语调朗读句子教学重难点理解降调和升调。能用对的的语调朗读句子课前准备录音机多媒体教师活动内容、方式学生活动内容、方式旁注Ceck pre-erciseSte1esenttion1. 教师可让学生找出几句本单元的陈述句,每找到一句就让学生朗读,朗读过程中及时纠正学生的读音, 如:The dog i underthe benc.Pandas ae cue.Terei a buful l inhpr.2. 让学生在朗读过程中体会陈述句的语调。总结:3. When wspk,e dro ur tone at he e of statment.ep2.ractice1. 播放第一组句子的录音,指引学生跟着录音模仿朗读:Listeno th rcoing and py attntion o he end of thestatemet. Thnread thmt lou.2. 接着请部分学生朗读句子,教师要注意及时纠正和表扬。Ste3.renttio1. 教师用疑问句与学生就本单元的话题进行简朴交流,如:Do yuave god tie at school?W ou vistthe zoo toorrow?Doe the itin fntf yu?What wlou n day?H ay stdents ar the in ourlss?总结:hee a ayes/no question, or ton rise at the nd of equstio. But when e ask ah- question, ouroe usallyfls at the ed fthe quesion. 在交流时,教师注意使用对的语调,让学生体会对的语调有助于更好地进行交流。2. 让学生用疑问句提问,两人一组进行简朴交流,交流过程中注意使用对的的语调。Step ratie1. 播放第二、第三组句子的录音,指引学生跟录音一句句地模仿朗读:isten tothe rerdi nd pay aention totheend o theestions. Ten read them ut loud Makyor oe ris at the end of ayno queso, fl t thend ofa wh qustion.2. 接着让部分学生在全班大声朗读句子,教师要注意及时纠正和表扬。Sep 5. Prsentation1. 呈现第四组对话,让学生阅读,找出其中表达惊讶的句子:Thrilometers?让学生朗读,朗读过程中教师及时纠正学生的语调。2. 让学生在朗读过程中体会这些句子的语调,教师总结:Wesually ake our tne fall at he en ofa statemen. However, we make ou one ise tthend a sentenc o shwsurprise.Se . Pr 1. 播放第四组对话的录音,指引学生跟录音模仿朗读:Listen t te tpeand paytenti then oft senenc Thn rea hem ot ld. Mk your toe riswen neede.2. 接着请学生两人一组在全班大声朗读对话,教师要注意及时纠正和表扬:Now,pleas ed dialou in pairs. Pay attentn to yourintnion3. 让学生告诉教师某些令人惊讶的事情,教师表达惊讶,在交流时教师注意使用对的语调,让学生体会对的的语调有助于更好地进行交流。4. Pae51 Read theconvsation.Pa falg row a riig arow hyothin t prsons tne shulfllrrie.5. 学生分角色朗读,同步标出对的语调。教师纠正不对的的语调,对对的的语音语调及时予以鼓励。eview tteylered i the laleson and findhe t plaesStudets read te sentencs. enread ftrhe teacher.Re thesetences aeth taher. ayaetion t the alling toof ac sete.Stuens rd the sentenceso Pag 51Pay atto t th fallin tn and te isng toeTak turns to readte sentecesad thonersatin on Page1. Put a fallng arrow orsing arrow t end of ahsntenehen prctice henvrtion in pairs.教后记Unit4教案备课组 初一英语 主备人 成员 主备时间 月 日 课题Uit4 sk 课型新授授课日期 月 日学时第学时教学目的1. 能理解邀请函的写作格式。2. 能在写邀请函的语境中组织信息并指明路线。3.能纯熟掌握方位及行走路线的体现措施。教学重难点1.能在写邀请函的语境中组织信息并指明路线。2.能纯熟掌握方位及行走路线的体现措施。课前准备录音机多媒体教师活动内容、方式学生活动内容、方式旁注Check pre-xeriseStep. amng-uSow tuds pictre o soe places andtllwhe tey re.Step 2: Fre a 1. nsyoubitdy?2Do yo wn tohav a birtda py?3. hee ll youhae the prty?4. hat od ill yu hve?. ho wil yu ivt toupary?6. Howwil you vite your friends toyr par?Step3:rsenatioAk ;Whoaru oing t invite to your irthdayparty? Iyou want t invite yourtecrsto your paty, yu shuld rite them an viationtter. Its a olite and frmal way.Tel thestuensSuy is gig to ave abrthda Lite o r invitationeterand awer the olowing quesiosWhn and hre is Suzgoin to hae herbrdayprty?Wha me wil e pt start? Whatwllr parnt prepar or the cilde?Wawill eyoat theparty? Wh else isin uzy invitaion? Ste4:evieskstdntsoeew ioratnaboutuy birthday aty and the ll itcordig hlettr.sa outhe y toSus home,e time,hepeope and the wyshe ivtes em.S5:Frhr dscusonAs stentso thk aotdetails abt a brthda at.Stp6:e anexercisesLt stents radhemapin rt B careful byhemselves andsay tut.ep :Red aa and etelLetstuents read he lete crfull, find ou wt theletterisabut anty larn how to wtean nvationletrSt 8: epae oesNo is y turtoivite your friends to a party a your ho. Y nedtowrite a into leterto heand gve them ictions t ou ho. 1.Ft, leae dcus th deailsfth leterh your artne2.k tdentwrite etterStep : Tink andwrite sstnts to wieaut a nvittion letterwit t gven inorn. Step10: HomeorkFnishrtng teail andcheck theitkes alone To tnbout wheret is ad hw toge thee?rew h t tell the a .Ss tkabout hequestion.tude g overthe letteraaad answe some uestions.complete the assae aodto te ma gihn about hat the letteri aboutan try tosumarizePrprents au teir brtay prtis,.Write on with the crain topc, pcilly lenfrom teode paag a yatnton to your rammar mitakes教后记


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