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新牛津高中英语模块六第一单元知识点整顿及单元练习M6UNT 1一、词汇大集合ae1. a ppular fm f coey 一种流行的喜剧形式2. standupforoualth 对你的健康有益3. talk saight o udiene ms 直接与观众交流4. teae a audiencember 开一种观众的玩笑5 dependuon 取决于6. reat to 对的反映7. a aritf 多种多样8.quee up 排队9rely on 依赖于1 visualuor 视觉风趣11. b ipied by object 被物体所激发12 mkeoeabutme fuof/pay jok on 开的玩笑3. pl tennis 打网球4.loe weight 减轻体重15. tripoerais 被椅子绊倒1 wl ito doors 撞到房门 fal down on stag 摔倒在舞台上18. absrd huour 荒唐的风趣9 do impressio 模仿20. hae ffection fr 喜欢2. ny afewo 仅仅有某些22. lter on n lie 在之后的人生中23.one s perso 一种这样的人4 goon o c nflms 接着在电影中表演5. h the AdmyArds 主持奥斯卡颁奖典礼6.prfo hi stnd up routie 按照她的惯例表演节目7.e bocastlive 广播直播28 oe lit-knowfact 一种鲜为人知的事实2. beveryuick tinkin 有敏捷的思维30. com up 想出1. atechiclrbem 一种技术问题 make up newjoke 编出一种新笑话. his at i len ils 从无声电影起家34. owl withlauhter 哄堂大笑35. beppuarwih 受的欢迎36. ae grous 所有年龄段7 hve thebilityto amu peoe al aroundtheorl 有让全世界人开心的能力40. ha a lot me 听更多41.ake films 演电影42. foowin thefotteps 沿着她人的脚步4. lie to be 10 yersold 活到10岁4. keepworkng 坚持继续工作5. be good f you health 对健康有好处46 have effeton 对有影响47. send chemcals aound yurbdy 给全身输送化学物质4. sta helt 保持健康49. hlp yo fight pain 协助你战胜痛苦0 whaeve the rean 无论是何因素51. in n 最后52 afer all 毕竟p1. pass awa 去世2. mournhisdet 为她的离世哀悼7olaughoes head of 大笑2.to silon someoe 很幸运p91. wrk out 锻炼/好转2. ft of ll 一方面3. mproe your gneral itnes 增进你的整体健康状况4. tengthe th hr an heluns 增强你的心肺功能5. reax yor usle 放松你的肌肉6. partipatin 参与7. dp-breathingexerise 有氧呼吸运动8. reuepain 减轻疼痛9. rivwaungatieeeligs 消除负面情绪10. pric you rune 按照你的筹划锻炼11. hats for ue 那是肯定的12. guaraee 维持p111. iue rt orm 独一无二的艺术形式2. isruct uens from 教导来自的学生3. take n 接纳4. iitial equiremet 基本规定5. ae a nteest n 对有爱好6. traditonalpiecf crsstalk 老式相声段落7. mo on tding sh. 继续做某事8. i pr 成对9. aain enoug sklls 获得足够的技巧10. polish thi skil 完善她们的技巧11. b opularamon 在中受到欢迎p14-151. acout ala 表演一出短剧2. ak o t other ie of the stage 走到舞台的另一头3. sit nn invisibe benc 坐在一张隐形长椅上4. move ov 挪到一边5. a i to do th 就像在做什么6. make roo for 给腾点位子7. it ater nic he 这里相称惬意8. si donaonsd them 坐在她们旁边9. Min? Not aall. 不,完全不介意10. ade ove hemidle of t te 在舞台中央闲逛11. fallon 摔倒12. gi a srius lok tsent 用严肃的目光看着仆人13. trowat 向摔14. in ager 愤怒地15. dash out 匆忙拜别16. tea heaper nt two 将纸撕成两半17. runaftr 追赶18. run aa 逃走19. it i ourduy to 是你的责任20. bsin 冲入21. pointto 指着22. pentsth. tosb 将呈给23. glr at 瞪着24. hodot 拿出25. a olof oile pape 一卷厕纸26. run offste 冲下舞台27. ru into 撞到28. on te wa out 在出去的路上二、单元综合练习单元练习1 Trslae the prase beow.(16). 取笑 9. b supposed o2. 对.做出反映 10. make approriate commen3. 重要由于 11. va forof entertaiment4. 对.有影响 1. take on a new lok. 作演讲 13.terntwo6. 意味深长地看着 1. from boh ome ad aboad7.一叠文献 .que up for he bu. 忽然冲入 6 epecialy in crosal ss II. lple choice. (20). not famiia with this pce.Itthefirst ime I _here, yukoA. am Bwas C. have been D hd bn2. _ aboutthe stor, e l srengtne ououes. Tellig B Tod C. Have ld D. aitold3. e_ erymc o eetin aanA. lookig orward B. exec C. eceptg D are looing forwad. H wntaploize o m less mothr _ himt.A. as B asked C. will k D. hsbeen asking5. meaedtosay tht allof you _ retly _u spoken Englishso far. ha, improvd B. hae, iprove C /, impv D. are,improvng6. nt e off he bus utl it _.A. stops B. tped C. h stped D. il sp7.y the tim he _ hoe, is faher wi aleffor Paris n busines.A.go B. getting . gt D. hasgot8. Noon iswllngto make iendswth ths ho _ ly _ les. is, telling B./, tells C., tel . are, tein9. The film s mazing. Is eer han a othe lm I _before. had seen B.have v seen . saw D. hav neve en1. Writing ioughor, bt ure it _. wothile B. worth t . s worth . is worth it1 Adfrendshouldbe kindadhepfl. _ mymothe. Such a frin . Suc one frind C.No such frend .On c friend12.My usin _mnot t tke weght-lossmedicin, ut Ijst wontlit.A i advsi B. adied C. advise D. asben adviin 13.Frightendby the snke, he ir _ cryn ethe l.burt in B. burs upo . burst into D. burs ou1. He _dead, fr many olsw thetrchi m bay lst ig.A.mst h .mu hae been C. cn be .ms be1. Ideed he foundnohing _ in y leon,beuse e ly ad rea_ in oputer gesA. amusd, inteesed B. amusig,inteested C. aused,interst D. musing, inerets16. He agin mad misae in olvng themat roble _.Asomhat B. mehow .anyow . anyay17. -John, I ust _ -I aan impran etingt 8 lck -O! care!. run B. wak C dash D xit18. My wasnt saifie withhe bue drss, so te shopkeepr _ anher drssfo her o try on.A. eld on . held to C.held ot el p1. As pledth she out of tywrite,it _.A. tars B. isorn te D. i teaig0. He _his handand _ toreprthi answe wen asketo.A. ose, rised B.rid, raied . aised,r . ros, roeII.Flite blks.(20) 1 One _(鲜为人知的) a i that hwas o a _(备受爱慕的) omedian2.Zhao Lrongas an _(热情的) _(女演员). hell livein u heart fr ev.3. Bi Fujis_(受欢迎) wih al ageouisdue tois h_ (风趣的)hotig syle.4.He ayssitig o n _(看不见的) bench is vry _.(舒服的).Theeache looe _(恼火的) he hisstudet _(漫步) oveto th courtard inead ffowing im6. ther ofte maks u burst nto l_bytelligus diferent j_.7. D_ is peron in c_ ofthe perfmncefa dram.8. e obsves pl _ inerday lif and cts outo s_9. Crsalsa_to improie leas to hi s_1. C_,a u_ at form inChina, as dveloped a lotoforeignersi recent yearsIV. Comple he entenes. ()1.Wheni yu new book _on _(上市)? 2 esould hae _(挪点地方) forth o n.3._ _(后来), h gt ajob as a govemnt ofic.4.Shenever goes ut withou _ heelf _(化妆).5.Canyou t m wat_(影响)heincnt hd _hs faiy?6. H sppeivi, _ _(仿佛) o aswer thmobile phne.7 Int t eryboy _(责任) protct ur environment?8.He also famus _ _(由于主持) heAcem Aar. Clozetst. (2)mall momns smes sta verylo tme.Anafew wodsthouh hy mean 1at heti to h poe ho sathemca ava geapoer.I ecet ed a story froMac Dalf, who been a proessinal 2 f the ast 2 yers,mt in dveig. s boy, Dalkof as terily shyan 3 . He hadfrendsndnoef-onfidene. Then oneday, hs gh-schoo nglis eacher, Ruth Brach, aked the classtowrite their ow cpr th ou 4 elstchaptrof the nolincthey had be rdigoil aMockibird Daoffrotehi chter ad ture iti. Tody hecnot call anything 5 about thechpterhe ote, oha rs. Bruch gave m.7 , wht hedes eembrithe for wr in te per:“Ti is good writing” Fur wrd. hey 8 hilif. “9 I rea thoe word,I had no idea of who Iwas o wht I was going to b,”e sai.“f ding hr 1, I wt ome and rote shr story, 11 I a aas dreame odoing ut ner Icould do.”13 he res oftht year i school, hewrote mny shot sorie andalway brouhtem t rs. ruch for14 “Sh wa enou,epful and honst.Sh was just atI eeded,” Dakoff aaer e ws15 asa co-editr ofhis hgh-chool ewspper. His16 gw; is knowledg brdned; h17 oa succsf life wit gratachivmen. Doff hat noe f i wouldhave had happened f that wmn ad no iten thoefou wrs.Fors30th highchool renin, Dalkoff went bak a visiedMs ruch, ohd rered. He tol r wht grat 19 th our words had ponhislifnd ecaus sh had give im the confidence to bawriter,he hdbeen able t 0 that confidece on tthe wman wh uldecm wife, who cme ariterheself.1. . mucB. litleC. wllD. il. A reporerB desgnerC.wrterD.eahr3. . wB ndependentC. troublesome. hlpless.A.olowB. chaneC. connetD. explan5. A pantB. iportantC.dferenD. special6. A. hepB. encoragentC.grade.wors7 A. TherfoeB. oweverC.MawhileD.Bds 8. A.irov.dvelod.changeD. nced9 UntiB. AC.SineD Whie0.A. hpterB. nvelC. noteD xpaatin11A. eerythingB. sometingC. tingD. anhing1 A. meanB. doutdC. rov. beieve13. .WithB BeyodC. OverD.From14. A. appcatonB. cngin. iformation. intrucion15. A.chenB.rgarddC.considreD. treed. A. excimnB. onidene. deerminD. epeenc17. ept uB.caughtpCtarted offD. owdoff8. A. rlzed. wished.epected dreamed19. A. pogrssB. cces.courgeD. efec20. oldB.rigC. passD cyVI.Readincompeeni(16)AHv you r been i a eeing while mene wa makna speec and realized ddy hatur indsmillion les awy? Youprbablelt orryand madeupr mind o pay attentio and erhave daydamnagain.Most of us,fromeariesthoo day, hav e tol tha ddrangisa wasteftime“Ontheconty,”ays LGbra, eert shoog, “aydeamingis quteecessry Witout i,tid coldnge de all te thnngihas to d uring a normal day-. ou cantossbl d all your hinkingwth a cocious mnd. Insad,your ucncioumid s workin out prlemsall he iedeamin may oneway hat he unoscious nd cnsous staes of mindhave silendialoges.”Early exetsinpsycholoy paid no etinto theiportance of dayreams ren cosidered them hmfu At oetimeareaing ws thout tobea caue of soementl ilness.Theydd t have betterundestdng of daydreams utl he lat 190s.Eri Klnge, professo, i he wrterof the book Daydreming Klinges sys, “We knonow ha dayeming is n of the ainways thatwe orgnieu ive,learn om ur periences, and pln forur fute- Dramsraly arewindow on the things we fearand he hings we long fr nlif.”Daydrams are suly very sple ad direct, quite uie seepd, hich may be hrd to undertand Is easirt gn deep understandnof yor liby payince atteon t yur adrems than by tring to examinyour slep dream areully. Daydreamshep o ecnz theiffiltsitaios in youlife d ond u a possible ay of delin ith temDydrams cannoberedite: they move off in uexpct drectins which ma bceativand full o seulies. oman famu rtists ansentit, daydres wer and areama oucof reate eer.1. he writer ofhis pasage cnsier dydeams_. A. ad o erstandB. important and hlpful C. harmu ndunimantD.the sae sep das2 Thewitr quoed(引用) L Giabr an Eri Klingesto_. A poin out t wrg iea of arly exetB. lisout two iferent des C. por his w idesDreport th latest eserch n dadream3.Wati the diffecebeteen dayems andsdreams? A. eope have dydramsdsleep dea a difeenttimes. . Daydreamsare the ret f nconsciou mind while sleepams are h ofonscious i. .Daydreams areeasy to drtand. D. Ddream are mor helfuin solvpbls.4. Whiho the folowing strue? A. A nconscius min cn work allhe problems o B.Dyming a give atsts andscientists ideas for reions. C. Prossr Erc Klinge as a btter dethan L. iab. D. Ealyexpersdidnt undestnt dydrems reBPts in lace peaseworers my redce tres Manyemploes aein favor ofhving pets in erworkplace andelie hey help ruce stess an improve hr hlh, eenstudy ggests. “he repse waspotve,” Dr. MeredihWlsld Reuers heat. “eople thoughtets reuced tres,anmprove josatfaion.” thersdie havefondtat pet cardu stes and blood presur levls fo hidren, old adlt, ad sck patet, “butfw stude hve eamined efct ets in he workplace,” ells said.Epoyees repored that pets inworpl are goodfr busiss. No evone nrey ethuatic Some dabcksrote wrenois frobing, hairnth foor.There was lso someconen tt cusoer my beafad o teanimal. owevr, hse rsponsswee in hemnrty(少数). “Whnwe sked what were hedwback, the mot comm espose ws,“her rn ny,” Welsad es sid she wol encorge ompaniesto expriment th a t polic. “Iould autiuyrecommend i topople, sayig hey wold give aty,”she sid.“owever, t mayno e vrygoofor everyomany”. It seemd tha _ were infavo o havng pet in heworkpace. A. all ft employeesB qut afe o the mloees very few f the emplysD. only a fe of theemplyees.t i wroto sayhapetsill help_. A. tedue obsatisfactionB.o mpve oneshet C. o duc blood ressueD o redue onessrs7. Nteyne ws enirly enthusiastic Thameans _ A. omeope dit like theia. nteveryone ully uderstood the ia C. man pople were no i faor of heeaD. ver few ople dth ida8. Whh of the followingworhasthsaeeaig a “drawbak”? mistakeB. ronC. ultD pobVI书面体现 (满分20分)假设你是李华,暑假期间准备和家人去香港迪斯尼乐园游玩。想理解某些具体订票状况,例如:可否网上订票、团队购票与否可以打折、可否因故取消订票等。你在互联网上查到一份门票价格表(见右表),但尚有些具体信息不明确。请给迪斯尼乐园发一封电子邮件,询问有关状况。参照词汇: 折扣dsco注意: 1 词数100左右,信的格式已为你写好。2. 可根据内容要点合适增长细节,以使行文连贯。ear Sir / Mame,My famiy re plnnig a viitt_


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