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Uit 3 Tavl Journal一教学目的 能力目的:1.能运用所学语言体现将来的筹划,并学会向别人辞别和体现祝愿。.学会用英语交流旅游筹划,谈论旅游话题。3. 掌握理解本单元旅游日记的内容和阅读技巧。. 学会写书信谈论旅游感受、描写旅游景观等。情感目的:1.运用所学知识在实际生活中安排旅游, 涉及选择地点、选择路线、选择旅游方式、查询费用等。. 掌握旅游常识,学会解决旅游中浮现的某些问题。3. 养成外出旅游时写旅游日记的习惯。4 理解生态旅游的概念和意义,协助学生树立为建立人与自然和谐发展的环境而努力的意识。二.教学重点和难点: 重点:1. 课文中浮现的重要单词,如joural ae transpor Vietnm finallyycl prsuade subbor inssproppropeydetermin dterminedltud vallyattitd shoscamecod oc fmila brav,及词组one-wafre dremof/about persuade soeody to do soing e deriedto do smetha uucage ones min gie bfmiliarwih somthing bemiar tosmeoy ec 2. 目迈进行时表将来,如When ae youeavi? 3祝愿和辞别时的交际功能用语。难点: 用英语交流旅游筹划,谈论旅游感受、描写旅游景观等。三教学设计St1: Lead-in: rmng ub icussigDo yoliraveling? W do youlike tli? Ad wynot? Whee have yoevr been befe?ow did ou tthe? If ar give aance to avelaroud he world, wa nd tranprtaions will yu use and wy?Step2:ReadingAs we ll kow, there arelotors intheworld andao there r ma rat iers. Nw lok at thechar n te left olm a nmes of omeet rives.n thight umare locatons wheethverie. leae ach tem.mthansNaes of ivrLcatinNams ofRierLcatonMengIiMekogCia,SE siRhineFraceRhinGermaangeussiGngesniaingandSeiFracNe CenrafricaNieEgyptThameGemnyThamesEgandCongoBzlCongoCenral AficierChin, E AiaNierWtAfricaVogaUSVolgaRusiDanbEptDnubentral uopeAmaznWest AfricaAnBrazissspiCental EurpississipiUS2 Dyou knowwhat cuntr te Meong Relows truh?Now ook t the mapote eng Rer ad poit out tecounriesit ows hroh. (Chna, Ls, hailand, modi, Vietnam)3. Reaingan nerlngNow peaseadand uerln allthe usl pressions orcolcaons i epage. ythem to yur oeboofterclas as homewok Collaions from JORY DOWNTHEENGdrem abot, tak agre bike trip, graduate fro,got thcance t do h, cycleaog the rver,gforlong bie ides,montinbike, persuad . o do sth.,gow p, get s.iteresed in th., sbbrn, ow thest ay getng to ples,e source of the ver, creabou, give sb. trmind look,chang oes mind,a a ltitudef, sem t do,theair be har o ethe, anintrestin exeienc, akep esmnd, gve in,aargeaas wt god maps, ee ng sth., a fist, passthough, be urprisedto d st.,hof, tlast,theSouhChina SeaI. Type of witigad summaryo h ideaype writighis itaelournlMn eaofte asaWng un ad Wan W dremof kin a great bke rip, thei ferent ttitudes,WagWeis trmnatn, Wang We nWg unsrearatns fr thei.Toic sntnceof 1t paarphIt wa mysister whfist hathe id ocyl al te Mekog River.Topc eten of 2ndparaphAlough se didnt ow the be ayof gttingto laes, s insisted that we ind he sourc o the ve nd ben our joury thr.oic seteeof 3d paragrahWefnd a largeatlas with ood mps that sowed te eas of theworgegph. Ring alodan underandingNxtweare go toread a the te ad tn ansrsome questions.)o an n a WangWe? (Ty re botherdister, andboth a cllege sdets)2) What asthir drea?(Thir dea s t tke a geat bik ip.)) Who are DaWei andYu Han? (e ae Wag Kns cousinwho area a llege in ming))Wher is the soue of theekongRiverand whise des it enter?(The source f te rier s inQighai Provie andit entes e ouh Chna Sea)5)What can you e henyou travel alongthe Mkong?(ou can see glac, rais, hill, valles, wateras and plains.)6) sit fficltjur ocycle ngthe Mko? Wh? (Ys.The jouney begns at n litud o mr thn 5,00 mers, heit ishardto brete and very cold.). aguge points)reamof/aout +n./dng sh. 做梦;梦见;向往Tepeople l r te woldrea o peaeWhe I was youn, Idaed of bminga lt.2)强调句 p65It iswas + 被强调部分+ hat/ho+原句剩余部分3)insist (p65)sb. insisstha sb. (hold) do sh.insston/upo st/doin4)主语+be adj +不定式 (66))n matter + ha/wen/where/how(p69)6)fun 不可数名词,意为“乐趣;玩笑;有趣的人或物”I + be + un + ding.t is fn playing fotbal with riends.和朋友们踢足球很有趣。)英语倍数体现法 (8)例子+练习8) put up举起;挂起,张贴;建造;搭起 pu wy把收起来,放好;储存 pt back把放回原处,把(钟表指针等)倒拨(校准) put dow 放下,写下;弹压 put oe h nt 全神贯注于 put a end to结束te3: Laning Gamr练习:p7be+ v.-g与表达将来的时间连用,表达不久的将来,含义是“预定要做”。(这种构造中常用动作动词或去向动词:go, coe, eave, sat, arrv, travel, fly等,不合用于状态动词)Imlvn o Beijingthisriday Myriens ce vr lasnt, ad thy are coming oeths eing, oo. Weare going t Laosha MayDa hoiday.We hadan nghls hs ori,adwe ar a antherngli class oorro.We tok sxsubjects la term, adwear king sen subjectnet erm. hve arved inBeijng. Im vistinh Gra Wall omoow morning.After cass weare pangfotbl on the plagrounde re flying ShanhinextFday.Step: Spakingead te passaeaain and f the nsers tothe quesios:1)How des W Kun fel but etrip? (He sstaring to lie e trip.)2) What doyou thinkas chned hisattide? (seeing teutiful land)3) Is it atral for Wng Kun nt to feel lony? (Y ece th sne agunw isbauiful. Te sky as cear and hsr webrigh. Al ir ouins ae aiting or him) 4) Wuld y l te ame ay in thi ituaton? Why o why not? (You a hve difent opinsabout this. Just spek it out nd tusshreyourea, wil you?)Iineta the ilog appe the nxt mrning fore ang Kun ad Wng W leae thir campWrte shr diaogebetwen te wih yur patner.We: oooko tied Kn: Yes, stayeduplate at niht.ei: ealy? h did oud? : I watcdthe clea kyand teight stars.Wei: hats nce They mst be prett. Ku: Ye, the wer.4 Wti a eterNow les do awritig rctie. gi thatou ar friefang Wi. Wi a sht leter o he and sk hertodescre: o she eels, wtshe is dng, ad sme place yuwnt to kn o. Then ish erwel n ejourney by using aleast twof theressions:Hvea nice/goodtie. Hve anie/goodtip. Tk cae.Goodlc on our jorney. ay “Hell” t . Writo meGvey best/ove wshes to . ave funYou an etote folowing seps.lIn par oose the detis romtejourey tat re ost interesing. Think of ha else yu wdlike tkno aot he jurney.rite tese eas dow as questiosl No coose w r thee f the bes quetions fo yourleter. Eachquestiuld havenother setence expainngwhy youwatto knw thisnoation. Putthemin an ode that kes see. gin ourletteashon n thettbook and dd yruestos o Wng. Your writngshoudot bemore than one pargrph.lFinish you letr show in he textbook.Aapleritig:Hi, rave little W,ow I worr ao ou ad Wang Kun! oohave agood time ow? I heso. ht are u di no? re yo still Laos? a you telle smething auoles lifethere? Wen reyou leavin for Cambodia?Whe gt thre, tellme abot te Bddhisttmle thr. Pleae endsom phots it ou nxt lete!Wll, Hae a good r and dont forgett writeto me! Givemy t ishs t Wg Kn. Go luc on or jureTecar!Your,angLn背景知识补充:世界出名游览胜地英文名 . Asia 亚洲 MoutFuji, Japa 日本富士山a ah,nda 印度泰姬陵Angko Wat, Cambodia 柬埔寨吴哥窟Bai,Indoesia 印度尼西亚巴厘岛obdu, Indoneia印度尼西亚波罗浮屠Sensa, Snore 新加坡圣淘沙Bbylo, Ira 伊拉克巴比伦遗迹 2. Africa非洲 SezCanal,Egypt埃及苏伊士运河Awn igh Da,Ept 埃及阿斯旺水坝Pyraids, Ept埃及金字塔he Nle,gyp埃及尼罗河Nibi Natinalark, eya 肯尼亚内罗毕国家公园Cap o oodHope, Suth fica 南非好望角Sara Deset 撒哈拉大沙漠 3.ceania 大洋洲GrearrirRe, Australia澳大利亚大堡礁ynyOpea Huse,Atalia澳大利亚悉尼歌剧院yes ock, utrlia 澳大利亚艾尔斯巨石Mot Cok,NeZela新西兰库克山.Europe 欧洲oseof S, Sopha nIstabul (Cannopl),Trey 土耳其圣索非亚教堂Notre Dme dPris, Franc 法国巴黎圣母院Effiel Tower, France 法国艾菲尔铁塔Arch f Tump, anc 法国凯旋门Elysee Palae, Fan 法国爱丽舍宫Louvre, France 法国卢浮宫Kner Dom, Kln, Geran 德国科隆大教堂Leanig Tower of Psa, ta 意大利比萨斜塔olsseiRoe,Ital 意大利古罗马圆形剧场Ptheon, Gec希腊巴台农神庙Red quar Mosco, Russa 俄罗斯莫斯科红场Bien in London, Egland 英国伦敦大本钟BuckingamPalac, gln 英国白金汉宫Hyde Pr,nglnd 英国海德公园Londo TowBrdge, England 英国伦敦塔桥eminteAbey, Englnd 英国威斯敏斯特大教堂he Meditrraen 地中海 5. merica美洲Nagara Fall, US 美国尼亚加拉大瀑布Honolu, Hi, USA美国夏威夷檀香山Panamaaal 巴拿马运河YellowstoneNaion Park, USA 美国黄石国家公园MetropoianMum of Art, Ne Yrk Ci, USA美国纽约大都会艺术博物馆Statue oiberty, New ok Ciy,UA 美国纽约自由女神像Time quare, e ork Ciy, USA 美国纽约时代广场ThWhite House, ashingtn C,美国华盛顿白宫WrldTrad er, Nw York City,USA 美国纽约世界贸易中心entralar, NwYorCt, S 美国纽约中央公园ollwood, Clifnia, SA美国加利佛尼亚好莱坞Dseylad, Califoria, US加利佛尼亚迪斯尼乐园Las egas,Nevda, S 美国内华达拉斯威加斯小结本单元需要学习的重点句型为:1. twa mysisr who frst had he da to cyle alon the eong Rivrfromhe itbgins to where it ed. (I s/was . h/that. . . )2 Althou shedidnt knowthbest way of tting to place, sh nsite hatwe fnd the souc of te river dbg our journeyee. (isist t sb. soudd. .) he gvema drineookthe kndtt sid sh oulnt cange he d.(the Attritive lause)4. Ocs asmad u er mnd, othin ca hne t. (Onc . )5. Itbeomes rapiss itpases thogh deepvaleys,traveling acreern unnanProvic. (te preent participleuse asdverbial). A it nt Suteast Asia, ittravels slwly hroghhils ad lw aley, n thepains wre rice grows. (the AtibtivClae). I was quet in theounainshtight htthere was mst owind, only he souno thefire. (o tht. . )8. e tpcso taljournalcan be iferent fom adry, ofte icluding peope, thigs, a evnt essfaiia t reers (ncuig. . . )本单元需要掌握的交际功能用语为:祝愿和辞别(ood wishe afarewel)1 Hae ngoo dy/timeHa ai/gd journey/tripood luck!noy yourself! Bestwihsto yo.appy NewYea! Merry Chrtmas!Happ bthdy!2 Thank yu Yu, oo The satoyou.本单元需要掌握的语法为:目迈进行时表达将来(The Preet Coniuou Tenseoepes future ts)Whenreyu aving?Hw are youoingthr?Whre ar youstaing?Hw long are ou stayigre?When ar yo oing bck?


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