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深圳市高三年级第二次调研考试英 语本试卷共1页,卷面满分10分,折算成分计入总分,考试用时分钟。第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每题2分 满分0分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的、B、和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。ALife xprience can howones “grit”(坚韧).Complxlees l n iflpd t fllowin eopledlop skl hat otthm o th op of theirprofeons.rsa urns, Chiwoman, VEON; Foer CEO, erxHer famiy s o ootht hersingle mther radd fic eaifor healthcre.Bus al gif r mahs he a harshp and an tnip Xr,where ewu competeherwa t he top. “ I abl adyfo teLwr EsSide,”shsays, “ta lot sres.”Hor chu, Extive Chairman, tarucs Schltz gwup in coui in Brooky,surrounde yperty, and watefirst iis familytgo toclee (on fotbal cholrship).After trining sales, heset up hcpay hat woul laterbuy Sabuc. “nh coure o theyear I spenttng orase mey, I spke to 24 people,ad 21 ofthe said no” he a.Sean Comb,CE, SanhCm bega a geeration o hphop talent andad lasing inlunceofhion.estor cold ave turned ut mucdierntly:is dg deer fthr wsiledw he as.“ae mokevenharder” he ecentl sadGesh ilams, EO, P&EHer renfled Cb whenWiliamswas 5.By 7, se ws he parts min trnstorias wi lawyer an acountats a roery soesty wned.Te expence id el her. “I w fothnking I coud bea managrtohiig I co omehi mh biggr.” s tol Fo.21. Who id bei mth tschool?. ombs B.Buns C. Schutz D.Wiiam22. How did te death f Cbs ftriflec him?AIt ad hi a faie.B.Hebecame d dealer.C.It aehimeven strongerDHe bece -oppe23. Wha an weln o h pssae?ACuba is good pceo business.B. oe wanteo he Schulzat irst.Po amilykds an buccssuleasiy.D.fiuy if pudlliam oward.BLokig at a pie of od pots,I colt hepfelinather rgretfulIe eer t i the habit of ortinou phtos. Hweve, t lmst a habi fm to hephts kn thuhtleThus,phothaveben piling up n mychilhooto womanhood. I piteof tat,tose black-a-witptues taki myarly years are arely ket, xpa fewsuvivlsegadds antiqueT ald(秃头的) by pcre f ehat teau, nyoelft, itsnow mising.Famliarfeslas on byone beoes. hhte wordis s sl an all live in i, et e areseparaed byphysia d pychoogica dtances, osmler, sm larger.Wih te passag f tme,ne anno, grtf relive(重温) with he sam feeling asoe d i pcre. on can get frmthe o photos but bitof te pt oy.Onakescte wit dffen peros in dferent tmad ces.Thfll ne wih osala(怀旧)narios degree-somee,sme less,nd othrnoneTats whone hcofltng flgstowrds hld photos. tl kpt wth the crrent one, theyeevenlessfvodhan aiy-ud cp, wch iswyclose tothen.Ho hese pieces of thoht inlueee. P keep ur iaesrathe tha reniment, whi m not rnTh image awayhere bu o its owner,whom th phtocntkeep ,nihecan i eteeenO cure,here are omohe hotos sill odingm ffeco,suc s thoe tknwithmy fay membs, wit favorit playats, felw rl-stetsand best fies, nt oly in pictures ut lo n ylifeandheart.No, sc havlarn ll tis, Iwno alw mysef to beincudedcali ahoo tkenth othes. Ill make rhat t frendsip canlst reItkea pho witsboy.24.hy id h writr have oyaew lackan-hite picture?A Sheook fewer hem.B Shtop thughlessy.C Sh didnt take o care of.D Sh nly lik thald bby ict.5.ht canwe etfrom thopoosacrng thewrie?A Alhpast esB Sme pasthppines.C Althe pstexcmnt.D verasigmemory26. Wtes huened wrd “setmet”inpaaah rbay m? A o BThug C Feelin DInfluenc27. Wats t writer iky do whe skedo ak hoos trs? o a te photo apply. BTo r te eqs polC Tignore therequest csuly D thik crefuly befe action.CA a Aincoutry, ingap rputtio forbeng igy esterz,with Eglsh among h ountrysfou oficil lags, bu couple of ign found n lc bsestat aecenl em a it nlinemay trse Qite difre Enlihw ow, thsig red,forexampl,“He canogoin”nsea of“No nty”, an Hee can chage phnenadf hargphone her. Thislguag at esemblesEgish scaled SngaanEnlishr Sigish.Th New YoTimescas Singlsh “pchwor” becausSinape coss of mgrants(移民) rmevera countris including Ci, Ind anals,an heyall petho vrsions f“Enlish”.“Everyne o peks i spe it,” rotnewsapo exap,nSinlish, ou a asily cogze inucs frominee, inlg aulay suha” Me Sim”and “da o”. Sentence srctureslike ”olt where” insteadof “wheres the tole”ls ome fro Ce.Ietandrse as it ay em, th end for iglshis orryig igaorgovement Iis cocern at te dile is lo thecounrysEglshstandard dmy affet t retionsip it vitrst even stad th k Good lsh Moement.Unfrtunatel, h lmws otlvd. Insed,inglishs omed, seial among oung peopl w ink o sa ign f being col and away dntiying hemseas Sinporen.Bu hs es n men ht stndard English bengaandoned byounpeple. Infac,there much more capale h thegovennt gves credit-they can speakoth“We ar ntio oo a cdicin know thaway we sea t findsor dres must b rent fmo at wr orsho,”roeCheyl,a Sngpeaauthr, Timemazin,“Totielyrge s to iveu anuaetha paks tothr eartfwhowe ae, ats so beutiflresets he eltnpot ofChinese, dans,alaians ad Eurasianstht e are,shorsighed, uel.”28 Wh desSingre he manydfferent esion of Egls?A t smadep o igan.B t is hglyesternzed.C Itis inec byChineeDt is ffcteby offii lanuage.29 Wat te prse ofstatin heSpeak oodglish Mvemen?ATo sop thnew tred. Tobeter theltonsi.C To kep he Egih stana.ogivethe oernmntcrdit.0 Wha dtheyoug pol hin oSinglis?A Itintrsing. B s thir ideit. C Is sign o stu D It way of coe-switchng.3 Whacan welearn rowat Chlsai?A Dfntpeolspeak differn styl of Siglsh.BSiihismre beauifl anguge taothPepe ekSingish on to friedand drvr.D Peoplecan ue Singlsh to prsthemsele weDLong efriphs,te cigrtes th oanon ochoie fo retlesnessAnd og efr FbookndWehat, it wa tobacco tpomied tobtter y socialfe. w, qittig sarhhas beoe he new qitt smoking.fcours,echnolog des yelwyoret, case d orld to ae.ut som invidual re socner a dvceaditon is daaing thir mena hlth. n ordr to reduc thei dpdece,ev SinVley,ople re rnin off e meaes onstalyuz r ther attntio,nningsmrnes fro thedoom a, rsy, changinghe co on thi srens oa ming scal o gTh big thcmpaniewlvet wrk out hw to rspond tois nw geerato of qittersacebook isthefirstto opblic wi itsattemt,opn itsrecnt m ca ke h sil etwor o home.Last ythe tech sy a naeBigTe-wthunfrtate echoes o h indurie th hvefaedferce pposon, includngBig Tocco. Like hem, the c ndsty has o rece cncern from anw geraton o acii sehlders(股东) ha arequestininis ro int wl.Thse amagsare nvr aserceasthosefce by Big Tocco. Inthe 199s, sociy reposblenvestors refused o p monin tobacco tocIt isfr iffult f inesr to cllenge Bigcan hardt sepaate the good thesecmpans do n thewo-cnecting od find and givin spe for peope shretheir dea-ro the badIn ntie, stoping ung ehnlo rain prbatic I TheWorld Without Mnd:TeExistenial Treat o g T, Fankln Fer argusthaehhuld besen in a sima ay to nkfd:a conei that o rejectfor mrcntnuingnutito.So e ne o d moreto tuh te I thesae way thtpublc ervie nuncemetmade sing arondyourcidrnbo(禁忌),we an ar prns aainstlosin temlves thir smrhoes whietai care of kis.We an also creanosmartp zo at diner. Evtually smrpones oulb bne romalpulicplacs ad hlp ugve our attetion othe peple aroun instead. ow popl ep clos reltosi wihthern the pas?A B smoki. B By dnki. CBphon DB iningot33 Whis te echdutrycled BgTeh?A I ly d role he wold. B Itis a bas i Toaco.C has nufotnate na. DIti giatin Sico Valle.34 ha an infer romFranlnFoers arumt bout the?A I potesceveomnt. It is still vb ome eole.C t sworsethanBig cco DIt oferscoinuingnutition.3hica the est title orthe asge?A Cretn ao SmatphoneLfe Batpo EricOuroialLfeC Smin DosreaterHamhanSartphoes DQuittgSmthoes Isthe e Quig Smoking 第二节(共5小题;每题分,满分分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。Hw Laghin ouelf Mke You AtrctivHavyu ev mbarssdorsfinpbid got laghd atfo it?36_ Anisoka- we shol even hve lauh about hem.Luging at yourself en acceptinwho you really e.u ay elbad abt orelf beue pat msfortn.Howe,ts alto e imperec.hatsimporn itatyoushould be hoestwi yourslf boutw o ae 3_Yu t be able t lah a yourslf wthut se-aceptaneLghngt yurelf hlps incrse yurconfidene.Whenoe aletosty oimitc an augt yourself, youar ikly to b more sucesful iif.8_More porntly,it helps yo realize yur own weaknss, soyou kwichareao do betri.39_aughingtsmonlsmay urthefeelis vef youditdt, wilugig atyourselfdos ot.-Yumigt een rng ile t teir ces.Peple wl li i,caue t hw thatouhave the courge o doso and youe eigreal butyurimperetio.ustrmmber ththumsala mistkes.S inteafbang yoursef, rtohn of your msks,i a pve wayd ccept yourself just as yo ar.0_A. uhn at yourslfmaes yopopulr.B. Accept yours despyurmperfectins.C. You nd to take yourelsrosly al he tm.D. Cances ehat we l have thee is f eriences.E. earn to lag atyouself and yo il b mo atracvF. ugin ayouelf ang aidal mag usefG. This s becselaugng yselibtes to youmentahealth.第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每题1. 5分,满分3分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Tis onth, a an mazing prunity t oin n thevoltary aciit. Iwen to uatemala wt a 41_rm an oation I ave upored fmanyyar 42_sme of timeinrer tove ckjusa little of hatImso blse o43_.W se ourtes inteouryard o clin, putup heSelechat(视力表) 4 _i to wall, nd egaseeinge. Thy amfrm uroundintow,mothain to 45 _forhr or mor o bus et t our 6_.Tejriy ofmad evhadan ee47 _ foe.Thy aite fo hours 48_intsun, never compining.f we cd hlphemout,ter _ f a iml pai of glas moved us byn s. _ tho ho leftonly wtey rops o sunglase e hakul.ome pptod our tea that thir eyeeed 51_,bu heyd nt e adoctoor got the glassesey eeded5_ it as o expeive. W ahilrn ho ditgo to ch fore could not 5_ he bod We mt tenages who 54_ n thirfriendstget , smae ho cold not se to 5_ clotesad ie wthdiffculty eein ad sns.Gases ae ethn s mpl ad5_hee eria.Theeore, we myeasil a et57_ heyma o ple ho hv noacsst te.We ar tdotors,anher wee verapee we ould not8 _ utfr ts ecoul, we ed a thi is hang. rturned frm ths _tr with so uch orthtok witme toe.W (n) 0_shti-andwh dfferenceein bleto e learlymaks4 A oany cu C class team42Akiled lost Cvuterd reauredA donate ave Car D diribut4 stickg B tiking Datin5 A rive B wlk C ride e6hoita B clnic C dugtre D ofice47 Adsase Bhrt C exam eperimen4aiously B estlessly bvly Dpatienly49 grateulne spec C rgret D dse50 A Yt en C Stil D Instead5 dopment B improvemnt C sesset tratment2 A even thg Bise sie D if53Awtch Bse C otice D recgni4 Adepended lie Cisid D concetraed rair B wear eove D sw56 A rr avaiable onetiol aleles57A pogess Bfit C ifrence D fore58 ai B neit C avise hut9A reling Bexctig musig rardng60 A gift Bnor rcle sll第二节(共0小题;每题5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个合适的单词或括号内单词的对的形式。Aane tamfom Atata, US, us he autifu Jiagsufksng asmine Floe(Molihua)in thirperformanc o he sw Aazg Cesheson 61_(compos) uri the Qig ynst(1616-192),s oofte frst hes62 _(son) to bcomepar ar.htrue origin f te song, which has many egilvaatios,wsn discoee 63_wschoas bseanarle, wic hoe te hisoybtwe the ol anzhoutty(小调), 64_ o-fahionedtp of okmsiT poulity o theson maesta symbol tpresnt Chinseultu65 _ te worldstage rdfausItaln cmpser add thsongths operTurando 6 _(apear) n theorasst pblic erfoancein 96 hlped mprove 67_(it) aam.Ithe coigremn ofthe AthensOlyics,a Cinee rl 8_ (ita) imrssed audence ith herwodrsigigo the ong.I 69_ (co)s music plyd t t aar eremny n tBej Olyps, binin us boh natonal 0_(roud)an great artic ejoymt.第四部分 写作(共两节,满分分)第一节 短文改错(共0小题;每题1分,满分10分)假定英语课上教师规定同桌之间互换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的如下作文。文中共有0处错误,每句中最多有两处。错误仅波及一种单词的增长、删除或修改。增长:在缺词处加一种漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2.只容许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Tay, gop f 30 mricn stude volune cme o vs or scoo Ontheir arv, a welcom mony as eld anourprcipal kea wecom se. Then I, crn of the StudentsUn, soed h to usco. Aer a shortlbreak,th oluners from thsdhaxperincarig meetig. t th meting,wetled a loaboutthe benefits thate vary wok as beebht os Aftethat, hel a ctvy iheneary comuni, remae an pportnity for he Aricanstudens know mo out China.Ife ciin hat the acit s dvlopd te frindspwen thm.第二节 书面体现(满分5分)假定你是李华, 你观看了你的英国好友Leslie参与的学校英语演讲比赛直播。她的演讲“u mes rom hard ork”获得了一等奖。请你给她写一封邮件,内容涉及: 表达祝贺; 2 评论与赞赏; 3 体现祝愿。注意:1词数100左右; 可合适增长细节,以使内容连贯; 开头与结尾已给出,但不计入总次数。Dear Lie, Yours, Li Ha深圳市高三年级第二次调研考试英语参照答案第二部分21-25CC 2630CAC 3135DB 3640 DBA第三部分4145DCBA 50 BCDB 5155 DBAD 560 BCADA61 opd 6song 63util/tll 64 an 6 on 6Aein 7 its insantly6 wa ho 70pride第四部分1 volune-oluntees a-mde t-ronron shtly-shot 5a-a 6删除ben 7wh-which 8 knw前添加to ctn-exitd m-s书面体现:Dea eie,Ieally enjoyd athngrgh speech comtion on TV an as delghted t see youwi h first prz. Im riting t onvey my sincr congratulaio o u. t did osupseme aal whe hos nounced yu a e inn. Iasaways benr rn deireoban ousning speak, ando hav been so inustriosnprsverantomky dreamcoe tu. Aamous sggos, as, gin. r rd wrkhasnow filly padof.As yu said i o pech,succesraly does coe rom hard workCongratulatin oncegain. I ou furr sucs in thfure ors, Li Hua


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