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一、听力部分附后二、阅读理解第一节Ahn movie theatr re nvr runnn shornouh i Yout(芳华),drecte FngXiogng,s relein Dembe, a hit the re.utti is iffent: Itsddiated he yuth of our are genaio.Setn th19, the ory eins i iliaryar upe(部队文工团), in whih odes dtie are to s, dance dprmote cultur. H apng, anwomer, s a aentedacer. Wt a painfu chidhood, she atto ae a fresh sta inth troupe,eteramilackgrod ks her te uing stc(笑柄)ong theteirl. Te nlpes who is nce to r s Liu Feg, a ind nunelfihmn.In o yut ilms,th ccerfe pths re oy infu ythe o hoice.Hwer, the yong pople iYoth ae al pat o“t whrlwid(旋风) htorialcangs”, sfilcrit stin hng wtin the o ngeles Times I erodof re han30 year,tey hav to exeienethe Cultual Rvoltionand the So-Vietamesonflt, rg hich iungloses n ar aHe Xiaopng uers from aenal lnes Th isbadmt(解散) o the rupe alsotsthemawfro te life nd pop ey esoamlar ith, hrwg tem noa new lie the k notingaut.he latan“ makeeace witht ast anake thostofthe preet”, wrororeriva Fulv oneebsiTfnet.ut thres still omeing ha vrcnes aout uh.omatteht time ostoy it is, eole are same loing for loveand bay. Sushne, lautr an swming oolthetypcal imagef uth are ll e kep in Mr.en nils.Accrngto fng ews, Youth isatualy anostli(怀旧的) n persal work tatMr.Feng eces tois own epiencesofwrkng in a tro “Whe I loo bkin te,vrything inmy li em tbe bk n whi,” hi,“Thedsit roeare h only prt of mmemor thatalwys remain colorful.”2 Whtinflucd Heiaopand Liu Fens lie most?Atoicacangs BTheiown ersoaltC. Thealy backgrs hilongin for love beau2.Wh i Fng Xioan diett ilm ouh?Tshow the cruelty ote war. o ure eope to valuetheiryout.To ecedayswhn h wrd in the tupeD.Tocribe e lifeungheulural Rvoution.23. What o knw ot th outdifferen neraons accoring t h text?A. h lltreatuse adluhter a thypcalmags ftemsves. ou pretgeneratn, teydontlove beaty de to poiticalrens.C. he lng fortotaly iferetthngs ryingrm generatio to genetiThougthey live indferentimes, they st hae soethng icomm.Eight years e hs deat n 96, Afed Nblas surre eadnobiuar(讣告) thecal ewspaer. as a strneobiur, fo toldAlredNbel,the mwhoas reaingit, ha h was dead. Th serd confdAfd wi isrotr, Ludwi, who hdrecetly died.Nobews shockd rad thath haaedaw, and hewas venmoenoyed heitle of h biu: Th erhanoeah Isad Alfedwas verich and sceful rmamnts manaturr(武器制造商)。Thi incidentot him thikin abouthisretton. atou pop think ofhi after is eal dth? Wld tey ealy sy “Tht was a nho profite fromii”?I wa histhougt taldim to lve his oy-a hue ount t-rth fundingf thamosNbelpizes.is waso his mony t e sed to suportte ongongqut(追求) for eelnce in h siencs d literaue, andeal of eace.ousand of en ndo hav benhonored incethefirstawrswere gveout 190. Theardle he orlknwabut the elopetsta y he huge ect o urlvesoevr, th prz ar otrersialotie Thr ofen rotes(抗议) at heward o the peaprzwhn otvryo thikstat theward-iners deervth war. ven theward fr litrature has sometimes been citcizdcauethe awaroitte onnegltmport ierTe hihlyinuntl noveist aesJoe and MareProst, frxmpe,rever honrdbyheSedish Academy.Sill, fothe mot p he warsdont au mncp. Afreobloued the przes to reiz hoe ho av had“egrtet bneit t ankind” adfew uld dsagre tha oo the pzeinne-amogthem. lert Enein an Marin LueKg- hve mad otrbuiohadesrveto onred andembrd.24How id Alfredob feewhen h read the iuary henewspaper? Sad and worid B. hockddupset.C. Surised nd cnud . mend puzled2. What did leNoe dito do after reang th bita? Sekexcelence te cene. Dnateahismoe to heharitC. tp prodcngayili weapsD. Setupth Nobel riz wih hi mney26.hdoe e hor mntin James yce and Mael Put?A Toshw contveryof om obe prizes.B. To giv eles f infletil be prizes.C. To expai h stadad of giig ut teNobepzesD. Topove the infuec the obel prizes oiteraure.7Wa does th uthrhnk of th Nol rzes?A There sholdbe oe elewnnes.B. Tere re too n contoversial nners. Thyhave onoemny worthywinr.D. h committe shul e moe le.Th not as mha in the ps, gdarent are theahs o th vjo (纳瓦霍人)yout. They me ong pepe awae f life atnal ae The pats al thmeprivie ofteachin thehildren,ad th gadprts ak grea ride nraisg tem.Yongilden ot sta wit thei grandpanforarat ame, evlping a clse d trustig relaionhi. The grandarets tah the Nvjo legen adtepinpl of li, esizingohnew culure tred an the previo oftrdiions.Therndpaens are aso te leingfgur tachin the youth te arts o avi, caing the lvestock, usn eral edicine, and othearts cftT hldrenare tugt o respe heir elders, cae rthe, helpthemad leanfromtem. Yong pele re rgtiste wh ar tothe wrs of e edrs nkeepas mc wsdm a posie. Ganrentotn goto socilgthrngs anraditoavs, adyoungpeole ha ootuitie to larnmr abot her culte and traditioIliv with my rdmothrfor hrtn yers,anhe rased meintheod wyofr peop. AlthughI was ing to scho, eaugt me ac s sh ould bo outrditions I ha chac, I l liste againto heris eachings, exprsed withkndssn sovocethatouche m hareued to plant corn and ppkneerysumer They evgwbig ough to feedus, bu wlntedtem nyway I ase m gndmth why. Sh sai,“randon, orplantswill e a moaifltn heflowrsutse te fce.” I dintnrtan unt ed sw heirbaut as wa cmin oe h hill wh erSh said,“nythi tht a rt fou layfr me beautifu than the h hich you as y.” We som atful ears oget. gld she is art o m adIm a pat ofhr.hidr used to e wldisip, poessigmoe sect f ultue, traton anelie tha thy now The wld ofhe Navjo b iluecbythe wester word, athegradpares ae less controand inlnce hantheedtut e yong peolewhohbeen tchedy teir taching have glmpe a wa f life ynd ha ost peple tda28. Wha cn be inerd frm he firaagph? A. andpre arethourc ofadition cutu. arns ate te t tubtoraise thr chldre. C. aly scooling isnter opulr withhe oung Navajo. DChildenear abouhe meanng ie rom thgradprnts 2 h uened ord “fige” iPrraph 3oably man “ ” A. prsons Bpioneers C. examples . reentves.y did athr grandmoher pant c apumkin? A. e ha o feedhrfai memers. B. S tie t ma ull use o gaen. . he ante her gadson to lana fele. D. he expete her graso olarnabot rig.31.Whs the aus prposi iithis paag? A o hn bloved gamothr. . Toss the ts f thNavao. Tosa wh ers a Navjo culu. D. T hteinflunce of Naaradtos. Dany year ago, pople ried on thesun,te moon ndstars fndtirway aod. ter, he pss wantrodced. Andow, weh sata (卫星导航)systmst de s Asatv syem uss grupof satelltesto ow euserlcaion. hey nd iforatin toa eve, suc as rtphne,to shw us wher e reThearliest buil satnav sseisteGlobaPositoig Sem, wchbeogstothe S. Ten ere isRssis Gbal agati (导航) Satlit Syst, t Eoen nions alioand inas nsaellte aiatioste, BeDou.nctober , , J2100plae, ch wa e fit doesticaly-poduced jtequippd wih theBeiDou avgatin ystem, sucssfully copletd tst flih he rslts shed the prformnceof e sysem dlopedy Cinamatches ta o ilar stmrodce ar, ccording t Comecal ircrf Cororaton fCin Since ts trdcton , teiou naviaiosysem assecreaingubers f pplications linke to evrda lif, frm sared biketo farg. e it cmes to shared e, sma loc ht pport BeiD chipsoffe mr aurat oitoning than others, ainit esier toid bikeFrer cnBeiDou-enabed tractors to plw(犁) th sl and usennned crat witheD tooseed,hich an impro fficncy an mkebete of rees. Beios ming pplictions hae preadfromelongang povinc t Beiin, ianig,ni,band oth regisacossina Wih i many uss, theBeidunaiatonyse s ee playg aig ro ite lt d nitite(一带一路). “o dat,te iu sstem acoer m pas of esacic rein, as wellas untes alg he Si Road cnomicBel and the 1stCnturyMariime SilkRoad” sai Yang Cgfeng, Cifeigne of th BeiDou ystem.Today,tere a oe tan20 eiDo satells above or head, ndCiapln toluh ev mo tis yarto xan Beiou neoto bettsrve te Betad oa Iniiativ.“s eo xpandsis eseah,t wel b increasingy poular i theoist (物流)idustry,” said Mao Qiajun, secretaygeralof thenitin serviceasociaton. “Sips,rexmple,can use it o position hselve whie iing acss cens t Erope untre,o lonr ime Stheas Aianrgiosn hneur.” 3. Watite urpose of fis to ragras? o comare o oernaavysts. B Todscribehenet of stna syms. C T tll s hsatav seswerecra D.Toirouc oe sanavystem dheir fntins.3 Wt can w w bout tBeiDounavigation syem aringtohe aticl? .tas used ccessull i a newjeplae. I isorwrful than oher satavsystms. C.It wasnrced to ina onOctber 1, . D. wasntsedin ur evryay life untreenl.34 Accrditohe article, he Beo naition systm lread del used or . A. plowing soil and oing seedsB mpring he efficieny f newok. C podui more sarlocks for he bie. D. nvigan ships acr ce oEuropanoties . htis ao Qinuns attitude tord te ure ofthe eiDouytem? A. worre B csual C. osve D.doufu 第二节(共5小题,每题2分,满分1分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。选项中有两项为多余选项。Whete theye or tegr not,ll geastoies aveeai eleets:teyhaveinteretig harars we ejo readg a; they show tse aracteri aworld n eoge d nderad3 he in catr faces a oblem, sa qite a srious ne. Th thn thmost ws u ito reaing heory istheway h chaacter das with hproble-wehr thyget the bttr oit, r it gets te e oem.Charatrs in ab or ungadts are geerll youg adlts themlv. On thone an, theye ntilren nymore.here going up n at ostrehtiwg. On th the nd, ey not ye dults. ey cn do certain tings,heye o et abeto do theorecauethewrld tel tem ta theycan.o makehingsve mecompaed, amostalyog aduls fea moint tat whoe growingprocess i hapenigtooquckly. This yer, ENS s selctd sf te tnboosn(提名)or thUS tnal BookAwards in e cteries ofYoug poples literature.oesorisrespecicalytten fo teagsor young adut, ming thattheir ho ar vy sensitve the “n-beteen”atro tnage life. Theyre aut prblems thaparfor yungpeop becasof teions we tm adtheirparentsadteacers,ei silgs(兄弟姐妹), rwid sociey. ften, thes roblem ar peseedverysious bywrirs 39At te sameie, fico s sppose to js abotth chlees peopfce in lif, ut asobout hw peope verco thoseprobles. 0 They diov sehig au thmlvesthtey ever kne bere, and which nbestem o cceeAn hesouton tht thy fnd oentefuturetoth, setin hem n te pthtoadulthoo.nhare i cllengng peodof life.B.Bu ms imporal, rattories he antralram.C. som degre,a callngebrigs ot the est i a chcter.D Bu tats what teengerswant nficto: obe en serioy.E. They nt to hl bak a littlend emain a chidlittle loger.F. hese arsto hat smeonof any ageulpickuandyG Whenclsi a godo, efeel weveleand smeti abut rslves.第二部分语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节完形填空Oe tumn mrg, I ptta pai dgeese onou pond.Thebeul stauheby 4 eause Idneve eegee there before Thnki ey oudsoonleav, I 42 te chancto get cose to them Iwonere whethe cmefr n hy hy hd hen urpondTe next mornin, the se eresill m 43 . I walked rundtheailb, swing hm Imant t no harm. 4 , couldtreietting 4loo.I idbed som ts 6 the ansme pair quietl troughth ranch. wssurpised t ee they we trin at e,too!Asas psse,I strtd 47 to themon myrp tothe maibox. hey cne(伸长)their ecks nad tereds 4 ,ut seeed t realize Iwastheifred. By then, curiy aou 9 hywer stayilon a the ondchangdto 0 . Ashe were eedngn tegass he oer d, dcoveredh reasn fortir 51 :th ale d a okn leftwig.He couldnt 2 , anisfaifumat woldntlea hiehid.Iasdiologist wao do He explane that omeies a 53 wing il hl by itse andsugetd ling nteak ts cour.On te fist da ofNovembr,I was wig in heneighbrhodf thegeee wt m trtor. As b tat a han fromthe tactor, 54 oe moveentfom the ornero mye. Bot ges wee rnnoarheond. Teir wigsre 5 ike rzy, truglingfotae. Gradully, hefle overthond.Th nuh lttuetofl pas nigshou, nd he cced backtwrdsm, flying mreta 5ft over y ad a ifto sa oodby.Then thy weeou ofmy .Te sasnsfirst nowfles fel the ey ext y. Teids ust have 58 tainter was coming, d wasteo go. ecame on f teuring tr 9 visitoour pod, an ow I miss the.Ilnrforg he 60 oeach other41. idnt rpr nature. forune42. icresed. ceateddre. aed4.A.gs puzles.felos. inds4.A. nstead heefor StilD. hw4A clos.ikeC. qietD. broaer46 pproache. caledC.oseed roteced. turniB. attediC divi. alking8.fimlyB. auslyC.armly prou4.A. whyB.hen howD wheherAsympahyB.resu eaure.cnern51.coanonB. isC. settlement. cr.A eovrB rviveC flyD. run53A weB.folddC. brke. lighes5.A. heldB. augtC. dreedD.mde5.A predin. weepingC.tebngD.eang5A. in. etC.dioved. lost57.A.acBihtControlD. h5.A cndd. indica. esedD confirmed.A. npetdBcaulC reularD. rA. corbtionB. oseC treatD.voion第二节( 共10小题;每题1.分,满分5分) 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入合适的内容(不多于个单词)或括号内单词的对的形式,并将答案填写在答题卡响应的位置上。Le all big iie, has taficprobe: losof cars, traffic j apolio ro ehsfums(废气). o ic , te Ct_61_(ein)pln to move te iuate th Veib sheme(公共自行车筹划),pepe ca take a bcycle,use i as gahe a, a hen eave tthe me o oth biycl stato.Thefrshaf-hor free,_62_if yu otretn i aer 30inuts, yo h to pay It a ay or2 ayear. Thbcle are a heavy s 25kloams, and tey re ll gre,and hve63_(basket).Ther are lrg umbr fthem n hecit , hebyce tationare oe thn te subay sttion。 arissthefirstcity_64 (operte) achmlikehis.everybd nsitaaia.OnePriian(巴黎人)aid,“These biclesare ony suiable _6_short neys Ifpepl wnt to tvelacrosste ci,h ntusabicycl-heyllilshe cs.Actspokesmansid,“Thebceshewontsolveourricrobles,utitmightwrkin_6_(redce)arpouti.aic, toethewt fatory fes, _(b) big rlemveyonekowaogobalaming nd raaic limate hanges-wkowthsspartlbecuseiets ae _68_(gradual)disaparin.AdalecausheremuhpolutionTherntaysipenswersofcpbemsndplutinicitis,btth byclmhhelppeoplleadhlthierlfe._(69)_wdoomhgno,terellbmoetaffjmsandtemperatuesillntinose,otheprbemsiourvonmentwlleeven(70)_(bd).第三部分 写作(共两节,满分分)第一节(共10小题;每题1分,共10分) 假定英语课上教师规定同桌之间互换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的如下作文。文中共有1处语言错误,每句中最多有两处,每处错误仅波及一种单词的增长、删除或修改。 增长:在缺词处加一种漏字符号(),并在其正下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词正下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均限一词,请严格按照规定格式修改。 只容许修改0处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Ls yea my laset n thkingtrip te outan. We aaldyeetohe amplac th yar before an it hd ben aoderfuly eeriene.Wenwe rrivd atthere, ha swe hai thedeore and er r errbe s


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