[关于三年级英语对话大全] 三年级英语口语对话

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关于三年级英语对话大全 三年级英语口语对话小学英语对话教学是整个初中英语教学中培养学生口头交际能力的一个必不可少的组成部分,而培养学生的口头交际能力是小学英语的主要目的之一。精心收集了关于三年级英语对话,供大家欣赏学习!关于三年级英语对话1A:My German teacher thought it would be a good idea to have German pen friends to write to in German.我的德语老师建议我们交个德国笔友练习写德语。B:What a great idea! Now you have a friendly audience to practice with!这真是个好主意!这样你就有一个友善的练习对象!A:The only thing is that my pen friend will be writing in English.问题是我的笔友想用英文写信。B:Oh, he wants to practice his language skills, too.哦,他也想练习语言能力?A:That&39;s right. And it&39;s a B that I&39;ll be writing too. Her name is Olga.没错,而且我的笔友是个女孩子,她叫奥尔佳。B:Maybe Olga can introduce you to some of her friends who can write to you in German and you can do the same for her with your friends to write her in English.也许奥尔佳可以把你介绍给其他愿意写德文信给你的朋友,你也可以介绍你的朋友,写英文信给她。A:That&39;s a great idea! Why didn&39;t I think of that?这个点子太棒了!我怎么没想到?B:I don&39;t know, but you know how to surround yourself with great friends!我不知道,不过你现在知道周围有一堆好朋友的好处了吧!关于三年级英语对话2A:You spoken English is pretty good. Please tell me your experience in learning English.你的英语口语说得不错,请给我讲讲你学习英语的经验吧。B:Uh, I don&39;t know what to say. What do you want to know?呃,我不知道该说些什么,你想知道些什么?A:What&39;s your method of learning?嗯,你的学习方法是什么?B:Let me think a minute. I think I always try to take every chance to practice.让我想想,我想我总是尽量抓住每一次练习的机会。A:What if there is no chance? I mean what if you don&39;t have a partner, what will you do?那要是没机会怎么办?我的意思是,要是没有练习的搭挡,你会怎么做?B:Well, I talk to myself. That is, I play one role first, than the other.嗯,我和自己说话,也就是说,我先扮演一个角色,然后再扮演另外一个角色。A:That&39;s a good idea. You are really creative.这个主意不错!你还真有创意。关于三年级英语对话3A:Eric, how long will you be in China?Eric,你要在中国呆多久?B:I don&39;t know. Well, my contract here is for one year, and I don&39;t know what I should do after that. Maybe going around for a while.不知道,我在这里的合同是一年的,我也不知道之后该干点什么,也许会四处走走。A:Well, have you ever thought about learning some Chinese?有没有想过学点汉语?B:Actually, I am learning that now. But it&39;s too hard for me. You know the four tones and the stuff. It really freaks me out.事实上,我正在学,但对我来说那太难了。你知道四声那些东西,真够烦的。A:Don&39;t worry. All things are difficult before they are easy.别担心,万事开头难嘛。B:You hit the nail right on the head.你说得有道理。A:Well, are you intested in some language-exchange program?你有兴趣参加语言交换活动吗?B:What is it?什么意思?A:It&39;s where I teach you Chinese, and in exchange you teach me English.在这个活动中,我教你汉语然后你教我英语。B:Awesome. I&39;ve been giving this a lot of thought. When can we do this?太好了,我一直在想这个问题,什么时候开始?A:How about this sunday?星期天怎么样?B:Ok, cool.好啊。A:Good. I&39;ll give you a call tonight.好,我今晚给你打电话。B:No problem.没问题。A:Bye.再见。看了关于三年级英语对话;的人还看了:1.三年级英语对话练习2.简单的三年级英语故事带翻译3.小学一至三年级英语口语150句集锦4.关于儿童英语对话大全5.小学英语基本对话


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