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Lessonl 1 :When is it?导学案班级 姓名我的学习目标:复习序数词,巩固英语中日期的表示方法。学习掌握句式W h e n i s _?.学习并掌握生词 ye ste rd a y,tod a y,tom orrow了解怎样用英语表示新年、春节、国际劳动节、教师节、儿童节、国庆节等节日。自学宝典:1 .准备日历,和一些节日的图片。2 .复习我们学过的序数词,及英语日期的表达。3 .预习课文,把不懂的生词划下来,查出他们的意思。4.问一问父母及朋友的生日。课堂在线:1 .写出下列节日的日期。新年 儿童节国际劳动节 国庆节教师节_2 .根据实际回答下列问题。W h a t d a y i s i t tod a y?W h a t d a y wa s ye ste rd a y?W h a t d a y i s tom orrow?检测达标:一、连线:N e w Y e a r s D a yS pri n g F e sti va lI n te rn a ti on a l W ork e r s D a yC h i l d re n s D a yT e a c h e rs D a yN a ti on a l D a y课后反思:国庆节儿童节教师节新 年劳动节春 节L e sson l 2:R a i n a n d sun 导学案我的学习目标:学生可以读、写、说出并听懂下列词汇:描叙天气状况的形容词:cloudy,rainy,snowy,sunny,windy以及句子How is the weather today?It s _.自学宝典:能用所学单词和句型描叙天气。课堂在线:(创设问题情境、自主学习、合作探究、整合拓展、当堂训练)设计意图Greeting and reviewGreet the students with phrase they know.Reviewa 复习 hot and cold.b 用 chant 复习 colours1利用图片出示cloud rain snow sun windA .Listen and pointT:The teacher says:cloud,rain,snow,sun,wind.Ss:Class point to the right picture.B .Look and sayT:Teacher point to the picture and ask:W hat this?Ss:Class answer together.Play Number 1 in the student book.2 Let s sing a songPlay Number2 in the student bookTeach“The month song”Class closingSing a song板 书 设 计Lesson 12 Rain and Suncloud,rain,snow,sun,wind.课后反思:Lesson 13 How,s the weather today?导学案我的学习目标:1 能给掌握四会单词 c l oud y ra i n y sn owy sun n y wi n d y.”2 能用句型:H ow s th e we a th e r tod a y?I t s 对话。自学宝典:1、复习L e sson 学过的名词。2、能 够 会 唱 T h e m on th son g 课堂在线:描述天气的单词你都学会了吗?为了巩固练习,请将它们默写下来:检测达标:1 .根据汉语填空。r n _下雨的s_ n n 晴朗的c l _ d y多云的w_ n _ y 有风的sn _ y 下雪的2 .选词填空。H ow s th e we a th e r?I t s.(ra i n ,ra i n y)(2)W h a t s th i s?I t s th e .(sun ,sun n y)(3)I s i t?N o.I t s h ot tod a y!(sn ow,sn owy)(4)T h i s i s a d a y.(wi n d ,wi n d y)3 .连词成句。(1)c l oud y I s i t(?)(2)th e tod a y we a th e r H ow s(?)(3)is sunny This a day(.)课后反思:Lesson14:What time is it?导学案我的学习目标:1、准确认读单词“lunch、supper rainy cloudy”2、能运用句型“What time is it?It s It s time to(for).”进行简单对话自学宝典:1、复习数字1T002、复习我们学过的关于一日三餐的知识课堂在线:1.选择。(1)早上,你问妈妈几点了,英语怎么说?()A W hat time is it?B W hen is it?(2)你想问午饭在什么时候,怎么问?()A W hat time is lunch?B W hen is lunch?(3)4:3 0 _ the afternoon,I go home.横线上填什么?()A A t,in B In,at2.回答问题。(1)How s the weather today?.(2)W hen do you go to school?A t .(3)W hen is s u p p e r?.3.画图。W hat time is it?It s twelve o clock.课后反思:Lesson15 Mr.Moon s Birthday 导学案我的学习目标:(1)复习本单元所学的词汇、标准用语和问答。(2)利用课本中的测验检查学生的掌握情况。(3)通过故事的学习,使学生理解本课故事大意,复习本单元的词汇。(4)所学词汇和句型的运用能力和阅读能力。(5)对所进行的英语活动感兴趣,进一步提高学习英语的积极性。自学宝典:教学学生理解本课故事大意,复习本单元的词汇。课堂在线:Gr e e t in gGr e e t t he s t u d e n t s w it h p hr a s e t he y kn o wS in g a s o n gCho o s e a s o n g t he y like .Ke y c o n c e p t s:利 用 教科书和录音带1、阅读前准备:教师可先提儿个问题:让学生先讨论1、Whic h m o n t h d o y o u like b e s t?2、Why?3、Ac t o u t t he s t o r y.2、阅读:教师先读一遍故事,让学生理解。让后让学生单独朗读。3、阅读后讨论:用儿个问题帮助学生理解,也可以是学生自己提问题。对故事的大概意思理解就可以。不必为解决某个单词多用时间。T:指着问题卡片,先让学生提出问题然后再做回答。S s:提出问题。S 1做出回答。2.Ga m eAs k t w o s t u d e n t s t o c o m e t o t he fr o n t .A s t u d e n t a s k t heq u e s t io n .t he o t he r s t u d e n t s a n s w e r t he q u e r t io n.An ds t a n d fo r t he r ight a n s w e r.课后反思:Lessor)16 Aga i n pl ease 导学案我的学习目标:A imi:Saying reading writing this vocabulary:cloudy rainysnowy suny winy.A im2:They can say:How s the weather today?It s_?W hat day is it?It s_?W hen is it?It s_?自学宝典:A imi,A im2课堂在线:1.I know:cloudy rainy snowy suny winy.T:Hold up these word cards.A.Listen and pointThe teacher says:cloudy rainy snowy suny winyClass point to the right word cards.B look and sayThe teacher point to the word cards.The students answer together.C.GameA sk two students to come to the front.The teacher showsword cards.Class read them together.Then one class point to theword cards,the other read it.2DrillT:How,s the weather today?Ss:It s _?T:W hat day is it?Ss:It,s _?T:when is lunch?Ss:A t 12:00.Class closing:Sing a song they like.课后反思:Lesson 17 How old are you?我的学习目标:培养学生运用英语合作对话的能力和习惯。自学宝典:学用英语谈论年龄、生日,学会使用。课堂在线:一.问候:T:Hello Class?S:Hello teacherT:Nice to see you.S:Nice to see you too.T:W hat day is today?S:It s W ednesday.T:How is the weather today?S:It s rainy.T:A re you cold?S:Yes.T:Your English is good.A nd you are good boys andgirls.You like English.A nd I like you.Do you like me?S:Yes.T:I m your English teacher today.Let s learnEnglish together,OK?S:OK .二.导入新课T:How,the weather today?S:It ssunny(rainy,snowy,windy,cloudy)T:(出示珍妮的图片)W hat s her name?S:Her name is Jenny.Y:Let s guess how old Jenny is.三.学习新句型 How old are you?I m _years old.1.复习基数次和序数词:老师先出示基数词的卡片让学生认读。然后再出示基数词的卡片让学生认读。2.把卡片发给学生,然后让学生进行配对认读单词练习。One-firstTwo-second3.导入新句型T:You know colours and numbers.you are great.Youare clever.You are young.I m very old.P m 46 yearsold.How old are you?S:I m 12 years old.T:How old are you?S:I m11 years old.4.老师把 How old are you?P m 12 years old.写在黑板上。先领学生读两遍然后为让同学记牢就领着学生用两只老虎的调子唱这两句话。5.链状练习:一个学生问另一个学生,另一个学生再问下一个学生。How old are you?I m years old.6.接下来老师出示一张婴儿的照片问:T:How old is the baby?S:He is one years old.T:Yes.B ut he is one year old,not one years old.四.学习新句型:W hen is your birthday?My birthdayis July sixth.1.导入:T:I know how old you are.B ut I don t knowyour birthday.(把 birthday写在黑板上领读儿遍。)T:W henis your birthday?S:My birthday is June twenty-first.(把这两句话写在黑板上领读)2.进行师生对话表演。(和 3 4 个学生进行)T:Hello,my name is W hat is your name?S:My name is T:Nice to see you.S:Nice to seeyou too.T:How old are you?S:I m years old.T:W hen is your birthday?S:My birthday is T:Good.Thank you.B yeS:bye3.接下来让全班学生每两人一组进行这样的对话练习。4.分别找儿组学生展示刚才的对话表演。5.找 2 组学生到前面表演。(老师对他们分别进行表扬)6.找小记者若干名分别向同学进行采访。采访的内容是:姓名,年龄和生日。(其他同学听着看着并判定他们说得是否正确。)(老师对采访正确的记者给与表扬并增小花一朵)五.听 录 音 回 答 问 题(课本第2 部分内容)(学生看书与否自愿)1.How old is Danny?2.W hen is Danny s birthday?2 S:Danny is 11 years old.S:His birthday is Julytwenty-fifth.六.听录音跟读七.小结:八.课下作业:每人当小记者询问自己的父母及爷爷奶奶的年龄和生日课后反思:Lesson 18:Are You Short or Tall?我的学习目标:1、掌握单词metre,了解形容词的比较级,正确问答句子“How tallareyou?和 A re you tall or short?”2、能准确测量身高,能在实际生活中熟练运用句子进行问答,能准确表述自己及他人的身高。3、通过小组合作实际测量,增强学生的合作意识,培养学生在实际生活中运用英语的能力。自学宝典1、四会单词metre,正确运用How tall are you?A re you short ortall?进行问答。2、:熟练运用所学单词和句子,正确表述自己和他人的身高。课堂在线:W arming-up and revision:(一)Greeting.(二)Review:1、Teacher:How old are you?W hen is your birthday?Student:I m years old.My birthday is .(出示句子 How old are you?)2、Let s play.(A sk and answer one by one)设计思路:板书以上问答句,此环节以旧知引入课堂并起到了承上启下的作用,为How tall are you?的学习埋下了伏笔。New concepts:(一)引出题目1、请两名同学到前面,出示单词tall和short,师:Today,W e aregoing to learn“Lesson 18:A re You Short or Tall?”2、齐读题目。(二)学习句子 How tall are you?和单词 metre1、出示句子How old are you?”将old换 成tall,找同学读出句 子“How tall are you?”.2、教师出示一根米尺,边比划边说:It s one metre.让学生明白metre的意思。3 出示尺子图,让学生表述one metre,two metres.4、Let s practice.5、教师How tall am I?教师站在身高尺前,自问:How tall am I?并通过表情和动作表示自己无法测量,请其他同学帮忙,并通过改变数据来练习r m metres tall.引出小数教给读法。6、Let s practice.1.1 1.2 1.35 0.8 10.6 22.9 3.11 8.57 64.823 设计思路:这个环节中小数点的引入很自然,在设计中我注重了知识间的过渡,由旧引新,从而使学生轻松的学习、迅速的内化。7、教师找一名学生来测量身高,因为他无法自己准确测量,教师引导学生帮助合作完成。这设计思路:两个环节意在调动学生的合作精神和意识,认识到合作在学习中的重要性,并为下面的小组活动做铺垫。8、教师提问:How tall are you?引导学生回答:I m metres tall.How tall is she/he?She/He is metres tall.(三)Group activity,measure height.1.师:Do you want to know“how tall are you”?出示表格NameOldB irthdayTall2.小组活动全班分为7个学习小组,组长负责,测量组员的身高情况,内容如下:W hat s your name?How old are you?W hen is your birthday?How tall are you?3.汇报结果。动中增强合作精神。(四)Learn utaller and shorter.1、课件出示明星图片小沈阳和潘长江,教师问:W hatshis name?How tall is he?2 X iaoShenyang is taller.Pan Changjiang is shorter。3、对姚明和赵本山进行练习会话,并通过课件学习taller than,shorter than4、刘谦和董卿。5通过班上同学练习句型taller,shorter。设计思路:语言的学习是说出来的,而不是背出来的,所以我每一个环节都有一些情景练习的活动,通过明星的练习使学生积极性更高,又通过班上的同学进行了实际的运用。(五)Read the text.Follow the audiotape,answer the question.How tall is K im?How tall is Danny?Is Danny taller?Class closing:Read the dialogue.六、Homework:了解家人的年龄和身高课后反思:Lesson19:What are you wearing?导学案我的目标:(1)认读单词:shirt,skirt,shoes,blouse,hat,socks,pants,sweater,gloves,新词 jeans0(2)认读句子:This is.What are you wearing?.(3)我能运用所学进行实际的交流对话。自学宝典:1、复习以前学过的关于衣服的单词。2、解决本课你不懂得生单词。单词小贴士jeans 牛仔裤a pair of 一双wearing 穿戴的nice 好的、美好的3、熟读课文。课堂在线:1、读课文第二部分回答问题What is Jenny wearing?What is Danny wearing?2、调查同组成员的穿着。_iswearing_iswearing_iswearing_检测达标:1.把下列各词归类并写在横线上skirt,blouse,shirt,pants,socks,shoes,sweater,hat,jeans,shorts,T-shirt,dress,coat,housecoat,(1)skirt_(2)pants_2.判断,正确用T 表示,错误用F 表示(1)Li Ming is wearing shirt and pants.()(2)Tom is wearing a dress.()(3)Jack is wearing a blouse and jeans.()(4)Mary is wearing a shirt and shorts.()3.读一读,连一连。a shirta hat1.This is pants2.These are shoesa pair of socks4.回答问题(l)What are you wearing?(2)What is your mother wearing?(3)What is wearing?课后反思:Lesson 20:Where Do You Live?导学案我的目标:A 能认知单词:house,apartm ent,并能正确运用a house,anapartment,了解冠词a,an的用法。B 能理解和表达 Where do you live?I live in a/an .自学宝典:1.同学们还以的我们以前学过的关于地点的名词吗?如:school.house比比看谁记得多。2.解决不明白的生单词。小贴士:apartment公寓know知道ask问near近的far远的3.冠词a、an的用法:a用在以辅音字母开头,或以读做辅音的元音字母开头的单词前面:an用在以元音字母(a,e,i,o,u)开头,或以不发音的h字母开头的单词前面课堂在线1、阅读课文后,小组讨论回答问题:W here does K im live?She lives in_Is it far from school?W here does Jenny live?She lives in_检测达标:1.A nswer the question and draw a picture.W here do you live?I live in.2.FifarnearTom s house i s _ from apartment.The school isthe shop.The library isfrom school.The restaurant isthe apartmentThe shop isfrom the library.3.You can ask your classmates where they live.Fill in theblanks.a.,where?I _.b.,9c._ 9课后反思:Lesson 21:What Is Your Address?导学案我的目标:通过学习我能掌握四会单词:road street avenue address听懂、会说、会读句型:W hat is your address?My address is.自学宝典:1、解决本课的生单词。单词小贴士:road 路street 街、街道avenue 大街address 地址2、与小组成员一起预习课文,上课展示。课堂在线:1.读课文回答问题W hat is Jenny s address?She 1ives_W hat is Danny s address?He 1ives_Is that near the movie theatre?W hat is Steven s address?He lives_检测达标:、读一读连一连。1.addressa.住址2.favouriteb.大街3.avenuec.街;街道4.restaurantd.路5.hungrye.饭店6.roadf.饥饿的7.streetg.在一一旁边8.besideh.最喜爱的-、选择正确的一项。()1.I live Park Road.A.in B.onC.at()2.My school isFirst Street.A.on B.in C.at()3.That isfavourite restaurantA.meB.I C.my()4.W e canin the park.A.playB.plays C.play with三、选出错误的一项并在横线上改正。()1.1 l i v e i n G u a n g M i n g S t r e e t.A B C()2.W h a t i s y o u a d d r e s s?A B C()3.W h e r e d o J e n n y l i v e?A B C()4.T o m i s w e a r a c o a t?A B C课后反思:Lesson 22 Do you walk to school?导学案我的目标:1、学生能够掌握(听说读写)和运用四会单词b y,w a l k;句子H o w d oy o u g o t o s c h o o l?B y _ _ _.t h I 的发音2、通过学习本课,能运用英语简单介绍自己的信息,并能与他人进行沟通与交流,通过这个话题的学习和语言训练,能灵活运用在日常口语交际中。3、为学生提供真实的语言环境,鼓励学生大胆的说,培养学生自我表达和与他人沟通的能力。自学宝典:1、能听懂和运用四会单词bu s和其他交通工具;句子H o w d o y o u got o s cho o l?B y.2、在本课中如何用英语介绍自己的信息并能与他人交流,在表达的过程中做到句子流畅、发音标准,表达的清楚准确。课堂在线:(一)War m i n g u p an d r ev i ew:H el l o,bo y s an d gi r l s.I am hap p yt o d ay,s o I w an t t o s i n g a s o n g.L et s s i n g t o get her,s t an du p.(r ev i ew bu s car bi cy cl e)(二)N ew co n cep t:St ep 1:w at ch a m o v i e(t w i ce)T:Wher e ar e t hey go i n g?Wher e d o y o u l i v e?S:I live in a/an _.T:Is it near school?How do you go to school?W hose house is far from school?Ss:.Step2:How does Jenny/Danny/K imgo to school?(1)Listen and fill in the blanks(2)Open the book and find the answerStep3:W hat day is today?W hen is Children s Day?W here do you want to go?Practise:W here do you want to go?You can use the sentences ask and answer(三)Ending:Listen and chant.五、板书:Lesson 22 Do you walk to school?How do you/they go to school?B y bus/bicycle.课后反思:Lesson 23 Maddy the Monster 导学案我的目标:(1)完成本课表格。(2)学生能够读懂故事书中的小故事。(3小测试及故事理解,提高学生的阅读及听力理解能力。(4高英语学习的兴趣。自学宝典:听懂并理解故事内容,并简单的复述听懂并理解故事内容,顺利完成相关练习。课堂在线:(1)Greeting.(2)Chant and sing the song in this unit.(3)Play“spen to review the main words in this unit.(4)Finish the quiz.a.U se the quiz as the listening exercise.The students finishit on the paper.Play the tape twice.Then check for understanding.b.A sk them write the answer below each question.Story:Maddy the MonsterListen to the radio and think about these questions1.Is Maddy big or little?2.Is she old or young?3.Is she too big or just right for the classroom?4.Is she too big or too small for the bus?5.W here does she live?Discuss these questions then read the story.U se the activity book.No 2.A sk the students to listen carefully.Play the tape twice.板书设计:Lesson 23.A re You Ready for a Quiz?Story:Maddy the Monster1.Is Maddy big or little?2.Is she old or young?3.Is she too big or just right for the classroom?4.Is she too big or too small for the bus?5.W here does she live?课后反思:Lesson 24:Again,Please 导学案我的目标:1、掌握本单元的四会单词和句型2、能流利地用英语表达你在火车上所看到的、听到的和所能做的事情。3、能利用所学进行情景交际练习。自学宝典:1、本单元的单词、句型2、能正确表达自己在车上的所见、所闻,并能进行情景交际练习。教学难点:能利用所学知识进行情景交际练习。课堂在线:1、G r eet i n g an d r ev i ew.表演唱歌曲Who s d r aw i n g?把学生带入课堂学习的氛围之中。2、教师发指令,做游戏Si m o n s ay s.重点复习本单元所学过的词汇。教师将学生分成小组,P l ay “Si m o n Say s,继续复习本单元的单词(3)P l ay “G o fi s h.”把学生分成二人组或四人组,每人一沓词汇卡片,类似纸牌的钓鱼游戏,相同的词汇卡片可以配成一对,看谁配成堆的卡片多,谁就赢。在玩游戏的过程当中,让学生能正确的背着拼写本课的四会单词,并练习说单词和句子。教师先找一两名学生进行示范,否则学生会觉得无所适从。之后分组讨论问题,小组编对话,展示成果。(这样的环节,可以带动成绩较差的学生,做到人人有收获。)五、Cl a s s Cl o s i n g公布各小组的成绩,对各小组进行不同程度的鼓励。课后反思:Lesson 25 My Favor i te Colours 导学案我的目标:1 能听、说、读、写 b l a c k、b r o w n o r a n g e w h i t e,b l u e,c o l o u r六个有关颜色词汇。2、认识代词w e、t h e y,物主代词o u r、t h e i r。3、会用 l i k e、f a v o r i t e 说句子。4、培养学生的学习兴趣,把所学知识与实际生活紧密联系起来,让学生学有所用。自学宝典:目标1、3 o课堂在线:S t e p I Wa r m i n g-u p a n d R e v i e w1 Gr e e t i n g2、复习有关颜色的词汇和s a m e与d i f f e r e n t的概念。Fo r e xa m p l e:T:(Ho l d u p a s h e e t o f r e d p a p e r)Wh a t c o l o r i s t h i s?S s:R e d.T:(Ho l d u p a n o t h e r s h e e t o f r e d p a p e r.)Wh a t c o l o r i s t h i s?S s:R e d.T:Ar e t h e y t h e s a m e o r d i f f e r e n t?S s:Th e s a m e.S t e p I I Pr e s e n t a t i o nA:Co n t i n u e t h e q u e s t i o n -a n d-a n s w e r d r i l l a b o v e u n t i l yo uh a v e c o v e r e d a l l t h e c o l o r s.(依次出示 b l a c k、b l o w n、g r e e n、o r a n g e p i n k、p u r p l e、w h i t e七个有关颜色的词语,教师范读,学生跟读,教师板书)B:运用“like”“favorite”说句子。1、Listen:Open the book,read after the tape.教师以朋友的语气与学生交流,消除学生的紧张情绪。本环节联系学生的生活实际,让学生有效感知、理解、运用所学语言,把抽象具体化。运用教科书来认识两个代词和两个物主代词,并应用于有教学过程 设计理念2、U se word-cards to show like favorite and wethey our their”.For example:I like-.W e like-.They like-.My favorite color is-.Our favorite color is-.Their favorite color is-.Step III:play a game把彩纸粘在黑板上,教学生唱歌谣:Point to red.Point to blue.Point to green and yellow too.让自告奋勇的学生走到黑板前,按照全班在说唱中指出的颜色找出黑板上相应颜色的彩纸。Step IV:Class ClosingTell your mother and fatherW hat you have learnt today.关 like、favorite 的句子中。培养学生的动脑自主学习能力。课后反思:Lesson 26 My Favor ite clothes 导学案我的目标:1、能读、写、说、并听懂词语:w e、t h e y、o u r t h e i r。2、认识a n d和b u t03、通过活动激发学生的学习兴趣,把所学的语言与生活紧密联系起来。自学宝典:目标1、3课堂在线:S t e p I :Cl a s s O p e n i n g a n d R e v i e w1、Gr e e t i n g2、R e v i e w用 歌 曲 He s w e a r i n g r e d p a n t s 的一种变化形式唱歌。在黑板中间画出7件不同衣服,在每幅图的上方贴上一张彩纸。在每个彩纸上方写上b o y或g i r l0学生根据黑板上的词汇和颜色来唱这首歌。S t e p I I :Pr e s e n t a t i o nA:De m o n s t r a t e t h e m e a n i n g o f w e,t h e y,o u r a n d t h e i r .把一堆彩纸放在教师前面,让一名自告奋勇的学生从这堆彩纸中选出自己最喜欢的颜色的彩纸,并且拿着这张彩纸站在全班的前面,引导如下对话:T:W h a t s yo u r f a v o ri t e c o l o r?S s 甲:oT:(找另外一名所选颜色和学生甲相同的学生学生乙,依次指着这两个学生)He /sh e 1 i k e s-.H/sh e l i k e s-.T h e y l i k e-.W h a t d o t h e y l i k e-?Cl a ss T h e y l i k e-(板书 t h e y)T:(从彩纸中选出另外一张彩纸)I l i k e-o (要求另外一名同样喜欢此颜色的学生一丙和教师站在一起)Yo u l i k e-.W e l i k e-.W h a t d o w e l i k e?(板 书 w e)唱歌,将学生自然引入英语学习氛围,也复习了有关衣服、颜色的词汇。S s 丙:W e l i k e-T:T h e y l i k e-.T h e i r f a v o ri t e c o l o r i sW h a t s t h e i r f a v o ri t e c o l o r?Cl a ss:T h e i r f a v o ri t e c o l o r i s-(板书 t h e i r)T:W e l i k e.O u r f a v o ri t eCo l o r i s_ _ _ _ _.W h a t s o u r f a v o ri t e c o l o r?S s 丙:-o (板书 o u r)B:在黑板上列表如下I m yYo u yo u rS h e h e rHe h i sW e o u rT h e y t h e i rCl a ss c l o si n gS t e p I I I:p l a y a g a m e用颜色和一如名称做Fa v o ri t e”游戏。课后反思:Lesson 27 My Favor i te Food 导学案我的目标:1、能读、写、说并听懂两个连词a n d b u t o2、培养学生热爱生活、喜欢英语的良好兴趣。自学宝典:目标1 2 课堂在线:S t e p I :Cl a ss O p e n i n g a n d R e v i e w1、复习有关食物的词汇。(用词卡)2、教师出示词卡和图片,让学生画出或写出相对的图或词。S t e p I I :K e y Co n c e p t sa n d b u tA:(出示图卡)引出句子。T:I l i k e t h i s.(举起另一张图卡)I l i k e t h i s a n d t h i s.(板书 a n d)(学生跟练句子,教师纠正发音)T:(举起另一种食物卡片)I d o n t l i k e t h i s.(指着图片)I l i k e t h i s a n d t h i s,b u t I d o n,t l i k e t h i s.(板书 b u t)B:L i st e nO p e n t h e b o o k,re a d a f t e r t h e t a p e.S t e p I I I:Cl a ss c l o si n gP l a y a课后反思:g a m e S m i l e Fro w n Lesson 28 My Favor i te Subject 导学案我的目标:1、运用 W hat s your favourite subject?My subject is的句型。2、培养学生学英语的兴趣,提高学生的口语表达能力。自学宝典:目标1。课堂在线:Step I:Class Opening and Review1.利 用 图 片 学 习 新 词Chinese,English,science,math,P.E,art,music2、利用词卡来练习单词。Step II:New ConceptsA:利用词卡袋向学生演示如何在“I like-”句中进行单词替换。教师边读出句子边指向单词。B:找成对的自告奋勇的学生边指单词边读句子。C:T:My favourte subject is art.W hat s your favourite subject?S:My favourite subject isD:师生进行问答练习E:Open the book,read after the tape03、小组活动,并对话4、表演会话5、板书设计Lesson 28 My Fabourite SubjectW hat s your favourite subject?My favourite subject is science.课后反思:lesson29 what do you like to do?导学案我的目标:重点句型:W hat do you like to do?你喜欢做什么?I like to do 我喜欢做.能够熟练运用句型W hat do you like to do?(你喜欢做什么?)I like to d o-(我喜欢做.)让学生感受愉悦和民主的课堂气氛,使学生的学习兴趣高涨,真正成为学习的主人。自学宝典:能够熟练运用句型W hat do you like to d o?(你喜欢做什么?)I like to do.(我喜欢做)做问答练习。课堂在线:(一)、Greeting.T:Hello,everyone!C:Hello!(二)、New ConceptesT:I,m glad to meet you.I want to play a game with you.Do you want to play with me?C:Yes,we do.T:Ok,please look here,guess!(将一些动词短语的卡片放进一个容器中,再让一名学生从容器中抽出一张卡片,看完后根据短语作出相应的动作,请其他同学猜出短语)S:play basketball/play ping-pang/play football/playon the computer*(利用这个游戏来复习以前学过的这些动词短语,并使学生了解它们的含义为下边的内容打基础。然后把这些卡片贴在黑板上做为板书的一部分)T:W hat do you like to do?1 like to.(教师指着黑板上的短语卡片,以自问自答的方式,来展示回答的方法,强 调 I like to,如果学生不是很明白,教师可适当再进行2 组)T:W hat do you like to do?I like to.(边说边做动作)T:W hat do you like to do?SI:I like to.T:W hat do you like to do?S2:I like to.T:W hat does he like to do?S2:He likes to.(教师边问边用手指着第一个同学,让这个同学说出他的爱好。然后再指着另外一个人进行提问。)T:W hat does she like to do?S3:She likes to.T:please make a dialogue in group with these sentences,then show your fruit.I like t o(p l a y)(g a m e).I like t o(p l a y w i t h)(a toy/toys).I like to_(play o n)(t h e computer).(在这个过程中教师要提醒学生注意不同的说法。)T:Ok,good!Please ears up!Listen to the tape,and answermy question.W hat does Danny 1 ike to do?W hat does Steven like to do?W hat does K im like to do?W hat does Jenny 1 ike to do?(请同学们边听边写出正确答案,放两遍录音。这个环节不仅是在训练学生的听力,也是在训练学生的写的能力)T:W ho wants to show your fruit?W ho is the first one?S:.(三)、PracticeT:Ok,it s time to rest.Play a game Smile,Frown withHe/She likes t o(p l a y/p l a y with)(game/toys)v(在这个游戏中我们可以分成两次来做,一次是有关运动项目的如:basketballand ping-pang,另一次是有关玩具的如:doll andskipping ropeo这样有助于学生正确地进行替换练习:用play或play witho)(四)、Class closingT:A re you happy?C:Yes,we are happy!T:P m happy too.Ok,now this class is over.Please say-goodbye to me!C:Goodbye!T:B ye-bye!(五)、板书设计W hat do you like to do?你喜欢做什么?I like to do我喜欢做.课后反思:Lesson 30 My Favourite School Work 导学案我的目标:使学生熟练掌握一些学校活动的词组:sing songs,writestories,skip with skipping-rope,play on the computer,drawpictures,play ping-pong,read books,play basketball 等.巩固复习 W hat s your favourite-.句型.使学生听懂、会说、并能熟练表达W hat s your favourite schoolwork?My favourite school work is t o-.(4)使学生会唱本课歌曲自学宝典:能流利表达:W hat s your favourite school work?My favouriteschool work is t o-.课堂在线:1.幻灯片各种食物、水果、甜食、颜色、服装的图片2.自 制词 组卡片:sing songs,write stories,skip withskipping-rope,play on the computer,draw pictures,playping-pong,read books,play basketball 等.Teaching Procedures:Step 1:W arming-up:1.GreetingStep 2:Presentation1.T:First,let s talk about our hobby,OK?There are 3 faces,This is a sad face,it means I don tlike-The smiling face means“I l i k e-.”,the laughing facemeans“My favourite-i s-.”.There are 3 kinds of food,they are noodles,rice and hamburger.I put the food under the faces,then I say:I don t like noodles,I like rice,but my favourite food is hamburger.Now,one volunteer,please do and say.(练习内容包括食物、水果、甜食、颜色、服装等)1.Show the students some phrase cards:sing songs,writestories,skip withskipping-rope,play on the computer,draw pictures,playping-pong,read books,play basketball 等.2.Let


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