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雅安市初中毕业暨高中阶段教育学校招生考试英 语 试 卷本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第I卷(非选择题)两部分。第卷至页,第I卷10页至11页。全卷满分1分。考试时间为12分钟。注意事项:1. 答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号及座位号用0.5毫米的黑色墨迹签字笔填写在答题卡上。并检查条形码粘贴与否对的。2选择题使用2B铅笔涂在答题卡相应题目的号位置上;非选择题用0.毫米黑色墨迹签字笔书写在答题卡的相应框内,超过答题区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。3. 考试结束后,将试卷和答题卡收回。第I卷(选择题 共8分)笔试 (一)一、 单项填空(共10小题;每题1分,满分10分)从、B、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。【四川雅安】1. e _ adhelphi.A. go B. going C. to g D. gos.A 【四川雅安】2. Lok! in _ in the layound. A. un B.rn C is runing runni2. C 【四川雅安】. ap Ne Year! _!A. O B. Thank yu C.h sae to y D All gt3 C【四川雅安】4.Tis s ot mywac. Is _. hr . rs . our D.min4. B【四川雅安】. Bth Ptr an la_ goodtmtsw.A.w B i . wer D.e5.D 【四川雅安】6. Thfi as_forn hour.A. sated B.begun C.en on D.finish. C【四川雅安】7.The teachr tod us that the su _ in theat.A. ha rien B.ha isen C.ose D ris. 【四川雅安】8 tof tourits cme to n to_ the panas evr year A.watch B. watching C. watches D. wtced. 【四川雅安】9. Kaeye proble_ for months a. A.wllbecre Bwas ce C. scure D. wercred9. B 【四川雅安】10. I h l my bik._A. Itsothin.B. What pity! C.It oesnt mater. D No at all. 0 B 二、完形填空(共20小题;每题1.5分,满分3分)阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 【四川雅安】AOn sun ay, Aiesat by rr wih her sister.Thenshe 11 a ound. he oked ad sw hite rabbit 12 acoat pssig b. “h dea! l be at!” aid th rabbt. It to a 3 ot ofis oet and lod ath ime. Hw 4 ! lice toodup an rancross thielafterte bit Te abbitjmped 1 bi hol. Aiedd not want o le he rabbit g away,so she um down the hole ooDown,own,own. Al fellfo a long time, an he she hit the gound. e fn 1 inalong ,lw hl. her we doors allaround, butthe werall 17 . lce saw a small key o atable, 18 it i ofitayothedoors.Then ie noticed a sllorandput the ey 19 it. Th doo ond!She coudsee a vely gden onth other ide. Alicetredto o throghte door, t shewa too .1. Aistened o B.her C. sw D.ard f1.A. n B. o at D. uner13. A. bok B. c C. watch D.dictonary14. A. ie B. appy amzed D mzing15.A. wn B. out of C. u .over16.Aitself B. himself C hrself D. hemseves17.A. ope B. on C. opened D.locke8.n B. but . so D. or9 A. t . o C. nder . into2.A. smal B.wek C. srn D. bg11.B 1.A.4 D 15A 16.C 17.D 1.B 19.D20D 【四川雅安】BLat yer Mke left schoo Hecaeto Paris o find a 2 e n o e oany afte 22 company But no oe wante him. hehehad littlemney.He had to go back to ismal town. Sohe cm to the eflt very sa n 4 . t wavr late at nigt anhe staion as 25 opeople. The wee ating oby ikets of te lat trai. e buh te 6 tcet, so he was very happy. At th ime, 27 oman wih cyigba wlkdto him She aked him to 28 er the ticket. H gav her the ticktH thogh ey neddiorthanheid. Atrthetr lef,hesa on he bench an idnt know were to go. Jut henan old an cm n sai, “ug man,Isa you 29 .Yo hldhe oman I have big compnyI ned ag oung man like yu. ould youike t 30 for me?” 21. . school Borker C. osita D.job.A.anothe B. othe . y D lse3. tel B. sttion C.resaurant D. comny2. A. apy B.red C. pleaed gla25. filld B.som . full D. non26. A. econd B.lst .fs Dthir27.A. a B. a C. the D.(不填)8. A. lnd B.buy C. sell D.urn2 A. sa B.pt . gt D id0. work B. study C. pla Dlearn1.D A23.B 2 B 2.C26B 27.A28.C 2 30三、阅读理解(共1小题;每题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,并做每篇短文背面的题,从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出能回答所提问题或能完毕所给句子的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。【四川雅安】In teoing, ack gets u. He oos at he lock. It is alreadyeightoccke is going to e lte o scool.Zck uicklypus o hiscltes anduns nto theding room. His meristting t the tle adliten to te rdio.“Mom, wydon you wkeme p?”Zck as.“ Im gong be lt forschol ”om sme. “ L outsde, Zack,” hesaysZk walks oer e window is eyesge bigvrything ouidei hite! erythigisunde th now.t iveryquiet adbatiful.Mom says,“ It sthe bgges w i 0 yas headiosays al scools re coed”Zack say, “h, Mom, nedto go to ee te bird feede(鸟食罐) t backad. dont ow ow birds c make ito such a snowyday”31 ackges up t_ this morn. :0 B. 7:00 C. 8:00 . 8:32 acks mtheis tting in the dining roma _. wahg T . listening to te rio . readingtwser D. hvng breafs3. Why doe Zac et up quckly? Becaue _. Ahei ver hungry B. h ne to oo rkst C.he wats tosee hi moher D.he hins h i ing to e latefo scol3. Wy does ack wantto go t the bayard? Bcaue hwn_.A. to make a snowman B. t pay n the snow to se i s bis ar OK D. to se itre isanything wrongththebckyar35 rom he readigwe know that _ A. Zk esrrie abts B. ck feels oried abut hslessons CZack feels ay wthismoter D. Zadesntike o gotoool3. 3B 33. D3.C 35. A 【四川雅安】BSiney usatwa odadit id nowork w. tweither to as or too slw. It spent r im in th epar shop tann is wist(手腕). e eided obuy iself anew watch.He wet to jewryshop and spoke to th sopkeepe“ant tobu a nwwach,please. Show m ebst wch yu have.” The shpkeper smile happly Thiswas the k o ustomer(顾客)she ik.“Canly, sr,”shesaid,and shoed Sidny a o wth“This watch iade o golandha24ewels(钻石),”se explaed. “How much is t?”Siny askd. “$5,000,”the hpkeper said “Oh,”Sdne sai, “Imsorry Yo ddnt undestan me. Iwant o se he bes watch o have fo unr $100.” The shopkep o l iterest in Sny. Sh pshed some chap wachst him. “Chose on othese,”he aid ruey.“Theyareall nde100.” Sidneypckeupn o te tches,“Will i lstme alfetime?”he aked “Ofose,”the shoeepersad.“Tn Illy it,”Sidny told er.He ad foth watchdeftte shop.w das ler he watch stpped. Sidneycouldnotmake it startg tokt ack to teshp“Twath is boken,” hesai o theshkeeper.“ou tld me t would lastme aietime.”“Whnyou ought it, sir,”the hopkeesaid,“yodid nt look vey wel.”3.y dd Sdney ant to by a ne ath? e had pleny of mey B. s wc did nt wor wel. . he atches wre hap. D. He ae a go w.7. Whand of watch id teshopker firs show Sdney? A.A cheap watc B. An ld wach. Cryeeniv th. D.A tch thatwuld lat ima letime.8. Why did he pkeeplose intersin ie? A. He id nt wan buyan expese ath. B.ed not lke ny of thewtchee sowe im. C.He ude t her. D. She a nother customer.9. Hw y wahes di Sidnelookt? A.Tw. B Thre. C.ome. . All40. o lon did te shopeeper nkSineys lifeti oulb? . A log tim . as lon sthe at workd. C Unt he as eryod. D.Notvery long. 6.B7. C . A 3.C0 D 【四川雅安】Cecn akemisaes t ay age. Soemistakes we meareabut mny, ms mstakes re boeople:“Did Jry relly care when I said goodbye to Hen?” “Whe gt tha gret jo, d Jm realfee ooabout , a ariend?r did h nvymy lck? ”When w lk bck,ueinlik hesecan mk us felba,but hn e ook back,itate Why dowego wog abt orindsorour enees?Somimesepes ords ide eal meanin. we donell listen, wemss e feelingehnhe wors Suppoe smeonetels yu,“Yo re a luk dog.”I he rel n yr side? If e ay,“Youar a luky boy”or“You area lucky gr”, hat bng fiendly.However, “Lucy o”, teres bi fenvy in the “g”. Hedoesnt think you shul hav cgd uc. “Just tink fllhe hingyou hve oethankul(感谢的)for” i aother xampl tt ayson thgan eananother. t culdeanthtthe peaker itryn o tyou o see your poblem s prt of yor fe as a hle.But s e? He realln th u problemcan be impota. s telling o tohink all the poor eoplen huner(饥饿)an cold i the wl en haventg a date(约会)forSaturayit Ho ca yo tel the rea meanngbeh seonods? ne ayis te a oo look atte pesn talking Do s ors fi theway e loks? D his wordquawih(与一致) te tone(声调)of s vce?isposture(姿势)? The oo in his yes? topanhin. e minute ou sedining about thereal meaniof irdso ou maysave aoer mstke.1. The example n hfrst pargraph show e rit_ A eels happ, thni hat his fiend areic to hi B feels e mayot ave“rea”his rends tu feelngs crrectly C. hinktwaa misaketo sa goodbye tis girlfrien elen D.is sorry that his fried are not nietohim 4 Talkingabt “Yare a lucky dg”, te itr s sayin_. A. t sperof th setence is jst bingriendl Bthe same “ou aeauc bo.”r “You re alcky grl.” C. metimshewods ue by peaer show te feengbind te words D. the word“dog” sows bit ofey . InPrgap 3, th sntnce “Jut tik of ll the thing you have b hnful for”meas _. A. oblemsarpart ofyour lfe .yur ownpoblm is as bad as u thugh yushould thank others for wa yo have dne fr yu D. or peole in he wold arethmot iporant 44 Initenin aperon,t is imporant _. A. to check his ordsgainstis tone, his surend he ooin hs es B.nt o lieve wthe ys C. to ne his ton, his ostre andtheloo in hisyes D not toook ack45. Twries ppose owriing the rticle i _. Ato eep ay fr mistakes boutony and friends B. to ke pep friedl witht believing in eac oher C. to p awafrm msaks in undertdng hat eole tel yo D. toadvis yo no t epfrndy with yourfrie41B4D 43. B 44. A 45 【四川雅安】四、补全对话(共小题;每题2分,满分10分)根据对话内容,从下面的方框中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,使对话完整,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。选项中有一项多余。unt Sue: 56 Ti: el, anc kes usic, sI want tbuyhaCD.Aunt Sue: We cn go hemusic hi the shoping mall te.Tim: 57 . I want o e m ety hai clpsASe: 58 Ti: Davdlkes redg,o I wan to fd him comic o. s there ookshop int hopping mll? Aunt Sue: 59 : Oh,I also want to a coputer gme fria,and fotbl stkrs for Jon.Aunt S: 60 A. We,ls oshopig. s, hee is.C. OK, an hat abtyor fien avid?D. What do ou wat t buy fr your fieds?E. Ken awawars air clips. What can I do y?5D57.5.C 5.B 60.A 第II卷(非选择题 共40分)笔试 (二)【四川雅安】五、单词拼写(共小题;每题1分,满分5分)根据下列句子中所给汉语注释,在答题卡相应的位置上写出空缺处各单词的对的形式。(每空只写一词)【四川雅安】51. I on ike _(牛肉)51.b 【四川雅安】52 Te car _ (追随) th tuck for thirty mile ysteday. foloed 【四川雅安】53. isEnglish is _ (极好的).53 prfct 【四川雅安】54. Te _ (污染) is wor dri wier.54. polion 【四川雅安】. rGe live i _ (中心的)Lodn.5.cetrl 【四川雅安】六、短文改错(共10小题;每题.分,满分1分)下面短文中有十处错,每处错皆用底线标出,请将答案填写在答题卡相应的位置上。(每题只填一词,不得变化原句意思。)There ere onl a litle thand people in te 56worllonago. Theeeople mve omplac t plac 57ver heland, huntig animalfor foo58Noone nws wha o when tsepeople land abo 5growing food. Butwhenhey di, ther lifeane.60The didnot havo lok for foo nmore.61eycould stayedi onlace d got.62 Pee egin t ve near oe nother ,3othe oe villaes grew.Many ee aeto 4ork o he vilages6556. few 57. moed58. aimals 59. how 60.lives 1. any 62sy 63. bgan 4. first 6. i 【四川雅安】七、书面体现(满分2分)如果你是李华,你写电子邮件给外国朋友T,简介有关中国春节的状况。请将该邮件写在答题卡的相应位置上。词数80100。电子邮件应涉及如下要点:1. 春节是中国最重要的节日。2. 春节一般在一月或二月。3. 大年三十夜,家庭成员聚在一起吃年饭。4. 年饭后,人们一般看春节联欢会的电视节目。5. 晚上,我们还会放鞭炮等。6. 春节期间,爷爷、奶奶、父母等长辈给我们发装有钱的红包。参照词汇:on ev f,在的前夕 Der Tom,hakyou very mcfoyr email. Let me ell ou ometigabou the Sprng Fesival . It is he mt imprtantfestilinChin. t i awa in Janur Februay. On the eve ofthe Srig Fesial, miymeer ge toetr d then hav ig dier. After dinner, peoplelik twatch V.The a grea SringFestiv Gala n TV evey er. W lie to let of firework atni. They ereallwoderf.Dung eSng esival, w et psets monein re packts fromou gaaes,parnts, aut and uncle.We away e agoo time .Wecme tour ountry.Yours,Li Hu


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