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10新目标人教版九年级Unit 5 It must belong to Carla.单元教学设计一、教学内容及分析1、教学内容:新目标人教版九年级Unit 5 It must belong to Carla.2、教材分析:本单元通过学习情态动词,学会正确运用must, might, could 和cant 对事物进行推断(make inferences),并注意体会这些词表示判断时的程度,尽量做到用词准确。拓展了belong to, much too, too much, count等词的使用,并提供了一些实用的英语谚语,要对本单元中的生词做到会读、会写、会用。Section A 以“推测谁是物品的主人以及做出推测的根据”这一话题来进行课堂教学和语言实践,为目标句型提供分步示例和指导性练习。(1a-1c)展示了重点词汇和目标语言,通过听说训练,让学生初步领会must表推测的含义和用法。(2a-grammar)在前面的基础上更明确了“must, might, could, cant”等词的不同。同时附以练习,加以落实。(3a -4)让学生通过阅读文章,推测词义的方式,让学生体会“学以致用”。 Section B 是在Section A的基础上,对话题的拓展和知识的延伸,使学生能够对已学过的目标句型运用自如。(1-2c)让学生发挥想象,运用推测的句型,讲述外星人追逐一个人的故事。(3a-4)阅读短文,谈论奇怪的幻想和噩梦,自如地运用推测的句型,寻求原因。Self Check 使学生对自己的英语水平有明确的认识,其中的谚语使学生受益非浅。本单元是在以前学习的基础上学习掌握运用情态动词表示推测的用法,围绕“物品的归属”这一话题,让学生学会运用“must, might, could 和cant”等词进行推测。本单元对教材的处理:由于本单元安排4课时,根据内容安排,将self check部分内容移至Section B部分1, 2a, 2b, 2c之后作为课堂练习及延伸。 二、学习者特征分析1.本单元学生将本单元是在以前学习的基础上学习掌握运用情态动词表示推测学习使用情态动词的用法。学生在七、八年级已经学习过can, could ,may ,might ,must ,should , will ,would , have to,need等情态动词,主要学习其表示能力can, could;表示请求和允许can, could,may, might;表示必须、必要must, have to;表示征求建议shall, should,表示建议劝告should,must,have to, need;表示意志、愿望和决心will would;表示许可的 can / could / may / might / must 的用法,学生本单元主要是学习情态动词must, might, could 和cant表推测的用法。2. 本单元这个话题是学生与他们生活实际联系,且学习内容比较简单,是他们很感兴趣的话题。所以每位学生都会愿意参与讨论。学生对于PPT的呈现形式依然感到有趣,学生思维活跃,能够积极的参与到教学活动中来。但是学生的语言综合运用能力还有待加强。三、单元整体目标分析1、知识与能力: (1)knowledge objects:Key vocabulary: belong to, picnic, possibly, drop, final, worried, owner, sky, catch, interview, noise, wind, neighbor, director, monkey, smell, finger, lift, stone, ant, ocean, etc.Target language:Whose volleyball is this?It must belong be Carlas. She loves volleyball.(2)Ability objects:Enable students listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills.Enable students ability to deduce.2、情感态度与价值观:在日常生活中我们用善于动脑观察,比较事物的特点与区别,逐渐培养自己的推理、判断能力。同时要学会对某一事物表示自己的看法并申明理由,进而锻炼自己的演讲口才与交往能力,还要注意环保,野餐后要记得带走垃圾,保持环境的干净整洁,注意邻里的友好相处等等。 四、重点、难点1、(1)knowledge objects:Key vocabulary: belong to, picnic, possibly, drop, final, worried, owner, sky, catch, interview, noise, wind, neighbor, director, monkey, smell, finger, lift, stone, ant, ocean, etc.Target language:Whose volleyball is this?It must belong be Carlas. She loves volleyball.(2)Ability objects:Enable students listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills.Enable students ability to deduce.2、学会运用重点词汇和目标语言,学会能口笔头运用must, might, could, cant 进行推论。五、教法选择与学法指导教法选择:以任务教学策略为主,采用情景教学法、听力训练法、并辅助个人,小组竞赛和图片等兴趣策略教学。如在教授单词时,通过一些图片等进行分析教学,以至于从视角引起他们的注意,从而记注单词。采取任务型教学策略的目的是让学生多练多用,在做中学,学中乐,乐中掌握。学法指导:采用合作式学习方式,有目的的让学生预习,在完成任务的活动中主动的学习语言,养成继续学习英语和学好英语的良好习惯。归纳总结情态动词 must , might, could 和 cant 表示推断的用法,比较它们的用法区别,在选择它们进行运用时,要多角度,全方位地思考,根据句子语境,明确句子的含义,选择正确的情态动词。强调学生不仅在课上积极发言、多练,并让学习学会查字典。六、课时及教学内容安排教学内容课时安排教法选择资源准备教学评价Section A 1a, 1b, 1c, 2a, 2b, 2c,Grammar FocusPeriod 1情景教学法听说法交际法小组合作多媒体课件观察激励提问Section A 3a, 3b, 4Period 2“三一三”模式;阅读技巧训练。小组合作。多媒体课件提问独立思考互评Section B 1, 2a, 2b, 2c,Self checkPeriod 3听说法交际法小组合作多媒体课件观察提问激励Section B 3a, 3b, 3c,4Period 4“三一三”模式;讲解法,阅读技巧训练。多媒体课件提问独立思考互评教学内容Unit 5 It must belong to Carla.Section A(1a2c)、grammar focus.课时Period 1教学对象九年级设计者一、教材内容分析本节课是九年级第五单元第一课时。 本节课的主要教学目标任务让学生在学习情态动词表示能力、请求等用法的基础上,学会初步运用情态动词表示推测的用法,让学生 利用情态动词must, might, could 和cant 根据相关信息对事物进行推断。(1a-1c)展示了重点词汇和目标语言,通过听说训练,让学生领会must表推测的含义和用法。(2a-grammar)在前面的基础上更明确了“must, might, could, cant”等词的不同。二、教学目标(知识与能力,情感态度与价值观)1.knowledge objects:(1) Key Vocabulary belong, belong to, plate, author, toy, picnic,band, hair, band, possibly.(2)Target Language Whose book is this?It must be Marys. Hemingway is her favorite author.Whose French book is this? It could be Carols. She studies French.Whose guitar is this? It might belong to Alice. She plays guitar.Whose T-shirt is this/ It cant be Johns. Its much too small for him.2.ability objects: (1) Enable students listening skill.(2) Enable students communicative competence using the target language.(3) Enable students ability to deduce.3.情感态度目标: Enhance the awareness of environment protection .When you are on a picnic, remember to bring litter back to keep our environment clean and tidy. 三、重点、难点1. Listening and writing practice using the target language.2. Make inferences using the target language.四、教法选择与学法指导1. Scene teaching method 2. Listening method 五、资源准备1. A computer for multimedia use. 2. A tape recorder.六、教学过程教学任务教师活动学生活动设计意图及资源准备Task 1Organization and lead in.( 2 min)1. Greeting.2. Guessing game. What does/do she/he/they do?I think/guess she/he is a/anWe can also say :she/he could be a/an She/he must be a/an1. Warm up,2. Look and guess.通过猜测游戏调动学生兴趣,导入主题。Task 2Presentation( 6 min)1. Show some pictures and ask some questions.Guess What does/do she/he/they do?I think/guess she/he is a/anWe can also say :she/he could be a/an She/he must be a/an(看图确认后)(从而引出利用情态动词must, might, could 和cant进行推断)Ask and answer.What does/do she/he/they do?I think/guess she/he is a/anshe/he could be a/an She/he must be a/an 让学生通过watch and answer来培养学生的语言能力和听的能力,并导入本节重点:使用情态动词进行推测。Task 31a(4 min)1. Show the picture with some things in disorder. And ask Ss to look at it.2. Ask Ss to match the things together.3. Correct the answers.1. Look at the picture and say what they see.2. Fill in the chart.3. Report.以学生“外出野餐”为话题介绍图片,让学生散乱的物品分类整理填表,并对学生进行思想教育,教育学生养成良好的生活习惯和环保意识。Task 41b(6 min)1. Ask Ss to look at books and match the things together. 2. Play the tape for Ss to listen1. Read.2. Listen.通过听力训练,培养学生听力。Task 51cpair work(5 min)1. Ask a pair of Ss to make a conversation using the information in the chart in 1b. 2. Ask Ss work in pairs.Practice the conversations in 1c(运用A: Whose book is this? B: It must be . ) 通过小组合作,利用听力材料进行口语练习目标语言。Task 6Listen and finish off 2a and 2b.(9 min)1. Look at books.2. Play the tape for Ss to listen.1. Look and listen.2. Ss listen to the tape and finish 2a and 2b.1.通过听力训练,培养听能力。2.培养学生熟练运用单元语言知识的能力。Task 72c(5 min)Ask Ss to fill the chart in 2c.Fill in the blanks.通过填空练习进一步巩固用“must, might, could, cant”表示推测的用法。Task 8Grammar focus and summary(6 min)1. Ask Ss read the sentences.2.Introduce the usage of“must, might, could, cant” .Read and remember.总结“must, might, could, cant”表示推测的用法。Task 8Homework(2 min)1. Write 3 to 5 sentences using “must”, “might”, “could”, “cant”. 2. Group A: Make three conversations using the target language you learnt in this class. 3. Group B: copy 10 sentences at least. Do the homework.作业分A、B两组布置,分层要求,以适应不同层次的学生学习。七、板书设计Unit 5 It must belong to Carla.Section A(1a2c)、grammar focus. 教学内容Unit 5 It must belong to Carla.Section A (3a-4)课时Period 2教学对象九年级设计者一、教材内容分析本节课是九年级第五单元第二课时。本节课的主要教学目标任务是在进一步巩固学习情态动词must, might, could 和cant表示进行推断,学习(3a-4)让学生通过阅读,进一步学习、体会、掌握其用法。 二、教学目标(知识与能力,情感态度与价值观)1.知识和能力Knowledge objects:1) Key VocabularyDrop, symphony, optometrist, appointment, crucial, final, anxious, worried, owner, Oxford University.(2)Target LanguageWhat do you think “anxious” means?Well, it cant mean “happy”.It might mean “worried”.Oh, yes. She is worried because of her rest.Here are some earrings. The owner cant be a boy. Well, it could be a boy. The earrings might be a present for his mother.Ability objects:(1) Enable students reading skill.(2) Enable students communicative competence using the target language.(3) Enable students ability to deduce.2.情感态度与价值观: be kind to others and be ready to help others.三、重点、难点1. Knowledge objects (1) Key VocabularyDrop, symphony, optometrist, appointment, crucial, final, anxious, worried, owner, Oxford University.(2)Target Language What do you think “anxious” means?ell, it cant mean “happy”.It might mean “worried”. 0h, yes. She is worried because of her rest.2.Ability objects:(1) Enable students reading skill.(2) Enable students communicative competence using the target language.(3) Enable students ability to deduce.四、教法选择与学法指导“三一三”模式;阅读技巧训练。小组合作。五、资源准备1. A computer for multimedia use. 2. A tape recorder.六、教学过程教学任务教师活动学生活动设计意图及资源准备Task 2Presentation( 4min)1. Guess What does she do?she could/might be a/an 2. Look at the pictures and learn new words.Learn to read the words and try to understand the phrase.通过猜测引入新课,为阅读做好准备。Task 33a,3b(20 min)1. Read the message first.2. Guess what the words mean.3. Read again and try to number the parts in the order.4. Read again and answer the questions.5. Practice.1. Read the message.2. Talk about the words you dont understand. Use must, might, could and cant.3. Try to number the parts in the order. 4. Read he message again and answer the questions.5. Fill in the blanks.1.在学生初步阅读电子邮件之后根据邮件内容利用情态动词猜测其生词的意思。2.利用“三一三”模式进行阅读教学,并设置相关练习促使学生理解短文内容,进一步提高学生口语。Task 4Memory Challenge(10 min)1. Read the material twice.2. Find the owner of these things.1. Read the passage.2. Find the owner of these things.通过阅读短文提高学生的阅读、记忆以及口语表达能力。Task 5Writing practice (5 min)1. Ask Ss to read the material. 2. Make a model.3. Ask Ss work in pairs.1. Look at the chart and read the material.2. Talk about a friend of his or hers. Using might/could/must/cant.通过小组合作,利用补充材料使用目标语言进行写作练习。Task 6Homework(2 min)Group A: Write something about your friends using might/could/must/cant. Group B: Do the homework.作业分A、B两组布置,分层要求,以适应不同层次的学生学习。七、板书设计Unit 5 It must belong to Carla.Section A(3a4c)教学内容Unit 5 It must belong to Carla.Section B(1a2c)、self check课时Period 3教学对象九年级设计者一、教材内容分析本节课是九年级第五单元第三课时。Section B 是在Section A的基础上,对话题的拓展和知识的延伸,使学生能够对已学过的目标句型运用自如。(1-2c)让学生发挥想象,运用推测的句型,讲述外星人追逐一个人的故事,要求学生学校会根据一定的背景或前提,进行预测或续写。Self Check调整到之后(1-2c)作为练习使学生对自己的英语水平有明确的认识,其中的谚语使学生受益非浅。我对教材的处理:将2a写作部分放在听力训练结束之后进行;并将self check调整至本节课完成。二、教学目标(知识与能力,情感态度与价值观)1.knowledge objects:(1) Key VocabularyChase,creature,sky, helicopter, catch, smell, ginger, lift, ant, ocean, dishonest, bark, pretend, use up, attempt.(2)Target Language Why do you thing the man is running?He could be running for exercise. No, hes wearing a suit. He might be running to catch a bus.2.ability objects: (1) Enable students listening and writing skills.(2) Enable students ability of reading comprehension.3.情感态度目标: The UFO and alien are both unreal. As students, we must work hard to explore the universe in the future.三、重点、难点1. Write a sentence about each picture. 2. Write two or three sentences to finish the story.3. Listen and complete the sentences.四、教法选择与学法指导1听说 2交际法 3小组合作五、资源准备1. A computer for multimedia use.2. A tape recorder.六、教学过程教学任务教师活动学生活动设计意图及资源准备Task 1Organization and lead in.( 3 min)1. Greeting.2. Guessing game. 1. Warm up,2. Listen and guess.通过猜测游戏调动学生兴趣,导入主题。Task 2Presentation( 5 min)1. Show some pictures in Part 1 and ask some questions.1. Describe these pictures on page 37.让学生通过看图片让学生进行判断,使所学知识达到学以致用的目的。Task 3Listening 2a 2b(14 min)1. Read the material.2. Play the tape.3. Correct the answers.1. Read.2. Listen.3. Report.结合图片和提示材料进行听力训练。Task 4Writing(8 min)1. Read the listening material.2. Writing practice.1. Read.2. Writing.结合听力材料,培养学生写作能力。Task 52cpair work(5 min)1. Ask a pair of Ss to make a conversation using the information in the chart in 1b. 2. Ask Ss work in pairs.practice通过小组合作,利用听力材料进行口语练习目标语言。Task 6practice (8 min)1. Read the example.2. Practice.3. Try to read the proverbs.1. Practice the conversations.2. Fill in the blanks.3. Discuss the proverbs.及时练习,尝试理解猜测谚语意思,并从中受到启示。Task 8Homework(2 min)1. Finish the story.2. Make some sentences with the words in part 1 in self check.Finish the homework.完成课堂作业,加深巩固和理解。七、板书设计Unit 5 It must belong to Carla.Section A(1a2c)、grammar focus.教学内容Unit 5 It must belong to Carla.Section A (3a-4)课时Period 4教学对象九年级设计者一、教材内容分析本节课是九年级第五单元第四课时。本节课在复习运用情态动词must, might, could 和cant表示推断的方法,(3a-4)阅读短文,谈论奇怪的幻想和噩梦,自如地运用推测的句型,寻求原因,让学生体会“学以致用”。 二、教学目标(知识与能力,情感态度与价值观)1.knowledge objects:(1) Key VocabularyExtremely, interview, noise, wind, neighbor, garbage, mystery, director, monkey, escape.(2)Target Language In my dream, I was swimming in an ocean of paper.Maybe it means, youre afraid of too much homework.2.ability objects: (1) Enable students reading skill. 2) Enable students writing skill.3.情感态度目标: Everyone has a dream. But dont dream away your time.三、重点、难点1. Reading practice. 2. Writing practice.四、教法选择与学法指导“三一三”模式;阅读技巧训练。小组合作。五、资源准备1. A computer for multimedia use.六、教学过程教学任务教师活动学生活动设计意图及资源准备Task 1Lead in.( 4 min)1. Greeting.2. lead in.Retell the story.1. Warm up.2. Retell the story.复习导入新课。Task 2Reading ( 4min)Read the passage and answer the following questions.Read the passage answer the following questions.一读短文,了解背景知识,为后面进一步阅读打好基础。Task 33a (10 min)Read the passage again, and complete the following chart.1. Read the passage again.2. Fill in the following chart.再读短文理解文章内容,通过填表来检查学生理解情况。Task 4Learn new words (3 min)1. Ask Ss to Find out the new words in the passage.2. Teach the new words.1. Find out the new words in the passage.2. Learn the new words.学习新词,帮助理解。Task 5check (8 min)Fill in the blanks with your books closed.Fill in the blanks通过填单词检查学生对文章内容掌握情况进一步加深理解。Task 6Writing3b 3c(12 min)1. Write another paragraph about Bell Tower using these notes.2. Check their stories.1. Read the notes.2. Try to write another paragraph about the Bell Tower.根据提示材料续写故事。Task 7group work(3 min)Talk about your dreams.Read the example.Make conversations about your dreams.以做梦为话题谈论、猜测做梦人的想法,利用身边的话题进行口语练习。Task 8HomeworkGroup A: Write another paragraph about the Bell Tower.Group B: copy the newspaper article.Do the homework.作业分A、B两组布置,分层要求,以适应不同层次的学生学习。七、板书设计Unit 5 It must belong to Carla.Section B(3a4c)八、总结和帮助(反思及改进)


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