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Designing Effective PowerPoint PresentationsAdapted from:Victor ChenERAUBest viewed by PowerPoint 2001 or laterClick whenever you want to continueDesigning Effective PowerPoint PresentationClick the words to explorePress-to go backPress Esc to stopSimpleConsistentClearBigProgressiveSummaryMake It BigMake it Big(Text)This is Arial 12This is Arial 18This is Arial 24This is Arial 32This is Arial 36This is Arial 44Make it Big(Text)This is Arial 12This is Arial 18This is Arial 24This is Arial 32This is Arial 36This is Arial 44Too SmallMake It Big(How to Estimate)Look at it from 7 feet away7 ftKeep It SimpleKeep It Simple(Text)Too many colorsToo Many Fonts and StylesThe 6 x 7 ruleNo more than 6 lines per slideNo more than 7 words per lineKeep It Simple(Text)Instructional Technology:A complex integrated process involving people,procedures,ideas,devices,and organization,for analyzing problems and devising,implementing,evaluating,and managing solutions to those problems in situations in which learning is purposive and controlled(HMRS 5th ed.)Too detailed!Keep It Simple(Text)A processinvolving people,procedures&toolsfor solutionsto problems in learning(HMRS 5th ed.)Instructional Technology:Much SimplerFalling Leaves ObservedChristchurchDunedinWellingtonJanuary11,532,23414,123,6543,034,564February1,078,45612,345,56716,128,234March17,234,7786,567,12316,034,786April16,098,89710,870,9547,940,096May8,036,89710,345,39414,856,456June16,184,345678,0954,123,656July8,890,34515,347,93418,885,786August8,674,23418,107,11017,230,095September4,032,04518,923,2399,950,498October2,608,0969,945,8905,596,096November5,864,034478,0236,678,125December12,234,1239,532,1113,045,654Too detailed!Falling Leaves in MillionsIn 106ChristchurchDunedinWellingtonJanuary11143February11216March17616April16107May81014June1604July81518August81817September4189October295November506December1293Much SimplerFalling LeavesToo detailed!Falling LeavesMuch SimplerKeep It Simple(Picture)Art work may distract your audience Artistry does not substitute for contentKeep It Simple(Sound)Sound effects may distract too Use sound only when necessaryKeep It Simple(Transition)This transition is annoying,not enhancing Appear and Disappear are betterKeep It Simple(Animation)7 ftToo distracting!Keep It Simple(Animation)7 ftSimple&to the pointMake It ClearMake It Clear(Capitalisation)ALL CAPITAL LETTERS ARE DIFFICULT TO READUpper and lower case letters are easierSanserifZSerifZMake It Clear(Fonts)busyclearSerif fonts are difficult to read on screenSanserif fonts are clearerItalics are difficult to read on screenNormal or bold fonts are clearerUnderlines may signify hyperlinksInstead,use colors to emphasiseMake It Clear(Fonts)Make It Clear(Numbers)Use numbers for lists with sequenceFor example:How to put an elephant into a fridge?1.Open the door of the fridge2.Put the elephant in3.Close the doorMake It Clear(Numbers)How to put a giraffe into a fridge?1.Open the door of the fridge2.Take out the elephant3.Put the giraffe in4.Close the doorMake It Clear(Bullets)Use bullets to show a list withoutPrioritySequenceHierarchy,.Make It Clear(Colors)Use contrasting colors Light on dark vs dark on lightUse complementary colorsMake It Clear(Contrast)Use contrasting colorsLight on dark vs dark on lightUse complementary colorslow contrasthigh contrastMake It Clear(Contrast)Use contrasting colors Light on dark vs dark on lightUse complementary colorsThis is light on darkMake It Clear(Contrast)Use contrasting colors Light on dark vs dark on lightUse complementary colorsThis is dark on lightMake It Clear(Complement)Use contrasting colors Light on dark vs dark on light Use complementary colors These colours do not complementMake It Clear(Complement)Use contrasting colors Light on dark vs dark on light Use complementary colors These colours complementMake It Clear(Size)Size implies importanceMake It Clear(Size)Size implies importanceMake It Clear(Focal Points)Focal points direct attentionMake It Clear(Focal Points)Focal points direct attentionBe ProgressiveComplexity of InteractionsMode of InstructionIndividualPairGroupDirectInstructionGuidedInquiryDiscoveryLearningIndividualInstructiveToolsIndividualConstructiveToolsSocialConstructiveToolsSocialCommunicativeToolsInformational ToolsTypes of Instructional ToolsToo many in one go!Complexity of InteractionsMode of InstructionIndividualPairGroupDirectInstructionGuidedInquiryDiscoveryLearningIndividualInstructiveToolsIndividualConstructiveToolsSocialConstructiveToolsSocialCommunicativeToolsInformational ToolsTypes of Instructional ToolsProgressive&thus focusedUnderstanding TechnologyFloppy diskUser interfaceCPUI/O ErrorBackup systemSoftwareMouseDebuggerFunction keyMain StorageToo many¬ focusedUnderstanding TechnologyFloppy diskUser interfaceCPUI/O ErrorBackup systemSoftwareMouseDebuggerFunction keyMain StorageProgressive&thus focusedBe ConsistentBe ConsistentDifferences draw attentionDifferences may imply importanceUse surprises to attract not distractBe ConsistentDifferences draw attentionDifferences may imply importanceUse surprises to attract not distractThis tick draws attentionBe ConsistentDifferences draw attentionDifferences may imply importanceoUse surprises to attract not distractThese differences distract!Be ConsistentDifferences draw attentionDifferences may imply importanceUse surprises to attract not distractThis implies importanceBe ConsistentDifferences draw attentionDifferences may imply importanceUse surprises to attract not distractConfusing differences!Be ConsistentDifferences draw attentionDifferences may imply importanceUse surprises to attract not distractThis surprise attractsBe ConsistentDifferences draw attentionDifferences may imply importanceUse surprises to attract not distractThese distract!In SummaryBigSimpleClearProgressiveConsistentTips for Presenting Limit the number of slides3 slides per minute is the maximumPractice moving between slides.Be prepared for technical difficultiesAvoid the use of flashy transitions.This is TOO flashy!Some Final WordsCommunication is the keyText to support the communicationPictures to simplify complex conceptsAnimations for complex relationshipsVisuals to support,not to distractSounds only when absolutely necessaryWant more?Contact ERAU for moreVictor Chen(ext 7435;v.chenerau)


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