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初中磁性转换及练习 sight (n.)视力(觉) see (v.)看见看见一步 personally (adv.)亲自 personal (adj.)个人的;私人的 person (n.)人 sensible (adj.)明智的 sense (n.)感觉官能 dead (adj.)不运作的;死的die (v.)去世 dying (adj.)垂死的 death (n.)死亡 France (n.)法国 French (adj.)法国的法国的 attraction (n.)有吸引力的事或物 attract(v.)吸引吸引引力honestnelyly)ion to sth.ed with) enable(v.)使能够 able(adj.)有能力的 leader (n.)领导者 lead (v.)领导 agricultural(adj.)农业的agriculture(n.)农业 further (v.)使.进一步 further(adj.)更进一步的;更远 scared (adj.)害怕scare(v.) 使恐惧(害怕) pleased (adj.)高兴;满意 please(v.)使满意 pleasant(adj.)令人愉快的;宜人的pleasure(n.)高兴;愉快;满意 honest (adj.)诚实的 honesty(n.) 诚实 dishonest(adj.)不诚实的 patient (adj.)有耐心的 patient (n.)病人 patiently(adv.)耐心地patience (n.) 耐心 impatient (adj.) 没耐心的 amaze - amazing pollute - pollution locate - location scenery - scenic life - (pl.)lives one - first - once gentle - gently five - fifth manage - manager design - designer tour - tourist similarly- similar fight - fighter servant (n.) 仆人serve (v.) 服务service (n.) 服务,协助 electricity (n.) 电(能)electric(adj.) 用电力工作的,电动的electrical (adj.) 电的 foolish(adj.) 愚蠢的fool (n.) 傻瓜;(v.) 愚弄month(n.) 月份词性变换练习(2)Group 157.Last week I went on a trip to Sichuan and I took many there. (photo)58.Ben thinks the lesson of this book is very interesting. (twelve)59.The boy seemed to be enjoying in the computer room. ( he )60.If your child shows any signs of , take him to the doctor immediately. ( ill )61.Newspapers provide readers with and local news every day. (nation)62.The doctors tried their best to the patients life, but failed. (safe)63.“Please listen to me,” said the teacher to the students. (care)64.The guests the room because it is too small and it has a terrible smell. (like)Group 2The world now has a big economic problem. Some people even lost their_. ( job)31. There are already eleven in the list. You are the _. (twelve)32. China hosted _ first Olympic Games from August 8 to 24. (it)33. There are a lot of British words not _used in the United States. (wide)34. The _of the computer marked the beginning of a new era. (invent)35. I _ this is their house but Im not sure. ( thought)36. Obamas honesty and _ have made him president of the United States. (wise)37. You shouldnt depend on your parents any more. You must be _.(depend) Group 357. My brother is good at _. (draw )58. I like to look at the colours of _ in autumn. (leaf)59. She doesnt like _ food in the market because its not fresh. (freeze)60. He fell _ during the lecture yesterday afternoon. (sleep)61. Dont forget to _ your email addresses at the end of the party. (change)62. We are looking for students who can sing _. (beautiful) 63. There are many _ children in some African (非洲的) countries. (home) 64. _ the butter into the flour, please. (mixture)Group 457. We call people from Germany _. (German)58. Please help _ to the apples on the table, Mary. (you)59. When John was in his _, he became a very popular writer. (forty)60. _, we were not caught in the heavy rain last night. (lucky)61. I hear that Mr Brown is too _ to remember his own age. (forget)62. The scientists have just discovered a new kind of _. (ill)63. Miss Black hopes that she will _ in finding a good job soon. (success)64. We all know that it is _ for an ordinary plane to reach the moon. (possible)Group 557. Mary bought three _ in the supermarket. (brush)58. The old couple had an _ weekend when their four children came to see them. (enjoy).59. This is the _ time for him to go there alone. (three)60. A car accident happened this morning. _, none was hurt. ( fortunate)61. Edison was a great _ though he stayed at school for only a little time.(invent) 62. The policemen _ in saving the boy within two hours.(success)63. The twin can do a lot of housework by _ (they)64. The boys face turned still _ after the headmaster praised him. (red )Group 657. Our beautiful roses won _ prize at the flower show. We are very proud of it. (two)58. Snow is a/an_ sight in this warm place.(usual)59. To save money, using coupons(优惠券)becomes one of the most popular shopping _ in America.(act)60. The manager tried to deal _ with angry workers.(polite)61. Some teenagers are used to reading _ magazines on line.(electricity)62. Too much work, worry, and _ have made him look older.(ill)63. I was late, so I missed the _ of the movie.(begin) 64. China will produce the worlds _ train for the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway.(fast)Group 757. Mum sometimes _ me how to do the housework on Sundays. (teacher)58. We also call the people from England _ . (Britain) 59. Jack slammed (砰地关上) the door _ after he was laughed at. (angry)60. Its really _ for a child of five to take care of himself. (possible)61. Children are educated to be_ when they are very young. (honesty) 62. Sichuan Earthquake is Chinas biggest _ disaster since 1949.(nature)63. WHO is the short form of the World Health _. (organize) 64. _ up at night is harmful to our health. (stay)Group 857. Spring is here. We can see many _ flying in the garden. (butterfly)58. I met an old friend of _ when I was doing shopping in the market. (I)59. This is the _ time for me to give a speech before so many people. (two )60. What nice weather! The sun is shining and the wind blows _. (gentle)61. Sports can help us to keep _ and live longer. ( health)62. My uncle works on a modern farm. Hes thin and of average _. (high) 63. Study hard and try your best to _ a key school, Tim. (entrance) 64. It is _ to understand every single word when reading an article. (necessary)Group 957. Our classroom is not as big as _, but its very clean. (they)58. Many young people want to become cartoon _ in the future. (artist)59. The Smiths moved into their new house which is on the floor. (twelve)60. It is really _ to raise the dogs because they can help humans to hunt. (wonder)61. Body language is the _ and most powerful language of all! (quiet)62. Listen to the teachers _ in class and many of your problems will go away. (careful)63. Work today is very _ from the way it was fifty or even twenty years ago. (difference)64. The electric light is one of the greatest _ in the world. (inventmonthly (adv.) 每月一次 explanation(n.) 解释explain (v.) 解释 careful (adj.) 小心的,谨慎的careless (adj.) 粗心的 care (v.&n.) 关心carefully (adv.)小心地 invisible(adj.) 看不见的visible(adj.) 看得见的 polite(adj.) 有礼貌的politely(adv.)有礼貌地 clear(adj.)明白清楚的 clearly(adv.) 明朗地,明显地 suggest (v.) 建议-suggestion (n.) 建议 brief (adj.) 短暂地-briefly (adv.) 简短的 decide (v.) 决定-decision (n.) 决定 choose (v.) 选择-choice (n.) 选择 product (n.) 产品- produce (v.) 产生;生产 fighter (n. )斗士;战士 - fight (v. ) 战斗 (fought, fought) scientist (n.) 科学家-science (n.) 科学-scientific (adj.) (关于)科学的 interested (adj.) 感兴趣的-interesting (adj.) 有趣的-interest (n.) 兴趣,爱好-uninterested (adj.)不感兴趣的 breathe (v.) 呼吸-breath (n.) 呼吸 natural (adj.) 自然的;天然的- nature (n.) 自然 warn (v.) 使警惕;警告- warning (n.) 提醒或警告的事物;警示 protect (v.) 保护 - protection (n.) 保护 chemical (n.) 化学物质;化学品- chemical (adj.) 化学的- chemistry (n.) 化学- chemist (n.) 化学家;药剂师 communicate (v.) 交流信息;沟通-communication (n.) 传达;通讯 day (n.) 天 daily (adv.) 每天 *daily 日报 comfortably (adv.) 舒服地 comfortable (adj.)舒服的 relax (v.) 放松 *relaxed (adj.)放松的 *treatment(n.) 处理加工 treat (v.)对待;治疗 cleaning (n.) 打扫;清洁 clean (v.)清洁;弄干净 clean (adj.)干净的;清洁的*safe - safety-save -safely*organization - organize*alone & lonely*lead 带路;引领 led led - didnt lead


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