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GROUP 3 Captain:程书豪 sky Member: 周耿伟、黄苗婷、梁玉仪、梁钰华 Watt Julia Yuki Elva THE AGGRESSOR 侵略者 Believe it or not, We are the world 随你信不信,我们很自信 Management: 1.Target: We make our joint effort to increase our self confidence and strengthen our team spirits , certainly, we strive to enhance our English proficiency and English learning skills. 2.Regulation: Dont put off till tomorrow what should be done today . Submit to the team leader . Always keep in mind that we are not supers but a team . Beyond yesterday . 3.Faith:Perhaps we are not the best one yet, however, we are going to defeat others and step forward day by day to pursue our dream and finally harvest our ideal future. 1.目标:我们会竭尽全力提升我们的自信心增强团队精神,当然我们会力图提高我们的英 语水平和英语学习技能。 2.组规: 今日事今日毕。 服从组长的调配。 永远谨记我们不是超人而是一支团队。 超越昨日的自己。 3.信念:也许我们现在还不是最优秀的,然而我们将会战胜你们,一步一步地去追求我们 的梦想并最终收获理想的未来。 姓名 程书豪 Name: sky 性别 男 Sex: male 学校 广东财经大学 School: GUANGDONG UNIVERSITEY FINANCE AND ECONOMICS 专业 旅游管理 Major: tourism management 技能及优势 逻辑思维能力 观察,分析能力 Skills and advantages: think and analysis 性格 开朗,乐观,喜欢结交朋友 Character: optimistic and like to make friends 就业方向 城市规划 Occupational Direction: city planing 邮箱 E-mail: 兴趣爱好 篮球,电影 Hobbies and interests: basketball and movie 座右铭 人的成功是事业成功的先决条件 Motto: character is the first and the last word in the success circle 姓名: 周耿伟 Watt 性别: 男 Male 学校: 广东财经大学 Guangdong university of finance & economics 专业: 旅游管理 Tourism management 技能及优势: 记忆力 逻辑思维 翻译 Memory think translate 性格: 开朗活泼,多思多虑,双重性格 Cheerful and lively ,think worry, dual personality 就业方向: 国际导游,翻译 The Internatinal tour guide, translator 邮箱: 座右铭:三思而后行 Think before you leap 兴趣爱好: 看电影,羽毛球,乒乓球 Watch movie, badminton, pingpong 姓名 梁钰华 Name: Elva 性别 女 Sex: female 专业 旅游管理 Major: tourism management 技能及优势 英语听说能力,观察分析能力 Skills and advantages: English listenning and speaking、 observation and analysis 性格 开朗热情,乐观向上,积极主动 ,慎密多思 Character: enthusiastic optimistic proactive considerate 就业方向 国际导游、旅游社社长 Occupational Direction: international travel guide、 The travel club President 邮箱 E-mail: 座右铭 .要么现在要么永不。 Motto: Now or never . 兴趣爱好 乒乓球 羽毛球 看书 听音乐 旅游 外语 Hobbies and interests: table tennis、 badminton、 reading、 music、 travel、 foreign language Name: Huang Miaoting黄苗婷 Sex: Female女 Province: Guangdong, Maoming广东茂名 Major: Tourism Management旅游管理 Hobbies: Sports体育运动 Personal characteristics: easygoing, patient, careful, considerate and sometimes crazy 容易亲近,耐心,细心,体贴,有时会很疯狂 The strength in English learning: translation翻译 E-mail: Motto: Practice makes prefect.熟能生巧 Future work: To be a teacher or a international tour guide 当一名老师或者国际导游 Name: Yuki Gender: Female School: Guangdong University of Finance and Economics Major: Tourism management E-mail: Hobby: Movie、 travelling Character: Optimistic direction: Public functionary Motto: Where theres a will,theres a way Skill and strengths: Memory、 observational ability 姓名:梁玉仪 性别:女 学校:广东财经大学 专业:旅游管理 技能及优势:记忆力、观察力 性格:乐观开朗 就业方向:公务员 邮箱: 座右铭:有志者事竟成 兴趣:电影、旅游


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