book2 unit4词汇导学案

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细心整理高一英语Book2 Unit4 词汇导学案Key words 核心单词 夯实根底1. contain vt (to hold; have within itself or as a part / to hold back) _ 【课文原句】It contains a powerful drug which affects mosquitoes. 【译文】_【视察思索】1) V-TIf something such as a box, bag, room, or placecontainsthings, those things are inside it. _The envelope contained a Christmas card.The first two floors of the building contain retail space and a restaurant.2) V-TIf a substancecontainssomething, that thing is a part of it. _Watermelon contains vitamins.3)V-TIf writing, speech, or filmcontainsparticular information, ideas, or images, it includes them. _This sheet contained a list of problems a patient might like to raise with the doctor.【归纳总结】Contain _,_, _Contain oneself_【学以致用】1As is known to us all , Sea water _ much salt. 众所周知,海水里含有大量的盐。2What you should do is to try to _ your anger. 你要做的就是努力限制住自己的生气。3This bottle _ two glasses of beer. 这个瓶子装了两杯啤酒。4The box_ old letters which_(belong) to his grandparents.盒子里装有属于他祖父母的旧信件。2. succeed vi (to do what one has tried or wanted to do )_ (to be the next to take a position) _【课文原句】_【译文】假如野生动植物爱惜要取得成功的话,必需接受什么样的措施呢?【视察思索】1.V-IIf yousucceedindoing something, you manage to do it. _We have already succeeded in working out basic rules with the Department of Defense.He succeeded in making the company more successful in its field. If you try your best you will succeed. 2.V-IIf somethingsucceeds, it works in a satisfactory way or has the result that is intended. _The talks can succeed if both sides are flexible and serious.We all believed that work was the key to success.Women do not necessarily have to imitate men to be successful in business.【归纳总结】 succeed (in) doing sth _ success n. _ achieve success _ successful adj. _ 【学以致用】1)The police finally _ in _ the mystery. 警方最终成功地破解了这个疑案。2) Only in this way _ you _ .只有这样你才可以成功。3) His new play was an overnight _.他的新剧本一夜之间走红。4) Are you _ in _(persuade) him to change his mind?你成功的劝服他变更方法了吗?3. hunt vt./vi.(to find and kill ; to search or try to find)_ ; _【课文原句】About 30-40 remain after being left in peace with no hunting. 【译文】_【视察思索】1.V-IIf youhuntforsomething or someone, you try to find them by searching carefully or thoroughly._The police were hunting for clues.2.N-COUNTHuntis also a noun. _The couple had helped in the hunt for the toddler(蹒跚学步的孩子)s.3.V-T/V-IWhen people or animalshunt, orhuntsomething, they chase and kill wild animals for food or as a sport. _As a child I learned to hunt and fish.【归纳总结】go hunting _ hunt for _/_【学以致用】1)He often _ (hunt) wild birds on weekends,_ I think is illegal.他常常周末去捕杀野鸟,我想这是非法的。2)My father is fond of _ _whenever he is free. 我父亲有空时宠爱去打猎。3)I just graduated from college and now I have come to the point _ I have to _ _ jobs here and there.我刚高校毕业,此时此刻到了不得不到处找工作的地步了。4. appreciate vt.(to recognize and enjoy the beauty or worth of; to be thankful for; to realize fully) _ _ _ 【课文原句】 _【译文】你们应当多加关注我生活的热带雨林,并且懂得热带雨林的动物是如何在一起生活的。【视察思索】1.V-TIf youappreciatesomething, for example, a piece of music or good food, you like it because you recognize its good qualities. _Anyone can appreciate our music.2.V-TIf youappreciatea situation or problem, you understand it and know what it involves._She never really appreciated the depth and bitterness of the familys conflict.她从未真正理解该家庭冲突的深度及猛烈程度。3.V-TIf youappreciatesomething that someone has done for you or is going to do for you, you are grateful for it. _Peter stood by me when I most needed it. Ill always appreciate that.【归纳总结】Appreciate sth_ appreciate doing sth _IWould appreciate it if _【学以致用】1) His abilities were not _ in his job. 他的才华在工作中得不到赏识。2) I _ your help.我感谢你的帮助。3) I _that this is not an easy decision for you to make.我完全理解你做出这项确定是不简洁的。4) I _if you turn the radio down. 请你把收音机音量调低一点。5. employ vt. (to give a job to ; to make use of)_ ; _【课文原句】Can they be employed to work in the park and not hurt the animals?【译文】_【视察思索】1.V-TIf a person or companyemploysyou, they pay you to work for them. _The company employs 18 workers.More than 3,000 local workers are employed in the tourism industry.2.V-TIf your timeis employedindoing something, you are using the time you have to do that thing. _Your time could be usefully employed in attending night classes.你的时间可以被有效地利用来上夜课。【归纳总结】 employ sb as _employ sb to do sth _【学以致用】1) Who do you know our company will _ _ an adviser?你知道我们公司要雇谁作为参谋吗?2) Every year the government _ lot of people _ (hunt) whales, _ has caused environmental problems. 政府每年雇好多人捕杀鲸,这导致了环境问题。6. inspect vt. ( to examine closely or in detail in order to judge quality or correctness)_【课文原句】_【译文】科学家们视察它们的骨头时,惊异地发觉这些恐龙不仅跟其他恐龙一样可以跑,而且还可以爬树。【视察思索】1.V-TIf youinspectsomething, you look at every part of it carefully in order to find out about it or check that it is all right._Elaine(伊莱恩) went outside to inspect the playing field.2.V-TWhen an officialinspectsa place or a group of people, they visit it and check it carefully, for example, in order to find out whether regulations are being obeyed. _The Public Utilities Commission(公用设施委员会) inspects us once a year.It is said that an inspector will come to inspect our school, and he will judge our school according to his inspection. 【归纳总结】Inspect_,_ inspector_ inspection_【学以致用】1) After they had finished building the wall, the foreman _ it to make sure they had done it properly. 他们砌好墙之后领班细致查看了一遍,以确保质量没有问题。2) Lets go and _ the damage_ the earthquake caused.让我们检查一下地震造成的损失吧。- Who do you know will _ our school? 你知道谁要来我们学校视察吗?- I dont know , _ _ _ care. 不知道,我也不关怀。拓展 inspect check 和 examine 的区分这几个词都相当于汉语的“检查”,但各有侧重:a. inspect:侧重于为了发觉问题进展的细致而挑剔的检查。如:b. examine:侧重于通过视察、调检或测试来确定某人或某物的资格或者性能如:c. check:侧重于进展“校对”、“找错”,或通过视察、视察以了解状况,如:1) inspect a school _ inspect the troops _2) The teacher will _ the students in English. 老师要考学生的英语了。3) We are going _ the data for clues. 我们打算检查数据以找寻线索4) They have the clock _ twice a day.他们每天对钟表检查两次。5) _ your homework before you hand it in. 把你的作业检查一下然后再交。Key phrases 核心短语 辨析感知1. die out (to disappear completely) _ ; _【课文原句】_【译文】结果,这些濒危的动物甚至可能会灭亡。【视察思索】1) If the snowstorm does not stop, the cattle will die off. 2) Scientists said that those plants died out a century ago. 【归纳总结】Die away _; die off_【学以致用】1) Measures_ _ _ (take) to protect this kind of animal from _ _.将会接受措施爱惜这种动物免于灭亡。2) As she got older and older, her relatives all _ _ .随着她越来越老,她的亲属都相继去世了。2. protect - from/against_【课文原句】_【译文】我在爱惜自己免遭蚊子的叮咬。【视察思索】1) In summer, many people usually wear dark glasses to protect their eyes from the sun2) So, what can women do to protect themselves from heart disease?3) A long thin wool coat and a purple headscarf(一条紫色头巾) protected her against the wind.4) We have the responsibility to protect dolphins from being hurt. 5) The workers can use their own rights accordingly under the protection of the law.【归纳总结】 Protect -from/ against_; under the protection of _【学以致用】1)Youd better wear black glasses _your eyes _the sun.你最好戴上墨镜以爱惜你的眼睛。2)They built the Great Wall _ the country_.(attack)他们修建了长城以爱惜国家免受攻击。3. according to in the view/opinion of_;_【课文原句】According to a UN report, some 844 animals and plants have disappeared in the last 500years.【译文】_【视察思索】1) If someone says that something is trueaccording toa particular person, book, or other source of information, they are indicating where they got their information._The van raced away, according to police reports, and police gave chase.依据警方的报告,这辆货车奔驰而去,警方进展了追逐。2) If something is doneaccording toa particular set of principles, these principles are used as a basis for the way it is done. _They both played the game according to the rules.他们两个都遵照那些规那么进展了这场游戏。【归纳总结】According to _,_【学以致用】1) They divided themselves into three groups _age, which I think is very reasonable.他们按年龄分成三组,我认为很合理。2) _the Bible, Adam was the first man. 据圣经记载,亚当是人类始祖。3) _Mr. Wang , the government has taken measures to _ the citizens_the air pollution.据王老师说,政府已经接受措施来爱惜市民免受空气污染的危害。4. come into being _;_【课文原句】_【译文】千百万前,恐龙就在地球上生活,比人类的出现要早得多,它们的将来在那时看来很平安。【视察思索】Whendidthe worldcomeintobeing?After a heated discussion at the meeting, a new plan came into being. 【归纳总结】Come into being_【学以致用】1) We do not know when this world _.我们不知道世界是何时形成的。 2) Once a bad habit _,it will be difficult to get rid of it.坏习惯一旦形成就很难摆脱掉。小试牛刀,练一练I. 依据句子意思和所给首字母提示,写出单词的正确形式。1. Whisky c_ a large percentage of alcohol.2. Dont let others opinions a_ your decision.3. He was walking through a bush when he was b_ by a snake.4. She asked where he had been, but he gave no r_.5. Due to the destruction of the environment, the number of tigers is d_.6. The novel (新奇的) design of the building attracted many tourists a_.7. On my way here, I saw a f_ dog, but fortunately I got away from it.8. Short of farm-hands, he had to e_ two more.9. He wore a thick overcoat as p_ against the bitter cold.10. At customs (海关), an officer carefully i_ my passport and luggage.II. 依据句子意思,从下表所给的词汇中选出相宜的单词或词组,并用其正确形式填空(其中有三个为多余项)。harm, in danger, in peace, appreciate, come into being, relief, reserve, mercy, die out, burst into laughter, according to, hunt, importance1. We made a fire to warm ourselves, but it _ at midnight.2. No one knows when this custom first _.3. She is _ for a house near her company.4. Just leave him _. He doesnt like being disturbed while hes thinking.5. There is a bird _ near my home, and I often go there with my sister.6. Exposing yourself to the sun for too long does _ to your skin.7. _ the new law, no one is allowed to fish in this river.8. I _ when I saw the monkey dressed like a gentleman.9. The woman showed _ to the beggar and gave him enough food for two days.10. This poem is really difficult to _.


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