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精选英文致歉信范文锦集篇在社会一步步向前发展的今日,我们不免要用到致歉信,致歉信可以帮助我们更好地检讨自己和感谢对方。还是对致歉信一筹莫展吗?以下是我细心整理的英文致歉信6篇,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。英文致歉信篇1 Dear_, Ia ritig islettr to apogize tyo fmy filng The aon istt_ . I am srrhatIcnnotfinih i tim,but is it ossble that make telosb ? If o, I will ut everthing le aside to. Iohoe that yo a unertandy sitaion ad acept m apgy. Yours sinceel, x英文致歉信 篇2To:xxSbjec:Basketall Praice i Geor,I really, reallysry utIjus cat mak itor basketall rctce is enin Weve got abiology tet ooowndI het et satd tudyin for it. nt afordto fail the tst, ecuse I alreay led the lst oe.I pomise makeupforit by th nxt praice sessin Ron英文致歉信 篇 Dea uan, Im very orry tha I ws ot when yo came o e ysterday eeing. afadId one t thepub wihsoe fens ad didnt et back ntil 2ocloc I wis hdkown y were in Lang asyo cold hav omew . Itouldha been gdintrodution t te nghtife! Anyway, I will call o yu a1 oclok onSturdaymning at yourhotel We can havethe day togther, i y venting else anned? Il show youme f the placeso inteet tha may not v see. Plese et m know if youwill e availble onStda rnn.esthes Cen Cheg Smpl II ea , I vey ry r nt havin replied to you Juy 6 ltr soonr.When your letr arrved,IasinBeijin.As my screar couldnt a it tome, it h been lyig o y sk util It bac.hanko all yur new. tis good to kno hat yor omah areed o sigth otractto ontie he coeranwith us An weury wil ave bigger uccess it neauture. Look foward to cah up nd once againapologz for thdela. Sinerely, Tom英文致歉信 篇 HiMss iu I m wrting t express my orry or the reaking o n appntent. Wewere gree thtI wllg to yoofcetodscuss y omewo ont o oy mrnin, but I asbsy wh someting els whi i importt om. I osrryfor did no infrm yu about it. Bst rgrdXXX英文致歉信篇5Beloved eaherZhng l Im ry. knw Im very sorryfor yo,you weogod to e. Ad . m so. I havefrgotten, when w got so stif,erhps, isthe wrsI aped ur latinsp A attme, ever day yher ws vry mesy. I actull knww wrog, an I wanted tofind yo to aologize. frai.Im afra ofyour ees.I w m dsappointig youSo, I chse t gwng. I know Im goinway. Aftelstnigto what you said, hik a lo. e hea is vy ilty Be ashmed。I fl of the sense of cim. Iee er disapotdwi so may people who ar god me.Yo sayIalways go toregret oe, no chae my own sotcomings. ws really sober thi time. I leane it wll. I wont learn any r, and I wt e i cotact withose peo To the M sltbut don dy I an oit! I ae imrved o faadmaeveno. Yu alwys say tha I wat to get ridf the rue Iha a goo talk, hen thin not t rgad i s ri, her n ngligne, beore the me o akemistak always at t irnist menschich? ow I think hat e mistkes ar tir own, o not lk forany xternal raons, I eieve I willbter,and way pay attntion to my ownwrds and ed. he chol s small socit, i i is inte coit, agaist the bos, thecnequencs wil e vey erious This i wha you sually teach us. hankyou, r.Zhn Yu havaught me to beaperson. I nerely han youM. Zhang, I hope yu can orgive me, and I hopeyu catach meas ll as bfre.Plee foiv m Im eally gettg etrhis ime. Frgiv e, peasy, dnt inre me Sicerl You tudet:B Yu une20th 2xx英文致歉信 篇6Dear counslor, miss li: oday, msedigo s apolog wit regrt aregre. thnk is ally nprort for sk cass. I decided no toskip clas. I herey apolgze you for theaplogy. Not ng ao,I enered ivesi, I should eouble my efforts ileanng, but Ifaied to live u the teahers, parents nd tudets trus, I ised a go shman tudy tme. Alhoug I dd t skip cho t g home, bu ydne ro to la r a ong ime, ecause f MayDy, I issedhr days of study e. S Iwasted a my preciou stud ime, but I nt realy want to go toshool As f mses n skippig classes, I know th teachrs are vey anry.The tacher creful prpard te class, areaid ardsweat Its agret loss to y lif.Excse me, cselr L, Iv de a seiou itak i pncple i time.An er has occured, so I ust inthe netperod me tomakup for. h: So sorry! X XXX XXX本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第8页 共8页第 8 页 共 8 页第 8 页 共 8 页第 8 页 共 8 页第 8 页 共 8 页第 8 页 共 8 页第 8 页 共 8 页第 8 页 共 8 页第 8 页 共 8 页第 8 页 共 8 页第 8 页 共 8 页


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