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2021国家开放大学电大专科英语听力(3)期末试题及答案(试卷号:2151)Section Onein this seclion you arc going to hear five dialugues. After each diakguce thvrr are hve questions. Choose the twst answer lu each question and write your answer on the Answer ShwL Youe II hear each dialogue twkc (50 points)Dialogue 1(1) The man and the wottuin are talking aboutA. the construction of the xooB. the function of the zooC. the anractivencHS of rhe zoo(2) The man thinks we still need zoos to A. display rare animalsBw mnkr the environment betterC. prevent rare animals I mm extinction3) 丁he woman think:* the right place for the Animals isA. in rhe zoosB in cagesC. in the natural environment(1) The man thinks the zoos and safari should serve as ceniers-A. researchB. educationC. recreation(5) Finally the woman agrees that .A. people enn respect animah in The natural surroundingsK its n pleasure watching animals in cagesC. csninials will leaxn to respect human beings in thr endDialogue 2(6) The woman has tickets for a volleyball match A. eveningR this afternoonC. tomorrow evening(7) A rorilihg to the worn/iru volleyball mntch is .A very danKcrouwH. alow nnd inicrcstinRC fnt wilh lots of nctioDR(8) The two tcAnin nrc from andA. Jnpntt. RiumuB. Cuba. ChirwC Finland Belgium(9) Tbr woninn oskx pounds for the ttckrt-A. 3(10)chftt the man is going to meet5atne friendst. It fs a jokeFt Itfs trueC. It *5 powibLDmlogue 3(ID Thr firm piner the woman went to wasA India And Pakistan(IOnrc tmportnnr tq travel between the tHlands in lndoncinK Bam Planer 15) According to (he womant Smgnporr isA. mudrni but rather boringB. clean hui not worth n visnC. like a very big chopping centreDialogur t(16) Mr% lhrriRonln mldrcns in 29 Emmerdwlr Rond. A. London. 12K London 22C. RandcL 15(17) I he gift in for herA. grAnddAughtcr9n bmhehy.11 daughterC Krandma(18) rhe woman wants duck* wallaby nd aAA. adoptB- buyC tnlk nboiHDialogue 5(2D The girl ia mo*! probably n A. univcmity student队 high school graduate(1 buinc0B woman(22) The problem with uriivcrnity in 人 moneyWtlOWfeC. independence(23) The girl dorm11 wunt to A. get grantR l jobQ use her chdn money(24 In the Sandwich Coumce thepay for her *tudy人 company& girlC father(25) She Mlary during the sandwich course*A no;B- PtWG full、VT”C1 Is”Purl Jf|purl, yott will hair u pttMBMffr After I hr pnuMge Ihrn? urr frn MtnttmtnU. Orcidc whrthvr ihr rolluwlni; utrmvril h Iruc T) once. (20 point、)(21) People whu Jive Ur horn cH|e caii 如I urcow g Inirrnri rafUly.1 * hh In-rd fH ihrin io M*nd or rrrrlvc in/onti/iH( In nil th trlcplMinr “zice 浦 wry rhrflp. hi VII A ubta Altllhe ta *,t nnd nrnd1 H I hi will br plncacl in all I hr liatd to rmrh plum in thn vbnrbl (营 Thr 101 ol ncniliiiH nnd rrrrivina mlormonnn will br very lowPart 3111yuu *HI hv4r nFili hl blank* o you Ihlrti Io llirIVritr yourmg im thv An*wrr ShcoL You will hear I hr pmauigc twice CIO jniinta)Jwiu h/iii 4 trtrihle unithchr It kept him awnlk rheck w, ollrn end it wur difficuh kir him tu ei or (37).llr JHkrd hi hw (or limn o. llitf boa could OH) _that Jnintv wj* in0I wtd him to itokc rhr 39)nl ihn dny oft. I hr drniinl MMryd tu ( 10)Jm顾 uti!ncdi*u-ly Hv X rayed the lotnh th*1 w” _ J“m. unubl iEi h,the X ray igrtinM u bright (1Z). Al Um hr told Jnnx tliMt hr M tnf ik* ih- tooth n)crtiori 4hI (purkly pullrd nul ttne U hvii I attic* Ho! ( 14 * hr foutul the tooth lh,t had beam gnuiiH hirn w iniirlinmihlr w/is mu| ( f试题答案及评分标准(仅供参考)Section One C(9 B(10) A(11) C(12) B(13) A(14) B(15)(16) A(17) B(18) C(19) B(20) A(21) B(22) A(23) C(24) A(25) BSection 1 miiPnrt I(20 poinUt 2 polntB each)(26) F(31) F27) T(32) F(28)T(33) F(29) F(34) T(30) T(35) TPari 2(30 polnUt 3 poinU each)(36) all(37) drink(38) %ee(39) rest(40) seeC 11 ) givinK(42) light(43) out44) home(45) the


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