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住在富人区的她考研考博-英语-广州工商学院考研模拟卷【3套】含答案详解(图片大小可任意调节)全文为Word可编辑,若为PDF皆为盗版,请谨慎购买!第一卷一.单项选择题(共100题)1.Text 4 Though often viewed as a problem for western states,the growing frequency of wildfires is a national concern because of its impact on federal tax dollars,says Professor Max Moritz,a specialist in fire ecology and management.In 2015,the US Forest Service for the first time spent more than half of its$5.5 billion annual budget fighting firesnearly double the percentage it spent on such efforts 20 years ago.In effect,fewer federal funds today are going towards the agencys other worksuch as forest conservation,watershed and cultural resources management,and infrastructure upkeepthat affect the lives of all Americans.Another nationwide concern is whether public funds from other agencies are going into construction in fire-prone districts.As Moritz puts it,how often are federal dollars building homes that are likely to be lost to a wildfire?“Its already a huge problem from a public expenditure perspective for the whole country,”he says.We need to take a magnifying glass to that.Like,“Wait a minute,is this OK?”“Do we want instead to redirect those funds to concentrate on lower-hazard parts of the landscape?”Such a view would require a corresponding shift in the way US society today views fire,researchers say.For one thing,conversations about wildfires need to be more inclusive.Over the past decade,the focus has been on climate changehow the warming of the Earth from greenhouse gases is leading to conditions that worsen fires.While climate is a key element,Moritz says,it shouldnt come at the expense of the rest of the equation.“The human systems and the landscapes we live on are linked,and the interactions go both ways,he says.Failing to recognize that,he notes,leads toan overly simplified view of what the solutions might be.Our perception of the problem and of what the solution is becomes very limited.”At the same time,people continue to treat fire as an event that needs to be wholly controlled and unleashed only out of necessity,says Professor Balch at the University of Colorado.But acknowledging fires inevitable presence in human life is an attitude crucial to developing the laws,policies,and practices that make it as safe as possible,she says.“Weve disconnected ourselves from living with fire,”Balch says.“It is really important to understand and try and tease out what is the human connection with fire today.”Professor Balch points out that fire is something man should_A.do away withB.come to terms withC.pay a price forD.keep away from答案:B 本题解析:根据题干关键词Professor Balch和fire可以定位至倒数第二段。在该段中,鲍尔奇教授提出,人们不应将火灾看成是一种需要完全控制的事件,而应该认识到火灾是人类生活中不可避免的,只有这样,才能通过制定相关的法规政策和采取适当的行动,将它尽可能地控制在更安全的范围之内,可见,她认为对于火,人们应该采取一种接受的态度,故正确答案为B。2.In our contemporary culture,the prospect of communicating with-or even looking at-a stranger is virtually unbearable.Everyone around us seems to agree by the way they fiddle with their phones,even without a 1 underground.Its a sad reality-our desire to avoid interacting with other human beings-because theres 2 to be gained from talking to the stranger standing by you.But you wouldnt know it,3 into your phone.This universal armor sends the 4:Please dont approach me.What is it that makes us feel we need to hide 5 our screens?One answer is fear,according to Jon Wortmann,executive mental coach.We fear rejection,or that our innocent social advances will be 6 ascreepy,.We fear well be 7.We fear well be disruptive.Strangers are inherently 8 to us,so we are more likely to feel 9 when communicating with them compared with our friends and acquaintances.To avoid this anxiety,we 10 to our phones.Phones become our security blanket,Wortmann says.They are our happy glasses that protect us from what we perceive is going to be more 11.”But once we rip off the bandaid,tuck our smartphones in our pockets and look up,it doesnt 12 so bad.In one 2011 experiment,behavioral scientists Nicholas Epley and Juliana Schroeder asked commuters to do the unthinkable:Start a 13.They had Chicago train commuters talk to their fellow 14.When Dr.Epley and Ms.Schroeder asked other people in the same train station to 15 how they would feel after talking to a stranger,the commuters thought their 16 would be more pleasant if they sat on their own,the New York Times summarizes.Though the participants didnt expect a positive experience,after they 17 with the experiment,not a single person reported having been snubbed.18,these commutes were reportedly more enjoyable compared with those sans communication,which makes absolute sense,19 human beings thrive off of social connections.Its that 20:Talking to strangers can make you feel connected.11选?A.dangerousB.mysteriousC.violentD.boring答案:A 本题解析:词义辨析【直击答案】根据此处结构protect us from what we perceive is going to be more可推断空格处填入词汇为负向感情色彩的词,A项dangerous(危险的)意思吻合,且和前文uneasiness(不安),security(安全)形成呼应。【命题思路】本题主要需要利用句内和上文的线索进行词义选择。【干扰排除】B项与主题无甚关联,且为中性词。C项语义过重,且不合题意。D项不符合该段主题。But once we rip off the bandaid,tuck our smartphones in our pockets and look up,it doesnt 12 so bad.In one 2011 experiment,behavioral scientists Nicholas Epley and Juliana Schroeder askedcommuters to do the unthinkable:Start a 13.They had Chicago train commuters talk to their fellow 14_.“When Dr.Epley and Ms.Schroeder asked other people in the same train station to 15_how they would feel after talking to a stranger,the commuters thought their 16 would be more pleasant if they sat on their own,”the New York Times summarizes.Though the participants didnt expect a positive experience,after they 17 with the experiment,“not a single person reported having been embarrassed.”【译文】但是一旦我们撕掉创可贴,把我们的智能手机塞进口袋,抬头看的时候,事实并没有那么糟糕。在2011年的一个实验中,行为主义科学家Nicholas Epley和Juliana Schroeder让通勤者做一件难以想象的事情:开始交谈。他们让芝加哥火车通勤者和他们周围的乘客聊天。纽约时报总结道“当Epley博士和Schroeder女士让同一车站的其他人预测他们和陌生人交谈之后是什么感受时,通勤者认为如果他们坐在自己的座位上会感到更愉悦”。尽管参与者没有期待一次好的体验,但是当他们完成实验后,“没有一个人说自己感到尴尬”。3.In World War II the factory was heavily bombed and rebuilt afierwards.Bankruptcy forced the factory to close its doors in 1980.After years of 1,large parts of the factory had become ruined and run 2,An unsafe,abandoned place,with widespread vandalism the factory soon 3 into a source of nuisance to the local 4.The project aims to reconvert the old textile factory into a city park.This reconversion is part of a mixed-use development urban renewal project 5 by Sogent,the urban development company of Ghent.Surrounded,as it is,by a 6 0f functions and users,the park is under a lot of outside pressure.The aim was to create a diversified park which could 7 this pressure and stimulate a 8 community life for the neighbourhood.The design briefproved a simultaneous exercise in creating a site with plenty of flow,9 preserving walls and constructions and maintaining a l0,workable zoning of the parks functions.The orthogonal plan ofthe old textile factory is 11 as a basic template for a zoning ofthe park.New,organic green spaces and a paths network 12 with what remains ofthis underlying structure.By preserving some historical marks,the park becomes anarchitectural 13.On another level,the integration of portraits of former employees in the factory(central gangway),14 a social dimension to the historical one already present in the parks design.On the whole,new meaning and new life are 15 by the bringing together of past and present.The walls and structures become the historical placemat for the development of new activities.16 the diversified park was 17 there has been a revival of activity in the neighbourhood.The reconversion has positive 18 0n the buildings and quarters around the park.Thanks to the public participation sessions,locals have felt very 19 with the project.The park is now being used 20 across the generations(senior citizens,families,children),becoming,much like it used to be,the meeting place for the neighbourhood.13选?A.landscapeB.perspectiveC.outlookD.prospect答案:A 本题解析:名词辨析题。空缺处所在句意为:通过保留一些历史痕迹,把公园塑造成一处“建筑”。由历史痕迹可知,应该是建筑景观。故A项为正确选项。【干扰排除】B项“观点”指对事物的看法,可排除;c项“景色”指外面的一些景色,不是具体的某处景观:D项“前景”指人们对某事或某物的美好的想法,可排除。4.Text 2 Britains flexible labour market was a boon during the economic slump,helping keep joblessness down and then,when the recovery began,allowing employment to rise.Yet one of its bendier bits is causing politicians to fret.Ed Miliband,the leader of the Labour Party,has promised a crackdown onzero-hours contractsif he wins the next election.The government has launched a con8ultation.Zero-hours contracts allow finns to employ workers for as few or as many hours as they need,with no prior notice.In theory,at least,people can refuse work.Fully l.4m jobs were based on these contracts in January 2014,according to the Office for National Statistics.That is just 4%of the total,but the share rises to a quarter in the hospitality business.The contracts are useful for finns with unstable pattems of demand,such as hotels and restauranLs.Ihey have also helped firms to expand during the recovery-allowing them to test new business lines before hiring permanem stafir,who would be more costly to make redundani if things went wrong.Flexibility suits some workers,too.According to one survey,47%of those employed on zerohours conUacts were content to have no nunimum contracted hours.Many of these workers are in full-time education.The ability to tum down work is important to students,who want to revise at this time of year.Pensioners keen for a liLtle extra income can often live with the uncertainty of not having guaranteed hours.Yet that leaves more than a quarter of workers on zero-hours contracts who say they are unhappy wirh their condirions.Some of this is cyclical.During recessions,a dearth of permanent positions forces people into jobs with no contracted hours even if they do not want them.Underemployment is pfuticularly prevalent among these workers,35%of whom would like more hours compared with 12qo in offier jobs.As the economy recovers,many should be able to renegotiate their contracts or find permanent jobs.But the recovery will not cause unwanted zero-hours contracts to disappear.Some workers will never have much negoLiating power:they are constrained by geography,family commitments and lack of competition for their skills among a small number of big employers.Zero-hours contracts make it easier for employers to abuse their labour-market power.Some use them to avoid statutory obligations such as sick and matenuty pay.Workers are penalised for not being available when requested.And some contracts contain exclusivity clauses which prevent workers from taking additional jobs.These can harm other employers as well as workers,and actually reduce labour market flexibility.That,at least,is worth doing away with.Who may not be satisfied wiLh zero-hours contracts?A.People with specific goalsB.Workers requiring flexibilityC.Students doing part-time jobsD.Pensioners desiring more income答案:A 本题解析:细节题。定位到第四段。该段第二句提到:According to one survey,47%of those employed on zero-hours contracts were content to have no minimum contracted hours.其中content-satisfiedzero-hours contracts是原词复现。该句提到“47%签约零时工合同的人感到满意”,后文具体说哪些人会对此满意。下文说:The ability to Lum down work is imponant to studentswho want to revise at this time of year.该句暗示“零时工合同”适合学生,因为他们需要灵活安排时间,与该句相关选项为CStudents doing part-time jobs.“兼职的学生。”;故该项不符合题干not satisfied的要求,该项非答案。接着最后一句说:Pensioners keen for a little extra income can often live with the uncertainty of not having guaranteed hours.与之相关的选项为DPensioners desiring more income.“想获得更多收入的养老金领取者。”;其中desiring more income=keen for extra income,故D项也可以排除。该段首句:Flexibility suits some workers,too.对应选项BWorkers requiring flexibility.“对灵活性有要求的工人。”故该项也可以排除。原文唯一没提到的是APeople with specific goals.“有明确目标的人。”故该项符合题目要求,A为本题答案。5.Any sufficiently advanced technology,noLed Arthur C.Clarke,a British science-fiction writer,is indistinguishable from magic.The fast-emerging technology of voice computing proves his 1.Using it is just like casting a spell:say a few words inLo the air,and a nearby device can 2 your wish.The Amazon Echo,a voice-driven cylindrical computer that sits on a table top and answers to the name Alexa,can 3 music tracks and radio stations,tell jokes,answer trivia questions and control smart 4;even before Christmas it was already resident in about 4qo of American house holds.Voice assistants are 5 in smartphones,too:Apples Siri 6 0ver2 billion commands a week,and 20%of Google 7 0n Android powered handsets in America are input by voice.Dictating e-mails and text messages now works 8 enough to be useful.Why type when you can talk?This is a huge shift.Simple 9 it may seem,voice has the power to transform computing,by providing a natural means of interaction.Windows,icons and menus,and then touchscreens,were welcomed as more 10 ways to deal with computers than entering complex keyboard 11.But being able to talk to computers.12 the need for the abstraction of auser interfaceat aLI.13 mobile phones were more than exisLing phones without wires,and cars were more than carriages without horses,so computers without screens and keyboards have the 14 to be more useful and powerful than people can imagine today.Voice will not wholly 15 other forms of input and output.SomeLimes it will remain more 16 to converse with a machine by Lyping rather than talking.But voice is destined to 17 a growing share of peoples interactions with the technology around them,from washing machines that tell you how much of the cycle they have left to virtual assisLants in corporate call-centres.18,to reach its full potential,the technology requires 19.breakthroughs-and a resolution of the 20 questions it raises around the trade-off between convenience and privacy.17选?A.call forB.answer forC.account forD.take for答案:C 本题解析:短语辨析题。Acall for要求;Banswer for对负责;Caccount for占;Dtake for认为。该空提示词为下文的share“份额”一词,显然,四个选项只有Caccount(or能与之形成搭配,accounl for a gro.V Ing share of.表示“占越来越大的份额”,故本题选择C。6.Text 2 In a former leather factory just off Euston Road in London,a hopeful firm is starting up.BenevolentAIs main room is large and open-plan.In it,scientists and coders sit busily on benches,plyinS their various trades.Ie firms star,though,has a private,temperature.controlled office.Thal star is a powerful computer that runs the software which sits at the heart of BenevolentAls business.This software is an artificial-intelligence system.AI,as it is known for short,comes in several forms.But BenevolentAIs version of it is a form of machine learning that can draw inferences about wh8t it has leamed.In particular,it can process natural language and formulate new ideas from what it reads.Its job is to sift through vast chemical libraries,medical databases and conventionally presented scientific papers,looking for potential drug molecules.Nor is BenevolentAI a one-off.More and more people and firms believe that AI is well placed to help unpick biology and advance human health.Indeed,as Chris Bishop of Microsoft Research,in Cambridge,England,observes,one way of thinking aboui living organisms is to recognize that they are,in plex systems which process informalion using a combination of hardware and software.That thought has consequences.Whether it is the new Chan Zuckerberg Initiative(CZI),from the founder of Facebook and his wife,or the biological subsidiaries being set up by firms such as Alphabet(Googles parent company),IBM and Microsofi,the new Big Idea in Silicon Valley is that in the worlds of biology and disease there are problems its software engineers can solve.The discovery of new drugs is an early test of the belief that AI has much to offer biology and medicine.Pharmaceutical companies are finding il increasingly difficult lo make headway in their search for novel products.The conventional approach is to screen larf;e numbers of molecules for signs of relative biological effect,and then weed out the useless partin a series of more and more expensive tests and trials,in the hope of coming up with a golden nugget at the end.This way of doing things is,however,declining in productivity and rising in cost.The traditional way to find new drugs can be characterized by being_.A.hopefulB.expensiveC.inefficientD.productive答案:C 本题解析:细节题。定位到最后一段。其中traditional way=conventional approach;flnd new drugs=search for novel products;而题干问be characterized by“具有的特征”,答案句来自文章最后一句:This way of doing things is,howeverdeclining in productivity and rising in cost.其中this way 2 traditional way,故答案为however之后的declining in productivity and rising in cost“生产率下降,成本上升”;其中declining“下降”一词是明显的负面词汇,故可以排除选项Ahopeful“有希望的”与选项Dproductive“多产的”。选项Bexpensive“昂贵的”=rising in cost但无法概括declining in productivity,故该项属于片面选项,也非答案。选项Cinefficient低效率的=declining in productivity and rising in cost,故该项为正确答案。7.Text 4 The two-year degree is back.The idea of increased flexibility in higher education is,in the broadest sense,a good one.But it is a sign of how captured we have been by market-centric thinking thatflexibility,to this government,is manifested assqueeze the same amount into a shorter period of time to maximise your financial returns later.The sector has undergone acatastropheas part-time student numbers have collapsed;that the governments response is a degree format-the polar opposite of part-time-is indicative of its approach to governance in generaL For most demographics whose access to higher education is restricted,condensing the course doesnt address the barriers theyre facing.If youre balancing employment and childcare with a full-time education,especially if youre relying on sketchy public transport infrastructure,its unrealistic to squeeze any more into your schedule.Many universities currently structure their courses around the reality that many students work,at least part-time,while studying.None of this is to mention those with disabilities who may face additional barriers to access.There are no doubt some-the independently wealthy,for example-who may benefit,but it seems perverse that these people should be the focus of a major policy change.Troublingly,we seem to have fully accepted the shift from education as a social good to a product sold to students on grounds of higher earnings in the job market.Often,the grand promises of access to employment dont hold up.The labour market has been increasingly casualised andhollowed out,with a gap emerging between the skilled andunskilled.Progression through the ranks is vanishing,with a degree becoming a requirement for all sorts of jobs beyond simply those with high wages.Even beyond the gap between the promise and reality,though,lies a philosophical flaw with the current approach.The two-year degree,in and of itself,is neither a good nor a bad thing.For some people it will be a positive,for the majority of others an irrelevance.What is troubling is what it represents about how Britains political establishment sees education.It fits well into the reductive free-market philosophy,where every aspect of life can be sold as a commodity.A government that sees the price of everything and the value of nothing will inevitably be drawn to the idea of squeezing maximum output into minimum time.A government that really wanted to make higher education more flexible,open and accessible would be exploring options that made sense for those with restricted access.There is no evidence,though,that this government thinks the choice between being stuck in a low-wage hellscape or taking on thousands of pounds in debt to play a roulette wheel with better odds is a bad thing.The days of education policies that address none


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