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书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟! 住在富人区的她 光大银行广州分行2022年校园招聘测试题(7)名师模拟卷3套含答案详解(图片大小可自由调整)全文为Word可编辑,若为PDF皆为盗版,请谨慎购买!第壹卷一.题库(共125题)1.维特根斯坦是剑桥大学著名哲学家穆尔的学生。有一天,哲学家罗素问穆尔:“你最好的学生是谁?”穆尔毫不犹豫地说:“维特根斯坦。”“为什么?”“因为在所有的学生中,只有他听课时总是露出一副茫然的神色,而且总有问不完的问题。”后来,维特根斯坦的名气超过了罗素。有人问:“罗素为什么会落伍?”维特根斯坦说:“他没有问题了。”这段文字意在说明( )。A.怀疑和提问是成功的秘诀 B.好奇心是研究的内在动力C.得到赏识是成才的重要因素 D.发现问题是不断进步的前提答案:D解析:文段主要是讲提问的重要性。A项中的“怀疑”在文段中没有依据;B项中的“好奇心”和“提问题”并不是同一概念;C项中的“得到赏识”在文中未提及。发现问题是维特根斯坦进步的原因,罗素被超越是因为他没有问题了,讲的是发现问题与进步之间的关系。故本题正确答案为D。2.13.判定中国古代家教传统的是非功过,首先要剖析古代家教思想中道德构成的基本要素。从古人留下的大量家训资料中,我们不难发现,古代的家教思想道德构成不独是家庭伦理方面的内容,而是已覆盖到社会公德和职业道德的各个层面,家庭是古代社会全面施行伦理教育的最初起点和最基层的常规机构。 这段文字主要说明( )。A. 家庭是构成古代社会重要的基本元素B. 中国古代家教传统有何优缺点C. 中国古代家教思想的道德结构覆盖面广D. 中国古代家教思想包含着多元的道德结构答案:C解析:主旨题,题目要求考生对文段大意进行总结。文段首句即引出文段的关键词“古代家教思想中道德构成”,接着说明古代的家教思想道德构成覆盖了家庭伦理.社会公德和职业道德等各个方面,古代家教思想道德构成能覆盖众多层面的原因是家庭在起中介作用,所以文段主要围绕着“中国古代家教思想的道德结构覆盖面广”进行的说明。因此本题的正确答案为C选项。3. “应解汇款”属于( )类账户。 A.所有者权益B.损益C.资产D.负债答案:D解析:银行的流动负债主要有各项活期存款、同业存款、应付利息、票据融资、同业拆入、应解汇款等。因此,“应解汇款”属于负债类账户。4.玩具店新进一批成本为40元的玩具按40的利润定价出售。售出80以后剩下的玩具打折销售结果获得的利润是原计划的86。剩下的玩具出售时按定价打了几折?()A.七五折B.八折C.七折D.八五折答案:B解析:十字交叉法。依题意,总体按4086=344的利润出售,則有由上可知,打折后的利润为12,折扣为(1+12)(1+40)=80。即打了八折。5. 贸易公降低本国相对稀缺要素的价格。() 答案:对解析: 6.在经济复苏阶段,银行的经营状况呈现( )状态。A.信用投放能力锐减 B.经营利润明显扩大C.资产业务规模处于最髙水平 D.经营利润大幅下降答案:B解析:经济周期一般分为四个阶段:繁荣、衰退、萧条和复苏。在经济复苏阶段, 企ik开始进行大规摸投资和固定资产更新,对借贷资金需求显著扩大,商业银行的资产业务规 模和利润也有了明显扩大。故B选项正确。7.一个正常的搜索引擎,其核心功能自然是网页搜索。那搜索结果应该怎样排序才最好呢?实际上,在谷歌主导互联网搜索之前,人们为此伤透脑筋。很显然,搜索引擎应该把重要的网页放到搜素结果中比较靠前的地方。这个方案很容易想到,但是解决的方法却没有想象的那么简单。在谷歌诞生之前那段时间,流行的网页排名算法都很类似,它们都使用了一个非常简单的思想:越是重要的网页,访问量就会越大。许多大公司就通过统计网页的访问量来进行网页排名。但是这种排名算法有两个很显著的问题:一是只能够抽样统计,所以统计数据不一定准确,而且访问量的波动会比较大,想要得到准确的统计需要大量的时间和人力,还只能维持很短的有效时间;二是访问量并不一定能体现网页的“重要程度”可能一些比较早接触互联网的网民还记得,那时有很多人推出了专门“刷访问量”的服务。有没有更好的方法,不统计访问量就能够为网页的重要度排序呢?就是在这种情况下,1996年初,谷歌公司的创始人,当时还是美国斯坦福大学研究生的佩奇和布林开始了对网页排序问题的研究。在1999年,一篇以佩奇为第一作者的论文发表了,论文中介绍了一种叫PageRank的算法,这种算法的主要思想是:越“重要”的网页,页面上的链接质量也越高,同时越容易被其它“重要”的网页链接,于是,算法完全利用网页之间互相链接的关系来计算网页的重要程度,将网页排序彻底变成一个数学问题,终于摆脱了访问量统计的框框。不过要强调的是,虽然PageRank是谷歌搜索结果排序的重要依据,谷歌也以此发家,但是它并不是全部依据实际上,谷歌发展到现在,已同时用了数百种不同的算法来确定最终显示给用户的搜索结果顺序。搜索引擎对网页排序的最基本思想是指( )A访问量越大排在越前面B链接质量越高排在越前面C和其他网页关系越密切排在越前面D越重要排在越前面答案:D解析:根据第一段第三句“搜索引擎应该把重要的网页放到搜索结果中比较靠前的地方”可知选D。8.各级政府主管部门和财政机关不再把企业置于直接管理之下,并不等于完全放弃对企业经营活动的_和_。填入横线部分最恰当的一项是()。A.管理 限制 B.领导 控制C.引导 控制 D.引导 制约答案:C解析:限制:规定范围,不许超过。制约:限制约束。由文段中“不再把企业置于直接管理之下”可知,政策主管部门要改“直接控制”为“间接控制”,而并不是完全放弃“控制”。由此可排除选项A、D。引导:指引、诱导。领导:率领并引导。管理:负责某项工作使顺利进行。文段想要表达的是:各级政府主管部门和财政机关与企业间的关系为引导关系,而不是领导关系,因此“引导”一词比“管理”和“领导”更符合文意。故本题正确答案为C。9.“大脑定速器”技术由总部位于美国明尼苏达州的美敦力公司开发,被美国神经医学界认 为是近30多年来帕金森氏症治疗研究中最重要的进展。作为帕金森氏症药物治疗的补 充手段,“大脑定速器”的治疗对象是10多万病情严重、不能靠药物彻底控制症状的患者。 对文中画线句子的理解,正确的一项是( )。A. 一般说来,仅靠药物治疗,不能彻底控制帕金森氏症患者的症状B.对于病情严重的帕金森氏症患者来说,药物治疗已没有什么效果C.植人大脑定速器作为辅助手段,可以充分发挥帕金森氏症药物在重病者身上的作用D.综合运用药物治疗和大脑定速器技术,对于控制帕金森氏症重症患者的症状有显著 效果答案:D解析:药物治疗不能彻底控制的是重症患者的症状,故A项错误;大脑定速器是 药物治疗的补充手段,药物治疗不可或缺,故B项错误;大脑定速器并非为充分发挥药物作用 而使用,故C项错误。答案为D。10.一个人生活虽然很难,但也必须学会一个人,不要轻易依赖别人。这样以后身边的人都离开你的时候,你还可以好好活下去。如果以上为真,则以下哪项为真?()A.身边人都离开时还可以好好活,未必是因你以前学会如何一个人生活B.不能独自生活的人,在身边的人都离开他的时候,就无法好好活下去C.个人生活虽然很难,但也比身边的人都离开他的时候要来得容易些D.不要轻易依赖别人,因为一个人生活的时候会很艰难,无法好好活下去答案:A解析:依据题干强调“必须学会一个人生活,这样当身边人离开你的时候,你可以好好活下去”,所以想要得出好好活下去得满足两个条件(学会一个人生活且身边人离开你的时候)才能你好好活下去。A选项肯定题干后面“好好活着”推不出题干前面,也就是未必得学会一个人生活,题干的逆否命题。本题答案为A。11.某公司现有原村料500吨需要在20日内加工成零件销售,该公司加工精密零件每日消耗原村料10吨,加工普通零件每日消耗原材料30吨,加工精密零件每消耗一吨原材抖可以盈利1050元加工通零件每消耗吨原材料可以盈利270元该公司完成这项工作后可以盈利()A.210000B.174000C.486000D.162000答案:B解析:设精加工x天,普通加工y天,x+y=20, 10x+30y=500, 得到精密加工50吨,普通加工450吨,则50*1050+450*270=1 74000。12.Questions 112-114 refer to the following article.Rase Chemical Corporation is proud to submit its entry to the annual Chemistry Innovation in Motion contest to be held in the Royal Park Hotel, Vancouver, Canada, September 610. Our entryintroduces what we believe is an extraordinary product.The product is a new type of insulation material providing benefits that traditional housing in-sulation products do not offer. Thanks to its unique microstructure, the new material can keephouses up to 50 percent warmer in the cold winter months. This means that using our insulationwill result in substantial reductions in consumer heating hills. In addition, our new insulation mate-rial is made without the harmful chemicals often found in other insulating products, making it saferto use and easier to dispose of. Moreover, the insulation functions well in all types of climates.Consumers living in humid or dry areas will equally benefit from our new insulation.We invite all scientists and observers to visit our information booth at the Chemistry Innova-tion in Motion contest and to meet Bernard Cho, CEO of Rase Chemical Corporation, who will begiving a presentation on the product at 9:00 A.M. on September 9.What can be inferred about the new insulation?A.It is most useful in a small houseB.It represents an innovation in chemistryC.It needs to be tested in a dry climateD.It is currently being used at the Royal Park Hotel答案:B解析:从文章的第一段第一句可以得知。13.每道题包含一个句子或一段话,后面是一个不完整的陈述要求你从四个选项中选出一个来完成陈述。你的选择应与所提要求最相符合。美国思想家梭罗曾说过:“我们热切地挖掘了大西洋隧道。期望新旧大陆更为密切地接近,实际上传来的最新消息不过是阿德莱亲王打了个哈欠。”危险正是在这里。对于传媒来说。葛底兹堡大战和王室打哈欠没有本质的区别,这就有可能湮没了真正有价值的信息。文段引用名人的话是为了说明()。A.信息太多,传播太快,会造成人们预想不到的危机B.信息过剩会降低信息的质量,影响双方密切的接近C.过剩信息的快速传播,可能湮没真正有价值的信息D.信息的快速传播,使人们无法判断某些信息之间的本质区别答案:C解析:文段引用梭罗的话是为了指明危险,后面接着指出危险在于传输过来的信息没有真正的价值,即C项的表述,过剩信息的快速传播,可能湮没真正有价值的信息。14.2011年7月27日,国防部新闻发言人宣布,中国目前正利用一艘废旧的_平台进行改造,用于科研试验和训练,它将成为中国海军的一艘试验和训练舰。( )A. 大型多功能登陆舰B. 核潜艇C. 航空母舰D. 巡洋舰答案:C15. 中国古代的科学著作大多是经验型的总结,而不是理论型的探讨,所记各项发明都是为了解决国家与社会生活中的实际问题,而不是试图在某一研究领域获得重大突破。从研究方法上来说,中国科技重视综合性的整体研究,重视从总体上把握事物,而不是把研究对象从错综复杂的联系中分离出来,独立研究它们的实体和属性,细致探讨它们的奥秘。这使得中国古代的科学技术没有向更高层次发展。 这段文字重在说明( )A. 研究方法的缺陷使中国古代科技长期停滞不前B. 解决实际问题是推动中国古代科技发展的动力C. 中国古代的科学研究关注的重点及其历史背景D. 中国古代的科技水平没有长足进步的根本原因答案:D解析:本题属于主旨概括题型,主要考察概括类,本题对应的解法是识别陷阱类型中的概括不全。其中A项以偏概全,表现在两个方面:一是中国古代科技并非停滞不前,而只是没有长足进步;二是研究方法的缺陷只是没有长足进步的原因之一,而不是全部。B项则是混淆是非,文中是因为“主要解决的是实际问题,而不是试图在某一研究领域获得重大突破”正是因为解决的是实际问题而制约科技水平的发展。所以B项是错误的。C项是无中生有。对原文信息的读取,寻找中心句。文段意在说明中国古代的科技水平没有长足进步的根本原因在于“中国古代的科学著作大多是经验型的总结,而不是理论型的探讨;研究方法上来说,中国科技重视综合性的整体研究,重视从总体上把握事物,而不是把研究对象从错综复杂的联系中分离出来”。所以,本题选择D答案 16.下雨:打伞A.江水:海水 B.斯文:粗俗C.落后:挨打 D.气质:娴雅答案:C解析:题干是因果顺承关系。因为下雨了,所以打开伞。符合这一关系的只有C项。17.使用1条直径和一条弦可以将一个圆分割成4个部分,那么,使用10条直径和1条弦可以把一个圆分割成多少个部分( )?A.31B.27C.40D.21答案:A解析:用1条直径和1条弦最多可以把圆分成1*2+2=4份,用2条直径与1条弦最多可以把圆分成2*2+3=7份,用3条直径与1条弦最多可以把圆分成3*2+410份,用n条直径与1条弦最多可以把圆分成2n+(n+1)=3n+1份,所以用10条直径与1条弦最多可以把圆分成10*3+131份。A项正确,B、C、D选项不符合题意,故本题正确答案选择A项。18.人口的激增,让地球的粮食供应面临严峻的考验,有科学家预计,到2050年,需要增加70%的耕地,人类才能养活自己,但地球上根本没有这么多可增加的耕地,于是,科学家转向海洋求助:在远离海岸的开阔海域中养鱼,可以给人类提供足够的营养。我们可以大胆地预计,人类食物的蓝色革命即将拉开序幕。根据这段文字,“人类食物的蓝色革命”是指()A.对海洋产品进行深度加工,提高其利用率B.海水养殖业将逐渐取代传统农业的主导地位C.加大深海养殖的力度,弥补近海养殖的不足D.海洋鱼类资源将在人类食物结构中占较大比重答案:D解析:“人类食物的蓝色革命”与前文所述“在远离海岸的开阔海域中养鱼,可以给人类提供足够的营养”有着密切的联系,选项中与此相关的只有D项。A、B、C项中的“深度加工”、“取代传统农业的主导地位”、“深海养殖”文段中均未涉及。故选D。19.Passage 1Earlier this year, when America first sneezed, the European Central Bank (along with most private-sector economists) argued that the euro area was insulated from Americas slowdown and had little to worry about. This seems to have wrong. In Germany there are fears about recession as business investment and retail sales tumble. Recent figures confirmed that Germanys GDP stagnated in the second quarter. Italys GDP fell in the second quarter, and although growth has held up better in France and Spain, the growth in the euro area as a whole was close to zero in the quarter. Nobody is forecasting an actual recession in the euro area this year, but it is no longer expected to provide an engine for world growth.As for Japan, it is probably already in recession. Japans GDP grew slightly in the first quarter. Persistent deflation continues to be a severe problem. A revised measure of Japans consumer-price index, to be published soon, is likely to show that deflation is worse than had been thought.What was the economic situation in France and Spain?A. Much betterB. Somewhat better.C. Close to zero.D. Much worse.答案:B20.供应商向企业所提供资源的数量、价格以及供应是否及时、可靠,都会直接影响企业( )。A.产品价格B.产品产量C.生产经营的连续性D.供应商的数量E.向供应商讨价还价的能力答案:A,B,C21.在计量经济学中,常用的样本数据有虚变量数据,也称为() 。A、八进制数据B、四进制数据C、二进制数据D、十六进制数据答案:C解析:虚变量数据也称为二进制数据。22.根据以下资料回答5660题中国汽车工业协会发布的2009年4月份中国汽车产销数据显示,在其他国家汽车销售进一步疲软的情况下,国内乘用车销量却持续上升,当月销量已达83.1万辆,比3月份增长7.59%,同比增长37.37%。乘用车细分为基本型乘用车(轿车)、多功能车(MPV)运动型多用途车(SUV)和交叉型乘用车。其中,轿车销量比三月份增长8.3%,同比增长33.04%;MPV销量比3月份下降3.54%,同比下降4.05%;SUV销量比3月份增长19.27%,同比增长22.55%;交叉型乘用车销量比3月份增长3.62%,同比增长70.66%。轿车、MPV、SUV、和交叉型乘用车销量占4月份乘用车总销量的比重分别为71%、2%、6%和21%。与上年同期相比,2009年4月份乘用车销量约增长了多少万辆?( )A13.2B22.6C31.1D40.4答案:B解析:23.Anne Whitney, a sophomore at Colorado State University, first had a problem taking tests when she began college I was always well prepared for my tests Sometimes I studied for weeks before a test Yet I would go in to take the test, ouly to find I could not answer the questions correctly I would blank out because of nervousness and fear I couldnt think of the answer My low grades on the tests did not show what I knew to the teacher Another student in biology had similar experiences He said: My first chemistry test was very difficult Than, on the second test, I sat down to take it, and I was so nervous that I was shaking My hands were moving up and down so quickly that it was hard to hold my pencil I knew the material and I knew the answers Yet I couldnt even write them down! These two young students were experiencing something called test anxiety Because a student worries and is uneasy about a test, his or her mind does not work as well as it usually does The student cannot write or think clearly because of the extreme tension and nervousness Although poor grades are often a result of poor study habits, somethnes test anxiety causes the low gradesRecently, test anxiety has been recognized as a real problem, not just an excuse or a false explanation of lazy studentsSpecial university advising courses try to help students In these courses, advisors try to help students by teaching them how to manage test anxiety At some universities, students take tests to measure their anxiety If the tests show their anxiety is high, the students can take short courses to help them deal with their tensions These courses teach students how to relax their bodies, Students are trained to become calm in very tense situations By controlling their nervousness, they can let their minds work at ease Learned informatian then comes out without difficulty on a testAn expert at the University of California explains: With almost all stttderltS, relaxation and less stress are felt after taking our program Most of them experience better control during their tests Almost all have some improvement With some, the improvement is very greatPoor grades are usually the result of _A. poor sleeping habitB. lazinessC. lack of sleepD. inability to form good study habits答案:D解析:由第二段第四句话“poor grades are often a resuh of poor study habits”可知,成绩差是由不良的学习习惯造成的结果。因此答案为D。 24.现代社会中,人们是在相对统一的时间里交往活动,这有利于节约社会成本,提高社会效率,推动社会发展。但全社会的“步调一致”容易导致交通的堵塞;由此引发的一系列社会问题不容忽视。从另一方面来看,人们的需要、社会发展的需求,又对作息时间提出了不同的要求。但作息时间不统一,也会给人们的交往、社会的发展带来一定障碍。这段文字意在说明:( )A作息时间应在统一与差异中寻找平衡B小问题可能引起社会发展中的大矛盾C调整作息时间是解击交通堵塞的有效措施D作息时间需随着人们生活习惯的改变而调整答案:A解析:这是一道典型的意图推断题,所以要把握作者说话的意图。片段从结构上看可分为并列的两层意思,前半部分强调了时间的统一会引发一系列问题,后半部分提到时间不统一也会给人们的交往和社会的发展带来一定障碍。所以综合来看,是强调在统一与协调中达到平衡,所以选择A选项。25.Who should qualify for minimum wage protections, sick leave or any of the other benefits typically given employees?alformias state Legislature is reopening that high-stakes,decades-long debate, as it prepares to vote on a proposal that would give hundreds of thousands of contract workers, such as drivers of ride haling companies, new benefits by legally relassfyig them as employees. If it passes, the states narrower definition of contractor would trigger a host of other changes for companies that would then have to pay for Social Security, workers compensation and unemployment insurance. Large employers would also have to pay for health insurance. This would be a significant development in workplace law and could eventually have implications for workers and companies across the country.The proposed change is of keen interest to a rapidly growing population of contractors likeLeonardo Diaz. For most of the past 4 years, he has made a decent living working 40 to 50 hours a week driving for the ride-hailing companies. I love interacting with people, says the father of four, who lives in Los Angeles. But more recently, Diaz has soured on his job. He says that both ride- haling companies cut his share of payments, reducing his take home pay to only $9 an hour,after taking the cost of gas, insurance and car repairs into account. But he says the bigger problem is that he is tired of working as a contractor and misses employee health and paid leave benefits he used to recive when he worked as a valet. We dont get any holiday pay, Diaz says.If we get sick, you know, nobodys going to pay for our doctors, Contractors like Diaz make up a fast-growing part of the workforce. And any company in California using them could be affected.The impact of the new law would reverberate beyond the state.Everyone is looking to California right now and theyre all following it with bated breath because they recognize that likely whatever happens in California is going to sweep across the country, says Monique Ngo-Bonnici, an attorney in California. The proposal expands on a landmark California Supreme Court ruling last year that extended wage protections to more workers and narrowed the definition of independent contractor. The. legislative proposal expands on that ruling and would give workers benefits like paid sick leave and protections under anti-discrimination laws. Ngo-Bonnici argues that the, California proposal would put big constraints on workers and companies alike. Speically, it would mean more workers will be put on shifts, which in certain municipalities must be scheduled weeks in advance . - - -giving workers far less flexibiliy, she says.One ride-hailing company confirms it would have to revamp its operations in the state drivers are redassified as employees. We would need far fewer drivers than we currently have.says Adrian Durbin, a company spokesman. And those that remained would have a much more rigid work schedule. Durbin says those Big companies pushed California lawmakers for a middle ground that would grant independent contractors a narrower set of benefits, like minimum wage guarantees, without making them ullledged employees.What can we know about Lconardo Daz?A. He is satisfied with his working condition.B. He finds it costly to drive a car in a big city.C. He quits his job as a driver duc to the low pay.D. He wants his work to be improved with benefits.答案:D解析:文章第二段就提到,Lconardo Diaz对于自己的近况并不满意,公司的各项政策颇为苛刻,而其中最大的问题便是对于福利政策的不满。所以答案选D。26.我国现阶段发展老龄产业,不仅能够满足老年人群的特殊需要,还有利于形成新的消费热 点,扩大内需,增加就业岗位,优化产业结构。同时能促进城乡协调发展和代际反馈,它将 在应对人口老龄化和促进经济社会发展之间架起一座桥梁,达成双赢的局面。对本文主旨理解最准确的是( )。A.中闰社会的老龄化问题亟待解决B.我国老年人群的消费市场存在巨大潜力C.目前我国推动老龄产业发展的时机已经成熟D.老龄产业的发展必将在很大程度上拉动我国经济的增长答案:C解析:文段主要谈的是现阶段发展老龄产业在各方面的积极作用,包括满足老 年人群的特殊需要、形成新的消费热点、扩大内需、增加就业岗位、优化产业结构、促进城乡协 调发展和代际反馈。C项中“目前”是对原文中“现阶段”的同义替换,“时机已经成熟”是对各 种积极作用的概括。27.资料:Italys next government, a coalition between the populistFive Star Movement and the far-right Northern League, is giving investors plenty to worry about. Leaked plans, hastily abandoned, suggested it might want to leave the euro or ask the European Central Bank to forgive 250bn($292bn) of Italian debt. But less attention has been paid to what it might mean for Italian banks, and in particular for their biggest burden: non-performing loans(NPLs). Over 185bn of NPLs were outstanding at the end of 2017, the most for any country in the European Union. (1)By comparison with Greece where NPLs are 45% of loans, Italy looks manageable with just 11.1%. And it has made progress: in late 2015 NPLs were 16.8% of loans. But any wild policy lurches would put that progress in question. The clean-up of banks books has relied on openness to foreign investors. Huge volumes of NPLs(37bn in 2016 and over 47bn in 2017, according to Deloitte, a consultancy) have been sold by banks, often to specialist American hedge funds like Cerberus Capital Management or Fortress. (2)These so-called vulture funds may find life harder under the new government. Given the importance of being able to repossess the collateral for secured loans, NPL investors have been taken aback by a proposal to prevent any action against a debtor without the involvement of a court. This would run counter to efforts to increase the use of out-of-court settlement for collateral across the EU. (3)The future of GACS, a scheme for providing an Italian government guarantee to the senior tranches of NPL securitisations (with the EUs blessing), is also in question. Despite a slow start in 2016, it has come to play a large role. An NPL sale last year by UniCredit, a large bank, worthl7.7bn, was subject to the scheme. Another 38bn-worh of Italian NPL deals in progress will be too, according to Debtwire, a news service. But investors now worry that GACS will not be renewed once it expires失效 in September, contrary to previous plans. (4)European regulators have made a concerted effort to deal with NPLs. In March the European Commission proposed laws to make cross-border operations easier for debt (5)Markets have deepened in tandem. As well as the specialist funds doing large deals,more options for trading NPLs have emerged. One example is Debitos, a trading platform that started in Germany and that allows investors to trade in NPLs from 11 European countries, including Italy and Greece. Most of its sales are between 50m and 200m and interest often comes from local investors, says Timur Peters, its founderfor example, from individuals who buy propertybacked NPLs as a way to acquire those properties. (6) A liquid pan-European market in NPLs ought to prevent banks bad loans from accumulating and threatening their stability, as during the most recent crisis. But Italy would, because of its sheer size, be the largest source of such loans for the foreseeable future. And any market with real doubts about the largest supplier is almost certain to be a stunted one. (7) When hearing the leaked plans, NPL investors felt _.A.uneasyB.awkwardC.furiousD.indifferent答案:A解析:本题考查的是细节理解。【关键词】leaked plans,investors【主题句】第1自然段Italys next government, a coalition between the populist Five Star Movement and the far-right Northern League, is giving investors plenty to worry about. Leaked plans, hastily abandoned, suggested it might want to leave the euro or ask the European Central Bank to forgive 250bn($292bn) of Italian debt. 民粹主义的五星运动和极右翼北方联盟组成的意大利下一届政府,正让投资者忧心忡忡。匆忙放弃的泄露计划表明它可能想要离开欧元区或要求欧洲央行免除2500亿欧元(合2920亿美元)的意大利债务。【解析】题目意为“当听到泄露的计划时,NPL投资者感到?”选项A意为“心神不安的”,选项B意为“迟钝的”,选项C意为“暴怒的”,选项D意为“漠不关心的”。根据主题句原文为“worry about”,故可知投资者是担心的,忧虑的。28.与顾客建立长期合作关系是下列哪项观念的核心内容 ( )A、关系营销B、绿色营销C、全球营销D、互动式营销答案:A29.根据合同法规定,按政府定价执行的合同,如果供方逾期供货,遇价格上涨时,供方正确的做法是( )。A.按原价执行B.按新价执行C.与对方重新协商D.按原价与新价的平均价格执行答案:A解析:本题考核合同的履行原则。合同约定执行政府定价或者政府指导价的在合同约定的交付期限内政府价格调整时,按照交付时的价格计价。


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