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初一年英语第一册(上)期末试卷(110 分满分)Class_No._Name_Marks_ I听力部分、听对话,回答问题 1 Q:Whos on duty today?A.Jim B.Lucy C.John D.Lily Q:What colour are Mr Browns shoes?A.White B.Blue C.Black D.Purple Q:Whats the time now?A.11:15 B.15:11 C.11:30 D.10:05 Q:Is Mikes watch new or old?A.New B.Old C.Young D.Nice Q:Whats the number?Q:Whats on the tree?A.Pears B.Apples C.Bananas C.Oranges Q:Whose schoolbags are these?A.The twins B.The twins C.His friends D.His friends Q:Is Li Leis computer nice?A.Trousers B.Yes,it is C.No,that isnt D.Yes,its Q:Is there a clock or a cup on the table?A.Trousers B.A cup C.A clock D.A dog Q:Where is Miss Li?A.Under the chair B.Behind the door C.Not in the classroom D.In Class 6、听录音,根据短文内容,在相应括号内打“”In Toms family,we can meet _.(此空格不用填)()Mary Brown()Sue Brown()Jack Black()John Black()Mary Black()Sue White()Mimi()Tom Black()John White()Maomao()Tom Brown()Sue Black II笔试部分(共 90 分)一单项选择(17 分)()1.你想把你的朋友介绍给妈妈,你应该说:_.A.Mum,this is Jim.B.Jim,this is mum.C.Mum,Jim is here.D.Mum,where is Jim?()2.你想问老师几个问题,你应先说:_.A.Thank you.B.Sorry.C.Excuse me.D.Hi!()3.你认错了人时,应对对方说:_.A.No,you arent.B.Thank you.C.Oh!Good.D.Sorry.()4.上午你在校门口遇到老师,你应说:_.A.Hello!B.Hi!C.Good afternoon.D.Good morning.()5.你到同学家做客,同学对你说:“Sit down,please.”你应回答:_.A.Thank you.B.Yes,I sit here.C.OK.You sit down,too.D.Im here.()6.There is _“u”and _“m”in the word“must”.A.an,an B.a,a C.a,an D.an,a()7.Is your bag new or old?A.Yes,it is.B.No,it isnt.C.Its new.D.Its an old.()8.Lily,_,please.A.comes here B.goes there C.to go here D.come here()9.Who is not _,do you know?A.here B.at here C.in here D.on here()10.What grade are you in?We are in _.A.Class Two,Grade one B.Class two,grade one C.Grade One,Class Two D.Class Two,Grade One()11.What_ that in English?A.are B.am C.be D.is()12.There are some apples_the tree and a boy_the same tree.A.in,in B.on,on C.in,on D.on,in()13.Tom,here are your new trousers.Please_.A.put on it B.put it on C.put on them D.put them on()14._clothes_these?A.Whos,is B.Whos,are C.Whose,in D.Whose,are()15.Mrs Green is _mother.A.Jim and Kate B.Jim and Kates C.Jim and Kates D.Jims and Kates ()16.WTO是指_。A、世界贸易组织 B、中国民航 C、人民币 D、信息技术()17、_is it?Its a quarter_ten.A.What,to B.What time,to C.Who,to D.What time,in 二情景交际 从 B 栏中找出 A 栏中问句的应答语(10 分)A B()1.Whose are these?A.Is it in your desk?()2.Can you see whats under it?B.Twentyseven.()3.I cant find my book.C.This way,please.()4.Whats twentythree plus four?D.I think theyre his.()5.Wheres Classroom Three?E.I cant see.()6.This is my friend,Li Lei.F.How do you do?()7.How do you do?G.Thank you!()8.Welcome to China.H.Nice to meet you.()9.Is that a desk or a table?I.No,it is in Anhui.()10.Is Hefei in Hubei?J.Its a table.三完形填空:(10 分)This is a picture 1 a bedroom.Its 2 .There is 3 old photo of the family.Their father is 4 .He is 5 a white shirt.Behind him 6 their mother.She 7 young.The boy is 8 brother.They are in different(不同的)9 .The twins sit on the floor.They 10 their parents.()3.A.a B.an C.the D./()6.A./B.are C.sit D.sits 四阅读理解:(10 分)(A)选择填空:I have some boxes.One is small.Its blue.One is full(满的)of books.Its red.The third is new.There is nothing in it.There are some old bottles in a big blue box.Today,I want to put the red box in the car,but I cant carry it.My mother helps me.And she can put the box in the car.()1.I have_boxes.A.one B.two C.three D.four ()2.I want to put the_box in the car.A.blue B.small C.empty D.full ()3.The_box is empty.A.red B.small C.new D.blue ()4.The red box is_,so I cant carry it.A.heavy B.light C.old D.small ()5._helps me put the red box in the car.A.Father B.Mother C.Nobody D.My friend (B)根据对话内容判断下列句子的正误,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”.Jim:This is an old photo of my family.Can you find which one I am in it?Li Lei:I think you are the one in the yellow sweater.Jim:No,thats my brother,Tom.Li Lei:Oh,I see.You are the baby in your fathers arms.Jim:No,its my sister,Kate.Li Lei:Sorry,You are the boy in the blue coat.Jim:Yes,you are right.The woman in the red dress is my mother.()1.Li Lei cant find Jim in the picture.()2.Jim is in a blue sweater.()3.The baby is Jims brother.()4.Jim is Kates brother.()5.Jims mother is in red.五词汇(10 分)A、根据句意及首字母提示写出单词:1This is not her blouse.I think the red one is h_.2The old TV is black and w_.3Are these shoes m_?No,they arent yours.4Mr.Brown has two c_,a boy and a girl.5I cant f_ my coat.Where is it?B 用所给单词的适当形式填空:(5 分)1Alice and I _(be)good friends.2How many_(people)are there in your school?3Its seven now.Lets_(go)to school.4Are those your_(box)?5Please look after _(they).六看图完成对话:(5 分)Kate:Hello,David.David:_,Kate.What _ you see?Kate:I can see _ tree David:Whats _the tree?And whats _the sky?Kate:There_ a cat.And there is_ bird.David:Is there a_under the tree?Kate:Yes,_is.七:作文:(10 分)写一篇关于你一天做的事,要求:作文有头有尾,安排 紧密,语句通顺。初一英语第一册(上)期末考参考答案 参考答案 听力材料、听对话,回答问题 1.A:Is Lucy on duty today?B:No,Jim is on duty today.2.A:Are Mr Browns shoes black or brown?B:They are black.3.A:Excuse me,whats the time,please?B:Let me see.Oh,its a quarter past eleven.4.A:Is this watch yours,Mike?B:Yes,its mine.It looks very new.B:No,thats wrong.It 6.A:What can you see on the tree,Bill?B:I can see many bananas on it.7.A:Are these schoolbags yours,Tom and Jim?B:No,they arent ours.They are the twins 8.A:Li Leis computer is nice.Do you have one?B:Yes,I have one,too.9.A:Tom,whats on the table?B:A cup.A:Excuse me.Tom!Do you see Miss Li?B:Yes,I do.Shes in Class 6.、This is a picture of Toms family at home.The one behind Tom is his mother,Mary Black.She looks young.Her dress is orange.Toms father,John Black is in a white shirt.He looks old.Tom has a sister.Her name is Sue.She is in a red blouse and a yellow skirt.A cat is in Sues arm.Its a Chinese cat.Its name is Mimi.II.笔试部分:一.1.A 2.C 3.D 4.D 5.A 6.C 7.C 8.D 9.A 10.D 11.D 12.D 13.D 14.D 15.B 16.A 17.B 二.1.D 2.E 3.A 4.B 5.C 6.H 7.F 8.G 9.J 10.I 三.1.C 2.D 3.B 4.B 5.C 6.D 7.C 8.C 9.B 10.B 四.(A)1.D 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.B (B)1.F 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.T 五.(A).1.hers 2.white 3.mine 4.children 5.find(B).1.are 2.people 3.go 4.boxes 5.them 六.Hello,can,a,under,in,is,a,people,rabbit,there 七:略


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