LESSONInaugural Address 补充练习题

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LESSONInaugural Address 补充练习题Inaugural Address 补充练习题 | 英语大学Skip navigation.英语课程 博客/日记 英语视频 我的账户 英语论坛 首页 高级英语Advanced English 高级英语课程辅导 高级英语第二册辅导 Unit 4 Inaugural AddressInaugural Address 补充练习题Inaugural AddressI. Choose the one which is equal to the word given blow:1. inauguralA. holy and sacred place in a churchB. formal speech made by a person on taking officeC. shelter from trouble, dangerD. talk for the purpose of teaching2. sovereignA. self-governingB. self-sufficientC. self-centeredD. self-respected3. subversionA. rebuildingB. successionC. destroyingD. salvage4. invectiveA. beautiful wordsB. facial expressionsC. convincing speechD. abusive language5. invokeA. call forthB. take downC. put upD. take the form of6. prescribeA. order or directB. produceC. protectD. agree7. tribulationA. contributionB. deliveryC. distributionD. great difficulty or trouble8. adversaryA. a person who gives adviceB. a friendC. an enemyD. a listener9. civilityA. rough mannersB. polite behaviourC. polite citizenD. rude person10. engulfA. swallow upB. consider aboutC. clean upD. imprint on11. heedA. rise on feetB. strike on the headC. give new life and strengthD. pay attention to12. shieldA. person or thing that protectsB. a court order prohibiting or ordering a given actionC. a person or animal inhabiting a specified placeD. an apparatus used in inhaling medicinal vapors13. asunderA. from belowB. apart in direction or positionC. in or to a low placeD. from an upright position14. belabourA. ask sb. to work hardB. set upon with too much talkC. furnish with powerD. force upon others15. eradicaterA. cut into many small partsB. go round in circleC. draw together into a small spaceD. put an end to; destroy16. observeA. celebrateB. preserveC. orateD. help17. almightyA. intensiveB. all-powerfuC. instructiveD. all-round18. symbolizeA. make signaB. show pityC. representD. present19. undoingA. showingB. lazinessC. coverD. destruction20. permitA. fill inB. consentC. get intoD. explain21. commitA. pledgeB. omitC. refrainD. repeat22. hostA. a fewB. multitudeC. houseD. exclusion23. allianceA. dominationB. transactionC. disintegratioD. association24. casA. insertB. fallC. throwD. leap25. preyA. victimB. requireC. addressD. beg26. aggressionA. defenceB. invasionC. injuryD. disclosure27. outpaceA. fall behindB. step outC. walk outsidD. surpass28. anewA. once moreB. strangeC. famousD. weary29. testimonyA. evidenceB. witnessC. liberationD. trial30. inspectionA. predictionB. warm speechC. expectationD. examinationII. Complete the words according to the definitions, the first letter of the word is given:1. the sense of right and wrong c 2. the largest or greatest number, amount, etc. m 3. drawn up ready for battle e 4. to express clearly and exactly f 5. that which has been or may be inherited h 6. to take an oath s 7. the quality of being generous g 8. any public place in which discussions take place f 9. formal written order in the name of a court of law, government, or other authority, directing a person to do or not to sth. w 10. to do away with completely a 11. either half of the celestial sphere as divided by the ecliptic, the celestial equator, or the horizon. h 12. a group of persons gathered together for a common reason, as for a legislative, religious, educational, or social purpose. a 13. to confer with another or others in order to come to terms or reach an agreement n 14. the act of suspecting something, especially something wrong, on little evidence or without proof s 15. to keep in perfect or unaltered condition; maintain unchanged. p 16. to call together s 17. feelings of devoted attachment and affection l 18. be delighted r 19. a conscientious or concerted effort toward an end; an earnest attempt e 20. ardent, often selfless affection and dedication d 21. something promoting or contributing to happiness, well-being, or prosperity; a boon b 22. the act or an instance of seeking or pursuing something; a search. q 23. to release or loose from or as if from a leash u 24. to give warning to a 25. free or almost free from change, variation, or fluctuation; uniform st 26. to have meaning or importance s 27. deeply earnest, serious, and sober s > 28. a solemn, formal declaration or promise to fulfill a pledge, often calling on God or a sacred object as witness o 29. a person from whom one is descended; an ancestor f 30. an adversary; an opponent f IV. Reading Comprehension:1. The real thesis of this piece of exposition is _A. Pub talk and the Kings EnglishB. Conversation is the most sociable of all human activitiesC. Bar conversation has a charm of its ownD. The Kings English2. This piece of exposition is _ in style.A. formalB. informalC. sarcasticD. serious3. One of the reasons for him to like bar conversation is that _.A. He was a sociable person and enjoyed talking with others.B. e was brought up in the English pubs.C. He was deeply involved in bar-goers lives.D. He was a frequenter of the English pubs4. “The Kings English ” came into being in _.A. 16th century B. 17th centuryC. 15th centuryD. 18th century5. The worst conversationalist is the person who _.A. is not making a pointB. is prepared to looseC. is trying to talk senseD. slips and slides in conversationVII. Translation:1. 他们的友谊是在困难时期由于同甘苦共患难而结成的。(forge)2. 他为发展两国之间的联盟和协作关系作出了巨大的贡献。(alliance)3. 科学以现象为根据。(rest)4. 我是因兴趣才集邮的,并不是为了赶时髦或消磨时间。(out of )5. 他的记忆力随着病情的恶化逐渐减退。(push back)6. 如果你不改过自新的话,那你总有一天会坐牢的。(end up)7. 法律规定了开汽车应遵循的规章。(prescribe)8. 北京已经决定选择高科技部门作为经济发展的新举措,因此,一些如电子,信息,新的建筑材料,微生物工程以及新药工业都将给投资者以优惠。9. 正如我们大家都知道的那样,在这个复杂多变的世界里对于人民来说,信息需求至关重要。谁拥有准确,可靠,最新的信息来处理日常发生的问题以及人们在业务,社会,家庭中的关键问题,谁就能生存,而且能成功。10. 今日的电话作为世界上最普遍的传声通讯工具和当年贝尔发明的简陋装置相比是无与伦比的精致和有效。 今天使用电话的方式是贝尔当年所不可能预见到的。11. 在过去,例如世界银行等国际发展组织几乎只是支持机动化的工程项目提供资金,以此作为满足发展中国家运输需要的一种策略。12. 阅读是一种私人的,而不是集体的活动,作家仅同安心静坐的人在沟通。 讲演者则是同一群人在讲话,而这群人已经是受到盲从和迷幻剂的影响,他们已在他控制之中,如果他是一个行家,他就可以任意摆布他们。第二册第四课练习答案1-1: / 答案:B1-2: / 答案:A1-3: / 答案:C1-4: / 答案:D1-5: / 答案:A1-6: / 答案:A1-7: / 答案:D1-8: / 答案:C1-9: / 答案:B1-10: /答案:A1-11: /答案:D1-12: /答案:A1-13: /答案:B1-14: /答案:B1-15: /答案:D1-16: /答案:A1-17: /答案:B1-18: /答案:C1-19: /答案:D1-20: /答案:B1-21: /答案:A1-22: /答案:B1-23: /答案:D1-24: /答案:C1-25: /答案:A1-26: /答案:B1-27: /答案:D1-28: /答案:A1-29: /答案:A1-30: /答案:D2-1: /答案:onscience2-2: /答案:aximum2-3: /答案:mbattled2-4: /答案:ormulate2-5: /答案:eritage2-6: /答案:wear2-7: /答案:enerosity2-8: /答案:orum2-9: /答案:rit2-10: /答案:nbolish2-11: /答案:emisphere2-12: /答案:ssembly2-13: /答案:egotiate2-14: /答案:uspicion2-15: /答案:reserve2-16: /答案:ummon2-17: /答案:oyalty2-18: /答案:ejoice2-19: /答案:ndeavor2-20: /答案:evotion2-21: /答案:lessing2-22: /答案:uest2-23: /答案:nleash2-24: /答案:larm2-25: /答案:eady2-26: /答案:ignify2-27: /答案:olemn2-28: /答案:ath2-29: /答案:orebear2-30: /答案:oe3-1: /答案:B3-2: /答案:A3-3: /答案:D3-4: /答案:C3-5: /答案:D4-1:Their friendship was forged by sharing comforts and hardships during the hard times.4-2:He made great contribution to the development of alliances and cooperative associations of the two countries.4-3:Science rests on phenomena.4-4:I collect stamps out of real interest, not just following the fashion or just killing time.4-5:His memory was pushed back gradually with the worsening illness / the deterioration of his ill health.4-6:If you dont correct your mistakes and turn over a new leaf, youll end up in prison.4-7:The law prescribed the rules by which automobiles may be driven .4-8:Beijing has decided to select the high-tech sector as its new growth measure of economic development, so preference will be given to investors in such industries as electronics, information, new building materials, micro-biological engineering and new medicines.4-9:As we know, in this world of change and complexity, the need for information is of greatest importance. Those people who have accurate, reliable up-to-date information to solve the day-to-day problems, the critical problems of their business, social and family life, will survive and succeed .4-10:Now the most common means of voice communication in the world, the telephone of today is infinitely more sophisticated and effective than the crude instrument developed by Bell, and it is being used in ways he could not possibly have foreseen.4-11:In the past, international development institutions like the world Bank have almost exclusively funded projects supporting motorizations as a strategy to meet transportation needs of the developing nations.4-12:Reading is a private, not a collective activity. The writer speaks only to individuals, sitting by themselves in a state of normal sobriety. The orator speaks to masses of individuals have already been affected by blindness and illusion. They are at his mercy (under his control) and, if he knows his business, he can do what he likes with them. 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