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大学英语六级听力考试常考词组(1)a big shot:权贵之人, 大亨, 大人物a case in point:恰当的(合适的)例子a collect call = a transferred charge call collect call:对方付费电话a couple of:几个a far cry from:遥远的距离,大不相同的东西a fish out of water:不舒服;不自在ill at ease:不安的,不舒服(uncomfortable)a man of few words:沉默寡言的人a must:必备条件(prerequisite)a piece of cake:非常容易的事its a snap:轻而易举a stones throw:投石的距离within easy walking distance:很近a variety of:各种各样的account for:说明,占,解决,得分add fuel to the fire/flame:火上加油air/plane crash:飞机失事all ears:专心倾听all eyes:极为注意看all in all:总共anything but:绝对不*nothing but:十分,非常apply for:请求,申请apply for a job(job-hunting):找工作apply for a loan:申请贷款As and Bs:好成绩as time goes by:随着时间的推移assign to:分配at a loss:困惑,亏本地in a panic:惊慌失措at home:舒适,悠闲,和在家里一样 Make yourself at home. at once:立即,马上right away:立刻right now:立刻in no time:立刻in next to no time:立刻,马上in second to no time:立刻,马上off hand:立刻,无准备地on short notice:忽然,急忙at ones wits end:江郎才尽;不知所措reach the bottom of the barrel:弹尽粮绝rack ones brains:绞尽脑汁at the most:至多,不超过at ones convenience:在某人方便时at ones service:听吩咐;随时供使用render service to sb:向提供服务cater to:迎合automobile exhaust:汽车尾气bark up the wrong tree:攻击错了目标,找错了人be absorbed in:全神贯注于,专心于be addicted to:沉溺于某种(不良)嗜好be fascinated by:全神贯注,一心一意be wrapped up in:全神贯注于,完全沉浸于,专注于lose oneself in:全神贯注于之中be acquainted with:熟悉be familiar with:熟悉on top of sth:熟练掌握,在之上like the back of ones hand:了如指掌at ones fingers tips:了如指掌know sth backwards and forwards:熟悉某事,彻底了解某事be all in a days work:很平常的事be allergic to:对过敏be beside oneself:发狂,得意忘形be better off:经济状况好的,富裕的be worse off:情况更差,更加贫困in the black:赢利*in the red:亏空,亏损,有赤字on a budget:节省费用budget deficit:预算赤字*on a shoestring:以极少的资金或不用资金*keep body and soul together:仅能维持生活make both ends meet:量入为出,使收支平衡be booked up:客满,被预定一空be sold out:告罄,售完out of stock:已脱销,没有库存eat up:吃光,耗尽,吞灭,完全相信use up:用完,耗尽be full up:客满;吃饱run short of:缺少run/be out of:用完reach the bottom of the barrel:耗尽,用完be bound for:开往,以为目的地head for:出发,动身,前往leave for:到去,出发前往,驶往make for:走向,向前进be bound to:一定be busy with:忙于get tied up in:忙于,被捆住,被占用,深陷于be up to ones head/ears/eyes/nose/neck/shoulders in:深深地陷于,工作忙得不可开交be overwhelmed with:淹没在,忙于have ones hands full:手头工作很忙have a full/tight schedule:排得紧紧的时间表be caught in rain/the shower:被雨淋着be caught in a traffic jam:遇到塞车(交通拥塞)be tired up in traffic:由于交通拥挤而被阻塞be held up by traffic:由于交通阻塞而被推迟(延迟)be caught red-handed:当场抓住某人(on the spot)be disappointed at:对失望be engaged in:从事于take up:拿起,开始从事,继续,吸收,责备,拘留,占据,认购be entitled to:给予权利/资格;使有资格(做某事)be authorized to:授权have/gain access to:有权使用have the right to:有资格,有权be enthusiastic about:对热心show enthusiasm on:对表现热情go in for:参加,追求,从事,赞成take an active part in:积极参与be keen on:喜爱be fluent in:流利be frank with:坦白,坦率be hard on sb:对刻薄,对要求严格be strict with sb:对要求严格,严厉find fault with:批评,挑剔*push over:推倒pushover:容易打败的对手,容易对付的人,容易做的事情be head and shoulders above:远远超出,鹤立鸡群second to none:首屈一指few and far between:稀少,难能可贵one in a million:百里挑一;凤毛麟角be in fashion:流行keep up-to-date with:跟上潮流(最新发展)*out of fashion:不流行*out of date/out-dated:过时的,废弃的be in season:当令,正是旺季be known for:因而众所周知be famous for:因而著名be popular with:受欢迎be relevant to:有关的;中肯的be responsible for:为负责,形成的原因be to blame:该受责备,应承担责任be sick of :厌恶,厌倦be disgusted at/with:嫌,讨厌,唾弃,对作呕be inclined to:倾向于be subject to:受支配,从属于,常遭受be subjected to:遭受到suffer from:忍受,遭受be up to:胜任,从事于be eligible for:合格的;任职的be qualified for:有的资格;适于担任be competent for/in:称职的,胜任的worth ones salt:值得尊敬的;称职的be cut out for:适合担任*its up to sb:就由某人决定leave sth up to sb:把某事留给某人决定have the final say:有决定权be worn out:筋疲力尽的,因过度工作、操劳、忧虑或磨难而变得衰弱的be dog-tired:极其疲倦的be tired out:非常疲倦be out of steam:没有精力(气力)feel rundown:精疲力竭的feel exhausted:耗尽的, 疲惫的be washed out:活力耗尽,变得枯竭be worn out:穿坏,用坏beyond repair:无法修理,无法补救be totally dead:失灵的,出故障的,由于错误或损坏而不能正常使用的bear in mind:牢记在心beat around the bush:说话绕圈子,旁敲侧击beside the point:离题,不中肯*to the point:中肯,扼要*come to the point:说话切题*hit the nail on the head:一针见血,说中,中肯beat the crowds:避开,躲避拥挤的人群become/go broke:破产,一文不名go bankruptcy:破产behind schedule:落后于预定计划*on the schedule:按时间表,准时*on time:准时*on the nose:恰好地;精确地*on the dot:准时地behind bars:在监狱服刑believe it or not:信不信由你better late than never:迟做总比不做好;亡羊补牢,为时未晚better than nothing:聊胜于无between you and me:你我之间的秘密,对外保密in the dark:在黑暗中,秘密地,不知道keep/leave in the dark:不让某人知道keep secret:保密,把保密keep to oneself:保守秘密,对守口如瓶beyond sb:为某人所不能理解It is beyond me. 我能力所不及;我不能理解。over ones head:超出某人能力之外,难于理解beyond reach:够不着bit by bit:渐渐,一点一点地little by little:渐渐step by step:逐步地slowly but surely:稳扎稳打地,确定不移地make progress:取得进展,进步take sth one step at a time:一步一步来bite off more than one can chew:贪多嚼不烂;不自量力;做自己做不了的事break down:(汽车)抛锚have a flat tire:(自行车)漏了气的车胎break into:破门而入,侵占break in on:打断,打扰break ones back:拼命工作,工作过于努力 bend over backward(s) to do sth:尽最大的力量(做某事)bone up on:专心致志于knock oneself out on sth:把自己弄得精疲力竭,尽最大努力go out of ones way to do sth:特意(花时间/心血)做某事take pains to do sth:不辞辛劳做某事make efforts to do sth:尽力做某事break out:突发,爆发break the ice:打破沉默,打破僵局break through:突围,突破bring about:使发生,致使bring to light:发现,揭发come to light:暴露,被发现,所周知bring up:教育,培养,提出broaden ones mind/horizon:扩大视野,增长见识brush up on:温习,复习go over:转变,仔细检查,润色,复习buck up:振作起来cheer up:振作,鼓励burn up:烧起来,烧掉,发怒be cross with:脾气暴躁的;生气的blow up:使充气,爆炸,放大hit the ceiling:勃然大怒,暴跳如雷hit the roof:大怒in a rage:一怒之下in a fury:在狂怒中raise the roof:喧闹,大声抱怨lose ones temper:发火;生气go to pieces:暴跳如雷,瓦解,身体垮掉 burst into tears:突然大哭by all means:尽一切办法,一定come what may:不论发生什么事情no matter how:不管如何 leave no stone unturned:千方百计,想方设法by and large:大体上,基本上on the whole:大体上,基本上in general(overall):通常,大体上,一般而言by fair means or foul:不择手段by hook or by crook:用尽一切方法,不择手段by leaps and bounds:飞跃地by nature:天生,生来by no means:决不not at all:一点也不


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