Purification of Soul《大卫·科波菲尔》英文读后感

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Purification of Soul《大卫·科波菲尔》英文读后感_第1页
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Purification of Soul《大卫·科波菲尔》英文读后感_第3页
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Purification of Soul大卫科波菲尔英文读后感Purification of Soul David Copperfieldis a long piece of fiction which was written by Charles Didkens,a famous Britain author.I was totally athracted by the writers sprightly and charming language.I see many peoples souls shining in Britain which was surrounded by fog. David Copperfield,the hero,has a miserable chiadhood,He has never seen his father,because his father had died before his birth.his mather remarried Mr. Murdstone when he was eight years old.The Murdstones abused David and his mother bitterly.Ludkily pegotty,his kind maidservant,always did her best to take care of him. David was sent to Salem House by Mr.Murdstone,which was the worst school in Britain.There appeared to be a Worse career in the hell on earth. The cruel headmaster was in a bad habit of beating his students with a heavy stick he carried with him all the time.The worst thing was David was forced to wear a sign round his neck only for his revolt agairst his stepfathers hits.His little heart was seriously injured because of that. Days came worse and worse.Ten-year-old David waw sent to a warehouse in London by his steprather after his mothers death.He was forced to do many heavy jobs with a lot of rough,coarse people.Hard as he worked,he was only paid six shillirys a week.However,he still tried to help Mr.Micawber who was a poor,sincere and optimistic man. David could not bear the ware house any more,so he walk over one hundred kilometers to look for his last relativehis aunt.She adopted the firm boy and sent him to a well-organined school.He got to know Agnes,who would give him lots of help.He be came a lawyer and got married to his trainers daughter,Dora,after graduation. But things were beyond imagine.It was a terrible shock to David to lose his wife.Then two old friends of his were killed in the big waves.He was surround by too many ghosts to return to London and his old life.It was Agnes who guided him again.David married her and became a well-known auther with her help. The novels plot is just like this.The human nature passes through the book. There are so many vivid art characters in the fiction who did not only live in nineteenth century,but also live in the present age.Their human nature is separated into two parts that are elegant and ngly.The elegant human natwe is remembered by us forever and will not be diluted by the change of time.The other one should be forbidden. David,the main character,Was diligent,sincere and kind.Diligent as he was,he was never conquered by his miserable life and the bad human nature around him.He helped others sincerely,even though he earned only sisx shillings a week.The fact,however,makes me sad that fewer and fewer people are sincere to others nowadays.The furthest distance in the world seems to be the distance between two hearts.I think the world would be come an earthly paradise if there were loss madicionsness and cunningness. Pegotty was kind and loyal all the time.Her kindness came from her heart withont and impurity.Someone thinks whether his purpose will be completed or what benefit he will get at first now matter what he does.He is selfish.He must feel ashamed after reading about peggottys noble morality. Steerforths nature was really ughy.He made friends with David and pretented to be outstanding in order to cheat his innocent friends.However,David regarded him friendly,although he had cheated his best friend;Ham tried his best to save him in the big waves and lost his life,although he cheated his girlfriend.Many people in our actually society are as cunning as him.They pretend to be outstanding and friendly to their friends to get their trust,then their evil plan start.They will run away after completing their purpose. My spirit was accepting a baptism while I was reading the novel.I saw a great number of diligent souls shining in the foggy weather,and the mists disappearing gradually.


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