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通过本章的学习,帮助学生掌握通过本章的学习,帮助学生掌握:v 询盘的定义及种类询盘的定义及种类v 询盘信函的撰写询盘信函的撰写v 询盘信函中常用的专业词汇及句型询盘信函中常用的专业词汇及句型 A Inquiry EnquiryB Replies to inquiryQuotation/offerA B General enquirySpecial enquiryCounter offeracceptanceTerms of paymentOrders&their fulfillmentShipment,insuranceacceptancedecliningAn inquiry is a request for information.In the international business the importer may send an inquiry to an exporter,inviting a quotation and or an offer for the goods he wishes to buy or simply asking for some general information about these goods.Points for attention:1.询价或询盘是一种询问。按其内容可分为一般询盘(general enquiry)和具体询盘(specific enquiry)一般询盘是买主为了了解情况向卖主索取商品目录本、价目单、样品或样本等等。具体询盘是买主有做买卖的要求,指定商品要求卖主报盘。在书写一般询盘信时,一定要做到具体,把所需了解的信息阐述清楚,如价格、装期等等。在回信时,确保对方所询问题都给予了回答。如一买方与卖方初次联系,此买方需先作一自我介绍,如经营范围,所需货物等。如买卖双方是老客户,则询盘信就非常简单了。初次询盘信一般包含以下内容:简单告知如何获得卖方的名址,写一些你方的业务情况。你地市场需对方经营的货物 告知对方你所需的信息 mention how you obtained your potential suppliers name indicate the demand in your area(for the goods the supplier deals with)details of what your prospective supplier should send you a closing sentence How you know them:We visited your stand at Guangzhou Trade Fair Fair and are now writing you to inquire about your products.Your name was given to us by London Chamber of CommerceWe have been informed by the Bank of Canada that you are one of the leading exporters of textiles in ShanghaiWe hear that you are exports of.Information about your business:We are a small business specializing in computer software.We are a middle-sized company selling computer hardware.We are supplying about 1000 stores with their import needs Show your interest:We are sourcing in the market for your mens shirt.We want to import chinaware of the best quality.One of our clients takes interest in your products and wishes to have your quotation for the items specified below.Ask for sth.:.Would you please send us details of the productsthe commoditiesthe goodsthe captioned goodsincluding pattern、model、packaging、price list、a variety of samples、your latest catalogue/pricelist、your terms of payment,.Ask for some details:Please stateterms of payment and discountprice FOB China port (free on board)price CIF Chicago (cost,insurance,freight),.place a large order with you.place regular orders with you.If you could quote us your lowest price,Terms of payment and delivery date are satisfactory,If your price is competitive and delivery date is acceptable,we intend to A closing sentence:We look forward to hearing from you soon.We are looking forward to hearing from you in due course.Your prompt reply will be appreciated.An early reply will be appreciated.Gentlemen:We have read your advertisement in“International Trade”and are glad to know you are one of the leading exporters of silk blouses in China.We are interested in the goods and would like to be informed of details of your various types,including sizes,colors,and prices.询盘和答复询盘和答复函件一:表示对货物感兴趣函件一:表示对货物感兴趣敬启者:我们从国际贸易杂志上看到贵公司广告,并高兴地获悉你们是中国最大的丝绸女衬衫出口商之一。我们对此货物有兴趣,望告知各类衬衫的详细情况,包括尺寸、颜色和价格。We are large dealers in silk garments,having over 15 years experience in this particular line of business.Silk blouses of good quality and moderate prices command a good sale in our market.When replying,please state terms of payment and discounts you would allow on purchases of quantities of over 100 dozen of individual items.We look forward to your early reply.Sincerely,我们是大宗丝绸服装的经销商,在此行业已有15年经营历史。质地优良、价格适中的丝绸衬衫在我市场销路很好。复信时,请说明付款条件及对各品种超过100打购买量所能给予的折扣。盼早复。此致 1.inquiry(enquiry)n.询盘,询价询盘,询价 make(or:send,give,fax)sb.an inquiry for(about)sth.向某人询购某种商品向某人询购某种商品 We thank you for your inquiry for sunflower seeds.我们感谢你方有关向日葵籽的询盘。我们感谢你方有关向日葵籽的询盘。Upon receipt of your specific inquiry,we shall send you our quotations and samples.一收到你方具体询盘,我方立即给你方寄出我方的一收到你方具体询盘,我方立即给你方寄出我方的报价及样品。报价及样品。At present,there are large inquiries for our “Cool”Brand Air Conditioner in our market.目前,我们市场有大量对我目前,我们市场有大量对我“凉爽凉爽”牌空调的询盘。牌空调的询盘。The ladies pyjamas you are inquiring for are now out of stock.你方现询价的女士睡衣没货。你方现询价的女士睡衣没货。We are inquiring about the supply of sugar and coffee.我方正在询购糖和咖啡的货源。我方正在询购糖和咖啡的货源。2.be interested in 对对(某商品某商品)有兴趣,有兴趣,常用以表示有意购买某种商品,是打算购买常用以表示有意购买某种商品,是打算购买 某种商品的初步表示。某种商品的初步表示。We are interested in the import of Chinese silk neckties.我们对进口中国丝绸领带感兴趣。我们对进口中国丝绸领带感兴趣。They have customers who are interested in your six designs of Ornamental Cloth.他们有客户对你方六种图样的装饰布感兴趣。他们有客户对你方六种图样的装饰布感兴趣。3.quote quote v.报价报价 quote sb.a price for(or:on)sth.报给某人某种商品的价格报给某人某种商品的价格 Please quote us your lowest prices for personal computers.请报个人电脑的最低价。请报个人电脑的最低价。We quoted this article at US$278 per case.这种商品每箱报价二百七十八美元。这种商品每箱报价二百七十八美元。Would you please quote us your best price FOB Dalian for(or:on)1,000 pieces of leather jacket.请报一千件皮夹克的最好大连船上交货价。请报一千件皮夹克的最好大连船上交货价。4.marketa good(poor)market 畅销畅销(滞销滞销)in the market for 要购买要购买 an advancing market 市场上涨市场上涨They are in the market for table-cloth and pillowcases.他们要购买桌布和枕头套。他们要购买桌布和枕头套。Please keep us informed of the supply and demand position in your market.请随时告知你处市场的供求状况。请随时告知你处市场的供求状况。The market is strengthening.行情在上涨。行情在上涨。market v.推销,销售,在市场上出售推销,销售,在市场上出售There is no difficulty in marketing these traditional products in the Southeast Asian market.在东南亚市场推销这些传统产品不会有困难。在东南亚市场推销这些传统产品不会有困难。marketable adj.适销对路的,可销的适销对路的,可销的The goods are not marketable in our area at the price you quoted.按你方报价,这种产品在我们地区没有销路。按你方报价,这种产品在我们地区没有销路。5.order n.订单订单 1)place(or:make,send)an order for sth.订购某项货物订购某项货物If your price is in line,we will send you an order for 1,000 sets.如果你方价格与市价相符,我方将订购如果你方价格与市价相符,我方将订购1000台。台。2)If the quality of your goods is good and the price is acceptable to us,we will place a large order with you.如你方产品质量好,价格可接受,我们将与如你方产品质量好,价格可接受,我们将与你方大量订货。你方大量订货。3)Please see to it that the order is shipped within the stipulated time.请务确保此订单在规定的时间内装运。请务确保此订单在规定的时间内装运。order v.订购,订订购,订(货货)If you allow us 5%discount,we will order 5,000 dozen.如果你方给予如果你方给予5%的折扣,我方将订购的折扣,我方将订购5000打。打。Can you supply the goods from stock if we order immediately?如果我方立即订货,你方能有现货供应吗?如果我方立即订货,你方能有现货供应吗?6.be in a position to do sth.能够能够 be not in a position/in no position to do sth.不能做某事不能做某事be in a good position to do sth.很有能力做某事,完全能做某事很有能力做某事,完全能做某事 If you are in a position to meet our demand.we shall place a large sum order from you.We are in a good position to meet your requirements.我们完全可以满足你方的需求我们完全可以满足你方的需求 7.discount n.折扣,折价,贴现折扣,折价,贴现 allow(or:give,make,grant)%discount off(on)the prices of goods 按货价给予按货价给予%的折扣的折扣They make 20%discount for cash payment.现金付款,他们予以八折优待。现金付款,他们予以八折优待。at a discount 低于正常价格,打折扣低于正常价格,打折扣(货物货物无销路无销路)The products are selling at a discount.该产品正以低价销售。该产品正以低价销售。8.available adj.可利用的,可供应的,可得到可利用的,可供应的,可得到 的的(做定语时前置后置均可,后置较为常用做定语时前置后置均可,后置较为常用)。commodities available for export 供出口的商品供出口的商品 not available 缺货缺货 We are sending you under cover a catalog covering the goods available at present.随函附上一份我方目前可供之货的目录单。随函附上一份我方目前可供之货的目录单。Dear Sir or Madam We refer to your advertisement for office equipment in this months issue of stationary.We are a small business specializing in office stationary and are considering importing office items to Austria.Therefore,we would like to receive your latest catalogue and pricelists.Please,let us also have your terms of payment and delivery.We look forward to hearing from you soon.Yours faithfully thank for the enquiry supply all the information asked for refer to enclosures,samples,catalogues etc.sent by separate post provide additional information(if relevant)encourage the customer to place orders and assure him of good service 1.We are enclosing our illustrated catalogue and price-list for your reference.2.We welcome your enquiry of 20 may and thank you for your interest in our bicycles.3.We would allow you a trade discount of 30%grant you a 20%special discounton(regular)purchase in/of quantities of not less than in duplicatein triplicate replydiscount 4.will appeal to the most selective customers.The finest materials and the highest craftsmanship introduction5.Our goods are both excellent in quality and very reasonable in price.6.We will make delivery of the goods upon receipt of your order.7.we can only accept 8.Payment is to be made byL/C(letter of credit)T/T(telegraphic transfer)L/C(letter of credit)T/T(telegraphic transfer)payment and deliveryLetter Three:Reply to an Enquiry Dear Sirs,We are very pleased to receive your enquiry of April 10th and thank you for your interest in our products.函件:函件:答复询盘尊敬的先生们:答复询盘尊敬的先生们:很高兴收到贵方4月10日的询盘,感谢对我商品的兴趣。现奉告,我方可现货供应所询购的商品。我方深信所供应的丝绸女衬衫质料上乘,做工精良,即使最挑剔的买主也会感到满意。We are glad to tell you that we are in a position to supply the items enquired for from stock.We feel confident that the superior material and exquisite craftsmanship of our silk blouses appeal to the most selective buyers.On regular purchases of over 100 dozen of individual item a discount of 3 is granted.If you place your order not later than the end of this week,we would guarantee prompt delivery within 20 days,and demand your payment by sight L/C.对定期购买各品种100打以上者将给予3的折扣。贵方如能在本周末前下订单,我方保证在20天内及时发货,希望贵方按即期信用证方式付款。附寄报价单和一份带插图的目录,列示贵方要了解的详细情况。由于行市看涨,贵方似以迅速订货较为有利。希望收到贵方的首批订单。此致敬礼!Enclosed please find our quotation sheet and a copy of illustrated catalogue giving the details you ask for.As the market is showing an upward tendency,it is profitable for you to place an order immediately.We look forward to your first order.Faithfully yours,17Dear Sirs,We welcome your enquiry of 20 May and thank you for your interest in our bicycles.We are enclosing our catalogue and price-list at your request.Also enclosed you will find details of terms of payment,as well as an illustrated brochure giving you a brief introduction of our company.Our goods are both excellent in quality and very reasonable in price.We look forward to your early reply.Truly yours,Dear Mr.We are glad to hear from an old friend again.Yes,we are still making our famous Narcissus washing machines,and we are pleased to tell you that we have been able to improve their quality without any increase in price.We are enclosing our lowest quotation CIF Casablanca.We can promise delivery within two weeks on our receipt of your L/C.Please cable us when you receive this letter.We look forward to your order at a n early date.Sincerely yours,Dear Sirs We acknowledge receipt of your letter of 11th March enclosing quotation and your illustrated catalogue,for which we thank you We have the pleasure of sending you an order No.101 with various items,which we trust will have your usual careful attention.Yours faithfully leading,specializing,interested,line,forward,detailed,request,of,from,respect Dear Sirs we are approached by one of famous hotels in this city for the supply of table-cloths.As we learn form Bank of China here that you are the leading exporter of the same item,we have pleasure in writing to you to see if you could meet their requirements.The table-cloths they require should be made of medium and best quality linen in handsome designs,ranging from 20to 30in length and 5to 7in width.If you are in a position to supply them,and prices are competitive,their initial requirements will be 1000 pieces Please first send us a sample so that we may pass it on to them for their reference,If your sample meets with their approval,we will cable you for quotation.We look forward to your early reply.Yours faithfully 1.We learn from A.B.C.Co.of New York that you are exporting Nylon bed-sheets and pillow-cases.There is a steady demand here for the above-mentioned commodities of high quality at moderate prices.2.Under separate cover,we are sending you a range of samples and when you have a chance to examine them,we feel confident that you will agree that the goods are both excellent in quality and very reasonable in price.3.We have received your enquiry of 14th May and learn of your interest in our handmade artificial leather gloves.We are enclosing our illustrated catalogue and price list giving the details you ask for.4.The enclosed price list and illustrated catalogue will give you details of the model in which you are especially interested.Dear Sir Thank you for your letter of May 4th enquiring for our printed cloth and asking for the condition and requirements for large orders.We are so glad to inform you that weve today sent you a full range of designs and material for your choice.We enclose our price list with condition and details for large orders.We look forward very much to your order.Please be assured(rest assured)that your order will have our prompt attention.Shanghai Import&Export Corp 1.我们对你方在中国日报上刊登的广告很感兴趣,现请你方寄送产品的详细请况 2.我们已看到贵方在“对外贸易”上的广告,如果贵方能够给我们发送优等棉花的现货来样和价格,我们将很高兴。3.我们的一位客户对你们的产品很感兴趣并索要你方以下指定商品的报价 1.we read with interest your advertisement in China Daily and should be glad to receive particulars of your products We have seen your advertisement in the“Foreign Trade”and should be glad if you would send us by return patterns and price of good quality cottons available from stock 3.One of our clients takes interest in your products and wishes to have your quotation for the items specified below 1.多年来,我公司经营。进口生意。现欲扩展业务范围,盼能惠寄商品目录和报价单。2.我方市场上需要罐装蘑菇,如果你方能够发送最优报价我们将很高兴 We have been importers of for many years,At present,we are interested in extending our range and would appreciate your catalogues and quotation As we are in the market for canned mushroom,we should be pleased if you would send us your best quotation 1.请向我们报出列在被附上的询盘表的货物的上海到岸价格,并且请说明你方对于常规购买的额的最早交货期,支付条件和折扣。2.对于高质量的产品,我们有很大的需求,价格适中的产品我们会接受的 3.如果能报优质绿茶的成本加运费保险费到墨尔本最低价,我们将不胜感激。1.Please quote us for the goods listed on the enclosed inquiry sheet,giving your prices CIF Shanghai.Please also state your earliest delivery date,your terms of payment and discounts for regular purchases.2.There is a great demand for products of high quality.Moderately priced goods can be obtained.3 We will appreciate it very much if you can quote us the lowest price for high quality green tea CIF Melbourne.1.我们很高兴地从贵方6月24日的来信中获悉,贵方对我们的产品感兴趣,随函的目录和价格单给出了贵方要求的详细资料,同时附有我方的销售条件和支付条件。2.感谢贵方月日对我方Philips吸尘器(vacuum cleaner)的询盘,现附寄一套在产产品的插图目录本。1.We were pleased to know from your letter of 24th June of your interest in our products and enclose the catalogue and price list giving the details you asked for.Also enclosed you will find details of our conditions of sale and terms of payment.2.Thank you for your enquiry of October 1 for Philips Vacuum Cleaners and we now enclose a full range of illustrated catalogues for goods that are in production.1你方所需的台冰箱目前都有现货可供。2.我们备货充足,现寄上所需各花色型样 3.我们的产品质量上乘,价格公道。如果你们的购买数量不少于500打的话,我们将给于25的特殊折扣。1.The1,000 sets of refrigerators you require can all be supplied from stock.2.We have a large stock and are pleased to send you samples of various patterns and colors you require.3.Our goods are both excellent in quality and very reasonable in price.On purchases of quantities of not less than 500 dozen,we would allow a special discount of 25 percent.Dear sirs,Please be informed that one of our clients is in the market for peanuts.6 It will be highly appreciated7 if you could quote us your rock-bottom prices for the said commodity,8 with indication of date of shipment.函件二:询盘函件二:询盘尊敬的先生们:现奉告我方有一客户欲购花生。盼报此商品最低价并告装运期。We would like to stress the point that the peanut enquired for are hand-picked Shandong peanuts,2005 crop and packed in new gunny bags of 100 kgs each.Meanwhile,the goods should be surveyed by a certified public surveyor as to their quality and weight.9 必须强调的是,我方所询购的花生应是2005年所产手拣山东花生,用新麻袋装,每袋100公斤。同时,货物的质量和重量需要由公证检验行检验证明。为便利我们双方交易,望贵方尽速航空邮寄2000吨上述商品的形式发票,按到热那亚港的离岸加运费价格作价,以使我方取得客户确认。希速复为荷。此致敬礼!In order to facilitate our mutual business transaction,it is hoped that you would airmail us the soonest possible your proforma invoice10 for 2000 tons of the above commodity with prices on CFR Genoa basis,11 so that we could get our clients confirmation.Your prompt reply would be appreciated.Sincerely yours,Translate the following letter into English:先生女士:数码照相机我们对你方在月份广州交易会上展出的各种型号的数码照相机很感兴趣。现介绍我公司是伦敦地区最大的电器进口商之一,经营该业务已有十多年了。我们热切希望与你公司建立业务关系。目前我公司正在扩展进口业务,该产品正合我们的要求。请寄全套产品的插图目录和价格单,并报你们能够现货供应的数码照相机的成本、运费和保险费伦敦最低价。盼早复。Digital CamerasDear Sirs Digital Cameras We are interested in your various types of digital cameras displayed at the Guangzhou Fair in April.We introduce ourselves as one of the largest importers of electric goods in London and have been in this line for over ten years.We expect to establish business relations with you with keen interest.At present we are enlarging our import business and the said products fit in very well.Please sends us a full rang of illustrated catalogues and samples.We will appreciate it very much if you will quote us the lowest price CIF London for the digital cameras that can be supplied from stock.We look forward to your early reply.Yours faithfully,


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