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1 (每日一练)(文末附答案)九年义务初中英语形容词知识点汇总 单选题 1、Leshan is becoming busier and busier and it is getting _ beautiful.Amore and moreBmany and manyCmuch and much 2、Im fine,thank you.(同义替换)_.AOKBhiChelloDCCTV 3、China is one of _ countries in the world and it has a much _ history than the US.Athe oldest,olderBoldest,oldestCthe older,older 4、The room is .Lets clean it now.AdirtyBsmallCbigDclean 5、John is _.He doesnt like to work.AstrictBfunnyClazyDboring 6、Try to be friendly to your classmates.It will be _ for you to make friends.AeasilyBmore easilyCeasiestDeasier 7、What a _ dog!He can follow peoples directions.AlazyBshyCbusyDsmart 8、What do you think of the“double reduction”policy?2 Well,its hard to say.We do have _ homework than before but we have less time to stay with our parents as well.AlittleBmoreClessDfewer 9、If you want to live a healthy life,youd better eat _vegetables and _ junk food.Amore;muchBmany;lessCmore;lessDmuch;little 10、This scarf is a little expensive for me.But this is _ one in our shop,sir.Athe cheapestBcheaperCcheap 11、Is it far from here to the train station?No,its only a _ bus ride.Aten minutesBten-minutesCten-minute 12、The old lady cant see things _ before.She even thinks herself _ blind.Aas well as;as well asBas good as;as good as Cso good as;so well asDas well as;as good as 13、After the earthquake,the square was full of _ people with tears.AfrightenedBfrightCfrighteningDfrighted 14、The old man lives a _ life,although he has a lot of money.AhappyBrichCsimple 15、What can we do to improve our grades?_ we listen to the teachers in class,_ grades we will get.AThe more careful;the betterBThe more carefully;the better CThe more careful;the bestDThe more carefully;the worse 3 4 九年义务初中英语形容词_018 参考答案 1、答案:A 解析:句意:乐山变得越来越繁忙,它变得越来越美丽。考查形容词比较级用法。根据“busier and busier”可知,此处应用“比较级+and+比较级”表示“越来越”。故选 A。2、答案:A 解析:句意:我很好,谢谢。好的。考查同义词替换。OK 好的;hi 嗨;hello 你好;CCTV 中央电视台;“fine”指的是“好的”,与 A 选项意思接近,故选 A。3、答案:A 解析:句意:中国是世界上最古老的国家之一,历史比美国悠久得多。考查比较级。空格 1 是“one of+the+形容词最高级+复数名词”结构,意为“最之一”,可知填最高级;根据than 的比较可知,空格 2 填比较级。故选 A。4、答案:A 解析:句意:房间很脏。我们现在来打扫吧。考查形容词辨析。dirty 脏的;small 小的;big 大的;clean 干净的。根据“Lets clean it now.”可知,我们打扫房间,是因为房间太脏了。故选 A。5、答案:C 5 解析:句意:约翰很懒。他不喜欢工作。考查形容词辨析。strict 严格的;funny 有趣的;lazy 懒惰的;boring 无聊的。根据“He doesnt like to work”可知,汤姆很懒。故选 C。6、答案:D 解析:句意:尽量对你的同学友好。你会更容易交到朋友。考查形容词比较级。easily 容易地,副词;easy 容易的,形容词。be 动词后接形容词作表语,排除 AB;再由“Try to be friendly to your classmates.”可知对同学友好能更容易交到朋友,用比较级 easier。故选 D。7、答案:D 解析:句意:多聪明的狗啊!他能听从别人的指示。考查形容词辨析。lazy 懒惰的;shy 害羞的;busy 忙碌的;smart 聪明的。根据“He can follow peoples directions.”可知,能听从别人的指示,说明这只狗很聪明,故选 D。8、答案:C 解析:句意:你觉得“双减”政策怎么样?嗯,很难说。我们的家庭作业确实比以前少了,但我们和父母待在一起的时间也更少了。考查形容词辨析以及比较级。little 几乎没有;more 更多;less 更少的,后接不可数名词;fewer 更少的,后接可数名词复数。根据“the“double reduction”policy”以及“than”可知“双减”政策让作业更少,且 homework 是不可数名词,用 less。故选 C。6 9、答案:C 解析:句意:如果你想过健康的生活,你最好多吃蔬菜,少吃垃圾食品。考查形容词比较级。more 更多的;much 许多;many 许多;less 较少的;little 没有多少。根据“If you want to live a healthy life,youd better eatvegetables and junk food”可知,两个空都有比较之意,保持健康就要多吃蔬菜,少吃垃圾食品,故选 C。10、答案:A 解析:句意:这条围巾对我来说有点贵。但这是本店最便宜的,先生。考查形容词的最高级。根据“in our shop”可知,此处是三者及以上的比较,应该用最高级。故选 A。11、答案:C 解析:句意:从这里到火车站远吗?不远,坐公共汽车只要十分钟。考查复合形容词。此处作定语修饰 bus ride,“十分钟的”可用 ten minutes或 ten-minute 表示,故选 C。12、答案:D 解析:句意:这位老太太的视力不如以前好了。她甚至认为自己和瞎子一样。考查词义辨析。well 好地;good 好的。第一空修饰动词 see,要用副词 well。第二空修饰名词 blind,要用形容词 good,故选 D。13、答案:A 解析:7 句意:地震之后,广场上挤满了流泪的受惊的人。考查形容词。frightened 害怕的,受惊的;fright 恐怖;frightening 令人惊恐的;frighted 单词错误。根据 people可知用形容词作定语,表达“人受惊,感到害怕的”用形容词“frightened”。故选 A。14、答案:C 解析:句意:虽然这位老人有很多钱,但他过着简朴的生活。考查形容词辨析。happy 开心的;rich 富有的;simple 简单的。根据后文“although he has a lot of money”可知前后文为转折,结合选项,只有“simple”与后文“has a lot of money”相反。故选 C。15、答案:B 解析:句意:我们可以做什么来提高我们的成绩?我们上课越认真听讲,我们的成绩就会越好。考查词义辨析以及比较级的用法。careful 认真的,形容词;carefully 认真地,副词。第一空修饰动词短语 listen to,要用副词,排除 A 和 C 选项。the+比较级,the+比较级,表示“越,就越”,故第二空应填 the better,故选 B。


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