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大班英语公开课教案grey、pocket大班英语公开课教案grey、pocket。单词grey、pocket活动目的:1、初步学习谜语儿歌Kangaroo,可以讲述袋鼠的根本特征。2、学习单词grey、pocket,正确认读和区分grey和green的发音。活动准备:大布袋一只,彩盒一个。袋鼠图片以及彩色的袋鼠词性拼图。预设活动过程:1、出示大口袋,带着幼儿学习pocket。T:What is this?T:pocket,This is a pocket。F132.T;am C:pocket ,pocket ,This is a pocket。2、取出口袋中的大彩盒,引导幼儿抛彩盒,学习grey。T:This is a color square。There are manycolors onIt。What color is it?C:WhiteBrownBlueBlackGreen。T:What color is it?T:Yes,grey,grey,grey,grey。T:I seeWho will try?3、复习韵律儿歌I seeT:We see green,black,greyNow,Let is read the rhymeI see,One,two,start。4、引导幼儿学习谜语儿歌Kangaroo,初步感知和理解儿歌的内容。T:I am grey。I can jump,What am I?T:I am grey,I have a big pocket。I can jump,What am I?5、猜谜游戏活动:T:What are you?T;am C:I am grey ,I have a big pocket, I amWhat am I?f132.更多教案编辑推荐大班英语公开课教案画线教学目的:1、复习以前的内容2、学新词新句3、利用draw a造句子教学准备:线、三角形、圆形、心形的卡片、黑板、图片教学过程:1、用英语日常用语进展对话Good morning,How are you? What your name?How old are you?2、出示所学过的三角形、圆形、心形,花,苹果进展复习3、出示短线从一个口袋里渐渐拉出一条短线教幼儿Line ,让幼儿跟读line, 提问Where is the line? Where?让幼儿指出哪里有line寻找4、再从另一个口袋里渐渐拉出一条长线,告诉幼儿long , long line, long line,让幼儿跟读,再出示前面的短线,教short , short line , short line,边教边用手比画。5、出示黑板简单说明黑板的英语名称, 在黑板上画条线,边画边说draw draw draw a line ,Draw, (做动作,让幼儿记下此单词) Follow me , draw ,draw a line , Look, Whats the shape ?出示圆形的图片Circle ,Oh , draw a circle , draw a circle ,draw, drew , draw a heart ,draw a flower,Ok,Who can try ? 老师请一位小朋友上台玩游戏,被请上的幼儿背对着下面的小朋友,老师出示图片,下面的小朋友便读出,例下面的小朋友看到circle 时便说draw a circle,讲台上的幼儿听到指令后便在黑板上画上circle6、再复习一遍,老师在上面画,幼儿在下面说,老师不出声。7、让幼儿Stand up ,listen to the DVD 听音乐,边学做律动边渐渐地Go pee pee。8、Class is over.大班英语公开课教案shoesshoes大班英语教案活动目的:1.学会新单词: orts shoes, sli ers, just right, tight2.运用新单词简单的组成句型,并适当的进展对话。活动准备:运动鞋,拖鞋,磁带活动过程:一GreetingHello ,how are you ?What s the weather like today ?What the day is today ?二WarmingThe sun、The moon三新授1 GueWhats in the bag ?Its They are 2One by one3. 示范1老师示范:let me try them on.1. They are tight . They are not my size.2. They are just right. They are my size.(2) 幼儿示范:T:how do you feel?S:They are tight . They are not my sizeThey are just right. They are my size.4. Game幼儿围成圈,把自己的鞋子脱下来放在面前,听音乐,听老师指令。Do you want to try?Ok ,take off your shoesStand up.听音乐,幼儿围圈走,音乐停,拿起面前的鞋子穿上。How do you feel?多遍游戏,开场可由老师问,幼儿纯熟以后可让幼儿问。5结尾Sing a song The more we get together 边唱边继续转圈,演唱完毕 Find your shoes, put them on.大班英语公开课教案A family of chickenA family of chicken活动内容:A family of chicken活动目的:通过活动复习英语单词cock、chicken、hen培养托儿学习英语的兴趣活动准备:Chicken头饰、鸡蛋均人手一份cock由老师扮演hen 由大班幼儿扮演音乐Mother hen草丛、篮筐个活动过程:一唱歌念儿歌,组织教学T: e on Babies! Lets sing some songs, are you ready?复习单词cock、chicken、henT: Look! (老师带上cock头饰) Who am I? (cock)T: Yes, I am cock.T: 谁想做我的宝宝chicken? (帮每位托儿带上chicken头饰)T:(亲亲抱抱cock) Who are you?chickenRhyme:A family of chicken发现hen 不在Chicken chicken, ji ji jiCock cock, wo wo woHen hen, guoguoda guoguoda二寻找hen,学习新单词eggT: Where is hen?播放音乐Mother henhen 入场hen下蛋,托儿人手一个egg, 学念egg(1)念给cock听(2)念给客人听三完毕活动T: 宝宝们小心把egg敲碎了,快把egg交给爸爸请托儿把egg放入事先准备好的篮筐里T: 我们把这一篮的egg交给hen,让它在孵出很多的chicken,好不好?将一篮筐的egg交与hen安静活动,活动完毕大班英语公开课教案Go Shopping幼儿园大班英语教案:Go shopping一、教学内容ShoppingA: Hello! Can I help you?B: Yes, I want a sweater for my daughter, please.A: How about this one?B: Oh, good. The size is OK.C: Mum, I dont like the colour.A: Do you like this purple one?C: Cool! Thats my favourite colour.B: How much is it?A: Sixty-eight yuan.B: Heres the money.A: Thanks.size 尺寸;大小purple 紫色的cool 棒的二、教学目的与要求1. 能听懂、会说本篇对话;2. 能运用会话中的句型进展扩展性的情景会话;3. 能听懂、会说新单词:purple, size, cool。三、教学重点能运用所学句型进展扩展性的情景会话。四、教学手段运用多媒体辅助教学。五、教具准备一件毛衣,各种文具、食品、服装、玩具和水果等。六、教学步骤Step 1. GreetingsT: Good morning, boys and girls. glad to meet you.Step 2. presentation1 Lead-inT: You know, Im new here. I thought it would be hot in Zhuha.But today it is cold. Im just in a blouse.Now Im feeling a little cold. So I want to go shopping and buy some warm clothes. Read the title shiopping.2 play a guessing game 课件:显示屏上出现一些碎片,碎片渐渐扩大,变成一件毛衣T: What am I going to buy? What do I want? Just guess and say: YOu want3课件:老师走进一家服装店,与售票员进展交谈。T= the teacherC= the puterSs= the studentsC: Can I help you?Learn to say:Can I helpyou?T: I want a sweater, sir.C: How about this one? 课件:售货员拿出一件很大的毛衣。T: I think its too big.C: How about this one? 课件:售货员拿出一件很小的毛衣。T:How about this one? What do you think?Ss:Its too small.C: How about this one? 课件:售货员拿出一件对老师来说大小适宜的毛衣。Learn to say:How about?T: I think the size is OK. Do you think so?Ss:yes!Learn to say:size.Read after the teacher:The size is OK.T: The size is OK, sir. but I dont like this colour.C: Whats your favourite colour?T: Whats my favourite colour is 课件:毛衣随着学生的答复变换颜色,并由此引出新授单词purple。Learn to say:purple.T: take out a purple sweaterI like this purple sweater.4 play a game: Guess the price of the sweater.Ss: How much is it?S1 : yuan.If the price S1 guess is too low, the teacher will say:Up, up, up.; if too high, the teacher will say: Down, down,down. Each students has three chances to guess.After the students guess the price right, the teacher puts on the purple sweater and asks the students Am I cool?Leatn to say:Cool.Step 3. practice1Listen to the dialogue.T: What have you heard in the dialogue?2Listen to the dialogue and repeat it sentence by sentence.3pratice in groups of three.Step 4 Consolidation1Divide all the students into 5 groups: stationers, toy shop, clothes shop, fruit shop and food shop. put some goods in each shop. Get the students to do the shopping in groups.每组由一名学生当售货员,其它学生充当顾客。2Ask the students to go to different shops and buy different things.把全班分成五个组,即五个商店,顾客可以到任何一家商店购置自己喜欢的物品。老师到各组去指导,同时老师也当顾客,购置物品。3老师总结全课,表扬做得好的学生。电脑计分牌显示胜方,并伴随胜方的欢呼声。The students sing a song Good-bye. 第 13 页 共 13 页


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