国家开放大学电大专科英语阅读(2)2026-2027期末试题及答案(试卷号:2156)PartQuestions I 10 are bated on Passage 1.is a short passage about one of the famous kidnappings which happened In ludy in 1973.Police seek Mr Getlyi grandsonI rrmi (Xir Coe心pond cm Rome . July 14Xpobce were searching today for Paul Gcny (II. aged 16. the gradnson of the oil rnuhiniillionnirct who has been missing since early on Tuscday h is feared that he has been kidnapped.The fl in rm was raised yesterday by Mrs Gail Harris, aged 39. lhe boys mother, after she received an anonymous telephone call in her Rome flat saying iftWc have kidnapped your son Get money ready fbr a ninsoni We will call again later ”Police arc not excluding the possibility that it might be some kind of joke, bin the chnnccs that kidnappeni may have set their sights on young Paul arc considerable in view of the success of several recent kidnappings in Italy.Pault a slim, fair-bained boy with a giA for pnintingt mingled with hippies and sold mcml(ririkets he made in Rome s favourite hippy haunts, lhe Piazza di Spagna and lhe Piazza NavonaThe last time be was seen was in the early boun of fuse day morning when he left n night club with some hippy friends.The Dmes SaturdayJuly 14t 1973Read Passage 1 and decide whether the following sUitements arv True or False. Write T for True und F for False against the number of each of the statcmenli on your Answer Sheet.L The boy had been kidnapped for 16 days*2. The boys mother reported the ease to the police on July 13.3. The cnminalB kidnapped the boy probably because there were recently scvcrnlsuccessful kidnappings tn Italy.was a conservative student, and worked hard at his studies.ent to a restaurant before he was kidnapped.1 again and then try to give short answers to Questions 6-10. Write your answers r Sheet.old was the kidnapped boy?ich city did the kidnapping happen?was special about his grandfather?received an anonymous telephone call about the kidnap?re was he last seen?-20 are based on Passage2.Part IIPassage 2:able tennis players have set new records in the past two years. Following a f seven titles at the 43rd World Table Tennis Championships in 1995, Chinese d audiences at the Atlanta Olympics by bagging all four golds. After that, the ;or both the First Womens Singles World Cup and the 17th Men,s Singles rent to Deng Yaping and Liu Guoliang, and all four champions of the Table Tennis Federation (ITTF) Pro-Tour Finals 96 were Chinese players.d, at the same time, however, be aware of hidden troubles behind so much iree top players in the mens team, Kong Linghui, Liu Guoliang and Ding 1 quite young. Kong was in difficulty for all of 1996. In Atlanta, he was finally ousted by Taek Sao Kim of the Republic of Korea in the second round singles. Fortunately, he had the chance to redeem himself as world championhe men,s doubles title with his team-mate Liu Guoliang.EqIEqwIrtlympg,匕心5*亦5。成而6Z皿 last World 二 * Continuous forehand 皿K pW but he ha5 his weak porn 却臼部坤 M he has 1backhand 心成血心如1 M。a hi- unique。. _ uniquenenB he oner relied on in no aner so mysterious. How to keep chnllcnging other tntcrnAtioniil champiorui in the bigKetit ianuc Ding Song has to face now.Many new fneen in rhe tncr/w including Feng Zhc Xiong Ke Wang Ltqiru Hwn Yangt Mnlin and Qin Zhijian* (ailed to impress people much over the year. Compared with Wanff Too nnd the other three veternna mentioned above, they ore still too green. Luckily the establiAhrd players are not too old yet nnd newer player still have time tomiiture.Them? incernal problem* which con be overcome through more training Hon 11 count for much, when whatfa rrnlly more serious in the threat from without. Since the Atlanta Olympics* China has once again become the M com mon tnrgetM of the rest of the worldsIn menf compclilionst European teams remain the innjor threat to Chinn. In the 1996 World Tabic Tennis Rankings we find VUdimir SumnonoVt a new star from fkloruHin close on the hreln of the two Chinese who tied for (trsl placc h in this mant noted for hi comprehensive skills and toughne5 who gave Chinese player* so much trouble al the Olympicn and the World Cup on their way to the championship titlesA group of upcoming players like Samsonov is emerging in Europe* and lant year the European Federation of Table Tennis Association* had b special meeting on how to deal with the Chinese team. They have invited Chinese players to act ad adviorikt dispatched two obsiervera to China to keep abreast of the Chinese tcamt and have sent European players to China to be trained with their Chinese counterpnrt*. They have even thought of amending competition rules to restrict Chinese players.The Republic of Koren (ROK) is another threat. The Chinese team lout only twice in the group event in the pnat two yearn to the same rival the ROK. The ttixth-ranked plnycr in the world is Tack Soo Kim. probably the UrRest threat to any Chinese player. At the Anian Table Tennis Championships in 1996 he defeated more than a few Chincar vcterann9Read Pasaagc 2 und then choose the best answer that tnay complete each of the statcmenti according to tbc ptmaxc Write your nswem on the Answer Sheet.IL We cun infer that thin paxnagc probably comes from .A. b recommendation letterB- a magauneC. an instructionD a drama piny12. A: rhe 43rd WTTC in 1995, Chines players A. cleaned all the seven cups after they won themB won all the four goldsC won all the seven championship eventsD failed to win all seven cups13. What docs the sentence Wc should* at the same time, however, be aware of hidden troubles behind 50 much glory imply (Para 2)?A. The Chinese team will win all the championships in the tntemationAl table tennis competitions.B. Chinese players have good skills, so nobody can beat them.C. Though the Chinese team won many championships* the top players have some drawbacks.D. The Chinese team is better than others.14. According to the passage which of the following statements is TRUE?A. All five champions of the International Table Tennis Federation (!TTF) Pro-Tour Finals 96 were Chinese players.B. Kong Linghui won the mens doubles title with Dingsong in Atlnnta.C Ltu Guoliang is rhe strategic weapon in the Chinese team. His sktlh are perfect.D Ding Song is famous for his unique combination of offense and defense.15. Some of the players in the inen* tram arc described Mtoo grccnt which means.A. they still need more time to matureB. they are the mysterious weapons of the Chinese lezimC people know rchtivcly little nboui themD. they wear unnuitAblc sportswrnr for the mntch16. The phrase dont count for much0 (Para 6) nicans.A. there is not much to countB. what has born mentioned is* not vrry inifwrt/intC what hue been mentioned cwnnof he cnsily explainedD there have not been enough discuAian% of the prublrm17. Which of the following is the closest in tneaning to the phrnne uc1orc on the heels of (Para 7)?A. LoMng interest in.K Running oway frontC PushingaD Following closely*18. The European Federation of Table Tennis Associations has tried hard.A. to invite Chinese players to be advisors for their team%B to wnd European players to China to help the Chinese playersC to find fault with the Chinese team by sending two observers to ChinaD. to hold more table tenniji competitions19. In the sentence * They have even thought of amending competition rules to restrictChinese players1* (Para 8). *【hey refer to.A. the International Table Tennis FederationB. the Belorussia teamCMan has lived on Paynes Prairie a very long time. He lived there a (ar back as 10000 R. C. Al one time, the Semi notes lived there. The prsine is thought to have been named after King Payne a Seminole chief. During the late 16OOs the lArgent cattle ranch in Florida was on Paynes Prairie. Today Paynes Prninr is preserved lnnd He visited Paynes Prairie in 1774. At thnt time he described it* He called Paynen Prairie the Mgreat Alachua Savannahs Mott o( the animal life, which Burt ram deacribedi in still here. A large number of sand hill crane、 hawk* and waterfowl are herr in winter. The Animal dlvcnlty in increatked by the presence of pine flat woodn hammock# ftwnmpt and pond”The Puyn” Prftiric Preserve Slotc Park it open year round The Florida l、rk Service works hi rd so that the p/irk will appear tis it did in the pnM. h offers many opportunities (or rccrcAtion. At fhe park you can enmp and picnic You can hike and bike You cam bom And fish. You can ride on home trnih. And you rnn *rc lots o( nnfurc and wildlife. You can see Floridu tin if won in thr curly dnya.Paynei Prairie ia a piirt of our Florida history. It i an example ol our Florida nAturnl reMaurcc It h a place (or recreation nnd an important cxptriencc of ihr Real Florida.Wend PftssHge 3 and decide whether thr following sUtemcnt* tire True or False. Write T for True nnd F far False ngMlnut the number of each of the sUtcmenls on your Answer Sheet.2L The Paynes Prairie is located nor Gaincuville in Florida, h is large 20# 100 acres.22. The Pnyncs Prairie basin wan formed from diiinolvcd limestone and the ground neulinif.23. The Puynm Prairie in covered by wet prairie vegmiicm.24. The Payne* Prairie has changed httlc through time.25. The pruirie ia thought to hnvc been nnmed nffer King P/iync.(i Seminole God.26. Their uned io be a big cnttlc farm on Poynw Prairie.27. William Bart mm wbh thr first person to vistt Pftyncn Pnnria.28. The undrrlinet! word diverSty means *variety”.29. The Pwynrn Prairie PrrMcrvc State Park is only aprn in aurnmen30. The purjiofic o( the passage la to call on people c 4Itei March* 2050.Frnnk nnd Mnry Smith wake up in their comfortable hounc in thr morning nnd nwitch on the bedroom computer to get the Intent newn. They ued to read thr Tirnrt but chitnKrd to electronic newnpK|)rrn many yeorn Ago.There is the usual ncw about apflcei another space (light has returned (rorn Marit nnd nctcntiBts have discovered a new planet* Then they return to business ncwsi the US dollnr hA risen greatly in Shanghai one of the world91 leading bumness centers. Mary tells the computer to buy 5.000 dollflr9 nnd there is a quick rcAponne thnt it ha been done.Ab they watch the screen* Mnry orders one of the huuMhold robota to make codec (or thcrib Frank dinnppearB into the utudy to join n video conference with hi partnern around thr world. He is a computer engineer working for several rompunies. This in hiji third jobi he used to be in mArketing and then televisionMary hftfi a quick look ot the shopping channch the unual xelecfton of electric cars# household robotii nnd cheap travel offers before picking up the video phone to talk io her ttffsistnnt. She nho has a job nnd she ia doing medical research Both hc and Fnink uwed to have an office dsk in london# but in 2014 they decided to move to the nuick and work from homc#Frank nnd Mary have one dnuRhtcr. Louiiice who aho has her own workstation nt home. She goes to nchool only one day a week# miiinly to piny with other students Clasiirooms disappeared in 2030 because there wus no longer any need (or them, communication Bystems hove mndr it much easier to learn at home.Louinet now thirteen in studying Chinese at presents which become a world langUBK*1 as important am EnRliah. lx)uiac han many Chinene friends. They communicate by computer.According to (hr(Amily doctor Louise will live to t leat 130. Her wish is to work for a few decAdc5 ond then spend her time on mumc nnd pointing.Rcud Paisagc 4 and I hen try to give short answers to Questions 3135. Write your answers on the Answer ShccL31. Why do Fritnk and Mnry switch on the bedroom computer in the morning?32. Dom Mmy rend pncc nnd btiaincM news?33. Who makes coffee for Mnry and Frank?34. How docs Frank work with others from home?35. What will be the two world languages in 2050?试题答案及评分标准(仅供参考)Part I (30 pointst 3 pointi each)1. F2. T3. T4. F5. F6. The boy was 16 years old.7. The kidnapping happened in Rome8. His grandfather was an oil multimillionAirc.9. Mr* Gnil Hnrrin/Thc boyS mother did.10t He was last Bern outside nightclub.Part II ( 30 pointst 3 points each)11. H12. C13. C19. CPart HI ( 20 points, 2 points each)21. F22. T24. T26. T27. E28. T29. F30. FPart IV ( 20 pointst 1 points each)31. They want to re the InteMt news.32. Yes. jihe docs.33. A household robot does.34. Frank works with olhcrn by using a video conference.35. Chinese and English will be the two world lAnguAgcn ai thai Time.