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教学目标(Teaching objectives)评论(0)1、语言知识目标:(1)全体学生能够听说认读重点词汇“red、yellow、blue、green、black、panda、chameleon.”(2)全体学生能听、能说、能读“Its+颜色.”“My name is.”句型。2、语言技能目标:(1)全体学生能够听懂、会说:Its red.(2)全体学生能够整体感知:Its red、yellow、blue、green、black。(3)全体学生能用简单的英语组织思维,能在语境中听懂、说对、会读、本课重点词句,会说明事物的颜色特征。3、情感态度目标:借助学习话题增加师生、生生之间的相互了解,感受语言情感交流的魅力。进一步培养学生学习英语的兴趣,鼓励学生敢于开口,积极参与,乐于模仿和表达,在学习中互相帮助,形成合作意识。4、学习策略目标:通过观察,视听回答,全身反应、交流互动、参与体验等方式进行学习,能通过参加说明事物颜色等特性的活动,形成对周围色彩的关注 。5、文化意识目标:简单了解中英文中不同颜色的表达,了解中西方的颜色文化,提高审美意识。6 重点难点(Important and difficult points)评论(0)1、教学重点:(1)能够听说认读重点词汇“red、yellow、blue、green、black、panda、now”。(2)能听、说、读“Its red.”“My name is.”句型。(3)结合生活运用“Its+颜色”的语句结构描述事物颜色。2、教学难点:(1)各种颜色词汇的发音及分辨,发音要到位。(2)能够灵活运用本单元的短语和句型,描述事物颜色。9 教学过程 9.1 第一学时 9.1.1 教学活动 活动 1【导入】Step 1.Warmup 评论(0)T:Good morning,boys and girls.S:Good morning,Annie.T:How are you,today?S:Im fine,thank you.And you?T:Im fine too.T:Now,lets sing and dance.(Play the cartoon of Please stand up.)【设计意图】通过简单的问候,帮助学生适应英语语感,进入英语学习状态;采用 TPR 形式来缓解学生的紧张情绪,建立轻松的课堂氛围,为进一步的学习奠定基础;用歌曲及舞蹈动作热身引发学生学习兴趣,并以此复习物品单词句子,巩固学习知识。活动 2【导入】Step 2.Leadin 评论(0)T:Our friend Panpan is coming.Hes watching fish with his sister.What color are the fish?Lets have a look.(Play the video of Activity One and lead students to watch and listen.)T:What colour are the fish?1.Teach new words:look,red.(1)T:Look,its a red fish.(Take out a red fish.)Look(Take out the word card of look,lead students to learn.)Look,u u look,do the phonics action.Then do the word action and say it for three times.(2)Red(Take out the word card of red,lead students to read.)Red,e e red,do the phonics action.Then every big group read.(3)Say group name red fish.T:Look!What colour is it?(Show the red fish.)Ss:Its a red fish.(Stick it to the blackboard.)T:Group one,you are the red fish group.Lets say your group name.Red fish,red fish,come on!2.Teach new words:wow,yellow.(1)T:Wow,its a yellow fish.(Take out a yellow fish.)T:Wow(Take out the word card of wow)Wow,au au wow,do the phonics action.Then make the expression of wow to read.(2)Yellow(Take out the word card of yellow,lead students to read.)Yellow,je je yellow,do the phonics action.Then every big group to read.(3)Say group nameyellow fish.T:(Show the yellow fish.)Its a.Ss:Its a yellow fish.(Teacher stick it to the blackboard.)T:Group two,you are the yellow fish group.Lets say your group name.Yellow fish,yellow fish,come on!3.Teach new words:blue.(1)T:Ooh,its a blue fish.(Take out a blue fish.)T:Blue.(Take out the word card of blue,lead students to read.)Blue,b b blue,do the phonics action,then play high voice and low voice.(2)Say group name blue fish.T:Ooh,Its a.(Show the blue fish.)Ss:Its a yellow fish.(Teacher stick it to the blackboard.)T:Group three,you are the blue fish group.Lets say your group name.Blue fish,blue fish,come on!4.T:Today,well have a match.Please come on!T:Now,lets follow Panpan to say the colour of the fish.(Play the video of Activity One again and lead students to watch,listen and say.Then evaluate every groups,give them different number stars and different colour stars.)【设计意图】利用 Activity 1 的铺垫作用,为学生播放生动有趣的动画,让学生在跟随盼盼观鱼的过程中,走进颜色世界,并能尝试用英语描述三种颜色“red,yellow,blue”,利用文中出现的三种颜色的小鱼为学生分组竞赛,可将学生带入积极的学习状态之中。活动 3【讲授】Step 3.Presentation 评论(0)T:Now,Panpan is walking.Hes meeting a chameleon.Theyre talking about the name.Lets have a look!活动 4【讲授】Step 4.Text Learning 评论(0)1.Learn the new words and ask the name.T:Look!Its a chameleon.(PPT show the picture of chameleon and teach new words.)(1)chameleon,k k chameleon.(Use the card to teach and do the phonics action.)Then read chameleon one by one.(2)a/an(Use PPT to present and use the card to teach a/an.Do the phonics actions.)Then read the sentences Im a chameleon.(3)T:Ask name Whats your name?The panda says My name is Panpan.(Use my,M-Y my,ai ai my,(Use PPT to present and use the card to teach my.Read panda,p p panda,(Show the word card to teach.And do the phonics action of p.Then do the action of panda for three times.Finally,say the sentence Im a panda.)(4)T:Now,Panpan and the chameleon are talking about their names.(PPT show the pictures of chameleon and panda,teach the new sentences.Then use headwears to a.Teacher to be the chameleon and all the students to be the panda to introduce c.Act out:ask students use the headwears of chameleon and panda to introduce self and ask the name.Prize the students.【设计意图】利用卡片、课件创设学习情境,引导学生学习对话。教学卡片不足以形象,但教师利用课件出示图片及主要句子以及拿出有趣的熊猫和变色龙头饰,马上就让学生有了真实的感觉,所以,在本环节我利用头饰制造语言机会,激发学生开口交流的欲望,趁此操练文本前半部分,给学生运用语言的机会。2.Learn the text.(1)T:The chameleon is very interesting.Now,a story for you.Lets watch and think What can the chameleon do in the story?(Play the cartoon of Activity Two,lead students to watch and listen.)Ss:B.Change the colours.(PPT show A.Swim.B.Change the colours.Let students choice.)(2)T:The chameleon is very magical.Now,a short video for you.Please watch and think How does the chameleon change the colors?(Play a video about the chameleon change colours.)T:The skin of chameleon will change colours according to the background,the change of temperature and mood change,in order to protect themselves,to avoid attacks and to survive.【设计意图】通过观看动画和小视频让学生了解龙的特征,使学生对变色龙变色产生浓厚的学习兴趣。3.PPT show the background of different colours and the chameleon of different colours to learn the new words and colour sentences.(1)Red,e e red,do the phonics action to read.Read group by group.(2)Its=it is,ts ts its,t t it,z z is,it is.Its its=it is,(Itsread twice and it is read one time.)Then play the game blow big and small balloons.Then use red chalk to write Its red.on the blackboard.(3)Blue,b b blue,do the phonics action to read.Then use blue chalk to write blue on the blackboard.(4)Yellow,je je yellow,do the phonics action to read.Then use the yellow chalk to write yellow on the blackboard.(5)Green,g g green,do the phonics action to read.Play high voice and low voice.Then use green chalk to write green on the blackboard.(6)Black,b b black,do the phonics action to read.Play how many fingers how many times.Then write it on the blackboard.【设计意图】巧用不同的背景使学生观察变色龙的变化情况,使学生轻松学习,通过这一直观教学手段使抽象化的词汇学习具体化,易化了词汇这一教学难点,在学生操练单词时,还运用各种形式操练,如语音动作、分组学读、吹气球、高低声、看手指数快速反应读、伸出手指写一写等,避免了枯燥乏味的学习单词。4.Review the colour words.Do the phonics exercises.(1)red,e e red.E E E e e e,E e Its red.(Clap hands and say E for three times,do the phonics action of e and say e for three times.Then clap hands and say E for one time,do the phonics action of e and say e for one time.Finally,say and point to Its red.)(2)blue,b b blue.B B B b b b,B b Its blue.(Clap hands and say B for three times,do the phonics action of b and say b for three times.Then clap hands and say B for one time,do the phonics action of b and say b for one time.Finally,say and point to Its blue.).(3)yellow,je je yellow.Y Y Y je je je,Y je Its yellow.(Clap hands and say Y for three times,do the phonics action of je and say je for three times.Then clap hands and say Y for one time,do the phonics action of je and say je for one time.Finally,say and point to Its yellow.).(4)green,g g green.G G G g g g,G g Its green.(Clap hands and say G for three times,do the phonics action of g and say g for three times.Then clap hands and say G for one time,do the phonics action of g and say g for one time.Finally,say and point to Its green.)(5)black,b b black.B B B b b b,B b Its black.(Clap hands and say B for three times,do the phonics action of b and say b for three times.Then clap hands and say B for one time,do the phonics action of b and say b for one time.Finally,say and point to Its black.)【设计意图】教师自编语音操,既巧妙起到巩固所学知识的作用,又迎合了小学生爱玩好动的心理,一举两得,学生会感觉很有趣。5.Say the chant.Say and do the actions.What colour is it?Its red.Its red.(Clap hands and shoulders to say.)What colour is it?Its blue.Its blue.(Clap hands and arms to say.)What colour is it?Its yellow.Its yellow.(Clap hands and legs to say.)What colour is it?Its green.Its green.(Clap hands and stomp feet to say.)What colour is it?Its black.Its black.(Clap hands and desks to say.)【设计意图】通过 chant 配上有趣的动作,使学生在轻松、愉悦的氛围中得到了知识的操练,加深对知识的记忆。6.Read the text:read like the chameleon and the panda.(Play the cartoon of Activity Two again,Ss listen and say.Then evaluate every groups.)【设计意图】文本是基础,所以在这一环节我充分利用文本资料,将有趣的课文动画再次呈现给学生,引导学生跟读模仿文本,鼓励他们大胆模仿动画中的的语音语调。活动 5【活动】Step 5.Consolidation 评论(0)1.Activity Three(1)T:Xiaoyongs family is watching the balloons.What colour are the balloons?Lets listen and say.(2)Teacher point the balloons and ask What colour is it?Students answer Its green/red/blue/yellow/black.2.Activity Four T:The two boys are playing a game.The game is I say you point and say out the (1)Show the jigsaw.Teacher say point to.all the students point to the colour and say Its.(2)Ask students come to the jigsaw to play this game,prize the winner.【设计意图】文本在熟练运用的基础上,关键是要实际运用。所以,利用 Activity Three,让学生先听标准音,再让学生试着发音,然后让学生能够根据所见气球说出相应的颜色,练习了关于颜色的问答句;利用 Activity Four 复习了前一模块的 Point to.句型,并通过有趣的三人 PK 游戏,让学生看拼图说一说指一指,促使学生在积极的活动参与中,达到知识的巩固运用。活动 6【练习】Step 6.Practise 评论(0)1.Which colour is missing?(1)PPT show the colurs and students say the colours weve learned.(2)Play the game Which colour is missing?PPT show the four colours,lead students say the missing colour.2.Sharp Eyes.Use PPT to show the different objects colours quickly.Let students say the colour as quickly as they can.Prize the students.3.Look at the pictures and match the colour.Use PPT to show some colour words and the different things.Let students match and say.【设计意图】直观感知后,设计有趣的活动操练句型,让学生在参与互动中保持学习热情。活动 7【测试】Step 7.Cooperative Learning 评论(0)Groupwork:Colour the Olympic Rings.(1)Give every group the Olympic Rings paper,let them colour it.(2)Students introduce the colour of Olympic Rings.【设计意图】分组活动培养学生的合作探究能力,动手涂色培养学生的动手配合能力,介绍奥运五环的颜色可以巩固单词和练习句型。活动 8【作业】Step 8.Homework 评论(0)Can we use the colour weve learned today to draw a rainbow?If you need other colours,please find them out.Draw a rainbow,and identify the colours English expressions.【设计意图】让学生课后画彩虹,可以复习本课所学的五种颜色,并通过查找资料了解其它颜色的英语表达方法,进而感知中西方对颜色的不同表达。活动 9【活动】Step 9.Summary 评论(0)Today,weve learned different colours.Now lets count your colourful stars.(Count stars and give them different presents:No.1 big stickers;No.2 medium stickers;No.3 small stickers.)【设计意图】通过学生本节课的表现给予各组不同数量的星星,最后让学生数一数,可锻炼学生对英语数字的表述能力,并将不同大小的 Stickers 作为礼物送给学生,鼓励并肯定学生的表现。


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