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.1/5 形容词的比较级和最高级知识讲解与练习 .常见的形容词与比较级和最高级的构成(规则变化):.在单词末尾加_ 构成比较级;加 the 和_ 构成最高级。如:small(小的)_(更小的)_ _(最小的)small 小的 short 短的 long 长的 new 新的 young 年轻 kind 和蔼的 clean 干 净的 quiet 宁 静的 calm 镇静的 clever 聪明 smart 机 灵的 cold 寒冷的 cool 凉爽的 warm 暖和的 tall高 的great 极 好的 cheap 便 宜的 few 少量的 fast 快的 weak 虚 弱wild 鲁莽的 .在单词末尾加_ 构成比较级;加 the 和_ 构成最高级。如:nice(漂亮的)_(更漂亮的)_(最漂亮的)nice 漂亮的 large 大的 white 白的 fine 好的 late 晚的 .先改单词末尾的_ 为_,加_ 构成比较级;加 the 和_ 构成最高级。如:funny(风趣的)_(更风趣的)_(最风趣的)funny 风趣 scary 恐 怖的 pretty 漂亮的 friendly 友好 ugly 难看的 lazy 懒惰的 shy 害羞的 curly 卷 曲的 heavy 重的 easy 容易的.先双写在单词末尾的_字母,再加_ 构成比较级;加 the 和_ 构成最高级。如:red(红的)_ _(更红的)_(最红的)red 红的 big 大的 hot 热的 thin 瘦的 fat 胖的 .在单词前加_构成比较级;加_ _ 构成最高级 如:interesting(有趣的)_(更有趣的)_(最有趣的)interesting 有趣的 boring 无聊的 difficult 困难的 relaxing 轻松的 exciting 令人激动的 different 不同的 famous 著名的 beautiful 美丽的 surprised 感到惊讶的 popular 流行的 unfriendly 不友善的的 delicious 美味的 expensive 昂贵的 crowded 拥挤的 athletic 体格强健的 serious 严肃的 outgoing 活泼的 easygoing 平易近人的.2/5.特殊变化:原级 比较级 最高级 goo/well many/much bad/badly(坏地)little old Older(年龄)/elder(辈份)oldest/eldest far farther 距离/further(深奥的)farthest/furthest.形容词比较级的用法:表示两者(人或物)的比较。比较级+than 表示 A 比 B (A 比较级+than B).他比我高。He is _(tall)than me.他的头发比我的短。His hair is _(short)than _.He has _(short)hair than _.Tom 比我胖。Tom is _(fat)than me.谁跑得快些,Lucy 还是 Lily?Who runs _,Lucy or Lily?.英语比语文重要。English is _(important)than Chinese.我来的比你晚。I come _(late)than you.他比你小 2 岁。Hes 2 years _ than you.表示两者“相等”用,as+形容词原级+as 比较对象:(A as 原级 as B)他和我一样高。He is as _(tall)as I/me.英语比语文重要。English is as _(important)as Chinese.他的头发和我的头发一样长。His hair is _ _ _ mine.他学习和你一样努力。He works _ hard _ you.表示“不如”,“不相等”时,用“not+as/so+形容词原级+as+比较对象”。他没我高。He is _ _ (tall)as me.今天没有昨天暖和。Today is _ _ _(warm)_ yesterday.=Yesterday _ _ than today.他昨天来得没有我早。He _ come _ early as I(did)yesterday.比较级前可用 much/a lot/far(得多),a little(稍微),still,no,even(甚至),any 等表示程度;形容词、副词前如有:very,too,quite(非常),rather(相当)等修饰,一般用原级。比 较:He is much _(well)today.Its much _(expensive).He is very _(well)today.Its too _(expensive)“比较级+and+比较级”表示“越来越”天气越来越冷了。Its getting _ and _(cold)生活越来越好了。She is becomingand(better)“The+比较级,the+比较级”表示“越,就越 越多越好 The _,the _.3/5 越努力,越好 The ,the “用 twice 等表示倍数的词+as+原级as”表示甲是乙的几倍。(理解)这间房是那间房的两倍。This room is _ as big as that one.形容词最高级的用法:表示三者或三者以上(人或物)的比较,其中有一个超过其他几个。形容词最高级前要加 the,后面通常带 of(in)短语来说明比较的围(of 后的名词或代词表示与主语属同一类;in 表示时间或空间围)。在我们班上他最高。He is _(tall)_ our class.玛丽是这三个学生中最小的。Mary is _(young)_ the three students.Exercise 一出以下单词的比较级 1.tall_2.quiet_ 3.funny_4.heavy_ 5.thin_6.big_7.outgoing_8.wild_ 9.little_10.good_11.bad_12.many_ 二、单项选择题 1.Tina is _ than Linda.A.short B.more shorter C.shorter D.shorter 2.This question is _ than that one.A.easyer B.more easy C.easy D.easier 3.Im _ younger than her.A.a few B.a little C.little D.few 4.My friend is the same _ me.A.to B.as C.with D.in 5.The girl is as _ as her mother.A.beautiful B.more beautiful C.beautifule D.more beautifuler 6.Lily is _ of the two.A.taller B.tallest C.the taller D.tall 7.The box is _ heavier than that one.A.much B.very C.more D.so 三、同义句。1.He is 14 years old.His friend is 12 years old.His friend is _ _ he.2.Our bikes are not the same as theirs.Our bikes are _ _ theirs.3.He is healthier than his friend.He _ _ _ of the two.4.The girl is smarter than her classmates.The girl is smarter than_ _ _ in her class.5.He is less popular than her.He is not _ popular _ her.She is _ _ than him.参考答案:一1.taller 2.quieter 3.funnier 4.heavier 5.thinner 6.bigger.4/5 7.more outgoing 8.wilder 9.less 10.better 11.worse 12.more 二1-5 CDBBA 6-7 CA 三1.younger than 2.different from3.is the healthier 4.any other student 5.as as;more popular 用所给词的正确形式填空:1.Of the two girls,I find Lucy the _(clever).2.Gold(黄金)is _(little)useful than iron(铁).3.My sister is two years _(old)than I.4.Johns parents have four daughters,and she is the _(young)child.5.The _(cheap)bags are the not usually the best ones.6.The short one is by far _ expensive of the five.7.The boy is not so _(interesting)as his brother.8.Dick sings _(well),and she sings _(well)than John,but Mary sings_(well)in her class.选择填空:1 He feels _ today than yesterday.A.much tired B.more tired C.more tireder 2.Which do you like _,coffee,tea or milk?A.the worst B.worse C.the worse D.worst 3.Of the two toys,the child chose_.A.the expensive one B.one most expensive C.a least expensive 4.The line is _ than that one.A.more longer B.not longer C.much more longer 5.The earth is _ the moon.(不做)A.as 49 times big as B.49 times as bigger as C.49 times as big as 6.The book is _ of the two.A.thinner B.the thinner C.more thinner 7.She looks _ than she does.A.more older B.very older C.much older 8.The garden is becoming _.A.more beautiful and more B.more beautiful and beautiful C.more and more beautiful D.more beautiful and beautifuler 9.They competed(比赛)to see who could work _.A.the fastest and best B.the faster and the better C.fastest and better D.faster and better 10._ hurry,_speed.A.More,less B.Much,little C.The more,the less D.The much,the little 形容词,副词比较级,最高级练习 形容词,副词比较级,最高级练习 I。用适当形式填空:.5/5 1.Bob is _(young)than Fred but _(tall)than Fred.2.Yingtian is not as _(tall)as Yongxian.3.Li Deming looks _(fat)than before the holidays,4.Which is _(heavy),a hen or a chicken?6.He is _(bad)at learning maths.He is much _(bad)at Chinese and he is the _(bad)at English.7.Annie says Sally is the _(kind)person in the world.8.He is one of the_(friendly)people in the class,I think.9.A dictionary is much _(expensive)than a story-book.10.An orange is a little _(big)than an apple,but much _(small)than a watermelon.11.The Changjiang River is the _(long)river in China.12.Sue is a little(beautiful)than her sister.13.My room is not as _(big)as my brother s.14.-How difficult is physics?-I m not sure.-Is it(difficult)than maths?-I don t think so.15.-Annie plays the piano very _(well).-Sue plays it _(well)than Annie.And Sally plays it the _(well).16.Saturday is my _(busy)day in a week.17.Her mother is getting _(fat)and _(fat).18.I think it s too expensive.I d like a _(cheap)one.19.He comes to school much _(early)than I.20.This book is not as _(interesting)as that one.21.Your classroom is _(wide)and _(bright)than ours.22.Practice as _(much)as you can.23.The _(much),the _(good).24.Nowadays English is _(important)than any other subject,1 think.25.Most of the students think a lion is much _(dangerous)than a bear and it is the _(dangerous)animal in the world.II。形容词,副词比较级,最高级练习参考答案:I.1.younger,taller 2.tall 3.fatter 4.heavier 6.bad,worse,worst 7.kindest 8.friendliest 9.more expensive 10.bigger,smaller 11.longer 12.more beautiful 13.big 14.more difficult 15.well,better,best 16.busiest 17.fatter,fatter 18.cheaper 19.earlier 20.interesting 21.wider,brighter 22.much 23.more,better 24.more important 25.more dangerous,most dangerous


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