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英美文学1. William Faulkner is the author of _.A. Far From the Modeling Crowd B. Sound and FuryC. For Whom the Bell Tolls D. Scarlet Letter1. Robert Frost is a famous _.A. novelist B. playwrightC. poet D. literary critic3. The Old Man and the Sea is one of the great works by _A. Jack London B. Charles DickensC. Samuel Coleridge DEmest Hemingway4. Which of the following poets is different from the others?A. John Donne. B. John Keats.C. Lord Byron. D. Percy Bysshe Shelley.5. Which of the following is not written by William Shakespeare?A. Othello. B. The Tragical History of Dr. Faustus.C. Romeo and Juliet. D. The Twelfth Night.6. Beowulf narrates a story taking place in _.A. the Mediterranean B. Northern EuropeC. England D. Scandinavia7. _ refers to some contrast or discrepancy between appearance and reality.A. Allegory B. ConflictC. Irony D. Flashback8. William Wordsworth is an English _.A. poet B. novelistC. playwright D. critic9. The great transcendental work by Henry David Thoreau is _.A. Nature B. WaldenC. Experience D. Essays10. James Joyce is the author of all the following novels EXCEPT _.A. Dubliners B. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young ManC. Jude the Obscure D. Ulysses11. The Bronte Sisters published the following famous novels EXCEPT _.A. The Tenant of Wildfell Hall B. Jane EyreC. Wuthering Heights D. Agnes Grey12. In which novel can Yahoo be found?A. John Bunyan s Pilgrim s Progress.B. Edmund Spencer s The Faerie Queen.C. Jonathan Swifts Gullivers Travels.D. Henry Fieldings Tom Jones.13. The Victorian Age was largely an age of _, eminently represented by Dickens and Thackeray.A. pessimism B. naturalismC. modernism D. critical realism14. Mark Twain shaped the world s view of America and made a combination of _ and serious literature.A. American folk humor B. funny jokesC. English folklore D. American values15. Who was the first American to achieve an international literary reputation after the Revolutionary War?A. Fennimore Cooper. B. Nathaniel Hawthorn.C. Walt Whitman. D. Washington Irving.16. Paradise Lost is a masterpiece by _.A. Christopher Marlow B. John MiltonC. William Shakespeare D. Ben Jonson17. Have a Dream is addressed by _.A. Abraham Lincoln B. John F. KennedyC. Martin Luther King D. Ralph Waldo Emerson18. Which of the following is NOT a poem by Emily Dickinson?A. This is my letter to the world. B. heard a fly buzz when I died.C. This is just to say. D. Because I could not stop/or death.19. Eugene 0 Neil is an American _.A. novelist B. playwrightC. poet D. essayist20. The Romantic Age in England came to an end with the death of _.A. Jane Austin B. Walter ScottC. Samuel Taylor Coleridge D. William Wordsworth21. In the works of such aesthetics as _ and Walter Pater, the theory of art for arts sake is advocated.A. Oscar Wilde B. Mrs. GaskellC. Alexander Pope D. Charles Lamb22. Works by _ are characterized by stream-of-consciousness.A. George Eliot B. Jane AustenC. Emily Bronte D. Virginia Woolf23. Who of the followings is a playwright of the theater of absurd ?A. John Osbom. B. Wystan Hugh Auden.C. Bernard Shaw. D. Samuel Beckett.24. The period from 18651914 has been referred to as the _ in the literary history of the United States.A. Age of Realism B. Age of ClassicalismC. Age of Romanticism D. Age of Renaissance25. With Collected Poems , _won the second Pulitzer Prize.A. Ezra Pond B. e. e. cummingsC. Robert Frost D. William Cullen Bryant26. _ belongs to the second period in Shakespeare s three stages of writing career.A. The Merchant of Venice B. Love s Labor LostC. Hamlet D. The Tempest27. Grass is a poem written by _.A. Walt Whitman B. Carl SandburgC. Langston Hughes D. Alien Ginsberg28. William Makepeace Thackeray s most famous work is _.A. The School for Scandal B. Past and PresentC. Major Barbara D. Vanity Fair29. Dover Beach is written by _.A. Robert Browning B. Alfred TennysonC. Mathew Arnold D. Dylan Thomas30. The period of Old English literature refers to _.A. about 450 1066 B. 14th century mid-17th centuryC. 14th century mid-ISA century D. 16th century mid-18th century31. Moby Dick is the most important work by _.A. Jack London B. Herman MelvilleC. Sinclair Lewis D. Ralph Ellison32. 0. Henry earned his fame mainly for his _.A. novels B. poemsC. short stories D. dramas33. Francis Bacon s _ is a great essay on education.A. The Advancement of LearningB. The Importance of Being EarnestC. The New AtlanticD. The Learned Reading upon the Statute of Uses34. _ is NOT a novel of Francis Scott Fitzgerald.A. Tender Is the Night B. Anna ChristieC. The Beautiful and Dammed D. The Great Gatsby35. The American literature in modem period is divided into two parts by the event ofA. the expatriate movement B. the Great DepressionC. the First World War D. the Second World War36. Which of the following novels does NOT belong to Dreiser s Trilogy of DesirefA. The Titan. B. The Financier.C. The Genius. D. The Stoic.37. The followings are all Dickens works EXCEPT_.A. Oliver Twist B. Moll FlandersC. Great Expectations D. Bleak House38. It is generally regarded that Keats s most important and mature poems are in the form ofA. ode B. elegyC. epic D. sonnet39. The 1954 Nobel Prize for literature was awarded to _ for his mastery of the artof modem narration.A. William Faulkner B. John SteinbeckC. Saul Bellow D. Ernest Hemingway40. Sister Carrie is a masterpiece of _ work.A. romantic B. classicC. neo-classic D. naturalistic41. Who is the father of English poetry?A. Shakespeare. B. Edmund Spencer.C. John Milton. D. Geoffrey Chaucer.42. The Octopus is written by _.A. Frank Norris B. Sherwood AndersonC. Willa Gather D. Stephen Crane43. James Baldwin s most famous short story is _.A. A Rose/or Emily B. The Story of an HowC. Sonnys Blues D. A Clean, Well-lighted Place44. John Galsworthy won the 1932 Nobel Price for his work _.A. Ulysses B. Hard. TimesC. The Forsyte Saga D. Jude the Obscure45. Which of the following poems is NOT written by George Gordon Byron?A. She Walks in Beauty. B. The Solitary Reaper.C. When We Two Parted. D. Childe Harolds Pilgrimage.46._wrote several novels with the name of Rabbit.A. Arthur Miller B. Thomas PynchonC. John Updike D. Wallace Stevens47. The Road Not Taken is a poem written by _.A. Robert Frost B. LongfellowC. Ezra Pond D. Carl Sandburg48. God help them that help themselves is found in _ s work.A. Franklin B. FreneauC. Jefferson D. Paine49. T. S. Eliot s most famous long poem is _.A. The Love Song of J. Alfred Pru/rockB. A Boys WillC. The Waste LandD. The Golden Bough50. _ is often credited with writing the first true novel of incident.A. John Banyan B. Henry FieldingC. Samuel Richardson D. Daniel Defoe51. Daisy Miller is a great work by _.A. Henry James B. Mark TwainC. Dreiser D. Stowe52. Hester is a character in _. A. Cone with the Wind B. The Fall of the House of UsherC. Babbitt D. Scarlet Letter53. Jack London s _ is his patently autobiographical novel.A. The Call of the Wild B. The Sea WolfC. Martin Eden D. The Iron Heel54. William Golding s first and most well-known novel is _.A. Coral Island B. Lord of the FliesC. Treasure Island D. The Brass Butterfly55. To be, or not to be is quoted from _.A. King Lear BHamletC. Julius Caesar D. Romeo and Juliet56. The first book of the Old Testament is called _.A. Exodus B. NumbersC. Leviticus D. Genesis57. The black man Jim is a character in Mark Twain s _.A. The Adventures of Tom SawyerB. The Adventures of Huckleberry FinnC. Life on the Mississippi D. The Prince and the Pauper58. 0 Captain My Captain was written in memory of _.A. Walt Whitman B. Benjamin FranklinC. Abraham Lincoln D. Martin Luther King59. Which of the following works is NOT written by D. H. Lawrence?A. Women in Love. B. Sores and Lovers.C. The Rainbow. D. The French Lieutenant s Woman.60. Generally, the Renaissance refers to the period between _ and _ centuries.A. 14th/mid-17th B. 14th/mid-18thC. 16th/mid-18th D. 16th/mid-17th61. The Crapes of Wrath is the masterpiece of _.A. John Steinbeck B. John CheeverC. John Updike D. John DOS Passes62. _ is NOT a play written by Tennessee Williams.A. Cat on a Hot Tin Roof B. The Class MenagerieC. Light in August D. A Streetcar Named Desire63. Robert Bums is a poet from _.A. England B. New EnglandC. Ireland D. Scotland64. Look Back in Anger is a play written by _.A. John Osbome B. Samuel BeckettC. Edward Albee D. Eugene ONeil65. _ is a popular literary form in the medieval period.A. Romance B. NovelC. Sonnet D. Drama66. Seize the Day is regarded the best novel written by _.A. Flannery 0Conner B. Saul BellowC. Ralph Ellison D. Sherwood Anderson67. _ is NOT among the postwar poets in modem American literature.A. Robert Lowell B. Gary SynderC. Alien Ginsberg D. e. e. cummings68. William Blake s The Tiger is collected in _.A. Songs of Innocence B. Songs of ExperienceC. Marriage of Heaven and Hell D. Poetical Sketches69. The image of the famous henpecked husband is created by _.A. Washington Irving B. Fennimore CooperC. Edith Wharton D William Dean Howells70. _ is known as the poet s poet.A. Shakespeare B. MarloweC. Spenser D. Donne71. The literary spokesman of the Jazz is often thought to be _.A. ONeil B. PoundC. Robert Frost D. Scott Fitzgerald72. _was the most important person of the transcendental club.A. Hawthorn B. WhitmanC. Emerson D. Thoreau73. Shylock is a character in _.A. The Merchant of Venice B. The Twelfth NightC. The Winters Tale D. Macbeth74. The compiler of A Dictionary of the English Language is _.A. Joseph Addison B. Richard SteeleC. Samuel Johnson D. Laurence Stem75. The main theme of Emily Dickinson is the following EXCEPTA. religion B. love and marriageC. life and death D. war and peace76. American fiction in the 1960s and 1970s proves different from its predecessors. It is referred to as _.A. imagism B. black humorC. new fiction D. the Beat Generation77. Together with Lawrence and Joyce, _ is considered one of the three giants ot the modem English novel and a master of English prose.A. Henry James B. Joseph ConradC. E. M. Forster D. Aldous Huxley78. This line If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind? is quoted from _.A. Don Juan C Kubia KhanC. To Autumn D. Ode to the West Wind79. Stephen Crane is famous for _.A. An American Tragedy B. The AmbassadorsC. Main Street D. The Red Badge of Courage80. Belinda smiled, and all the world was gay. What is the figure oi this speech?A. Hyperbole. B. Simile.C. Metaphor. D. Synecdoche.81. _ has won the Pulitzer Prize four times and Nobel Prize.A. Ernest Hemingway B. John SteinbeckC. Eugene 0 Neil D. William Faulkner82. Golden Notebook is a feminist novel written by _.A. Amy Tan B. Doris LessingC. Flannery 0 Connor D. Kate Chopin83. Which of the following poems is written by W. H. Auden?A. Sailing to Byzantium B. To an Athlete Dying YoungC. Musee des Beaux Arts D. Church Going84. Beloved is the masterpiece of _.A. Tony Morrison B. Ralph EllisonC. John DOS Passes D. Willa Gather85._, the author of The Interpretation of Dreams has great impact on literary creation and criticism.A. Carl Jung B. Jean-Paul SartreC. Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche D. Sigmund Freud86. Henry Fielding is the author of the great 18th century English novel, _.A. The History of Tom Jones, a FoundlingB. PamelaC. Moll FlandersD. The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy87. Tess is a character created by _.A. D. H. Lawrence B. James JoyceC. Thomas Hardy D. Dylan Thomas88. The sentence Shall I compare thee to a summer s day is quoted from Shakespe-A. comedies B. tragediesC. histories D. sonnets89. Which of the following is NOT a typical feature of Modernism?A. To elevate the individual and inner being over the social being.B. To put the stress on traditional values.C. To portray the distorted and alienated relationships between man and his environment.D. To advocate a conscious break with the past.90. In A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning, John Donne compares the lovers souls to _.A. two roses B. two circlesC. sun and moon D. twin compasses91. Utopia is _ s work.A. Thomas More B. Francis BaconC. John Dryden D. George Herbert92. One of the Prime Ministers of Britain has won the Nobel Prize for literature, and that is _.A. Margaret Thatcher B. Tony BlairC. Winston Churchill D. John Major93. Beauty is truth, truth beauty is an epigrammatic line by _.A. John Keats B. William BlakeC. William Wordsworth D. Percy Bysshe Shelley94. Whitman s poems are characterized by all the following features EXCEPT _.A. a strict poetic form B. a simple and conversational languageC. a free and natural rhythmic pattern D. an easy flow of feelings95. Who initiated the name of the Lost Generation?A. Hemingway. B. Fitzgerald.C. Gertrude Stein. D. William Faulkner.96. My Last Duchess is a monologue poem written by _.A. William Shakespeare B. Robert BrowningC. Ben Jonson D. Robert Herrick97. The high tide of Romanticism in American literature occurred around _.A. 1820 B. 1850C. 1880 D. 192098. The title of Alfred Tennyson s poem Ulysses reminds the reader of the following EXCEPT_.A. the Trojan War B. Homers OdysseyC. adventures over the sea D. religious quest99. As a literary figure, Heathcliff appears in _.A. Jane Eyre B. Oliver TwistC. Wuthering Heights D. Middlemarch100. The publication of _ established Emerson as the most eloquent spokesman of the New England Transcendentalism.A. Nature B. Self-RelianceC. The Over-Soul D. The American Scholar101. _ is considered to be the best-known English dramatist since Shakespeare, and his representative works are plays inspired by social criticism.A. Richard Sheridan B. Oliver GoldsmithC. Oscar Wilde D. Bernard Shaw102. Chinese poetry and philosophy have exerted great influence over _.A. Ezra Pound B. Ralph Waldo EmersonC. Robert Frost D. Emily Dickinson103. The success of Jane Eyre is partly due to its introduction to the English novel the first _ heroine.A. explorer B. peasantC. worker D. governess104. _ is the representative work of the Beat Generation.A. The Great Catshy B. On the RoadC. Look Back in Anger D. The Sun Also Rises105. Emily Grierson is a literary figure created by _.A. Willa Gather B. Doris LessingC. William Faulkner D. Nathaniel Hawthorn106. The most significant idea of the Renaissance is _.A. humanism B. realismC. naturalism D. skepticism107. The title of Thackeray s Vanity Fair is taken from _A. The Holy Bible B. The Faerie QueenC. The Pilgrim s Progress D. Paradise Lost108. Mr. Micawber in David Coppeifield and Sam Well in Pickwick Papers are perhaps I best _ characters created bv Charles Dickens.A. comic B. tragicC. round D. sophisticated109. Thomas Pynchon can also be categorized as a Black Humor writer, as well as _ writer.A. classical B. transcendentalC. postmodernist D realistic110. Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard is written by _.A. Ben Jonson B. Thomas GrayC. William Wordsworth D. William Blake


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