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.Pronunciation WorkshopInstructor:Paul GruberIntroductionIntroduction:(01:17-02:27)When you learned English as a second language,you kept many of the sounds and speechrules from your first language and you were continuing to use them when you speakEnglish.This is what gives you an accent.You were using the sounds and speechrules from your native language instead of the sounds and speechrules of English.This program willshow you and train you on how to use these sounds and speech rulescorrectly and showing you how to correctly form new sounds by changing the positionof your tongue or changing the shape of your lips.These small changes are goingto make very big changes in your speech.How to PracticeHow to Practice(02:35-03:15)Speak slowlyUse a Loud VoiceExaggerate Your Mouth MovementsWhat would you be doing is retraining the muscles of your mouth in your tongue tomove in new ways,which will produce a new pronunciation patterns.These new speechpatterns will slowly and eventually involve into your own spontaneous fast speech,but it is important that you start out going very slow.The Key to SuccessThe Key to Success(03:15-05:15)Being aware of your errorsRecognizing mistakes when you hear themWhen most Americans speak you will notice that we seem to open our mouth a lot andthere is a great amount of mouth movements.Arrangement of this programArrangement of this program(05:15-05:45)During the course of this program,I will begin by addressing consonantsounds andthen later on well work with vowel sounds.Now vowel sounds,as you know,are AE I O and U,like ahh,ohh,eee,ehh,ihh and ooo.And consonant sounds are basicallyall the other letters sounds,like b,ch,s,t,f,g,sh,w and of course,thereare many many more sounds.Session OneSession One(05:55-22:34)1/21.1.Consonant R2.Consonant WR TipsR Tips(07:07-09:00)Mouth and lips come tightly forward as if you would be saying the OO sound.Tongue moves back.Now one way of checking if youre doing this correctly with your tongue is byactually putting your finger around an inch into your mouth while saying an R sound.You should be able to take the tip of your finger and feel the tip of your tongue.PracticePractice(09:00-12:34)R at the beginning of words(like Rock Rain)Bringing your mouth forward and pulling your tongue back.R at the end of words or after a vowel(like Car Far Air Poor)Your tongue hasta pull backand also your lips close a little bit in the front.TheR needs to be very strong and you need to close the word.R in the middle of words(like Very Arrange Everyone)Your tongue is back and your lips are coming all the way forward.R BlendsR Blends(12:34-14:10)The R is always the strongest sound of the blend.Your lips come forward before you even say the word.When the blend is at the beginning of a word,your mouth prepares for the R,by comingforward before you even say the word.R blends at the beginning of words(Training Trust)R blends at the beginning of words(Training Trust)R blends in the middle of wordsR blends in the middle of words(Subtract WaitressSubtract Waitress)W TipsW Tips(similar to Rsimilar to R)(15:34-17:42)Practice first with OO.Then go into OOOOOWAWAWA.Remember,A W is always makes a W sound.It NEVER makes a V sound.Remember,the W sound is also at the beginning of the wordsOne andOnce.PracticePractice(17:43-19:24)2/21.W at the beginning of words(like Why Which)W in the middle of words(like Always Away)Dont forget to bring your mouth forward at the beginning of each word.Q sounds(Q=KW)Q sounds(Q=KW)(19:24-20:18)For example,the word Quick is pronounced with the K and the strong W sound.KWICK,like that.Session TwoSession Two(22:50-44:25)1.Voicing2.Consonant pairs3.Consonant S4.Consonant Z VoicingVoicingVoicingis when your vocal cords are vibrating in your throat,producing a sound.All vowels are voiced.Some consonants are voiced,some are not.(24:35-26:23)Paired Consonants:Paired Consonants:(26:23-29:11)P&B T&D F&V SH&ZSH K&G S&ZConsonant S&Consonant Z:Consonant S&Consonant Z:(29:11-30:00)The S consonant,made with the air going through your front teeth./s/the S soundis unvoiced.You just add voicing.What would the S sound become/s/-/z/.It willbecome a Z sound/z/.So S has no voicing/s/,Z has voicing/z/.So we say the S soundand Z sound are also Pair Consonants.And this brings us to what I would like tocover today-S sounds/s/,Z sounds/z/and how they work interms of word endings.Three rules for S&Z endingsThree rules for S&Z endings(30:11-38:27)Rule 1Rule 1If the last sound inIf the last sound in a word is unvoiced,and youre adding an S,well,then thea word is unvoiced,and youre adding an S,well,then theS remains unvoiced,too.S remains unvoiced,too.Examples:1 cup,2 cups(the p in cup is unvoiced,so you just add an unvoiced s)I break,he breaksRule 2Rule 23/21.If a word ends in any of these sounds:If a word ends in any of these sounds:s,z,sh,ch,or dg(j),when adding ans,z,sh,ch,or dg(j),when adding anS ending,addS ending,addIZZZZZZIZZZZZZExamples:1 Page 2 PagesIRaise,HeRaisesRule 3Rule 3IfIf a a wordword endsends inin a avowelvowel soundsound(like(like thethe wordword Tree)Tree)oror a avoicedvoiced consonantconsonant(like(likethethe wordword Game),Game),thenthen whenwhen you addyou add anan S,S,continuecontinue thethe voicingvoicing throughoutthroughout thethe entireentireword,and it should become a voicedword,and it should become a voicedZZZZ.ZZZZ.Examples:1 Tree,2 Treezzzz(correctly spelled Trees)1 Day,2 DaysI Fly,He FliesSome common words where Ss are pronounced as ZsSome common words where Ss are pronounced as Zs(38:27-39:50)IsHisAsWasTheseThoseEasy BecauseSession ThreeSession Three(44:41-61:15)1.The Unvoiced TH Sound2.The Voiced TH Sound3.THR Blends4.Voicing the T SoundThe Unvoiced TH SoundThe Unvoiced TH Sound(46:55-49:53)Flat tongue protruding through your teeth.Maintain a steady air stream.StretchFlat tongue protruding through your teeth.Maintain a steady air stream.Stretchout the TH sound.out the TH sound.Example:Think of the word Thumb as having two beatsTh.umb12Unvoiced TH at the beginning of words(Thanks Thick)Unvoiced TH at the middle of words(Anything Bathmat)Unvoiced TH at the end of words(Bath North)The Voiced TH SoundThe Voiced TH Sound(49:53-53:05)4/21.ToTo makemake a a voicedvoiced THTH soundsound ,youyou justjust needneed toto addadd voicingvoicing toto thethe unvoicedunvoiced thth sound.sound.Theres the voiced TH.You should be able to feel the strong vibration in yourTheres the voiced TH.You should be able to feel the strong vibration in yourthroat and on your tonguethroat and on your tongue .Voiced TH at the beginning of words(The That)Voiced TH in the middle of words(Clothing Mother)Voiced TH at the end of words(Smooth Bathe)THR Blends:THR Blends:the combination of TH sound and the R soundthe combination of TH sound and the R sound(55:18-56:30)Be aware that the R is the strongest sound of the blend and its louder than theBe aware that the R is the strongest sound of the blend and its louder than theTH.TH.SoSo whenwhen youyou saysay a a wordword whichwhich beginsbegins withwith THR.THR.FirstFirst makemake thethe THTH soundsound andand thenthenstrongly push out the R.(Thread throw)strongly push out the R.(Thread throw)TH ExceptionsTH Exceptions(58:20-60:47)Although the following words are spelled with a TH,they are pronounced as aAlthough the following words are spelled with a TH,they are pronounced as aT.T.Thomas Thompson Theresa Thailand Thames Esther ThymeVoicing the T SoundIf a T falls within two voiced sounds(usually vowels),the T becomes voiced likeIf a T falls within two voiced sounds(usually vowels),the T becomes voiced likea D.a D.Examples:Water Wader(the whole word is voiced)Better BedderButter BudderVoiced T PracticeBetty boughta bitof better butter.But,said she,this butt ers bitter.If Iputitin my batter,itll make my batter bitter.Session Four(61:28-80:21)Session Four(61:28-80:21)1.Consonant F2.Consonant V3.The Unvoiced SH Sound4.The Voiced SH SoundConsonants F and VConsonants F and V(62:40-63:39)Consonants F and V are produced with contact of your upper teeth and lower lip.Thinkof it as biting your lower lip.Maintain a steady air stream.5/21.They are both identical,except the F is unvoiced,and the V is voiced.Fs and Vs are friction sounds and not that loud.So we stretch these sounds out alittle bit,so they can be clearly heard.Practice F and VPractice F and V(63:40-72:46)The OF ExceptionNOT OF.BUT OV.The Unvoiced SH SoundThe Unvoiced SH Sound(72:48-73:36)To make the Unvoiced SH sound,bring your mouth and lips forward,teeth should beslightly apart.Produce air stream.Words beginning with SH begin with this sound.(So are the words Sugar,Sure,Chef and Chicago.)SH practiceSH practice(73:36-76:29)The Voiced SH Sound The Voiced SH Sound (76:29-77:00)The Voiced SH sound is exactly like the SH except voicing is added.To produce thissound,first make a sound and then you add voicing -,like that.Now,for some people this may take a little bit of practice,you should feelthe vibrations right here in your throat .SH practice(77:00-78:31)Usual(Uzshual)Put your hand on your throat and feel for the vibration in thesecond syllable U-ZSHU-AL.Session FiveSession Five(80:25-93:20)1.Consonant LL Tips:L Tips:(81:05-83:05)Your bottom jaw should be down and your mouth should be wide open.Your bottom jaw should be down and your mouth should be wide open.YourYour tonguetongue shouldshould RISERISE UPUP(independently(independently ofof youryour jaw)jaw)andand touchtouch rightright behindbehind youryourtop teeth.top teeth.Produce the L sound by dropping and relaxing your tongue.Produce the L sound by dropping and relaxing your tongue.PracticePractice“LA,“LA,LA,LA,LA”,LA”,keepingkeeping youryour bottombottom jawjaw loweredlowered andand openopen whilewhile onlyonly raisingraisingyour tongue.your tongue.6/21.Practice(83:05-87:48)To produce an L at the end of a word,remember to slowly raise your tongue upward,To produce an L at the end of a word,remember to slowly raise your tongue upward,towards your upper teeth,while keeping your bottom jaw as open as possible.Thetowards your upper teeth,while keeping your bottom jaw as open as possible.TheL sound comes from the tongue movement,not from the placement.L sound comes from the tongue movement,not from the placement.(Using your finger to push down on your bottom teeth to keep your jaw open,maybe helpful for practicing.)FL Blend(87:48-89:05)Here we re combining two sounds that we have already covered.The F sound and nowthe L sound.Don t forget to first bite your lips for that F/f/,like that andthen quickly push your tongue up and against your teeth for the L to creat the FLblend FlyComparing R and L(90:52-92:12)Keep in mind when you re producing an L,your tongue moves forward and up behindyour tip.When you re producing an R sound,your lips move forward but your tonguemoves all the way back.Basically,the L and the R are completely opposite sounds.L and R Combinations(92:12-93:02)These words and phrases having an L sound and an R sound right next to each other.This forces you to make a clear L and then roll it right into a strong R.Example:Seal ringSession Six(93:30-106:35)Session Six(93:30-106:35)1.Word EndingsOften people who speak English as a second language drop the endings or final soundsoff their words,well,they do not pronunce the final sounds correctly.Make sure that the final sounds in your words come through clearly and fully.Dontdrop off or shorten the endings!(94:12-95:50)Practice P/B/T/D endingPractice P/B/T/D ending(95:50-98:48)Three rules for ED endingsThree rules for ED endings(98:48-103:10)7/21.Many verbs that are in the past tense end in ED.Rule 1Rule 1IfIf a a wordword endsends inin anan unvoicedunvoiced consonant,consonant,whenwhen addingadding ED,ED,justjust addadd anan UnvoicedUnvoiced T TExample:Jump jumped.(pronounced jump T)Rule 2Rule 2If a word ends in a voiced consonant,add a Voiced DIf a word ends in a voiced consonant,add a Voiced DExample:Rub Rubbed Today I rub,yesterday I rubbed.(pronounced rub-D)Rule 3Rule 3If a word ends in a T or a D sound,we add a Voiced IDIf a word ends in a T or a D sound,we add a Voiced IDExample:Lift Lifted Today,I lift the ball.Yesterday,I lifted the ball.Three Nasal Sounds:M N NGThree Nasal Sounds:M N NG(104:09-106:15)Try to say the M sound/m/while closing off your nose.You see you can not do it.Because the M sound comes out of your nose.Its the nasal sound.Same thing withthe NG sound-comes out of your nose.Its a combination of a N and a Gand its found at the ends of words,like Ring and Sing.And I wantyou to realizethat theres not a/k/K sound.Session SevenSession Seven(106.48-118:02)1.CH sound 2.The American J sound(DG)3.Consonant HCh sound and J soundCh sound and J sound(107:37-109:24)CH Unvoiced as in Ch-ur-ch,Its a combination of the T sound/t/and the SH sound.When you put these two sounds together,you get a.Its an unvoiced sound.American J Voiced as in J-u-dge,if you take this CH sound and you keep everythingin your mouth the same,you just add voicing.It becomes an American J sound .CH,unvoiced.J,voiced.PracticePractice(109:24-113:20)8/21.Consonant HConsonant H(113:28-114:12)When an H is at the beginning of a word it is pronounced with a strong,loud air-stream.Practice:Ha.Ha Ha.Put your hand in front of your mouth for this exercise.You should be able to feelthe airstream come out onto the palm of your hand.Note that some words in English that begin with the letter W are also pronunced justlike an HPractice(114:12-117:09)Session EightSession Eight(118:14-129:48)1.American English Vowels2.Vowel EE3.Vowel IAmerican English VowelsAmerican English Vowels(118:47-120:18)There are five vowel letters in English:A E I O and U.But there are around 15 vowelsounds and some vowels have as many as 10 different spellings.Vowel sounds are made by slightly changing the Size,Shape and the Tension of themuscle in your mouth,your tongue and your lips.A small change can produce anentirely different sound.Instead of giving you diagrams of tongue placement-howround your lips should be or how far you should open your mouth.I believe the bestway to learn American vowels is by Ear Training.Listen carefully and repeat.To help teach you the American vowel sounds,I ll separate them to two groups:front vowels and back vowels.When your tongue rises up in the front,it s a frontvowel.When your tongue rises up in the back,it s a back vowelFront Vowels:(From high to low)Front Vowels:(From high to low)(120:18-123:50)EE-I-AE-EH A i:i ei e EE as in HeatI as in HitAE as in HateEH as in Het(nonsense word)(nonsense word)9/21.A as in HatHeat-Hate-Het-HatBack Vowels:(From high to low)Back Vowels:(From high to low)(121:45-122:59)OO-Uh-Oh-Aw-Ah u:u OO as in BootUh as in BookOh as in BoatAw as in BoughtAh as in Bot(nonsense word)(nonsense word)Boot-Book-Boat-Bought BotComparing Heat(EE)and Hit(I)(122:59-129:42)Remember:Heat is high.Hit is lower.Remember:Heat is high.Hit is lower.EE Vowel SoundRemember,smile and think high.Remember,smile and think high.i vowel soundSession Nine(130:00-144:42)Session Nine(130:00-144:42)1.Vowel OW2.Vowel AEVowel O(131:10-132:45)The Hidden W:OWE,OWE,OWE,OWE,OWEWoke and Wont(134:51-137:50)Practice:WOWOWOWOWOPractice:WOWOWOWOWOWoke:Whoa(W)+KWont:Whoa(W)+ntVowel AE(137:50-138:22)This sound is a combination of two vowel sounds.You start with an A and then youglide up to an E.A E,AE.Notice how my mouth also closes a little bit at theend of the vowel AE.The 50 United States(Stressed sounds are in bold)(140:35-144:25)Alabama AlaskaArizonaArkansas California10/21.Colorado ConnecticutDelaware FloridaGeorgiaHawaiiIdaho Illinois IndianaIowaKansas Kentucky LouisianaMaineMarylandMassachusettsMichigan MinnesotaMississippi MissouriMontanaNebraska Nevada NewHampshire NewJerseyNewMexico NewYork North CarolinaNorth Dakota OhioOklahomaOregonPennsylvania RhodeIsland South CarolinaSouth Dakota TennesseeTexasUtah VermontVirginiaWashington West Virginia Wisconsin WyomingSession Ten(144:52-154:18)Session Ten(144:52-154:18)1.Vowel OO2.Vowel UH3.Vowel EHOO Vowel Sound(146:08-146:37)Bring your lips tight and forwardDouble OO words that are pronounced as UH(148:18-149:19)Double OO words that are pronounced as UH(148:18-149:19)Food has a high vowel(OO)Foot has a lower vowel(UH)EH Vowel Sounds(151:51-152:12)It s made with the front of the tongue low.Session Eleven(154:29-163:09)Session Eleven(154:29-163:09)1.Vowel A as in Hat2.Vowel AU as in Out3.Vowel AH as in TopA Vowel Sound(155:20-155:49)Your mouth has to be wide open.11/21.AU Vowel Sound(156:47-158:34)AU Vowel Sound(156:47-158:34)ThisThis isis anan importantimportant sound!sound!IfIf mispronounced,mispronounced,itit cancan oftenoften makemake youyou misunderstood.misunderstood.Begin this sound with the A sound as in hatBegin this sound with the A sound as in hatThen,slide your mouth forward to form a small W sound.Then,slide your mouth forward to form a small W sound.Example:Downtown.DA wnTA wnDowntown DowntownAre VS Our(159:59-161:02)Are(Close with strong R sound,tongue retracts back.)(Close with strong R sound,tongue retracts back.)Are you going?Our(Begin with the AU sound(A as in Hat),Then close your mouth and say Were.)(Begin with the AU sound(A as in Hat),Then close your mouth and say Were.)Our meeting is in one hour.Pronounced as AU-WERE(The word Hour is also pronounced the same way).Pronounced as AU-WERE(The word Hour is also pronounced the same way).Session Twelve(163:21-176:42)Session Twelve(163:21-176:42)1.Tongue TwistersF,W,Voiced Z(164:49-165:46)Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear,Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair.Fuzzy Wuzzy wasnt fuzzy,was he?Voiced V(165:46-166:18)Vincent vowed vengeance very viciously.P(166:18-167:33)Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked.If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,How many peppers did Peter Piper pick?SH,S and Z(167:33-168:49)She sells seashells by the seashore.The shells she sells are surely seashells.So if she sells shells on the seashore,Im sure she sells seashore shells.12/21.W,CH,and Final Consonants(168:49-169:54)How much wood,would a woodchuck chuck,If a woodchuck could chuck wood?He would chuck,he would,as much as he could,And chuck as much wood as a woodchuck wouldIf a woodchuck could chuck wood.W(169:54-171:31)Which witch,wished which wicked wish?While we were walking,we were watching window washers wash Washingtons windowswith warm washing water.If two witches would watch two watches,which witch would watch which watch?R(171:31-172:05)Roberta ran rings around the Roman ruins.B,BR,and BL blends(172:05-172:39)Bradleys big black bath brush broke.Bradleys big black bath brush broke.TH(172:39-174:15)Tom threw Tim thirteen thumbtacks.He threw three free throws.There are thirty-three thousand birthdays on the third of every month.The father gathered smooth feathers for Thanksgiving.The sixth graders are enthusiastic about Jonathans birthday.GR,and GL blends(174:15-174:44)Green glass globes glow greenly.L,OO vowel(174:44-175:20)Aluminum Linoleum,Aluminum Linoleum,Aluminum Linoleum,Wont(175:20-175:58)I would if I could!But I cant,so I wont!13/21.Woke(175:58-176:31)I woke,he woke,she woke,they woke.We all woke up.Session Thirteen(176:53-190:10)1.Phrase Reductions2.IntonationPhrasePhrase Reductions(177:37-181:42)Phrase Reductions:in conversational English,words are often broken down or notfully pronunciated.Two and three words are sometimes squeezed together to createasy-to-say phrases.Going to try(gonna try)Im gonna try to finish this book.(gonna try)Want to eat(wanna eat)Do you wanna eat at seven oclock?(wanna eat)Have to start(hafta start)I hafta start a diet tomorrow.(hafta start)Has to try(hasta try)He hasta try harder.(hasta try)Got to leave(gotta leave)I(very)gotta leave in fifteen minutes.(gotta leave)Ought to believe(oughta believe)She(very)oughta believe what he is saying.14/21.(oughta believe)Out of bed(outa bed)I got outa bed when I heard the alarm clock.(outa bed)Did you go(Didja g


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