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The Grapes of Wrath-by John SteinbeckOutline Author Background Plot Characters Themes Writing TechniqueJohn Steinbeck(1902-1968)Life Experiences Works and Style Evaluation Life Experiences Born:1902,Salinas,California Father:a government official Mother:school teacher reading British and French classics Stanford University,left without a degree in 1925 various types of jobs,such as farm laborer,seaman,newspaper reporter,bricklayer,migratory fruit-picker being a professional writer with his fathers support a significant Depression writer,miserable life of the poor,a gleam of hope;from radical to conservative In 1943,Steinbeck served as a World War II war correspondent.In 1962,Steinbeck won the Nobel Prize for literature.In 1967,he went to Vietnam to report on the war there.In 1968,he passed away in New York City.National Steinbeck Center in Salinas,CaliforniaMajor Works Cup of Gold(1929)金杯金杯 Tortilla Flat(1935)煎饼坪煎饼坪 In Dubious Battle(1936)胜负未决的战斗胜负未决的战斗 Of Mice and Men(1937)人与鼠人与鼠 The Grapes of Wrath(1939)愤怒的葡萄愤怒的葡萄California novelsDustbowl trilogy The Moon Is Down(1942)月落月落 Cannery Row(1945)罐头厂街罐头厂街 The Pearl(1947)珍珠珍珠 East of Eden(1952)伊甸园以东伊甸园以东 The Winter of Our Discontent(1961)烦恼的冬天烦恼的冬天 Travels with Charley(1962)同查利旅行同查利旅行Writing Style metaphorical languages significance of memory careful choice of words,lavish description,true-to-the-heart portrayal of people short sentences,prophetic and powerful toneEvaluation-Nobel Prize for his realistic and imaginative writing,combining as it does sympathetic humor and keen social perception.“通过现实主义的、寓于想象的创作,表现出富于同情的幽默和对社会的敏感观察。”Steinbeck Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech“I hold that a writer who does not believe in the perfectibility of man has no dedication nor any membership in literature.”TEM-8 Who is the author of the work:The Grapes of Wrath?AJohn SteinbeckBEugene ONeilCFScott FitzgeraldDTheodore Dreiser The following writers were awarded Nobel Prize for literature except_AWilliam FaulknerBFScott FitzgeraldCJohn SteinbeckDErnest Hemingway BackgroundNo.43 史文露Social background:A period of economic disaster and physical wasteland The Great Depression(Oct.24.1929)During the early 1930s,a severe drought led to massive agricultural failure in parts of the southern Great Plains,particularly throughout western Oklahoma and the Texas panhandle.Dust bowl Map showing the major damage in 1932 Dust Storm Approaching TexasThe Great Depression in 1930s The Wall Street crash in Oct.24,1929,“the bottom dropped of the stock market”banks failedfactories closedagriculture witheredjobless millions roamed the streetthe breadless stretch longabsolute poverty and struggled for survivalHobo with bindle-stiff(home-made back pack)that carries all his possessionsMajor Features of the 1930s Literature Content:Social involvement and concern about the society Technique:The revival of naturalism and realism in addition to the influence of modernismPlotNo.2 檀结霞Ruthie JoadTom Joad Ma&Pa Jim Casy Al Joad Rose of Sharon Connie Rivers Noah Joad friendsonsonsonhusbandIntroduction of the Major Charactersdaughterdaughterthe JoadsThe Grapes of Wrath Plot Analysis The land is changing Tom is paroled from prison for homicide.On his way home,he meets Jim Casy,a former preacher and the two travel together.When they arrive at his childhood farm home,Oklahoma,they find it deserted.Theres been a drought,rampant dust stormsCrops are dead,the economy is weak,and landowners must kick tenant farmers(like the Joads)off of the land.The Grapes of Wrath Plot Analysis.The Joads must move westward.The Joads buy a used car and move west,like thousands of other families,in search of a new life,a new home,and new opportunity.The Grapes of Wrath Plot Analysis .California is not all that.They lose four members of the family.Over thousands of people have moved to California,all looking for the same thing:jobs.The Joads cant find any jobs and cant settle down.They are hungry,tired.The Grapes of Wrath Plot Analysis.Tom kills a man.Tom is reunited with Jim Casy,who has become an agitator,fighting for worker rights.The authorities murder Casy,and Tom kills one of the authorities and has to go into hiding.The Grapes of Wrath Plot Analysis.Tom runs away,the Joads escape Ruthie reveals Toms wheraabouts accidentally Ma finds Tom and sends him away.Tom heads off to fulfill Jims task of organizing the migrant workers.Rose of Sharon gives birth to a stillborn baby .The floodwaters continue to rise,The Joads leave their boxcar in search of higher and dryer ground.The Grapes of Wrath Plot Analysis.A dying man is nursed.Rose of Sharon nurses a man too sick from starvation to eat solid food with her milk.CharactersJim CasyTom Joad Ma JoadNo.11 林坤蓉Ma Joad an ordinary housewife stocky,hardworking,obedientbrave,dominant,optimistic,philanthropicchangedgoddessMa JoadMa Joad ordinary housewife stocky,hardworking,obedientbrave,dominant,optimistic,philanthropic(博爱的)changedgoddessTom Joad egotist dissolutereckless aggressive individualistic altruistchanged family-oriented caringrevolted devoted Tom JoadTom Joad egotist(利己主义者)dissolutereckless aggressive individualistic altruist(利他主义者)changed family-oriented caringrevolted devoted Ill be all around in the dark.Ill be everywhere-wherever you look.Wherever there a fight so hungry people can eat,Ill be there.Wherever there a cop beating up a guy,Ill be there.If Casy knowed,why,Ill be in the way guys yell when theyre mad and-Ill be in the way kids laugh when theyre hungry and they know suppers ready.And when our folks eat the stuff they raise an live in the houses they build-why,Ill be there.See?God,Im talking like Casy.Comes of thinking about him so much.Seems like I can see him sometimes.Jim Casy preacher skilled,respectable,skepticalJim CasyJim Casy preacher proletarian leader (无产阶级领导者)skilled,respectable,skeptical selfless,determined,dedicatedchanged Man,he lives in jerks-baby born and a man dies,and thats a jerk-gets a farm and loses his farm,and thats a jerk.Woman,its all one flow,like a stream,little eddies,little waterfalls,but the river,it goes right on.Woman looks at it like that.We aint gonna die out.People is going on-changing a little,maybe,but going right on.ThemesNo.9 陈水秀Themes of The Grapes of Wrath Lies and Deceit Mans Inhumanity to Man;The Saving Power of Family and Fellowship;The Multiplying Effects of Selfishness and Altruism.The Dignity of Wrath;Lies and Deceit Central to The Grapes of Wrath is a single lie:thousands of families moved west to California because they believed it to be the land of plenty,a place full of jobs and opportunity.This lie was spread through a yellow pamphlet dispensed by a Californian landowner looking for workers,and it both gave families a sense of hope and striped them of hope.The Joads were deceived into thinking that their worries would be forgotten once they got to California.Several entities helped to sustain this lie:the banks,the car salesmen,the merchants,and the landowners.Mans Inhumanity to Man Steinbeck consistently and sadly pointed out the fact that the migrants great suffering was caused not by bad weather or mere misfortune but by their fellow human beings.Historical,social,and economic circumstances separated people into rich and poor,landowner and tenant,and the people in the dominant roles struggled viciously to preserve their positions.The Saving Power of Family and Fellowship The Grape of Wrath chronicled the story of two families:the Joads and the collective body of migrant workers.Although the Joads were joined by blood,the text argued that it was not their genes but their loyalty and commitment to one another that established their true kinship.When the Joads met the Wilsons in a remarkable short time,the two groups merged into one,sharing one anothers hardships and committing to one anothers survival.This merging took place among the migrant community in general as well:“twenty families became one family,the children were the children of all.The loss of home became one loss,and the golden time in the West was one dream.”In the face of adversity,the livelihood of the migrants depended upon their union.As Tom eventually realized,“his”people was all people.The Multiplying Effects of Selfishness and Altruism.According to Steinbeck,many of the evils that plagued the Joads and the migrants stemmed from selfishness.Simple self-interest motivated the landowners and businessmen to sustain a system that sank thousands of families into poverty.In contrast to this policy of selfishness,the migrants behavior toward one another stood for altruism.Realizing that their livelihood and survival depended upon their devotion to the collective,the migrants unitedsharing their dreams as well as their burdensin order to survive.The Dignity of Wrath Steinbeck made a clear connection in his novel between dignity and rage.As long as people maintain a sense of injusticea sense of anger against those who seek to undercut their pride in themselvesthey will never lose their dignity.The Joads stood as exemplary figures in their refusal to be broken by the circumstances that conspired against them.At every turn,Steinbeck seemed to intent on showing their dignity and honor;he emphasized the importance of maintaining self-respect in order to survive spiritually.Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord:He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored;He hath loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword:His truth is marching on.我的眼睛已经看见主降临的大光荣:祂在踏尽含忿怒的一切不良葡萄种;祂而抽出祂的怒剑发出雷电声隆隆:祂的真理正进行!from The Battle Hymn of the Republic,by Julia Ward Howe:And the angel thrust in his sickle into the earth,and gathered the vine of the earth,and cast it into the great winepress of the wrath of God.And the winepress was trodden without the city,and blood came out of the winepress,even unto the horse bridles,by the space of a thousand and six hundred furlongs.那天使就把镰刀扔在地上,收取了地上的葡萄,丢在神忿怒的大酒醡中。那酒醡踹在城外,就有血从酒醡里流出来,高到马的嚼环,远有六百里。-圣经启示录 and in the eyes of the hungry there is a growing wrath.In the souls of the people the grapes of wrath are filling and growing heavy,growing heavy for the vintage.“.在饥饿人的眼中,愤怒在燃烧着。在人的灵魂里愤怒的葡萄被装满、已经很重很沉了。”Writing Technique No.14 王秋微王秋微Symbol Flashback Dramatic description Slang and metaphor Rhythmed language 象征倒叙戏剧性描述俚语与暗喻节奏感语言 Symbols symbols of charactersymbols of sceneryJoads MotherJim CasyTom JoadRose Sharon Grape Wild flower1.Jim Casy Jesus Christ Jim Casy is a pastor,his initial names are the same as Jesus Christs(JC).He led the twelve disciples like Christ to save people from suffering a long journey,Casy led those who are destitute and homeless toward Califonia,the symbol of wealth and hope,finally he devoted for the tolling masses.It reflected the dedication of Jesus to save human.2.Tom Joad Thomas,the twelve disciples of Jesus Tom is a nickname for Thomas,and one of the twelve disciples of Thomas is Jesus.Toms family has twelvemembers,in the symbol of Jesus twelve disciples.3.Rose Sharons pregnancy Rose Sharon is very selfish in the beginning of the novel.She only wanted to enjoy life with her husband.When she was abandoned by her husband and the baby died on the vine,her spirit was baptised and acquired a new selfless self-awareness.4.Joads mother In the beginning of the novel,she appeared as an ordinary peasant woman,but under the guidance and the harsh reality of Casy,she jumped out of her small circle,gleaming the glory of the Virgin Mary.She turned from a small farm woman to the great mother of caring about the whole working class.BeginningVirgin Mary Grape Jesuss People,Hope,Pain In The Bible,grape contains many symbolic significances.First,grape symbolises Jesus people,the oppression of the tolling masses.Second,grape in The Bible symbolises abundance and hope,is the new dream and the original power for the farmers.Third,grape is the symbol of anger and pain.Wild Flower Nice Hope The thin wild flower found by Lucy on the road,was placed on the nice hope of Steinback.The surviving wild flower symbolises the refugees strong primitive vitality.


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