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20132014学年度第一学期期末试卷初二英语 2014年1月第一卷 (选择题,共70分)一、听力测试(本大题共20分,每题1分)第一局部听对话回答以下问题本局部共有10道小题,每题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍。在听每段对话前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后,你还有5秒钟的时间选择你认为最适宜的备选答案。1. Who could probably be Mr Gao?2. Where did the conversation probably happen?3. What is the film about?4. Who are they talking about?5. Why cant the girl sleep well at night? A. She didnt pass her test. B. She has no dreams at all. C. Shes worried about her test.6. Why wouldnt Mary go to see the doctor? A. Because she didnt feel ill.B. Because she had to get ready for a test. C. Because she had taken some medicine.7. Whats the womans address? A. 59 Green Field. B. 59 Road of Greenfield. C. 59 Greyfield Road8. How did John feel about his holiday? A. Interesting. B. Not very good. C. Very lucky.9. What are they talking about? A. The weekend. B. The homework. C. The sports.10. What does “sorry” mean in the conversation? A. She doesnt want to lend the eraser.B. She hasnt got the eraser.C. She doesnt hear him clearly.第二局部听对话和短文答题你将听到一段对话和两篇短文,各听两遍。听每段对话或短文前,你将有时间阅读相关小题,每题5秒钟;听完后,每题你仍有5秒钟的时间选择你认为最适宜的备选答案。听一段对话,回答第11至12小题。11. Which shirt did the man like? A. The blue one. B. The black one. C. Neither.12. How much did the man pay for the shirt? A. 26.9 pounds. B. 27.9 pounds. C. 29.9 pounds. 听第一篇短文,回答第13至15小题。请根据短文内容,选择准确答案,完成信息记录表。Personal Information FormName: Morskova Sex: F Date of birth: 13 Nationality: Russia Profession (职业): 14 Now live in: Spain Achievement (成就): 15 13. A. 7th Jan. 1966 B. 17th Jan. 1976 C. 17th Jan. 196614. A .Football player B. Basketball player C. Handball player15. A. Win the first place in Olympic games.B. Be the best player in the world. C. Has nine daughters. 听第二篇短文,回答第16至20小题。16. Where does Mike work?A. He works in a shop near his home.B. He works in an office in town.C. He works in an office near his home. 17. How does he go to work and back home every day?A. On foot. B. On his bike. C. By bus. 18. How did he feel when he came back home late one day?A. He didnt feel happy with the price of the bus ticket.B. He felt very hungry and wanted to have supper at once.C. He felt happy because he met an old friend on his way home.19. In the past Mike could save _ a day.A. one dollar B. two dollars C. five dollars 20. Which of the following sentences is true?A. Mike likes walking more than taking a bus.B. Mikes wife is unhappy to hear the ticket news.C. Mike thinks he will save less money from now on.二、单项填空 在四个选项中,选出能够填入空白处的最正确选项。(本大题共14分,每题1分)21. My son seldom has _ breakfast.It is _ unhealthy lifestyle. You must ask him to change it.A. /; an B. the; an C. the; a, D. /; a22. There are _ visitors to the wetland park, and the number is becoming _ now.A. thousand of; larger and larger B. thousands of; more and more C. thousands of; larger and larger D. thousand of; more and more23. My scarf made of silk feels _ and _. Ms. Cao also wants to buy one like mine. A. softly; comfortable B. soft; comfortable C. soft; comfortably D. softly; comfortably24. We should do everything we can _ the birds _ danger. A. to protect; away B. to protect; in C. protecting; in D. protected; from25. We should do exercise as _ as possible to keep _. A. more; healthy B. much; health C. more; health D. much; healthy26. Lets ask him to _ us in a game. Ok. Pass the coin from one of the students to _. A. join; another B. join; the other C. join in; anotherD. join in; the other27. When winter comes, it is _ snow everywhere and even the big tree is _ deep white snow. A. full with; covered with B. fill with; covered in C. full of; covered in D. fill to; covered with28. My house is _ as yours. But it looks even _. A. the same big; tidier B. the same size; tidier C. the same size; tidy D. the different from; tidier29. If I _ next week, I _ the film with you. Actually, I cant wait for that. A. have free; will see B. will be free; will seeC. have free time; see D. am free; will see 30. I went to the classroom to close the door yesterday. But as soon as I was _ to the classroom, I found it already _.A. close; closedB. closely; closedC. closed; closelyD. close; close31. Last year, the government _ lots of food _ that African country again to help the poor people there. A. gave; for B. gave; with C. provided; for D. provided; with32. I saw him crossing the street. The sentence structure is _. A. S+V+DO B. S+V C. S+V+P D. S+V+DO+OC 33. Would you go to the museum with me this Sunday? Sorry, _. My aunt is coming to visit the family. We plan to have a welcome party then.A. I dont B. I cant C.I neednt D. I mustnt34. _?Hes friendly and helpful.A. Whats he like?B. Hows he?C. Whats he?D. What does he like? 三、完形填空 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从下面四个选项中选择能够填入相对应空白处的最正确答案。(本大题共10分,每题1分)I stood there listening to my father shout at top of his voice. The look on his face said that one of us did something 35 .“Which one of you did this?” We all looked down at the step. There was childs handwriting in chalk there. I had a lot of 36 . I hoped no one could see it. Would he guess it was me? I was so worried. When he asked me, I lied, “Not me, Dad.” The others denied(否认)it as well. Of course, we all knew that one of 37 must have done it. But as the youngest and smallest of the three, I just couldnt find the courage to tell the truth. To 38 who had written on the step, Father gave us each a piece of paper and a pencil. “I want each of you to 39 exactly what you see on the step.”I tried my best to write the words 40 . I didnt want Dad to be able to tell it was me.He 41 our pieces of paper and looked at them. “Since none of you will admit (承认) to have done it, then I will punish (惩罚) you 42 and said nothing. The last thing I wanted was for Dad to 43 me.“I did it.” My sister said she did something that she didnt. Father grounded her for a month.We didnt talk about that day for many years. Not until we were all older and I knew it was 44 to finally tell my dad it was really me. I always felt sorry for it. That was the last time I let anyone take the blame (责备) for me.35. A. hard B. wrong C. special D. true36. A. surprise B. happiness C. fear D. joy37. A. them B. me C. you D. us 38. A. find out B. talk about C. think about D. look for39. A. write B. read C. recite D. draw40. A. clearly B. slowly C. differently D. carefully41. A. opened B. colored C. showed D. collected42. A. only B. all C. both D. one43. A. beat B. teach C. punish D. understand44. A. lucky B. silly C. easy D. safe四、阅读理解 阅读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容选择最正确答案。(本大题共26分,每题2分)ALanding card Welcome to the United States of America1. First (Given) name: William 2. Date of birth (dd/mm/yy): 12/08/98 3. Flight no. AA3751 4. Number of family members traveling with you: None 5. Country of citizenship: Spain 6. Purpose of visit: To see family 7. Are you carrying any of these things:Food, animal, plants, guns or cash over 10,000? Some chocolate 8. Have you had any illnesses in the last 3 months? No 9. How long will you be staying in the USA? Two weeks 10. Is this your first visit to the USA? No 11. In which city will you spend the most time during your stay? New York 12. What is your next destination? Madrid, Spain 45. When is Williams birthday?A. August 8 B. December 8C. August 12D. December 1246. How long will William stay in the USA?A. Two weeks. B. Two months. C. One week. D. One month.47. Where can you find the card?A. At the school. B. In the airplane. C. At the bus stop. D. In the hospital.BA man came home from work late, tired, to find his 5-year-old son waiting for him at the door.“Daddy, how much money do you make each hour?”“If you must know, I make $20 each hour.”“Oh,” the little boy answered, with his head down. He thought for a moment, looked up and said, “Daddy, could you lend me $10?”The father was furious, “If you asked for the money to buy a toy or some other rubbish, then go straight to your room and think about why you are so selfish!”The little boy went to his room with no words and shut the door. After a short while, the father calmed down, and started to think, “Maybe he really needs to buy something and he didnt really ask for money very often.” So he went to the little boys room. “Sorry!Maybe I was too hard on you just now.” said the man, “Heres $10.” “Oh, thank you Daddy!” he said happily. Then the boy took out some coins. When the father found that the boy already had money, he got angry again.“Why do you want more money since you already have some?” the father shouted angrily.“Because I didnt have enough, but now I do.” the little boy replied, “Daddy, I have $20 now. Can I buy one hour of your time? Please come home early tomorrow. I would like to have dinner with you.”48. In this passage, the underlined word “furious” in Paragraph 5 means _.A. very angry B. quite happy C. too excited D. a little nervous49. At first, the father didnt lend the money because _.A. he thought the boy wanted to keep the money for himself.B. he did not have enough money at that momentC. he thought the boy would buy something uselessD. the boy always borrowed money from him50. The boy wanted to buy _ with twenty dollars.A. a new novel for himself B. a nice present for his father C. a toy for his own birthday D. one hour of his fathers timeCLike many lovers of books, Mary and her husband, Richard Goldman, seldom walked past a bookstore without stopping to look inside. They often talked of opening their own store one day.When Mary was in hospital with heart trouble in 1989, they decided it was time to get serious. Richard, who worked for a business company, wanted to work for himself, and Mary needed to slow down from her job.They started by talking to bookstore owners and researching(调查) the industry. “We knew it had to be a specialty store because we couldnt match the big chains dollar for dollar,” says Mary. One figure caught her attention: Shed read somewhere that roughly 20 percent of books sold were mysteries(推理小说), and many buyers spent more than $300 a year on books. She and Richard were themselves mystery readers.On Halloween 1992, they opened the Mystery Lovers Bookshop and Caf near their home. With three children in college, the couple could not spend all the familys money to start a shop. To cover the whole $ 100, 000 cost, they drew some of their savings, borrowed from relatives and from a bank.The store broke even in its first year, with only $ 120,000 in sales. But Mary was always coming up with new ways to attract customers. The shop had a coffee bar and it offered gifts to mystery lovers and served dinners for book clubs that met in the store. She also invited dozens of writers to discuss their stories. Today Mystery Lovers makes sales of about $ 420,000 a year. After paying taxes, business costs and the six part-time sales clerks, Richard and Mary together earn about $ 34,000. “The job you love may not go hand in hand with a million-dollar income,” says Richard. “This has always been about an enjoyable life for ourselves, not about making a lot of money.”51. After Mary got well from her illness they began _.A. to study industrial management (工业管理)B. to buy and read more mystery booksC. to do market research on book businessD. to work harder to save money for the bookstore52. How did their bookstore do in the first year?A. They had to borrow money to keep it going.B. They made just enough to cover all the costs.C. They succeeded in earning a lot of money.D. They failed though they worked hard.53. According to Richard, the main purpose(目的) of running the bookstore is _.A. to pay for childrens educationB. to get to know more writersC. to set up more bookstoresD. to do what they like to doDOn June 26, 2000, two scientists, called Francis Collins and Craig Venter, told the world that they could now read the whole “map” of the human body: DNA. DNA is something that everybody has, and it tells the body what to do. DNA is the reason that we look like our mother and father, because we get some of their DNA to make our own. People have been trying to understand the human body for a long time. In 1860, Gregor Mendel discovered a special reason why we look the same as other people in our family. It is because of small things named “genes” in our body. In 1953, James Watson and Francis Crick made another discovery and found out that those small parts are real messages written in the DNA with a special language.In 1961, Marshall Nirenberg and Johann Matthaei found a message in DNA showing how DNA tells the cell (细胞) to build its parts. Scientists have now found all the words in the DNA map, but we still do not understand what they all do. By understanding what just one “word” means, we can help save more people from several illnesses.Most people hope that this will help make better medicine and help sick people. Other people worry that when people begin to know more words and find out lots of other information, we might use it in a wrong way, just to make people more attractive, or stop sick people from getting jobs. Man would have to meet a lot of trouble if DNA technology (技术) wasnt limited (限制) in use. 54. When did we first know why we look like other people in our family? A. In 1860. B. In 1953. C. In 1961. D. In 2000. 55. What did the two scientists first discover in 1961?A. The “map” of DNA. B. A new illness. C. The language of DNA. D. A message of DNA.56. What can we do if we understand some “words” of the language inside the body?A. Make people get new jobs. B. Make medicine for illnesses. C. Make maps of human. D. Make people less attractive.57. What do people think about this work?A. It can cause good or bad results. B. It can cause only good results. C. It can cause good results but wont work. D. It can cause only bad results. 第二卷(非选择题,共40分)五、单词拼写(本大题共8分,每题1分) (A) 根据句意和汉语注释,写出单词的准确形式。1. When you are in danger, it is important to make yourself not _ (紧张) and calm down.2. We had a hard time driving to work today. Just hope tomorrow will be less _ (有雪的).3. His body _ (温度) keeps rising. We need to send for a doctor right away.4. Seeing the air crash, she could feel her own heart _ (作节奏运动) quickly. (B) 根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。5. The _ (excite) people all stood up and cheered for the winners. What a scene!6. Our football team played the _ (bad) of all. We were very sad about that!7. He looked _ (sad) at all of us but did not say anything.8. _ (tour) to Taiwan may have a good trip around the island on a wonderful ship.六、动词填空 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。(本大题共8分,每题1分)1. Its raining cats and dogs. Youd better _ (wear) a raincoat to prevent getting all wet.2. Luke spent as little time as he could _ (play) computer games.3. I hope you _ (not make) the same mistake again after this serious one.4. Not only the twins but also Tom often _ (mix) salt with sugar by mistake in the kitchen.5. I was playing computer games while my father_ (read) newspapers last Saturday afternoon.6. Those engineers _ (build) a model of the future building and left for the USA for more ideas.7. Can I borrow your eraser? Sorry, I _ (use) it at the moment.8. Do you know which factory he went to _ (buy) more bricks for his new house? 七、句子翻译 按所给的汉语,用英语完成以下句子。(本大题共9分,每题1.5分)1. 大家都知道,食用过多的糖会引起各种不同的疾病。As we all know, eating too much sugar can _. 2. 去年发生了洪灾。所以,渔民们捕到的鱼少于去年。There was a flood last year. _, _ than last year.3. 你觉得狼会同情那些以食竹叶为生的胖胖的大熊猫吗?Do you think wolves will _ living on bamboo leaves. 4. 当他们正要在森林里找到出路的时候,他们的卡车抛锚了。 When they were going to _, their truck _.5. 因为可怕的牙疼,她昨晚未能入睡。 She wasnt able to _ last night.6. 为了能够生火,那些观鸟者刚刚在铁路附近拾了一些树枝。In _, those birdwatchers picked up some sticks _ just now.八、缺词填空 先通读以下短文,掌握大意,然后根据短文内容和所给首字母,在空格内填入一个适当的词,使短文意思完整。所填单词在题后横线上必须完整写出(本大题共5分,每格0.5分)What would you think if you saw a fish walking? Would you look again i 1 you saw a fish climbing a tree? There is a fish that does b 2 of these things. It is called the tree-climbing fish.It is believed that a traveller to India first told about the tree-climbing fish. The fish was h 3 up in a tree. What was the fish doing in that tree? How did it get there? The traveller t 4 a bird might have put it there.The next day the traveller saw a fish come out of the w 5 . It was hard to believe, but up the road went the fish. It used its fins (鱼鳍) and tail to pull i 6 along. It stopped to eat some worms. After the fish ate, it walked slowly over to a tree. Up, up it c 7 . When it got high up in the tree, it took a rest.The traveller was s 8 to see these things and told other people about the tree-climbing fish. The people wanted to know w 9 this fish looked like. He explained the one he saw was dark brown and about one foot long.People can f 10 the tree-climbing fish not only in India but also in the Philippines, Thailand, Pakistan, and other places. At one time, people saw the fish in Florida, America. Because the weather there was too terrible, it was not able to live there any longer.九、书面表达(本大题共10分)假设结合国教科文组织正在举行“保护地球”英文征文活动,请以“Save the Earth!”为题写一篇短文投稿。内容要点包括: 现状1. 地球变脏、变暖;2. 自然灾害多发;原因1. 人口增长;2. 砍伐森林、滥杀动物;建议1. 保护地球,从我做起;2. 不吃野生动物;3. 其他建议,请至少列出一个。注意:1. 词数70左右。短文须包括所有内容要点,要点表达不分先后,可适当发挥,使短文连接、通顺;开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数;2. 短文中不要出现具体的学校名和人名。Save the Earth!Our earth was healthy and beautiful in the past. However, _


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