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nationalepicoftheAnglo-Saxonsis_.ARobinHood BSirGawainandtheGreenKnightCTheCanterburyTales DBeowulf2._wasthemostoutstandingsingleromanceontheArthurianlegendwritteninalliterativeverse.ATheCanterburyTalesBPiersthePlowmanCSirGawainandtheGreenKnight DBeowulf3._wasfamousforTheCanterburyTales.AGeoffreyChaucer BJohnMiltonCWilliamShakespeare DFrancisBacon4.Mostoftheballadsofthe15thcenturyfocusedonthelegendabout_asaheroicfigure.AGreenNights BGawainCRobinHood DHamletthe16thcentury,ThomasMoreswork_becameimmediatelypopularafteritspublication.AParadiseLost BAPleasantSatireoftheThreeEstatesCOfStudies DUtopia6._wasEdmundSpencersmasterpiecewhichhasbeenregardedasoneofthegreatpoemsintheEnglishlanguage.AAmoretti BTheShepherdsCalendarCTheFaerieQueene DFourHymns7._isfromShakespearessonnet.A“Letmenottothemarriageoftrueminds”B“Tobeornottobe:thatisthequestion”C“ShallIcomparetheetoasummersday”D“NolongermournformewhenIamdead”8._,the“father of English poetry”and one of the greatest narrative poetsof England,was born in London about 1340.A.Geoffrey Chaucer B.Sir Gawain C.Francis Bacon D.John DrydenfourgreattragedieswrittenbyShakespeareareHamlet,Macbeth,Othelloand_.A.AntonyandCleopatra B.JuliusCaesarCTwelfthNight DKingLear10.WhichofthefollowingdoesnotbelongtoShakespearesromanticlovecomediesATwelfthNight BTheTempestCAsYouLikeIt DTheMerchantofVeniceD C A C D C C A D B1.All of the following are the most eminent dramatistsin the Renaissance England except_.a.William Shakespeareb.Ben Jonsonc.Christopher Marlowed.Francis Bacon2.The English Renaissance period was an age of_.a.poetry and dramab.drama and novelc.novel and poetryd.romance and poetry3.Paradise Lost is the masterpiece of _a.William Shakespeareb.Robert Burnsc.John Milton d.William Blake4.Which of the following plays written by Shakespeareis history play a.A Midsummer Nights Dream b.The Merry Wives of Windsor c.Henry IV d.King Lear5.The first official version of Bible known asthe Great Bible,was revised in _ a.16th century b.17th century c.18th century d.19th century6.Francis BaconsEssaysfirst published in 1597 hasbeen considered as an important landmark in thedevelopment of English_,and as the firstcollection of essays in the English language.a.poetry b.epics c.fiction d.prose7.Daniel Defoe was famous for his novel _ whichfirst established his reputation.a.Gullivers Travels b.The Adventure of Robinson Crusoe c.The Pilgrims Progress d.Oliver Twist8.The famous poem“A Red Red Rose”was writtenby_a.William Wordsworthb.George Byronc.Robert Burnsd.William Blake9.Mary Shelleys novel Frankenstein belo ngs to thetype of _ which is often set in gloomy castles wherehorrifying,supernatural events take place.a.Gothic b.Realism c.Romanticism d.Classicism10.The first complete English Bible was translatedby _,“the morning star of the Reformation”and his followers.A.William Langland B.James IC.John WycliffeD.Bishop Lancelot AndrewsD A C C B D B C A C1.The literature of the Anglo-Saxon period fallsnaturally into two divisions,_ andChristian.a.Pagan b.Roman c.French d.Danish2.“Poetry is Spontaneous”was put forwardby_ a.Robert Burns b.William Blake c.William Wordsworth d.Charles Lamb3.Which of the following writings can be regardedas typical belonging to the school of Romanticliterature a.Don Juan b.Ulysses c.Jane Eyre d.Sons and Lovers4._isthefirstimportantEnglishessayist and the founder of modern science inEngland.a.Francis Baconb.Edmund Spenserc.Thomas More d.Sidney5.What is flourished in Elizabethan age morethan any other form of literature a.novel c.essay d.poetry6.The publication of _marked the beginningof the Romantic Age.a.Don Juan b.The Rime of the Ancient Mariner c.The Lyrical Ballads d.Ode to the West Wind7.Which of the following did not belong toRomanticism a.John Keats b.Percy Shelley c.William Wordsworth d.Alfred Tennyson8.Frankenstein was filmed many times.Who wrotethe booka.Edgar Allan Poeb.James Joycec.Mary Shelleyd.Walter Scott9.In the mid-18th century,a new literary movementcalled _came to Europe and then to England.a.Romanticism b.Classicismc.Realism d.Restoration10.Which of the following poem was not written byJohn Keats a.Ode to the West Wind b.Ode to Autumn c.Ode on a Grecian Urn d.Ode to a NightingaleA C A A B C D C A A1.William Shakespeare is one of the giantsof_ a.Romanticism b.Critical Realism c.Aestheticism d.the Renaissance2._is the first important religious poetin English literature.a.John Donne b.George Herbert c.Caedmon d.Milton3._was the first to introducethe sonnet into English literature.a.Thomas Wyatt b.William Shakespearec.Philip Sidney d.Thomas Gray4.The English poets_,WilliamWordsworth,and Robert Southey,were known as“Lake Poets”because they lived in the LakeDistrict Northwestern England at the beginning ofthe 19th century.a.George Byron b.John Keatsc.Percy Shelley d.SamuelColeridge5.The most gifted of the“University Wits”was_.A.John Lily B.Thomas Kyd C.Thomas Greene D.Christopher Marlowe6._is one of the forerunners of modernsocialist thought.A.Phillip SidneyB.Edmund SpenserC.Thomas MoreD.Christopher Marlowe7.Morality plays appeared after_.A.miracle playsB.mystery playsC.interludeD.Classical plays8.Which of the following is NOT regarded as oneof characteristics of Renaissancea.Exaltation of mans pursuit of happiness inthis life.b.Cultivation of the genuine flavor of ancientculture.c.Tolerance of human weaknesses.d.Praise of mans efforts in having his souldelivered.9.The most intellectual movement of theRenaissance was _.A.the ReformationB.HumanismC.the Italian revivalD.Geographical exploration10.What is the relationship betweenClaudius and HamletD C A D D C A D B B1.Which of the following is a typical feature of Swiftswritings A.Great wit.B.Bitter satire.C.Rich mythic allusions.D.Complicated sentence structures.A.Cousins B.Uncle and nephew C.Father-in-law D.Father and son2._ is the leading figure of Metaphysical poetry.A.John Donne B.George HerbertC.Andre Marvell D.Henry Vaughan3.The _ was a progressive intellectual movementthroughout Western Europe in the 18th century.A.Romanticism B.Humanism C.Enlightenment D.Sentimentalism4.Who was the greatest dramatist in the 18th century A.Oliver Goldsmith B.Richard Sheridan C.Laurence Sterne D.Henry Fielding5.In which of the following works can you find the propernames“Lilliput”,“Brobdingnag”,“Houyhnhnm”and“Yahoo”A.The Pilgrims ProgressB.The Faerie QueeneC.Gullivers TravelsD.The School for Scandal6._ poems can be divided into two categories:theyouthful love lyrics and the later sacred verses.A.John Milton B.John Bunyan C.John Donne D.John Dryden7.InThe Pilgrims Progress,John Bunyan describes TheVanity Fair in a _ tone.A.delightful B.solemn C.sentimental D.satirical8.DefoesRobinson Crusoecreated the image of anenterprisingEnglishman,typicaloftheEnglishbourgeoisie in the _ century.A.17th B.19th C.18th D.20th9._ compiled theA Dictionaryof theEnglishLanguagewhich became the foundation of all the subsequent Englishdictionaries.A.Ben Johnson B.Samuel JohnsonC.Alexander Pope D.John Dryden10._ found its representative writers in the field ofpoetry,such as Edward Young andThomas Gray,but itmanifested itself chiefly in the novels of Lawrence Sterneand Oliver Goldsmith.A.Pre-romanticism B.RomanticismC.Sentimentalism D.NaturalismB A C B C C D C B C


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