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外文翻译资料气动移载机与PLC控制气动即采用气泵和气阀控制气流,直接控制气压和流量,使得空气发生振动。可编程控制器(PLC)是以微处理器为核心,集计算机技术、自动化控制技术于一体的一种新型工业控制系统。PLC采用了典型的计算机结构,主要包括CPU、RAM、ROM和输入/输出接口电路等。如果把PLC看作一个系统,该系统由输入变量-PLC-输出变量组成,外部的各种开关信号、模拟信号、传感器检测的信号均作为PLC的输入变量,它们经PLC外部端子输入到内部寄存器中,经PLC内部逻辑运算或其它各种运算、处理后送到输出端子,它们是PLC的输出变量,由这些输出变量对外围设备进行各种控制。PLC控制系统一般采取易于理解和掌握的梯形图语言及面向工业控制的简单指令,形象直观,是基于现场总线技术、完全开放,采用先进的软硬件技术。PLC 控制具有结构简单灵活、抗干扰能力强、安全可靠、安装便利、故障率低、维护简单、大幅度节约使用成本的特点,能满足各种中小规模过程控制、顺序逻辑控制和数据采集任务需求,已逐渐广泛用于工业控制系统中,包括冶金、矿业、机械、轻工等领域,为工业自动化提供了有力的工具。控制工程近期对用于编程过程和机械控制的逻辑设备进行了一项调查,虽然计算机和计算机技术已经为各种控制提供了无限的控制可能,但是PLC仍然是其中重要的一部分。在这次调查中,超过半数的人在未来的12个月中将扩大其PLC的投入。超过40%的人在未来的投入不少于过去的12个月。PLC的应用范围十分广泛。在这次300个人参与的调查中,大部分的PLC都用于机械控制,过程控制紧随其后,然后是运动控制、批量控制和诊断。大多数直接用于工厂级(54%),用于OEM的为25%,两者都是的为17%。在工业生产流水线中,经常要将传动带A上的物品搬至传送带B上。如果直接人工从事这种重复性的劳动,枯燥、无味且劳动强度大,容易引起操作工人的疲劳,出现错误。而采用气动机械手按规定的动作和规律进行搬运,可以做到快速、准确、方便,大大的减轻劳动强度,提高生产的自动化程度。气动机械手这种有规律的运动,采用PLC来进行控制,可以方便的实现。 机器人作为典型的机电一体化智能设备在制造和物流自动化系统中扮演着重要角色。但标准的工业机器人只不过是一台具有若干个自由度的智能机电设备孤立的一台机器人在实际工况中没有任何应用价值只有根据作业内容、工件形式、质量、外形特征和尺寸大小等因素给机器人配以相适应的辅助机械装置如手爪,它才会成为实用的生产设备气动不仅是机器人的主要驱动方式之一在要求机器手末端执行器动作迅速、结构简单、控制维护方便、成本较低,而且柔性转换快捷并具有通用性的装配和搬运等“拾一放”、传送动作作业时,多采用气动,或气动与其他传动控制技术组合来进一步提高其运动精度和柔性 在作业空间范围有限工作程序相对固定而且动作频繁、重复性强的中小功率工况采用气动模块化机构单元的组合来实现机器手作业,更能体现气动技术有效取代人手操作实现生产过程合理化和自动化的特征和优越性。对气动机器手的基本要求是能快速、准确地拾放和搬运物件这就要求它们具有高精度、快速反应、一定的承载能力、足够的工作空间和灵活的自由度及在任意位置都能自动定位等特性。设计气动机器手的原则是:充分分析作业对象(工件)的作业技术要求拟定最合理的作业工序和工艺并满足系统功能要求和环境条件;明确:工件的结构形状和材料特性,定位精度要求抓取、搬运时的受力特性,尺寸和质量参数等,从而进一步确定对机器手结构及运行控制的要求;尽量选定型的标准组件,简化设计制造过程兼顾通用性和专用性并能实现柔性转换和编程控制。 气动手爪是目前机器手尤其是搬运、装配类机器手在抓取技术中应用最普遍的方式它可实现双向抓取自行对中,而且重复精度高抓取力恒定并可方便地配接各种夹具。气动手爪是机器手与作业对象间的直接接口,仔细分析、选择好气动手爪直接关系到机器手的工作性能。在实际运行中、手爪的夹持力应保证大于所有静态和动态力的总和。PLC的程序运行方式是循环扫描方式,而非顺序执行方式,因此任何一个机械手在其条件满足后即开始动作。各手之间是并行的。机器手是多自由度的开式串联结构在空间和时间中的动力学参数随其位形而不断变化系统要求的速度高 控制范围广 精度高,传统的单自由度机构的控制技术远不能满足这种控制对象 好在气动机器手多勾点到点的多段定位控制,追求目标点的定位精度和多轴同时协凋有序运动控制,但较少要求高的轨迹精度,从而简化了对控制系统的要求。物料的搬运方式具有可抓可吸的多用途功能;气动系统电磁换向阀采用汇流板集装方式,减少了占用空间;PLC控制具有单步、自动等多种工作方式。由于气压传动具有气源使用方便、不污染环境、动作灵活迅速、工作安全可靠、操作维修简便以及适于在恶劣环境下工作等特点,因而在冲压加工、注塑及压铸等有毒或高温环境下作业,机床上、下料,仪表及轻工行业中小零件的输送和自动装配等作业,食品包装及输送,电子产品输送、自动插接,弹药生产自动化等过程中被广泛应用。所以。气压传动是一种易于推广普及的实现工业自动化的应用技术。气动系统的应用,引起了世界各国产业界的普遍重视。作为气动系统的控制装置目前多数采用可编程控制器(PLC)。可编程序控制器是以微处理器为基础,综合计算机技术,自动控制技术和通讯技术而发展起来的一种新型、通用的自动控制装置,在实际应用中,控制系统很容易实现。一般是由受控设备的动作顺序和工艺要求,构成工步状态表,形成梯形图,再编制PLC指令。物料搬运系统由左右移动气缸、复位进退气缸、升降气缸、夹手或真空吸盘、物料块、传感器、圆柱导轨、支架、底座、微动开关等组成。夹手或真空吸盘可以夹住或吸住物料块,抓取物料的部分采用夹持式和吸附式两种形式,选用不同的形式,可分别完成工件的抓取和吸附,以适应不同种类的物料搬运。夹手采用电磁铁吸合与断开方式夹持物料。夹手或吸盘在升降气缸的作用下可以上下移动;夹手或真空吸盘连同升降气缸在左右移动气缸的作用下沿着圆柱导轨可以左右移动;在复位进退气缸的作用下将物料块送回原始位置,为下一个工作周期准备,以实现循环。此系统能够实现物料在一个平面内的搬运。操作面板安装在电控箱上,与实验装置主体是分离的。PLC可编程序控制器,电磁阀,真空发生器等均放置在电控箱里。物料搬运系统具有左右移动、上下移动及对物料的夹紧和放松、推料进退功能,在PLC控制下可实现单步、自动等多种工作方式。另外,物料被夹手搬运完成以后,为满足连续动作需要,还必须将此物料运送回原点位置,以供下次搬运需要。系统可完成的各种工作方式如下。单步:可实现上升、下降、左移、右移、夹紧、放松、推料进、推料退等八种点动操作;连续:按下“启动”按钮后,夹手从原点位置开始连续不断地执行搬运物料。物料搬运系统实现的动作:下降抓料上升右移再下降松料再上升左移推料进推料退。在这个系统中,我们只实现一个物料的循环动作,故在机械手回原点后,需将物料推回原来位置。在PLC控制下可实现单动、连续动作工作方式。系统上电后,通过旋转按扭选择是单动还是连动,如果是单动则执行单动程序,否则执行连动程序。单动工作方式:利用按钮对夹手每一动作单独进行控制。连续:按下启动按钮,夹手从原点开始,按工序自动循环工作,直到按下停止按钮,夹手在完成最后一个周期的工作后,返回原点,自动停机。基于PLC控制的物料搬运系统能够实现物料的自动循环搬运。此系统既可以使用夹手夹持物料,又可以使用真空吸盘吸附物料,具有多种用途功能;气动系统的电磁换向阀采用汇流板集装,减少了占用空间;在PLC的控制下可以实现单动和连动两种执行方式,完成物料的搬运。对于中小型企业, 由于资金和技术的限制,不可能一次性配备完整的控制系统,如DCS系统。而PLC是通用的控制器 标准的积木式硬件结构,模块化的软件设计。可根据控制范围可大可小、可简可繁、采用通用的IBM工控机或兼容机、配套商业化的上位监控软件包或挂在相应的工作站上, 实现设备操作、回路控制、画面显示等功能, 灵活简便、节省投资。因此,以PLC为基础的过程控制系统可以构成一种便于用户自行组织的完整产品。Air operated moves the carrier vehicle and the PLC controlAir operated namely uses the air pump and the air valve control air current, the positive governing barometric pressure and the current capacity, enable the air to have the vibration.The programmable controller (PLC) is taken the microprocessor as the core, collection computer technology, the automated control technology in a body one new industry control system. PLC has used the model computer structure, mainly includes CPU, RAM, ROM and the input/ Output connection electric circuit and so on. If regards as PLC a system, this system is composed by the input variable -PLC- output variable, the exterior each kind of switching signal, the simulated signal, the sensor examine the signal took PLC the input variable, they input after the PLC exterior post to the internal register in, after the PLC interior logic operation or other each kind of operation, processing delivers the output terminal, they are the PLC output variable, carries on each kind of control by these output variables to the auxiliary equipment.The PLC control system adopts generally easy to understand and to grasp trapezoidal chart language and face industry control simple instruction. The image is direct-viewing, is based on the field bus technology, opens completely, and uses the advanced software and hardware technology. The PLC control has the structure simply nimble, the anti-jamming ability strong, safe reliable, installs the convenience, the failure rate lowly, the maintenance is simple, large scale saves the use cost the characteristic, can satisfy each kind of center small scale process control, the smooth logic control and the data acquisition duty demand, widely has used in gradually in the industry control system, including domain and so on metallurgy, mining industry, machinery, light industry, has provided the powerful tool for the industrial automation.The control engineering in the near future to will use in the logical equipment which programmed the process and the machinery controls carrying on an investigation, although the computer and computer technology already provided the infinite control for each kind of control to be possible, but PLC still was a important part. In this investigation, it will surpass half number of people to expand its PLC in the future 12 months the investment. It will surpass 40% person in the future investment many in the past 12 months. The PLC application scope is extremely widespread. In this 300 individual participation investigation, majority of PLC all uses in the machinery control, the process control follows closely after that, then is the movement control, the batch control and the diagnosis. The majority uses in directly the factory level (54%), uses in OEM is 25%, two all is 17%. In the industrial production assembly line, must move frequently the transmission belt A on goods to conveyer belt B on. If direct artificially is engaged in this kind of duplicated work, arid, tasteless also labor intensity big, is easy to cause operates workers weariness, appears the mistake. But uses the air operated manipulator carries on the transporting according to the stipulation movement and the rule, may achieve fast, accurate, is convenient, big reduces the labor intensity, enhances the production the automat city. Air operated manipulator this kind of orderly movement, uses PLC to carry on the control, and may facilitate realization.The robot sets an example the integration of machinery intelligence equipment. flows in the automated system in the manufacture and the thing to act the strong character. But the standard industry robot only is has certain degrees of freedom an intelligent electromechanical device. Isolation robot in the actual operating mode is not any application value. only then according to factor and so on work content, work piece form, quality, contour characteristic and size matches to the robot by the auxiliary machinery installment like hand fingernail which adapts, it only then can become the practical production equipment. air operated not only is 1.th robot main drive type is quick-moving requesting machinist terminal execution quick-moving, the structure simple, the control maintenance convenient, the cost to be low, Moreover the flexible transformation quick. and has the versatile assembly and the transporting and so on ascends when puts, the transmission movement work, uses air operated, or air operated combines with other transmission control technologies further increases its movement precision and the flexibility relatively fixed. Moreover the movement is frequent, the duplicated strong center low power operating mode in the work space scope limited, working routine, and uses the air operated modular organization unit the combination to realize the machinist work, can manifest the air operated technical effective substitution manpower operation realization production process Taiwan physics and chemistry and the automated characteristic and the superiority. Is can be fast to the air operated machinists basic request, accurately ascend to put requests them with transporting thing. To have the high accuracy, the rapid reaction, the certain bearing capacity, the enough working space and the nimble degree of freedom and in the free position all can characteristic and so on automatic positioning. Designs the air operated machinists principle is: Full analysis work object (work piece) the work specification, and draws up the most reasonable work working procedure and the craft. And satisfies the system function request and the environmental condition; explicit: The work piece structure shape and the materials behavior, the pointing accuracy request. capture, time the transporting stress characteristic, the size and the quality parameter and so on, thus further determines to the machinist structure and the operating control request; The as far as possible designation standard module, the simplification design manufacture process. Pay attention to both versatility and special-purpose, and can realize the flexible transformation and the programming control.The air operated hand fingernail is the present machinist transports, the assembly class machinist in particular in captures in the technology to apply most universal way. it to be possible to realize bidirectional captures, voluntarily to the center, moreover the redundant precision high. Capture the strength to be constant. and may conveniently match meets each kind of jig. The air operated hand fingernail is direct connection between the machinist and of the work object, the careful analysis, chooses the good air operated hand fingernail to relate directly to machinists operating performance. In the actual movement, the hand fingernail supports on both sides the strength to be supposed to guarantee is bigger than all static and the dynamic strength sum total. The PLC procedure movement way is circulates the scanning way, but the non- order carries out the way; therefore any manipulator satisfies after its condition namely starts the movement. Between various is parallel. The machinist is the multi-degrees of freedom open the type series structure. But changes the system request speed high control area broad precision unceasingly in spatial and the time dynamics parameter along with its configuration high, the traditional single degree of freedom organization control technology is far cannot satisfy this kind of controlled member to be good because of the air operated machinist cancels much to the multistage localization control, the pursue target point pointing accuracy and multiple spindle at the same time cooperates weakly to have the foreword movement control, but little requests the high path precision, thus simplified to the control system request.The material mode of transport has the multipurpose function which may grasp may attract; The pneumatic system electromagnetism cross valve selects the afflux board collection attire method, reduced has taken the space; The PLC control has, is on foot automatic and so on the many kinds of work way. Because the pneumatic actuator has is angry the source easy to operate, does not pollute the environment, the movement nimbly rapid, the job safety reliable, the operation service is simple. And is suitable for under the adverse circumstance characteristic and so on work, thus in the ramming processing, casts and the compression casting and so on virulent or the high temperature environment is mean industry, on the engine bed, the yummy treats, the measuring appliance and in the light industry profession small work and so on components transportation and automatic assembly, food packing and the transportation, the electronic products transportation, automatic peg grafting, process and so on ammunition in production automation is widely applied. Therefore. The pneumatic actuator is one kind easy to promote popularly realizes the industrial automation application technology. The pneumatic system application caused the various countries industrial field to take generally. Most uses the programmable controller at present as the pneumatic system control device (PLC). The programmable foreword controller is take the microprocessor as a foundation, comprehensive computer technology, the automatic control technology and the communication technology but develop one kind new, general automatic control device, in the practical application, the control system is very easy to realize. Is generally by is controlled the equipment the sequence of operation and the technological requirement, constitutes the labor step of condition table, forms the trapezoidal chart, again establishes the PLC instruction.The material transporting system moves the air cylinder, the replacement onset and retreat air cylinder by about, rises and falls the air cylinder, clamps the hand or the vacuum cup, the material block, the sensor, the column guide rail, the support, the foundation, the microswitch and so on is composed.Clamps the hand either the vacuum cup may grip or hold the material block, the capture material part uses the clamp type and the adsorption type two forms, selects the different form, may complete the work piece separately the capture and the adsorption, adapts the different type material transporting.Clamps the hand to use the electro-magnet to attract gathers with separates the way clamp material.Clamps the hand or the sucker in rises and falls the air cylinder under the function to be possible to reciprocate; Clamps the hand or the vacuum cup together with rises and falls the air cylinder to move the air cylinder in about under the function to be possible to control along the column guide rail moves; In under the replacement onset and retreat air cylinder function the material block back initial position, for the next action cycle preparation, realizes the circulation.This system can realize a material in plane transporting.Operates the kneading board to install in the electrically controlled box, is separates with the test installation main body.The PLC programmable controller, the solenoid valve, the vacuum generator and so on lays aside in the electrically controlled box. About the material transporting system has moves, reciprocated and to the material clamp and the relaxation, pushes the material onset and retreat function, may realize on foot, and so on automatically under the PLC control many kinds of working.After moreover, the material is clamped the hand transporting completes, for satisfies continuously acts the need, but also must ship this material the zero point position, will supply the next time to transport the need.The system may complete each working is as follows.On foot: May realize the rise, the drop, the left shift, the right lateral, the clamp, the relaxation, pushes the material to enter, to push the material to draw back and so on eight kind of spots to move the operation; Continuously: After presses down “the start” the button, clamps the hand to start from the zero point position continuously to carry out the transporting material.Material transporting system realization movement: The drop - stresses the material - rise - right lateral - to drop - the loose material - to rise again - the left shift - to push the material again to enter - pushes the material to draw back.In this system, we only realize a material cyclic action, therefore returns to the zero point after the manipulator, must drive back the homing position the material.May realize the single acting under the PLC control, act continuously the working.On after the system the electricity, according to turns the choice through revolving is the single acting or the gearing, if is the single acting carries out the single acting procedure, otherwise carries out the gearing procedure.Single acting working: To clamps hand each movement using the button alone to carry on the control.Continuously: Presses down the start button, clamps the hand to start from the zero point, according to the working procedure autocycle work, until presses down the pause button, clamps the hand after to complete last cyclical the work, returns to the zero point, auto-stop. Can realize the material autocycle transporting based on the PLC control material transporting system.This system both may use clamps the hand clamp material, and may use the vacuum cup adsorption material, has the multiple functions function; The pneumatic system electromagnetism cross valve uses the afflux board containerization, reduced has taken the space; May realize the single acting and the gearing two execution way under the PLC control, completes the material the transporting. Regarding small and medium-sized enterprise, as a result of fund and technical limit, not impossible disposable equipment integrity control system, like DCS system.But PLC is the general controller. Standard building block system hardware architecture, modular software design.May according to the control area be possible to be possible small, to be possible greatly Jan Kefan, to use the general IBM labor to control machine or the compatible machine, the necessary commercialization on position monitoring software package or hangs on the corresponding workstation, realizes functions and so on equipment operation, return route control, picture demonstration, nimble simple, saves the investment.Therefore, as the foundation process control system may constitute one kind take PLC the complete product which is advantageous for the user to organize voluntarily.10


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