高中英语 Unit 4 Wildlife pretection词汇导练(Part 2)课件 新人教版必修2

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高中英语 Unit 4 Wildlife pretection词汇导练(Part 2)课件 新人教版必修2_第3页
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1.distant adj.(时间或空间时间或空间)遥远的,遥远的,冷淡的,冷淡的,疏远的,远房的疏远的,远房的 Please take me to a distant land.请带我到请带我到一个一个 遥远的遥远的 地方地方(P26 Line 6)读一读读一读 阅读下列句子,指出划线单词的词阅读下列句子,指出划线单词的词性和意义。性和意义。Distance is no problem on the Internet.(词性词性:_意义意义_)距离距离 n.The time we spent together is now a distant memory.(词性词性:_意义意义_)Jack sounded very cold and distant on the phone.(词性词性:_意义意义_)冷淡的,疏远的冷淡的,疏远的 adj.(时间或空间时间或空间)遥远的遥远的adj.Jack is my distant cousin.(词性词性:_意义意义_)Somewhere,distantly,he could hear the sound of the sea.(词性词性:_意义意义_)adj.远房的远房的adv.遥远地遥远地 练一练练一练 用用distance翻译下列句子。翻译下列句子。北京离广州有多远?北京离广州有多远?太阳距地球很遥远。太阳距地球很遥远。What is the distance between Beijing and Guangzhou?/What is the distance from Beijing to Guangzhou?The sun is distant from the earth.distance n.距离。距离。distant adj.(时间或空间时间或空间)遥远的;冷淡的,遥远的;冷淡的,疏远的疏远的distantly adv.遥远地。遥远地。in the not too distant future在不久的将来在不久的将来the distant past 很久以前,遥远的过去很久以前,遥远的过去 记一记记一记2.in relief/to ones relief In relief Daisy burst into laughter.戴茜如释戴茜如释重负,突然笑了起来。重负,突然笑了起来。(P26 Line 16)读一读读一读 All the people present cheered in relief when they heard the danger had passed.当他们听说危险已经过去时,在场的人如释当他们听说危险已经过去时,在场的人如释重负。重负。Much to my relief,the car was not damaged.令我非常庆幸的是车并没有损坏。令我非常庆幸的是车并没有损坏。练一练练一练 听到儿子安全归来的消息,他如释重负地听到儿子安全归来的消息,他如释重负地笑了。笑了。Hearing the news that his son has returned home safe,he smiled _.男孩脱离危险了,令他大大松了一口气。男孩脱离危险了,令他大大松了一口气。_ the boy was out of danger.in reliefMuch to his relief/To his great reliefin relief 如释重负,松了口气如释重负,松了口气to ones relief令人宽慰的是,令人庆幸的是令人宽慰的是,令人庆幸的是 记一记记一记 3.burst into+n./burst out+doing In relief Daisy burst into laughter.戴茜如释戴茜如释重负,突然笑了起来。重负,突然笑了起来。(P26 Line 16)读一读读一读 When I told her the bad news,Helen burst into tears/burst out crying.当我当我把这个坏消息告诉海伦时把这个坏消息告诉海伦时,她顿时泪水夺眶而她顿时泪水夺眶而出。出。All of the classmates burst into laughter/burst out laughing when David acted out the play.当戴维表演戏剧时当戴维表演戏剧时,全班同学大笑起来。全班同学大笑起来。练一练练一练 一听到竞赛的结果,女孩就失声痛哭起一听到竞赛的结果,女孩就失声痛哭起来。来。The girl _ on hearing the result of the competition.观众们时不时爆发笑声。观众们时不时爆发笑声。The audience _ from time to time.burst into laughter/burst out laughingburst into tears/burst out cryingburst into tears=burst out crying 突然哭起来突然哭起来burst into laughter=burst out laughing 突然笑起来突然笑起来 记一记记一记 4.protect.from保护保护不受不受(危害危害)读一读读一读 He was wearing sunglasses to protect his eyes from the strong sunlight他戴上太阳镜以保护他戴上太阳镜以保护眼睛免受日光的强烈照射。眼睛免受日光的强烈照射。练一练练一练 雨伞可以保护你不受淋雨。雨伞可以保护你不受淋雨。An umbrella will _.protect you from the rain5.contain vt.包含;容纳;容忍包含;容纳;容忍 It contains a powerful drug which affects mosquitoes.它含有一种强效的药物可以防它含有一种强效的药物可以防止蚊虫叮咬。止蚊虫叮咬。(P26 Line 29)读一读读一读 阅读下列句子,归纳阅读下列句子,归纳contain的词的词性和意义。性和意义。This book contains many new ideas.(词性词性:_意义意义:_)The hall can contain 500 people.(词性词性:_意义意义:_)At the sight of this cruelty,they could hardly contain their anger.(词性词性:_意义意义:_)vt.包含包含vt.容纳容纳(=hold)vt.容忍容忍练一练练一练完成句子。完成句子。他的演讲包含着一些有趣的思想。他的演讲包含着一些有趣的思想。His speech_.我如此愤怒,以致于无法控制自己。我如此愤怒,以致于无法控制自己。I am so angry _.这个教室可容纳这个教室可容纳100人之多。人之多。_ up to 100 people.The classroom can hold/contain contained some interesting ideas that I cant control/contain myselfcontain vt.包含;容纳包含;容纳(hold),容忍容忍contain oneself 克制自己克制自己container n.容器容器(such as a carton,can,or jar),集装箱,集装箱 记一记记一记 6.affect vt.影响;感动;侵袭影响;感动;侵袭 读一读读一读 阅读下列句子,指出划线单词的词阅读下列句子,指出划线单词的词性和意义。性和意义。A sudden change of the weather may affect your health.(词性词性:_意义意义:_)This disease affects millions of people in the world every year.(词性词性:_意义意义:_)vt.影响影响vt.使感染使感染 Most people were affected by his speech.(词性词性:_意义意义:_)Punishment almost has no effect on the naughty boy.(词性词性:_意义意义:_)影响影响vt.使感动使感动n.练一练练一练 用用affect或或effect填空。填空。他的意见不会影响我的决定。他的意见不会影响我的决定。His opinion will not_ my decision.他的演讲深深感动了同学们。他的演讲深深感动了同学们。His speech _ the students deeply.这部电影对她影响很大。这部电影对她影响很大。The film had quite an _ on her.affectaffectedeffectaffect vt.影响;感动;侵袭影响;感动;侵袭effect n.影响影响have an effect on对对有影响。有影响。记一记记一记7.pay attention to You should pay more attention to the rainforest where I live and appreciate how the animals live together.你们应该多加关注你们应该多加关注我的生活的热带雨林,并且懂得热带雨林的我的生活的热带雨林,并且懂得热带雨林的动物是如何在一起生活的。动物是如何在一起生活的。(P26 Line 30)读一读读一读 They are paying more attention to improving agriculture.他们正在更多地关注改进农业。他们正在更多地关注改进农业。练一练练一练 你应该多注意你的形象你应该多注意你的形象You should_ .太过于注重细节了。太过于注重细节了。Too much attention _ the details.was paid to pay more attention to your appearancepay attention to sth./doing pay much/more/little/no/special attention to 记一记记一记 8.appreciate You should pay more attention to the rainforest where I live and appreciate how the animals live together.你们应该多加关注你们应该多加关注我的生活的热带雨林,并且懂得热带雨林我的生活的热带雨林,并且懂得热带雨林的动物是如何在一起生活的。的动物是如何在一起生活的。(P26 Line 30)读一读读一读 I would appreciate it if you can give us an early reply.(词性词性:_意义意义:_)I cannot appreciate the natural beauty that surrounds me.(词性词性:_意义意义:_)vt.感激感激vt.欣赏欣赏 What I failed to appreciate was the distance between the two cities.(词性词性:_意义意义:_)She appreciated his kindness.=She thanked him for his kindness.(词性词性:_意义意义:_)vt.意识到意识到vt.感激感激练一练练一练 完成句子。完成句子。如果你不在这儿抽烟,我们将很感激。如果你不在这儿抽烟,我们将很感激。_ if you didnt smoke in here.你理解了这封信的全部意思了吗?你理解了这封信的全部意思了吗?_ the full meaning of this letter?Wed appreciate itDo you appreciate 对你的帮助对你的帮助,我真的很感激。我真的很感激。I really _.His talents _(未未受到充分赏识受到充分赏识)in that company.are not fully appreciatedappreciate your helpI would appreciate it if.如如果果我将不胜感激。我将不胜感激。appreciate sth./doing sth.感感谢做谢做appreciation n.感激,欣赏感激,欣赏 记一记记一记 9.succeed vi.成功成功 What must be done if wildlife protection is to succeed?如果要取得野如果要取得野生动物保护的成功,应该采取什么措施?生动物保护的成功,应该采取什么措施?(P27 Ex1)读一读读一读阅读下列句子,指出划线单词的词阅读下列句子,指出划线单词的词性和意义。性和意义。To succeed in overcoming difficulties is the greatest honour.(词性词性:_意义意义:_)His is a success in politics,but a failure in family life.(词性词性:_意义意义:_)They were successful in winning the contract.(词性词性:_意义意义:_)成功的成功的 vi.成功成功n.成功的人成功的人adj.练一练练一练完成句子。完成句子。_ _(袭击成功袭击成功),and the city was taken.At last we _(成功解决成功解决)the problem.succeeded in solving/were successful in solvingThe attack succeeded/was successful/was a successsucceed in doing sth.成功地做某事。成功地做某事。success n.成功,成功者,成功的事。成功,成功者,成功的事。successful adj.成功的成功的be successful in doing sth.成功地做某事。成功地做某事。successfully adj.成功地成功地 记一记记一记 10.employ vt/n 雇佣,使用,利用雇佣,使用,利用 Can they be employed to work in the park and not hurt the animals?可以雇佣他们可以雇佣他们(贫贫穷的农民穷的农民)在公园工作而不伤害动物吗?在公园工作而不伤害动物吗?(P27 Ex.3)读一读读一读 阅读下列句子,归纳阅读下列句子,归纳employ及其同及其同根词的词性和意义。根词的词性和意义。The company employs over 500 people.(=The company has over 500 employees.)He employed himself(in)teaching English.(2)employ oneself in doing=be employed in doing忙于忙于,从事从事(某活动某活动)。v.雇佣雇佣 He is looking for employment.The local government provides unemployment relief funds.n.工作,就业,受雇。工作,就业,受雇。n.失业失业练一练练一练 选择选择unemployment/employees/employer/employed in 填空。填空。Jack is an_ whose company has over 100_.These days he has been _ making a list of all the employees in his company.Due to the financial crisis(危机危机),he decided to fire some workers.As a result,many people in his company are facing _.unemploymentemployeremployeesemployed inemploy v.雇佣,利用雇佣,利用employ sb.to do 雇用某人做某事雇用某人做某事employ oneself in doing=be employed in doing忙于忙于,从事从事(某活动某活动)employer n.雇主,老板雇主,老板 employee n.雇员雇员employment n.工作,就业,受雇工作,就业,受雇unemployment n.失业失业 记一记记一记11.do harm to对对有害有害 What should be done to punish people who do harm to the animals?应该采取什么措施应该采取什么措施惩罚伤害动物的人?惩罚伤害动物的人?(P27 Ex.3)读一读读一读 The court case will do serious harm to my business.这起诉讼案件将严重损害我的生意。这起诉讼案件将严重损害我的生意。练一练练一练 果汁可能损坏儿童的牙齿。果汁可能损坏儿童的牙齿。Fruit juices can _ childrens teeth.do harm to对对有害有害be harmful to对对有害有害 记一记记一记 be harmful to/do harm to


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